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Ultimate Packing List for the Newbies....

Janet Foster

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I looked at your review for LOS and I thought it was great. I am going to be there in Sept. I had a question. I noticed that you had some water and soda cases that you put a luggage tag on. Will they still allow that? Some people are saying that we can not do that. This is my first time on LOS and I would love to bring a case of my water and diet Dr. Pepper and Pepsi. Thanks

Hi there RedskinsCruiser2010:


I just had friends come off this ship about two weeks ago and they also had cases of water and sodas that they took on board with them.


In my opinion I would always take them regardless and if for some reason down the road they end up be prohibited then I am sure whoever ends up with them would enjoy them.


Be sure to tip your baggage handlers nicely...

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After perusing through this thread I noticed a couple of what I would consider necessary items missing & they are

1)eyeglass repair kit

2) extra pair of glasses should the repair kit not fix the problem

3)for contact lens wearers bring one or two extra pairs, keeping one pair in your pack or purse should you lose one or both contact lenses or they get damaged.

4)reading glasses for reading menus

You can't enjoy what you can NOT see;)

Being an eyeglass wearer myself how could I forget that.. LOL

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Hi Janet, we sound like kindred spirits. I'm a planner as well.


I'd love to send you a private message with a question that I would rather not post on the board. Is that possible on CC? Do you have to be friends in order to send private messages?

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Hi friends,

This very useful thread for cruise vacation planners. I am planning for a cruise excursion with friends. I am newbie. I was looking for tips on cruise trips. This good collection for the newbie vacation cruise excursion goers. This is my first cruise and stay holiday. Good work. Keep posting like these useful tips





Hi Jacob,

Do you think this site is worth the $37 it is asking? Am I going to learn anything worthwhile? Thanx for sharing this, tho'!

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Hi Janet, we sound like kindred spirits. I'm a planner as well.


I'd love to send you a private message with a question that I would rather not post on the board. Is that possible on CC? Do you have to be friends in order to send private messages?

you can email me. Email is my name all together then 1106 after that and it is @ gmail.com

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WOW, look at the number of post on this thread. All for a packing list.


Cruising is a great experience. My family, including our child, have been on over 20 cruises to almost everywhere. We think they are the best vacation option out there. Don't worry so much about what you bring. Cruises have changed over the years and are not nearly as formal.


Have a great time! :)


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Everyone is trying to pack lighter these days in order to avoid airline charges. We used to try and travel with three suitcases on our next cruise we are limiting ourselves to 2 plus the carry on. I figure I can either pay the airline a total of $100.00 to carry the extra bag or pay to have laundry done on the ship. I am opting for laundry.

We always bring:

a couple of insulated muggs and generally leave them behind at the end of the cruise, use them for coffee in the morning and cold drinks around the pool;

a small flashlight, use it at night in the cabin and is abailable in an emergency should the ship loose power.

I bring my favourite coffee and make it in the cabin, but that is just me.

We always pack half in half in each of the suitcases that way if a case goes missing you still have clothes to wear.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks so much for posting the lists. I like the cooler suggestion...great idea. I agree about the duct tape...you'll never know when you need it. I was able to get a couple of your ideas and add them to our list. Being organized just makes things so much easier. :o

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Thanks so much for posting the lists. I like the cooler suggestion...great idea. I agree about the duct tape...you'll never know when you need it. I was able to get a couple of your ideas and add them to our list. Being organized just makes things so much easier. :o

Thanks for your post. You are welcome.. have a great time..

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I love all the lists/rebuttals/add-ons/travel light/travel prepared suggestions! My first cruise is coming up next year, and this is a great start for my list!


The only thing I can think of that hasn't been mentioned (and doesnt even need to be mentioned for those whose patron saint is McGyver) is a small travel tool kit. Can't tell you how many times that little thing has saved my poor butt! Lets me jerry-rig everything to suit my needs. Unless its on the banned list.... Guess I should check that out!


Nail clipper and nail file in the toiletries kit... My poor nails always break in the middle of the night, I doubt the spa is open for manicures at 3am.


And instead of a lanyard for the card, I might prefer a retractable keychain type attachment to clip to my belt or collar. But thats me. Vanity, thy name is getting another lanyard caught in my hair lol.

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Thanks fo the great list. Lots of helpful suggestions that I would have never thought of....like the duct tape and power strip. I'm glad to hear that folks on this thread don't think walkie talkies are the devil. I was reading another thread about this and got the impression that I would be a pariah if I took one onboard. Actually I don't even think I would use it very much, but it will give me a feeling of security to know that I can reach my husband if the need should arise because I doubt we'll be joined at the hip for the duration of the cruise. I'm not really nervous about my first cruise but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I sometimes have a tendency to get anxious. Being prepared is the best way I've found to keep the anxiety at bay!

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Thanks fo the great list. Lots of helpful suggestions that I would have never thought of....like the duct tape and power strip. I'm glad to hear that folks on this thread don't think walkie talkies are the devil. I was reading another thread about this and got the impression that I would be a pariah if I took one onboard. Actually I don't even think I would use it very much, but it will give me a feeling of security to know that I can reach my husband if the need should arise because I doubt we'll be joined at the hip for the duration of the cruise. I'm not really nervous about my first cruise but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I sometimes have a tendency to get anxious. Being prepared is the best way I've found to keep the anxiety at bay!




You will find (since this is your first cruise) that a cruise is nowhere near a camping trip.


After my first cruise I had a box full of things similar or the same as things on these lists that were never used nor needed...ever. Some of it went into the Goodwill bag or trash after a few years. I could have made a deposit on another cruise for what I spent on all the what-if things I hadn't thought of myself, I believed the people on these boards must surely know more than I did, they had cruised before.


Take what you need to take, but think about every item that is packed. It all adds to the weight of your suitcase and can change the size of that case. This all adds to the hassle of getting to your destination and organization once onboard/repacking once the cruise is over. Be reasonable with yourself, don't just rely on other people's suggestions. Don't pack anything that is supplied by the ship or hotel. Exception, toiletries, the stuff onboard ships is awful.


We have learned to cut back to only essentials and it makes for much more pleasant travels. My essentials will be different from your essentials, I can do without the majority of things listed on packing lists.


People here are friendly and want to be helpful, just as I do. I just wish someone had pointed these things out to me before I went. It was an expensive lesson.

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Thanks fo the great list. Lots of helpful suggestions that I would have never thought of....like the duct tape and power strip. I'm glad to hear that folks on this thread don't think walkie talkies are the devil. I was reading another thread about this and got the impression that I would be a pariah if I took one onboard. Actually I don't even think I would use it very much, but it will give me a feeling of security to know that I can reach my husband if the need should arise because I doubt we'll be joined at the hip for the duration of the cruise. I'm not really nervous about my first cruise but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I sometimes have a tendency to get anxious. Being prepared is the best way I've found to keep the anxiety at bay!

Your posting made me smile.. you will have a great time MSRIZZO!!! With our large group we always have to take Walkie Talkies because we are all generally scattered...

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You will find (since this is your first cruise) that a cruise is nowhere near a camping trip.


After my first cruise I had a box full of things similar or the same as things on these lists that were never used nor needed...ever. Some of it went into the Goodwill bag or trash after a few years. I could have made a deposit on another cruise for what I spent on all the what-if things I hadn't thought of myself, I believed the people on these boards must surely know more than I did, they had cruised before.


Take what you need to take, but think about every item that is packed. It all adds to the weight of your suitcase and can change the size of that case. This all adds to the hassle of getting to your destination and organization once onboard/repacking once the cruise is over. Be reasonable with yourself, don't just rely on other people's suggestions. Don't pack anything that is supplied by the ship or hotel. Exception, toiletries, the stuff onboard ships is awful.


We have learned to cut back to only essentials and it makes for much more pleasant travels. My essentials will be different from your essentials, I can do without the majority of things listed on packing lists.


People here are friendly and want to be helpful, just as I do. I just wish someone had pointed these things out to me before I went. It was an expensive lesson.


i totally agree. the things you find essential are not what others may find essential. ive been on 5 cruises and have never needed a power strip, night light, or some of the other items people have posted. i try to pack light and pack mix and match clothes. for pajamas, i bring old tshirts and old stretchy capris (work out type capris) and then just throw them away at the end of the week. i have a zillion tshirts that i get here and there for free at events and i save them up for cruises. just wear them and throw them away.


just think about all the items you are packing and relaly think about what you are actually going to use and onyl bring that.

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Oh yes.. My list is not intended to be a must have must pack. Common sense plays into everything regarding the list. For us I do need a power strip and we travel in large crowds, we work for airlines we don't pay for airline baggage fees. Weight is not a problem however for lots of people traveling on carriers that charge fees it is. Lucky are those who live near ports.


So as I have said many times on this board take what pertains to you. I hope I have helped trigger something in your mind that you might need. I love planning and packing. It's so much fun.



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:p As a first time cruiser I have been scanning the lists of what to pack!


Shock, horror, how will I get all of this into my restricted luggage allowance? Our flight allows us a mere 23K per person hold luggage and 5k hand luggage, for a 15 night cruise .................. With several formal evenings and the rest informal evenings requiring a dress code..... What do you ladies do to ensure that the same outfit is not seen on a number of occassions?



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Oh my don't stress :-)


Only pack what you personally need. My husband and I do not do formal nights any longer so we don't have to be concerned about formal evening wear. A 15 night cruise.. how fun.. I am excited for you. For the other non formal nights we still were dressed nice but managed to get by without having to pack dressy clothes. If that makes any sense.



I also roll my clothes when packing. It really saves space and I find that the clothes do not wrinkle as much.


Best of times!!

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Ø Zip-lock bags – good to bring a few.

Ø Hangers – no need for these, who wants to travel with hangers? Besides, if you are bringing hangers, you are bringing too many clothes!

Ø Clothes Pins - same as hangers

Ø Power Strip – absolutely a necessity. There is usually only 1-2 free outlets available.

Ø Extension Cord - leave this at home.

Ø Alarm Clock – who wants an alarm of any kind while you are on vacation? Use Wake-Up call.

Ø Night Light – The cabin has lights!

Ø Bathroom Spray – Individual need, I guess.

Ø Landyards – you can find these anywhere on shore.

Ø Bar Soap – use travel kit with liquid soap.

Ø Portable Ipod Speakers- NOooooo! Please leave at home!

Ø Motion Sickness Medicine – see my comments below

Ø Prescriptions and Medicine – see my comments below

Ø Sudafed, tooth ache gel, band-aids, mole skin, aloe vera lotion for sunburns - see my comments below.


Ø Cell Phone charger – sure.

Ø Extra Camera Memory Card - yes!


Ø Extra camera batteries or rechargeable batteries and charger - yes!

Ø Small roll of duct tape – good grief, NO!

Ø Small spray bottle.. - a little too much!

Ø Walkie Talkies- annoying!

Ø Binoculars – Yes!

Ø Rum Runners – you are on your own!

Ø Hand sanitizers – Yes, however, these can be found all over most ships.

Ø Sports Bottles – No!

Ø Snack Items We have cocktail parties in our cabins with our friends so we munch on snack or salty items. We buy these at the store before we go to the port. - NO!

o Ritz Crackers - NO!

o Cheese in Can - NO!

o Nuts - NO!

o Cookies - NO!

o Candy - NO!

o Plastic Glasses as the ones in the cabin are too small. - NO!

o Powdered Crystal Light – a little much.


Ø Small Rolling Ice Chest – HECK NO!


Ø Suitcase Scale – another sign that you are taking too much!



Here's the deal ladies and gents. Take what you think you need based on your own individual needs. For example, we take advantage of on-ship clothes cleaning coupons/specials (ie fewer clothes brought on), we use those vacuum air bags for saving space (the vacuum cleaner that the crew uses is powerful and they have always let us use theirs for the pack- up to go home) and I always bring a small strip outlet because of # of rechargeable batteries/devices vs. # of available outlets (often, only 2).


Also, the contents from a small medicine kit is an absolute necessity. You don't want to see the ship doctor - trust me on that one. We take a little of everything from the kit and pack it separately.


Finally, make good use of backpacks and make them multi-functional.


After butt loads of cruises, we finally got down to 2 bags recently and that was between myself, wife and a 22 month old on our last cruise (8 nights and with diapers!).


It's taken us a while to figure it out but you will be surprised at what you don't need and/or what is already available on the ship.


You have to give credit to those helping out with a packing list, but the one provided is way, way too much! In fact, I'm surprised the kitchen sink isn't recommended because the cabin's bathroom sink is too "small".


Again, it depends on your own needs (not wants!!!), requirements, etc. However, take a step back after you pack and really think about how often you will use something.



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Omgosh. Again. Once again, I have to get on here to defend myself. Peeps. You aren't reading!!! My list is not a must have must take must buy. Gosh. It was meant as a guide and it cracks me up that this man would take all that time to pick apart and review the list. If we didn't take an extension cord my husbands cpap machine would not be able to reach him while sleeping.


What is good for one is not good for another. The beat part of planning a cruise is preparing. I don't take everything on the list but depending on the situation I may decide differently. Thank you for your "review"?? Now go help your wife with your 22 month old..

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I want to go on your next cruise HAHA...It looked like you all had a great time. I especially loved the "Pirates" theme nite.. Great Lists, I took a copy for when I go on my cruise. Oct. 27- Nov 11, we are going to Hawaii for 2 weeks and I can't wait to get there... The ship we are going on has laundry mats on all the decks so I know I won't have to pack to much....This will be my 7th cruise, first one for 2 weeks. Thanks for the info, Dianne


Oh, forgot to mention, whenever I travel anywhere I ALWAYS bring a pop up hamper, they work great in such a small space and it is much easier to keep dirty clothes in one area instead of all over the place...

Edited by SunshineDi
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Thanks Dianne: I am anxious to hear about your Hawaii Cruise. I really think that would be fun and relaxing!! Maybe you can drop me a note when you get back?


We did all have a great time on our last cruise with our themed cocktail parties. Our next group cruise is scheduled for June going to Alaska. We made our reservations the day they opened up the booking so we could get all of our cabins in a row then they will open up the partitions between each balcony. Really helps with the overflow when we have our parties. Each cabin is responsible for their own theme and we will bring all the decorations for the theme..but shhhhhhhh.. hope no one has a fit over what all we pack. LOL. The Ship crew sure likes it when we leave all the decorations with them because they use it to dress up their own living quarters. The pirate themed party was my sisters party and she really went over the top.. So now everyone is trying to come up with their own ideas that are new and different. We have more people coming this time that we may have to have two cabins double up so that everyone can have a turn.


Oh I love the pop up hamper also... it is perfect in the corner of the closet and so compact to travel with. My husband actually uses it. LOL


My favorite is the over the door shoe holder. I took that on a trip to Ohio last month and it was very handy to have.


Glad you enjoyed the list.. have fun planning ….

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Funny how everyone has a difference of opinion about what to bring on a cruise. After 40 something sailings and many trips to Europe, I pack as light as I can. Never pack more than I need. A few years back I sailed with a group of 28 other friends. We meet up at the airport and when they saw my one roll-on suit case and backpack they could not figure how I was going to have enough cloths for a 15 night sailing and two nights pre-sailing in Barcelona. Each night as we met for cocktails before dinner they would see me in a differnet outfit or so they thought. One black suit, two pairs of slacks (gray and tan) two white shirts, one black shirt, two short sleve casual print shrits, one pair black shoes, two bow ties (red and black), three ties (2 print, 1 solid) three pair of black socks two pairs underware. That was it for night time. Daytime; three bathing suits with zipper pockets, two pair shorts, one pair of jeans, beach/pool footwear, leather sandels, two pairs sweat socks, two T shirts (one black), two colared pull overs, one short sleve sport shirt, two tank tops. Wear on the plane, jeans, belt (black plain style), sweat socks and sneakers, sport shirt with pockets, nylon windbreaker.


I washed out socks and underware each day. On the three formal night I worn the black suit with white shirt twice and different color bow tie and once with black shirt and gray tie. The black pants from suit got worn on several nights with different shirts. The black suit jacket was worn with the gray and tan pants, either with open collar white or print shirts, or some times a tie. Casual nights there was no jacket. People thought the black suit was a tux and never knew the black slacks were the pants form the suit.


Daytime bathing suits doubled as gym shorts. Longer stlye bathing suits with zip pockets work as shorts for off ship tours. I use the plastic space saver bags to pack. I stuff socks and roll up ties in my one pair of shoes. First thing after unpacking is have an iron and ironing board delivered to cabin. Press, hang or fold everything then go off to sail away party. Remember will never see most of your fellow passengers after the cruise and they will not remmeber what you wore from one day to the next. Be neat, clean and don't dress too boldly and you'll look great and not have heavy bags to tranport to and from the ship.


The single most valuble item I pack is a roll of duck tape. I have used it from fixing damaged luggage, repairing sneakers, taping item up in cabin, etc. A pack of playing cards and the UNO Game cards come in handy too.


Ladies can do the same thing with a three piece balck suit (Jacket, skirt and pant) add a long skirt, one more light color skirt, and one or two light colored pants. A few blouces and pull over tops, some scarfs and and big pearls and you're set for the evening.

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As a much traveled 'light packer' I read this thread with smiles - Last trip I did was three weeks in Italy including a wonderful week at cooking school in Tuscany (my second time there and it was one of the best weeks EVER!) and I had one carry on bag and a really small body wrap purse that held a Sony Ereader, cell phone, passport money and gum! However, what I did pack that I don't see and yes, I may have missed it, is a collapsable travel umbrella! This saved us time and again for it rained on and off for 8 of the days we were there! I got ours at TJ Max but Travel Smith and Magellan's have fold flat 'briefcase' models that are fabulous! Happy Cruising! My next big grip is 6 weeks in Europe with the last 16 days being Oceania's Marina cruise from London to Rome... I'll be packing one carry one and a bigger purse!! And looking forward to the laundry room on the ship! Have great fun all....and happy travels!!

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