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Just off Freedom...W. Caribbean 4/5-4/11


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Ohh...Maine..the sun has set and the rumbling of the ocean waves creates a placid, romantic atmosphere...lucky you;)...read on!


The ocean is a little too far from me to hear it (and it is cold and rough and not so very much like the Carribean) but it is very placid, and quite often romantic... but... I have been having a romance with your review throughout the week... dreaming and remembering the beauty and fun and relaxation of our own cruise... and desiring for another... A few funny "coincidences" have happened since I started reading and carrying on with this post... wanna hear?

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The ocean is a little too far from me to hear it (and it is cold and rough and not so very much like the Carribean) but it is very placid, and quite often romantic... but... I have been having a romance with your review throughout the week... dreaming and remembering the beauty and fun and relaxation of our own cruise... and desiring for another... A few funny "coincidences" have happened since I started reading and carrying on with this post... wanna hear?


Thank you...and yes, I am a great listener!;)

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AWESOME job jbroons!!!! even from a Yankee fan :p


I so don't want your review to come to an end :(


Hopefully all of your followers that are sailing soon will come back and do the same for all of us who have a long way to go before we set sail!!!!!


Thank you!!!

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AWESOME job jbroons!!!! even from a Yankee fan :p


I so don't want your review to come to an end :(


Hopefully all of your followers that are sailing soon will come back and do the same for all of us who have a long way to go before we set sail!!!!!


Thank you!!!


Thank you Sherri...you're a sweetie!! (go yankees)!;)

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Ahh.. good morning... so here is what's gone on throughout the week...


I started reading your review and I am a sucker for good, honest, fun, real reviews. You have a great way of telling your story and giving great info at the same time. I connected right away.


The next day a girl at work, who is getting married soon, was asking me about cruises. I had been researching the 6 day Freedom for her (which is why your post caught my eye in the first place) and she was saying that she had decided to postpone a "honeymoon" cruise and wait to go next year with a bunch of their mutual friends... and she said that we should go too...


At this point you should know that we took our first cruise with my husbands brother's family.. just the DH and myself. A few years later we planned for both families to go with the kids as our two oldest were graduating from high school. This was our gift to them. Now... we have a DD who is graduating next year... so... our of "fairness" and all that... I have been dreaming that we could swing it again... and so the tiny ember of hope is being fanned by the breeze of your story and my friend...


So...I cam home to read more of you review and to do research... for her... and start to look for me... hmmm prices don't look as bad as I thought....


The next day... you are going to report on GC... and you even went with Native Way, which is who we went with... now I am really getting into it.... I have connected, bonded, put myself there, can't wait to read all about it... and when getting ready for the day and getting dressed...guess which shirt came out of the drawer when randomly reaching in to see what will come out?? My swimming with the rays in Grand Cayman!! WOW how cool is that? I am amazed at the "coincidence"...


Ok, so your review continues, and that night I start to tell my DH about the deals I have found... he say cool... sounds like fun... would love to think we could do it... he reminices with me too... OH, how your review brought us back to the romance of cruising...


Next day DD comes home from school and tells me that she is learning a new piece of music for the clarinet quartet.. and it is the theme song from.... "Pirate's of the Carribean"!! Now you tell me, is THAT interesting "coincidence"?


So, now I just keep trying not to let it end too soon... and you just so happen to keep me hostage and let the story linger... and pull me along for the ride... this is just what I need to satisfy this hunger for a cruise... to at least be able to experience it through someone else's experience!! (I LOVE CRUISE CRITIC!!) Your humor and timing is just what the doctor ordered...


Now, just when I think the end is near, because you have said you are going to report on your last day... a little saddness sets in... and yet there is expectancy and excitemnet to hear it all... I go to the bedroom to fold laundry and turn the TV on... hoping there is something cruise related on the travel channel... and there is!! Samantha Brown on Royal Carribean... guess which port she in?? Just guess... Grand Cayman!! Holy cow... I was standing on that dock once... I was standing n that dock as I was reading your review... now I am looking at it on the TV... I am amazed yet again at the "coincidence"!!


Then as I am folding laundry, DH calls me to say he's on his way home, but he is stuck in traffic (it only happens once in a while in Maine, but they are doing construction on 295 and there was a fender bender right where the lanes merge into one) . So, anyway, he tells me of the guy in front of him who has all kinds of bumper stickers on his Bronco... of pirates.. crossswords... ahrg matey... and the like. Then when he finally gets home? He is wearing his black Grand Caymen shirt with cross swords and pirate hat!! I am telling tyou this "coincidence" is killing me....


So... those are just a few of the unbelievable and funny things that have happened this week... and I attribute a lot of it to the fun I have had in reading your post and hanging out on the CC website... thanks for taking the time to write... and I look forward to the rest of your story... and in making a new story up for myself..... SOMEDAY!! I know time and money will come together at some point... hopefully for the DD graduation next year!!


Thanks for listening...

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Ahh.. good morning... so here is what's gone on throughout the week...


I started reading your review and I am a sucker for good, honest, fun, real reviews. You have a great way of telling your story and giving great info at the same time. I connected right away.


The next day a girl at work, who is getting married soon, was asking me about cruises. I had been researching the 6 day Freedom for her (which is why your post caught my eye in the first place) and she was saying that she had decided to postpone a "honeymoon" cruise and wait to go next year with a bunch of their mutual friends... and she said that we should go too...


At this point you should know that we took our first cruise with my husbands brother's family.. just the DH and myself. A few years later we planned for both families to go with the kids as our two oldest were graduating from high school. This was our gift to them. Now... we have a DD who is graduating next year... so... our of "fairness" and all that... I have been dreaming that we could swing it again... and so the tiny ember of hope is being fanned by the breeze of your story and my friend...


So...I cam home to read more of you review and to do research... for her... and start to look for me... hmmm prices don't look as bad as I thought....


The next day... you are going to report on GC... and you even went with Native Way, which is who we went with... now I am really getting into it.... I have connected, bonded, put myself there, can't wait to read all about it... and when getting ready for the day and getting dressed...guess which shirt came out of the drawer when randomly reaching in to see what will come out?? My swimming with the rays in Grand Cayman!! WOW how cool is that? I am amazed at the "coincidence"...


Ok, so your review continues, and that night I start to tell my DH about the deals I have found... he say cool... sounds like fun... would love to think we could do it... he reminices with me too... OH, how your review brought us back to the romance of cruising...


Next day DD comes home from school and tells me that she is learning a new piece of music for the clarinet quartet.. and it is the theme song from.... "Pirate's of the Carribean"!! Now you tell me, is THAT interesting "coincidence"?


So, now I just keep trying not to let it end too soon... and you just so happen to keep me hostage and let the story linger... and pull me along for the ride... this is just what I need to satisfy this hunger for a cruise... to at least be able to experience it through someone else's experience!! (I LOVE CRUISE CRITIC!!) Your humor and timing is just what the doctor ordered...


Now, just when I think the end is near, because you have said you are going to report on your last day... a little saddness sets in... and yet there is expectancy and excitemnet to hear it all... I go to the bedroom to fold laundry and turn the TV on... hoping there is something cruise related on the travel channel... and there is!! Samantha Brown on Royal Carribean... guess which port she in?? Just guess... Grand Cayman!! Holy cow... I was standing on that dock once... I was standing n that dock as I was reading your review... now I am looking at it on the TV... I am amazed yet again at the "coincidence"!!


Then as I am folding laundry, DH calls me to say he's on his way home, but he is stuck in traffic (it only happens once in a while in Maine, but they are doing construction on 295 and there was a fender bender right where the lanes merge into one) . So, anyway, he tells me of the guy in front of him who has all kinds of bumper stickers on his Bronco... of pirates.. crossswords... ahrg matey... and the like. Then when he finally gets home? He is wearing his black Grand Caymen shirt with cross swords and pirate hat!! I am telling tyou this "coincidence" is killing me....


So... those are just a few of the unbelievable and funny things that have happened this week... and I attribute a lot of it to the fun I have had in reading your post and hanging out on the CC website... thanks for taking the time to write... and I look forward to the rest of your story... and in making a new story up for myself..... SOMEDAY!! I know time and money will come together at some point... hopefully for the DD graduation next year!!


Thanks for listening...


Pam (& I assume that you are Pam)...I totally believe in positive vibes...And you just experienced a lot of them!! That is fantastic and I truly appreciate the fact that you shared that with me....and with all 1/2 million of us CCers. Thank you so much....and may the force (FREEDOM) be with you!!;)


(btw, I just saw on CNN that GC was destroyed by a hurricane this morning...so sorry)!....Hey, that wasn't very nice.... Seriously, thank you for your wonderful post.

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Pam (& I assume that you are Pam)...I totally believe in positive vibes...And you just experienced a lot of them!! That is fantastic and I truly appreciate the fact that you shared that with me....and with all 1/2 million of us CCers. Thank you so much....and may the force (FREEDOM) be with you!!;)


(btw, I just saw on CNN that GC was destroyed by a hurricane this morning...so sorry)!....Hey, that wasn't very nice.... Seriously, thank you for your wonderful post.


Yes, you assume correctly that this is Pam. Hopefully the forces of FREEDOM will ring out...


You are too cute about GC and the hurricane... wrong season for that! But when we went we had to miss Cozumel due to hurricane damage and we went to Costa Maya instead... but GC was really the place that captured our hearts!


It has been a pleasure... but you are NOT done yet... still waiting...

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Yes, you assume correctly that this is Pam. Hopefully the forces of FREEDOM will ring out...


You are too cute about GC and the hurricane... wrong season for that! But when we went we had to miss Cozumel due to hurricane damage and we went to Costa Maya instead... but GC was really the place that captured our hearts!


It has been a pleasure... but you are NOT done yet... still waiting...


Thanks Pam....tonight. However, Shannon is going to her first-ever prom tonight so I may have to make sure that her date is drug/alcohol-free;)....just kidding...I hope!

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Last Morning Saturday April 11 2009 FREEDOM


We have had an absolutely fantastic, wonderful time on Freedom....(I'm actually tearing up a little as I write this part). OK, so we had our bags outside our room by 11:00pm last night so our cabin seemed soo empty this morning....just the stuff that we will be travelling with. We three spent our last few minutes on our balcony, took a few pictures and then we hugged. We left #7322 for the last time and went to Lido buffet for breakfast. As always, the buffet was excellent...today was scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, melon, bagels, hot hard-boiled eggs (YAY), coffee, juice & hot chocolate.....soo good!


We took our things with us so that we wouldn't have to return to #7322 and we went to the Victoriana Lounge to get our number for disembarkment...we were #1 because of having the suite (NOT platinum as of yet;)...hopefully within 4 years). Our flight was at 11:45 out of FLL so #1 sounded very good to me....at this stage it was like 8:45am. We then went to exit Freedom, me first with no problem...insert S & S card, hear the tone and walk on through. Then Shannon inserted her card and we heard "YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EXIT THE SHIP"....then Kyra..."YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EXIT THE SHIP". What???:confused: My girls then had to go sit by themselves, with me looking in from outside. Security then got on its two-way radio and called Guest Services to find out why my criminal daughters couldn't leave Freedom. After about 15 minutes, Kristin, the girl who screwed things up initially two days earlier, appeared and we were told that because of the Luggage Express situation that happened "the girls' luggage was supposed to have been expressed to NY via FLL"...no kidding:confused:! So much for VIP disembarkment. Anyway, the girls were ultimately "allowed" to leave the ship. Things then got better...we went down to our luggage and were met by a porter...she was great...who put our bags on a cart and wheeled them to a taxi within 2 minutes....I gave her $. The taxi to FLL was 10 minutes ($15.00) and we ended-up being there way too early as it turned out. Better that than otherwise!!


Flights home were relatively painless. The main thing is that we had a wonderful week on Freedom....I love her and she loved us! I cannot wait to schedule our next magical vacation...and I will absolutely do it on Carnival Cruise Lines...Thank you Carnival...and, most of all, thank you CruiseCritic members. You guys are the absolute best!!;)

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Yeah... happy endings... Awwww... it's over!! Hope the boyfriend was in good shape... our son is coming over for his b-day dinner with his girlfriend... I have only met her twice very briefly... oh boy this is the hard part!


Thanks for taking the time to share, it has been a pleasure... I love CC!!

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Yeah... happy endings... Awwww... it's over!! Hope the boyfriend was in good shape... our son is coming over for his b-day dinner with his girlfriend... I have only met her twice very briefly... oh boy this is the hard part!


Thanks for taking the time to share, it has been a pleasure... I love CC!!


Thank you Pam...it has been my pleasure...catharctic even!;)...Thanks for reading!!

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Yeah... happy endings... Awwww... it's over!! Hope the boyfriend was in good shape... our son is coming over for his b-day dinner with his girlfriend... I have only met her twice very briefly... oh boy this is the hard part!


Thanks for taking the time to share, it has been a pleasure... I love CC!!


Happy Birthday to your son....what is his name? Have fun and thanks again for reading!!

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The crazy cajuns ( Bob & Sherrie) will be invadeing the freedom on 5-9-09.

If you don't want to party hard avoid the folks w/ the LSU purple and gold on.

We have a great roll call going and a cabin crawl and maybe poker crawl for the cruise.

TA called and said docs are in and it's getting


Hopefully the night sweats and tremors wont start till we are in single digit count down.

I knew there was a reason we bumped our cruise on the Freedom up to the 17th :)

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His name is Ryan and he will be 21 tomorrow...dinner went okay, but it was awkward with the girlfriend a few times. I shared the cruise "coincidents" with him and we had some great smiles. I also found out where our Native Way CD went... he took it to his place to watch and never brought it back...


Hope the prom went okay....

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His name is Ryan and he will be 21 tomorrow...dinner went okay, but it was awkward with the girlfriend a few times. I shared the cruise "coincidents" with him and we had some great smiles. I also found out where our Native Way CD went... he took it to his place to watch and never brought it back...


Hope the prom went okay....


Thanks Pam...so sorry that your night was awkward!! Really!! Night.



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I wondered what was going to happen when you got to disembarkment! Too bad one of the girls didn't try to exit before you, then you could have just stayed aboard for another week. After all, they said you weren't allowed to exit the ship!:D Seriously, though, I know this must have been a little scary, knowing that you had to get to the airport for your 11:45 flight. I'm glad you got things worked out and got to the airport in plenty of time.


I've enjoyed your review so much. Something tells me this is the first of many that we will see from you.;)

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I wondered what was going to happen when you got to disembarkment! Too bad one of the girls didn't try to exit before you, then you could have just stayed aboard for another week. After all, they said you weren't allowed to exit the ship!:D Seriously, though, I know this must have been a little scary, knowing that you had to get to the airport for your 11:45 flight. I'm glad you got things worked out and got to the airport in plenty of time.


I've enjoyed your review so much. Something tells me this is the first of many that we will see from you.;)


Thanks Jeanie....I hope that you enjoy your Freedom cruise as much as we did!!

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AWESOME job jbroons!!!! even from a Yankee fan :p


I so don't want your review to come to an end :(


Hopefully all of your followers that are sailing soon will come back and do the same for all of us who have a long way to go before we set sail!!!!!


Thank you!!!


LOL.....I wanted to same the same thing to John.....about him doing a good job depite his being a Yankee fan!


I'm in the Boston suburbs, but work right near Fenway Park. GO SOX! Monday is a day game so that everyone can get to the finish line to see the Boston Marathon runners come on in.


John, thank you, sincerely! You've done such an outstanding job reviewing your Freedom Cruise. I'll definitely have a drink for you, just tell me what your drink of choice is.


Annnie .........GO SOX! LOL!;)

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LOL.....I wanted to same the same thing to John.....about him doing a good job depite his being a Yankee fan!


I'm in the Boston suburbs, but work right near Fenway Park. GO SOX! Monday is a day game so that everyone can get to the finish line to see the Boston Marathon runners come on in.


John, thank you, sincerely! You've done such an outstanding job reviewing your Freedom Cruise. I'll definitely have a drink for you, just tell me what your drink of choice is.


Annnie .........GO SOX! LOL!;)


Hi Annie!! Get the Rum Punch....I think they call it a Rum Twisty or something! Soak the orange rind and then eat that last;). Thanks for reading my review...it was fun doing it although "memory-challenging"....I'm sure that I missed all kinds of stuff! Please do one after your cruise.....It will help you re-live your time on Freedom and will also help to delay the withdrawals!! Thanks again for your kind words.



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LOL.....I wanted to same the same thing to John.....about him doing a good job depite his being a Yankee fan!


I'm in the Boston suburbs, but work right near Fenway Park. GO SOX! Monday is a day game so that everyone can get to the finish line to see the Boston Marathon runners come on in.


John, thank you, sincerely! You've done such an outstanding job reviewing your Freedom Cruise. I'll definitely have a drink for you, just tell me what your drink of choice is.


Annnie .........GO SOX! LOL!;)




Enjoy your cruise Annie!!!!

I have to wait until next May to enjoy Freedom :eek:



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That has to have been the best review that I have ever read. Each night when I came home from the office I found myself going to the computer to see if you had posted your next post, it didn't matter how tired I was I had to read what you wrote. My family and I (excluding my son for the first time ever. Boo-Hoo) Are going on the Freedom June 6th just seven weeks from today on the 8 night Weatern Caribbean. I am a tax accountant and every year during the height of tax season I book a cruise so that I have a light at the end of the tunnel (and school of course) to remind me just why I am going out of my mind. If I had any reservation about my choice of cruise this year I must definately say that after reading your review that there is no doubt in my mind that we have made the right choice. You made that last intense week until 4/15 brighter with your review. My daughter who will turn 17 on the cruise will be with us, so maybe you and your daughters should think about joining us they have some great bargians on those balconies (Iknow its not a suite but to cruise more often maybe you can down step a little), I'm sure your daughters and mine will have a great time together. Thanks for all the great writing and our reading it we ALL look foward to the next time you cruise and post another review.:):):)

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