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Tipping extra -- suggestions?

Luke Stepp

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We have prepaid our gratuities, and from many of the comments here, I expect we will choose to tip extra toward the end of our cruise.


We have not cruised before, and would like to be prepared. Can any of you share some pointers, such as bringing cash and how best to supplement the prepaid gratuity?

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I typically give the waiter another $15, giving them $30 from my buddy and I.

The bus boy/assistant I typically give another $10 or so. So $20-25 from both of us.


The room steward I do similar to the waiter - but can go depending on whether we order breakfast in the morning and whether they steward brings it (not as typical these days).


For room service, including breakfast deliveries, I tip at the time, typically $2-3.


Only once did I tip the head waiter, when they'd let us have the Captain's table for the week (there was 10 of us and it was the only table left at second seating).


Note: The optional additional cost dining options also require a tip. I don't have experience in this area. Hopefully another poster can provide specifics. I'd imagine that $10-20 would be appropriate.


Hope this helps.



PS: I've been on 13 cruises over the last 18 years, all on Carnival. Everything from the early ships to the current line.

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That's about what we typically do. We leave an extra $20-$30 for our room steward - if he's been really great, it's the upper end. I tip $2 each time room service delivers, I get it every morning. Our waiter and assistant is the same. This time we are trying anytime dining, so I'm not sure about the tips there this time. We won't have the same guys. Not sure what we'll do. My husband tips the bartender at the casino bar each time he gets a drink - and he gets GREAT drinks after the first 2 days.

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For a 5 day cruise we slip additional cash $20 to DR Waiter and to DR Asst Waiter, $10 cash to the DR Drinks Server, and cash $20 to the Room Steward. It's whatever you want to tip, though. ken

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For a 7 day cruise, we give the waiter and the steward $10 each on the second day. Sometimes we give the waiter $5 and the assistant $5. They treat us like royalty for the remainder of the trip. We give them another $5 at the halfway mark and leave $5 or $10 when we leave, depending on how well they've done. It really works for us. :p

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I rarely tip extra. They have to really impress me for extra, and it has happened more than once. But I do not tip because they smiled at me and knew my name or kept my ice bucket full. That is their job.

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Hi There,


I think how much one tips is very subjective.You have received a lot of good ideas so go with the one or ones that sound best to you. When we leave cash tips, we normally hand deliver them with a personal note that describes how much we enjoyed their service. I think that helps them, like positive comments on the comment card to get a slight boost up the promotional ladder.

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Tip extra if you feel they deserve it. Which they probably will.

Remember, they don't make a whole lot.

We always tip extra. They do deserve it!


Bring envelopes, or get them there. Hand it to them on the last night.

We did give our room steward his the morning we left.


Our room steward, and dining room staff have always been great!;)

These people really work their butts off!!!!:eek:


We give them each an extra $20.00.


Enjoy it!!

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My wife and I always do the automatic gratuities. When we want to tip on top of that, we give gifts bought ahead of time as a gesture of our appreciation for good service. Basically, we buy t-shirts from our hometown (L.A. area) or something like that. We have gotten great responses from the staff. This requires a little extra planning to pack gifts, but is always worth it.

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We have prepaid our gratuities, and from many of the comments here, I expect we will choose to tip extra toward the end of our cruise.


We have not cruised before, and would like to be prepared. Can any of you share some pointers, such as bringing cash and how best to supplement the prepaid gratuity?


The following is a guideline to help you. This is gathered from numerous posts and combined for your consideration... Many times a range is given since it appears no definitive amount applies....


If arriving by cruise ship transfer and or cab.. Security gate guard at the port security... $ 25.00 ( just place with your passport/boarding pass. Driver $ 1.00 to $ 5.00 per bag, except the luggage caring the liquor/beer. 1/3 bottles of liquor $ 10.00. 4 or more $ 20.00. Beer (heavy) 6 pack $ 5.00, 12 pack $ 10.00, 18 pack $15.00. 24 pack $ 20.00...


*Tip the sea caps same amount as the drivers above, pointing out the extra is for the overweight "Special" bags which should be treated with respect...


If arriving by car.. tip the police officer directing traffic a $ 10 spot and he will direct you to the shortest line.... Please be sure to tip the TSA team inspecting your car at least $ 10.00 each (usually 3), since this arouses their suspicion, they will want to inspect your trunk & hood and call the drug dog over. You will be lucky if they don't make you get out and let the dogs Inspect the interior. Next the parking attendant who collects the parking fee, another $ 10.00...


Sea Caps... *See above same amounts


Cruise line rep greeting you as you approach the line... A $ 50.00 bill slipped discretely and whisper to her that you have a tendencies to go berserk if you have to stand in line and are crowed for too long, and is there any way you can have a VIP check in as this is really good for the safety of the other passengers....

The TSA people who scan your carry ons... NOTHING ~~!!~~ (you should have learned your lesson with the first encounter). There will be cruise line reps, in this area, and each should be tipped between $ 10.00 to $ 25.00 each. Ask one to get you a wheel chair, as this will save your energy for the DOD and the buffet lines... Be sure and tip him at least $ 25.00 (this tip will alleviate any guilt you might have over making someone who really needs it wait{most will not tip the $ 25.00, so the underpaid crew member will be very happy}).


The clerk who takes your credit card information and sets up your sign n' sail account.. at least $ 10.00 to $ 20.00( if she smiles real purty).. They are mostly retired people who work part time and very hard standing on their feet and having to deal with all the pax's getting on & off... Next you will encounter the person who places your picture on your card... since the machine does most of the work, and all they have to do is place your card in the machine.. $ 5.00 is usually sufficent....


We now start to interact with crew members and a different scale of tipping becomes important as you will be with these people for the duration of the cruise.... The photographer who will take your boarding pictures. At least $ 5.00 for each.. normally 1 or 2 different photographers... Now if the showgirls want their picture with you, tip each $ 25.00 ( this will make a good impression).


Next will be security making you put your S N' Sail Card into the little machine that goes "BEEP". NO TIP ( remember theTSA agents at the parking deck??) just a smile... Next should be the social hostess greeting you and handing out deck plans.. $ 5.00 is usually sufficient. If your ship has the white gloved elevator operator, again $ 5.00 should suffice.


The room steward will greet you and introduce him/herself. Tell him up front you want and expect 1st class service !!. You expect your room to be make up each and every day, beds turned down with chocolate and a Platter on each bed along with a towel animal. Fresh towels daily, replenish the "freebies" in the bath room, refill the ice buckets at least twice daily.. Have him bring a beer bucket (so you can take your cold beer to the pool) and a wine bucket for you wine. At this point it might be a good time to tell him you are a first time cruiser, but VERY experienced because you have been reading all the Cruise Boards on the internet.... You expect extras of the past guest pins so as to have enough to trade, and two of the Platinum gifts will be ample.... Now slip him a crisp $ 50.00 or $ 100.00 bill and tell him since he is from a third world country you KNOW Bribes are a way of life, and for him/her to expect an extra large tip at the end...


Your S N' Sail card will have the dining room, so head there and present it to Maitre D' along with a $ 50.00 bill folder so as not to be obvious.


The next stop will probably be the Purser's desk to have some more traveler checks cashed ( never want to have too much cash with you) ask for plenty of $ 1's & $ 5's as you will need them..... As you work your way s-l-o-w-l-y to the fort of the line and get your plate, you will notice crew behind the service stations, tip each and every one of them $ 1 to $ 5 each.. They are underpaid and work very hard(ensures "No-Spit") in your pans.... Some wait staff will offer to get your water, tea, or coffee.... $ 1 to $ 3( more if there are two of you) should be enough. Leave at least $ 5.00 on the table for the bus person...


Out to the pool for a drink.... 15% tip will be added to the price, but usually $ 1 to $ 3 per drink additional is appropriate since these servers have to work in the hot sun and on their feet for their shifts.... Since you have your carry-on beer in the ship's cardboard beer buckets, you will need to have one of the servers open it for you..... Since they don't have bottle openers on them, they will have to carry the bottle back to the bar and then return the open bottle.... $ 2.00 works ( $1.00 each way).


If you or the kids play miniature golf you will have to check out the clubs & balls from an attendant.. Since he/she has to stand out in the hot sun for long, underpaid hours, $ 1 to $ 2 for each person should make them happy...


The ships video-photographer will be coming around taking picture for the DVD.. A $ 50.00 bribe each time he/she 'shoots you" and tell him you want to be on the finished DVD. Be sure to tell him an extra TIP will be waiting if you are happy with the air time on the finished product.....


If you have traditional dining, a $ 50.00 tip to you waiter and $ 25.00 for his assistant usually works.... Be sure to tell him MORE is waiting at the end of the cruise.... You might also want to leave an extra $ 5.00 each evening..


If you have anytime dining, $ 5.00 to $ 10.00 should be left in any of the formal dining rooms for every meal....


Now if this all sounds a little confusing, the cruise lines have an automatic tip option where they will just add their "recommend tips" to your account...

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If we are traveling with a group of friends, we usually end up with happy hour in our cabin, so we tip the cabin steward $20-$40 on the first day asking for lots of ice, etc, plus he has to do some extra cleanup after the parties. Then we tip him/her an additional $20-$40 at the end and sometimes others in our group will tip them a few dollars too. If it's just DH and I, then we don't usually tip until the end, depending on what they did, $20-$40. We tip our dining room waiters $20 or more on the last night as well as any bartenders that we really liked during the week. Of course, this is all dependent on them giving us great service, which we have always had.

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Before our cruise out of Port Canaveral last week, I bought a pack of thank-you cards and several Florida lottery scratch-off tickets. On the back of the tickets, I highlighted the part about small denominations being able to be claimed by mail, then I put them in an envelope with $1, $5 and a couple of $10 and $20 bills. I labeled the envelope "Tips/Room Service" so that I could keep the money separate from onshore spending money.


The first evening of our cruise, I used a clothespin to attach a note and $10 to our cabinet handle for our room steward, asking if he would please unlock the honor bar (it was locked because there was a minor in our cabin) and remove the alcohol for us.


A couple of days later, I again pinned a note and $5 asking for more breakfast/room service cards. (We ordered room service every morning, so that our wake up call would be a tray of hot tea for me and cereal for my daughter to snack on later in the day. I tipped $1-$2 per order, depending on how much we ordered.)


The last night of the cruise, I wrote thank-you notes to our steward, our waiter, assistant waiter, head waiter, maitre d', and Camp Carnival from our 3-year-old daughter. In each card, I placed a scratch-off ticket and an additional amount, between $5 and $50, depending on the person, then had my daughter deliver each card.


My daughter was thrilled to have such an important "mission," and the people who received the cards were much appreciative and got a kick out of my little one's delivery. :)


ETA - Forgot to mention that I also tipped our bar server mid-way through the cruise, because he took such good care of my husband and our friend. Every night, he gave each one a Diet Coke the minute we sat down, and kept their glasses full throughout dinner. (Both of them drink a LOT of soda during a meal - probably 3 or 4 cans EACH!)

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The following is a guideline to help you. This is gathered from numerous posts and combined for your consideration... Many times a range is given since it appears no definitive amount applies....


If arriving by cruise ship transfer and or cab.. Security gate guard at the port security... $ 25.00 ( just place with your passport/boarding pass. Driver $ 1.00 to $ 5.00 per bag, except the luggage caring the liquor/beer. 1/3 bottles of liquor $ 10.00. 4 or more $ 20.00. Beer (heavy) 6 pack $ 5.00, 12 pack $ 10.00, 18 pack $15.00. 24 pack $ 20.00...


*Tip the sea caps same amount as the drivers above, pointing out the extra is for the overweight "Special" bags which should be treated with respect...


If arriving by car.. tip the police officer directing traffic a $ 10 spot and he will direct you to the shortest line.... Please be sure to tip the TSA team inspecting your car at least $ 10.00 each (usually 3), since this arouses their suspicion, they will want to inspect your trunk & hood and call the drug dog over. You will be lucky if they don't make you get out and let the dogs Inspect the interior. Next the parking attendant who collects the parking fee, another $ 10.00...


Sea Caps... *See above same amounts


Cruise line rep greeting you as you approach the line... A $ 50.00 bill slipped discretely and whisper to her that you have a tendencies to go berserk if you have to stand in line and are crowed for too long, and is there any way you can have a VIP check in as this is really good for the safety of the other passengers....

The TSA people who scan your carry ons... NOTHING ~~!!~~ (you should have learned your lesson with the first encounter). There will be cruise line reps, in this area, and each should be tipped between $ 10.00 to $ 25.00 each. Ask one to get you a wheel chair, as this will save your energy for the DOD and the buffet lines... Be sure and tip him at least $ 25.00 (this tip will alleviate any guilt you might have over making someone who really needs it wait{most will not tip the $ 25.00, so the underpaid crew member will be very happy}).


The clerk who takes your credit card information and sets up your sign n' sail account.. at least $ 10.00 to $ 20.00( if she smiles real purty).. They are mostly retired people who work part time and very hard standing on their feet and having to deal with all the pax's getting on & off... Next you will encounter the person who places your picture on your card... since the machine does most of the work, and all they have to do is place your card in the machine.. $ 5.00 is usually sufficent....


We now start to interact with crew members and a different scale of tipping becomes important as you will be with these people for the duration of the cruise.... The photographer who will take your boarding pictures. At least $ 5.00 for each.. normally 1 or 2 different photographers... Now if the showgirls want their picture with you, tip each $ 25.00 ( this will make a good impression).


Next will be security making you put your S N' Sail Card into the little machine that goes "BEEP". NO TIP ( remember theTSA agents at the parking deck??) just a smile... Next should be the social hostess greeting you and handing out deck plans.. $ 5.00 is usually sufficient. If your ship has the white gloved elevator operator, again $ 5.00 should suffice.


The room steward will greet you and introduce him/herself. Tell him up front you want and expect 1st class service !!. You expect your room to be make up each and every day, beds turned down with chocolate and a Platter on each bed along with a towel animal. Fresh towels daily, replenish the "freebies" in the bath room, refill the ice buckets at least twice daily.. Have him bring a beer bucket (so you can take your cold beer to the pool) and a wine bucket for you wine. At this point it might be a good time to tell him you are a first time cruiser, but VERY experienced because you have been reading all the Cruise Boards on the internet.... You expect extras of the past guest pins so as to have enough to trade, and two of the Platinum gifts will be ample.... Now slip him a crisp $ 50.00 or $ 100.00 bill and tell him since he is from a third world country you KNOW Bribes are a way of life, and for him/her to expect an extra large tip at the end...


Your S N' Sail card will have the dining room, so head there and present it to Maitre D' along with a $ 50.00 bill folder so as not to be obvious.


The next stop will probably be the Purser's desk to have some more traveler checks cashed ( never want to have too much cash with you) ask for plenty of $ 1's & $ 5's as you will need them..... As you work your way s-l-o-w-l-y to the fort of the line and get your plate, you will notice crew behind the service stations, tip each and every one of them $ 1 to $ 5 each.. They are underpaid and work very hard(ensures "No-Spit") in your pans.... Some wait staff will offer to get your water, tea, or coffee.... $ 1 to $ 3( more if there are two of you) should be enough. Leave at least $ 5.00 on the table for the bus person...


Out to the pool for a drink.... 15% tip will be added to the price, but usually $ 1 to $ 3 per drink additional is appropriate since these servers have to work in the hot sun and on their feet for their shifts.... Since you have your carry-on beer in the ship's cardboard beer buckets, you will need to have one of the servers open it for you..... Since they don't have bottle openers on them, they will have to carry the bottle back to the bar and then return the open bottle.... $ 2.00 works ( $1.00 each way).


If you or the kids play miniature golf you will have to check out the clubs & balls from an attendant.. Since he/she has to stand out in the hot sun for long, underpaid hours, $ 1 to $ 2 for each person should make them happy...


The ships video-photographer will be coming around taking picture for the DVD.. A $ 50.00 bribe each time he/she 'shoots you" and tell him you want to be on the finished DVD. Be sure to tell him an extra TIP will be waiting if you are happy with the air time on the finished product.....


If you have traditional dining, a $ 50.00 tip to you waiter and $ 25.00 for his assistant usually works.... Be sure to tell him MORE is waiting at the end of the cruise.... You might also want to leave an extra $ 5.00 each evening..


If you have anytime dining, $ 5.00 to $ 10.00 should be left in any of the formal dining rooms for every meal....


Now if this all sounds a little confusing, the cruise lines have an automatic tip option where they will just add their "recommend tips" to your account...


ROFLMAO!!! And the cruise cost $300 p/p:D


Luke Stepp, seriously all they expect is the pre paid gratuity.......and you have already taken care of that.......relax and have fun!!!

You might want to bring a few dollar bills for room service and the porters.....and don't forget all drinks will have a 15% tip already added so no need to tip there.......

Have a great cruise!!!

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