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Cruising to Healthy


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Glad you had a good time! Hope all goes well on Thurs. and its probably just allergies. Our weather man said it was up to 8% pollen count today and will be up to 11% on Thurs.


Okay, weigh in this morning= 321 (last week was 321.4), lol. I'm not going to complain, its a loss. I did miss 2 workouts and did none on the weekend, indulged in some bad choices, so I'm happy with that. I had a big loss last week, so this is also common. I'll see what happens this week.


Last night lasgana with salad and cheese bread, cereal to spend some points. I did stop by DQ on my home after my workout. I really wanted a blizzard, but I stopped myself. Instead, I got a small 99cent vanilla cone. 5 points vs the 15 points for a small blizzard. I think I made a better choice and it was soooo good. I thought to myself, this is why I shouldn't eat ice cream everyday. Things taste better when they are a "special treat." Its like if I cruised every month, it wouldn't be a special b/c I did it so often.



BK-Fiber one cereal, skinny latte

Snack: Snack pack thingy, banana, fruit cup

Lunch: Lean Pocket

Dinner: ???


My trainer worked with me yesterday on balance and strength, no so much cardio. So, I went after work and did the treadmill, weights and the elliptical (20 mins!!!!).


I'll do 30 mins on the treadmill for lunch and maybe some weights. Then I'll do the treadmill and elliptical and weights after work.


Good Choices

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sun L- 2 hard boiled eggs, applesauce cup, one cookie, green tea

sun D- pork loin on grill, green bean casserole, one homemade cookie, green tea


mon B- splurge on McDonalds as I had to go in at 330 am and I wanted to eat around 700 am so had sausage & egg biscuit with a diet coke as I needed to wake up

mon L- left over chicken breast, mini twix bar, green tea

mon D- hamburger stir fry with white rice, ran out of brown, green tea


tue B- frozen burrito, coffee

tue L- grilled cheese, dill pickle for crunch, 2 mini snickers

tue D- unknown


I hate I weighed today to be up 2 lbs. I thought I was watching closely and have been walking beside my Curves workout. Oh well not going to let it get me down


Hi Brooke - you are doing so well. I have not been to grocery in approx 2 weeks and I am running out of everything but it sounds as if you like the Fiber one Cereal that I want to try it. My sister like the honey cruches one.


Kim- glad you enjoyed your mini vacation. Saw your pics on facebook.

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Hi girls!!! I got caught up on reading posts the other day and then started falling asleep before I could finish my post and since it was well after 12 and I have been having trouble getting to sleep I just went on to bed. I think a little bit of it is some depression but I think it is mild so I am not going to complain. I guess if I didn't have some hard times still then that wouldn't say a lot about my Nana. I mean I know people say don't cry for me but really I imagine you would have to be a really bad person for no one to cry when you are gone. Anyway, I got to watch the ACM awards Sunday night and they were great. Made me get even more excited about the Carrie Underwood concert on May 2nd. Still hoping that I get to be one of the ones from her fan club that get a meet and greet. I have 2 chances one on the 2nd and then she has a hugh fan club party in Nashville every year so there is another chance I will get to do one in June.


Brittany is recovering as they expected. Only 4 more weeks with the brace and then she starts therapy again. If anyone has a spare moment you can google an image of a gunslinger brace and you can see what it looks like. I am sure you can imaigine how much a freshman girl in high school loves that. lol


Diet and excersice I still won't talk about. But lets say I am ashamed of how much weight I have gained. Clothes not fitting and etc....



Brooke- I as always am so proud of you! I know you have to be getting excited about your cruise. I am so glad your mom is getting excited. I know I was about crazy by the time I got on the ship.


Kimmers- Sorry there was a gain. I think you have been doing a good job. Glad you enjoyed the play the other night. Thanks for the message that was sweet.


Kim-Still not sure I am going to talk with you because I am still JEALOUS!!!!! Just kidding. I know you deserved it. Trust me enjoy those days where you can just run off to a cruise after that baby making cruise it will be different. Good luck on Thursday.


Ann(etteII)- It was nice getting to see a post on her from someone new. If you noticed in all those posts I also read every post there was in this group so thats 2 things we have in common. I hope your husband got that job. My husband has also been out of work since June of 2008. He went back to school though so that has been what takes up his time now. God has really been good to us his unemployment has not ran out yet although it will in the next weeks but someone that we had loaned a large sum of money to a few years back was just able to pay us back so we should be able to make it off that till he gets out of school in Dec of this year. God is good to me all the time. Hope you don't think I am preaching to you but just expressing myself. God is a hugh part of my life. I don't want to offend anyone or push my viewsd down someones throat but also can't be me if I couldn't mention him. I think you said you have children. What were the ages etc..? I have a BAD memory. I don't mean to but it's true. The other girls on here have been so good about helping refresh my memory about things if I ask.


Great news. I think I have convinced my parents and my honey for us to take a cruise in Dec 2011. I really want to go on one before the oldest graduates from high school which will be in 2013. It will be great to have something to plan and look forward to because that is a great escape for me when I am stressed as well as great motivation for losing weight and working out.

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Hello there!

I've got excellent news! My husband got the job!!! I am so excited! I sure did the happy dance yesterday! Plus tomorrow (21st) is my birthday, what a great week. He starts his new job on the 26th and that day is exactly 6 months from when he started unemployment. We were really worried because next month he would have gone into the extension. There's so much uncertainity with it. Tonight I booked the flights and I'm looking into hotels now. This is so much fun!


Annette- No, I don't think your preaching. What does your husband do? He's still getting unemployment checks from being laid off in 2008? My husband did think about going back to school (as so many people are doing now a days), but he's in a procrastination mode. He does have an Assoc degree, but I know he won't have the time to go back to to the commute that he'll be doing everyday.

My girls are 13 and 10, and boy do they keep me on my toes!


Good night everyone!

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I do like the Fiber One. I eat the shredded wheat. The honey clusters got old real quick, but I like the texture and taste of the frosted shredded wheat.


And I'm sorry, I knew my 2lbs had to be displaced somewhere in space, but I didn't mean for it to go to you. :(




I'm glad Brittany is doing better and that you have something to look forward to! Its important to have things in your life that make you excited and gives you something to work towards. And YAY, for getting them to agree on the cruise. Now you have plenty of time to plan and pay.




That is GREAT! I bet you were dancing and you got some exercise in doing it, lol. After all the stress your family has been through this cruise will be a nice "reset."


I didn't go to my lunch workout. My Irish friend is still here, so she stopped by my office and I offered to go to lunch with her. We had subway, lol. But she is here for a limited time, so its worth it. I did go after work though.


We had bbq and mashed potatoes for dinner. I had cereal for a snack and then watched AI and Glee. I think I might just stop watching AI....I don't really like any of them even if Casey is good looking.




Snack: banana, strawberries, fruit cup, 1% milk (maybe)

Lunch: Lean pocket

Dinner: ???


So, I weighed again this morning. Yesterday I was so bloated and (like you want to know this), but was in the bathroom all day. So, I just though I'd weigh again this morning b/c I just felt that I put a lot of work in despite some bad choices, I did stay within all my points ranges. I thought for sure in would be like a .2 difference. But..................it said 319.8!!!!!!! I know I should stick with my weigh in day weight, but I've been waiting for 319 for sooooo long and its only a day difference and its not like the scale is lying. I'm going to take this victory and also note it as my official weight.


The other thing is...I'm thinking about getting my Phd in Higher Education. My old Director of Resident Life (she is a VP on campus now) talked to me about it when we walked together at Relay for Life. Then me and my Irish friend were talking about it yesterday. I just feel that I'm getting a sign. I was told after my masters that I should take some time off and get some work experience and really decide what I wanted to do. So, it will be like 3 years this May since my Masters and 2 years of job exp. in Sept. I'm pretty sure I want a Phd. in Higher Education and I've been looking at schools. I'm hoping that I won't have to give up my current job to go back b/c the money is nice, but it might be something I have to do. I just think its a sign b/c I was at Relay for Life walking in name of my grandmother. I think a angel got permission from God to do a little arranging for that conversation b/t me and my old Director to happen. I'm looking into Virginia Tech, but they don't have an online program and you have to be on campus for that one. But there are some online degree programs from reputable schools. I got some time to decide if I even want to apply b/c they have to accept me. This is a little scary, but I just have to decide to leap or not.


Good Choices

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tues D- baked cod fish, green beans, baked potato

wed B- 1 scrambled egg on wheat toast, milk

wed L- ?? Maybe a Brooke Subway Special LOL


Ann- glad to see your husband got job. And you're right 1/2 the cruise is the planning.


Brooke- you know your limits GO FOR IT! I think a PHD would be awesome. Do it while you're young enough. LOL


Annette- will have to look up what Brittany has. Stay positive

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Ann- YIPPEE!! I am glad for your family. I know that you most have felt like a large object was taken off your chest. I know it is great not having to worry about this any more. Now you get to sit back and look forward to your cruise.


Brooke- I'm with you girl I would count that as my official weight. Good job! As far as school I think you are smart enough to weigh all your options and go for the pros and cons of what to do. I know you will make the right desision.


I walked 2 miles this morning. I am so proud of myself for actually doing it. That is 2 times this week. That beings me to 97 miles for the year so hopefully now that I am back on the countdown I will do better.

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I DID IT! I can't believe I booked a cruise for all 8 of us. It is Dec 18th 2011. We will be on the ship for my dad's birthday and will get off the ship on mine and Richards anniversary. I am still in shock a little bit but I really needed something to plan and work for.

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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to try it. The first step is just getting accepted and I think you have to have a Phd just to know how to apply. Oh, did you try the fiber one pancakes yet?




YIPEEEEEEEE! Like I said, something to look forward to!


So, I had a minor breakdown last night. I was tired, I was hurting, and getting a little stressed about making this potentially life altering decision. I went by McDs. I got a grilled chicken with not mayo, but I got french fries...then went home ate that...had some shredded wheat...some cookies...and chips...then a roll with butter. Yep. That was my night. I finally just threw my hands up and walked up the stairs to stay away from the kitchen. Thank God for flex points.


I did my workout with my trainer and I have one more session on Friday, but its group, so step aerobics. I went to workout after work (my co-worker is now going) and I did about 15 mins on the elliptical and my back was hurting, so I went to the treadmill, then my knee started. so only 20 mins on the treadmill. I was also already tired before I got there. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'm thinking I'm going to just do after work today and skip lunch today b/c maybe my body is trying to tell me something.


I'm going to apply for the Phd. program, but I have to be accepted. I'm worried b/c some of the requirements I don't technically have. But they said they could make exceptions if the committee thinks you are a good candidate. Also, anyone excepted gets a GA (Graduate assistantship). This covers tuition and you get a stipend to help pay for cost of living. I looked at the scale for stipends and it looks the lowest is $1228 a month for 9 months. That's about a $3,000 difference in what I make in a 9 month period. But the highest stipend is $3,500. That's $16,500 more than I make in 9 months, lol. Then there is having to move there b/c its an hour 1/2 away and I'd have to work 20 hours a week for the GA. So, I'd have to pay to live somewhere, plus my bills. Their next enrollment isn't until Feb. 2011, so that gives me almost a year to save money. I think I can save $5,000 by then, for back up. Oh, they also give you insurance. It would be really great to get my Phd. Its something I always wanted to excel to. I've always had to push myself in school b/c I'm just average and it doesn't help your confid. when your SAT scores are 810 and you are told you'd never go to college with that score. So many factors to weigh. But I've already started the ball. I ordered my transcripts and I've put together some letters for recommendation.....here goes nothing.



BK: Fiber cereal/skinny latte

Snack: Sheetz cheese/grapes/pretzels/apples snack tray (low in calories, but I looked at the sodium today.....560 grams!!!!! Maybe I won't buy those anymore)

Lunch: Lean pocket chicken and broccoli, banana

Dinner: Just me and dad, mom is on a trip with my aunts, so I'll buy him McDs to try and keep him happy. I'll probably have leftovers.


So, my new goal is to get out of the teens. So 312. But, I'll have lost 10% of my body weight at 316lbs, so I'm going to break it up. 316 means 3lbs to lose, then 4lbs to get to 312 from there. I'm also only 3lbs away from 35lbs. That means it could be plausible to make 40lbs by the cruise.


Okay, Brooke.....take it back, lol. So, next goal 316=10% & 35lbs.


Good Choices!




Where you be?

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wed L- toasted peanut butter & jam, milk, 2 mini musketeer bars

Wed D- grilled chicken, 1/2 baked potato, salad, 1 slice bananna nut bread


thurs B- fiber one cereal & milk, bannana

thurs snack fiber one peach yogurt

thurs L-??

thurs D- ??


Brooke- yes I tried the pancakes awhile back and added fresh blueberries. I liked them. Only instead of making a true pancake I put it in our waffle iron and made a waffle.

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Brooke I'm here! Nothing exciting going on here. Actually MADE a meal for myself on Monday and it came out great. I've been eating it all week because I made a lot (by accident) so I'm eating it for lunch, dinner, lunch, dinner everyday. lol

Been sticking to cereal with fruit in the morning, and a nutri grain bar for a snack at work. Yesterday I did have a pear and I've had a 90 cal cold thing (like italian ice) at night. The only other thing I've been doing besides work, eat and sleep is going to my parents house to use the internet and get that bridesmaid dress ordered. I ordered it and gave my measurements and they emailed me back asking for more measurements and I couldn't understand half of what they typed because they apparently don't speak english very well. I hate this part of being in a wedding but whatever, gotta do what you gotta do.


Is friday here yet? :confused:


Take Care all!

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Brooke, wise decision to listen to your body. The more you work out, the better you will know the difference between "good sore" and "bad sore". I am lucky to have found a really great trainer who I have been working with for over a year now. He always tells me to make sure that I am not doing more harm than good. I am probably twice your age so the aches and pains come a lot more frequently LOL!! I just wish that I would have started taking care of myself at your age! I hope that many young ladies get a chance to read your posts and the posts from the others. You all are really doing great!

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Great idea with the fruit...I never think of that...I just go straight for syrup.




I don't know about you, but I love to get dressed up for special events, like prom/homecoming/weddings. I haven't been a bridesmaid yet (not even at my brother's wedding :(), but I hope one day one of my friends will invite me!




Thanks. I think I needed the rest. My back feels less sore and my knee isn't hurting as much when I climb the stairs. I put ice on both the last couple of nights and did some extra chiro stretching. I also made a chiro apt. on Monday, so I can check with him to make sure I'm not hurting anything more.


So, I just did the lunch workout. I did 1 mile on the treadmill, which was about 25 mins. Then I did some weights and resistance and I was done. I didn't want to push b/c today is step aerobics and the last day of student training. I looked up the exercise points for step aerobics and it was like 8 points for 30 mins!!!! Oh, boy! I wonder if I can do this, but I will certainly try to do my best. If I do that I will not do evening exercise. Maybe some biking at home, but nothing too strenuous.


Last night I made pizza for me and dad. Its tombstone and I was going to make two (b/c usually we do b/c there is three of us) then I realized....that's way too much for just me and dad. So we just had the one, which was three slices each. I stole two chocolate (oreo like) cookies and then some fiber cereal. Then I distracted myself from food by watching my netflix movie, "Precious." If you haven't seen it......OMG! I read the book and it was really really hard to read b/c....well its written as if the character was writing it and the character can't technically read or write. But its def. one of those movies that make you happy to have the life and family you have. Thank God for my grumpy/Grinch father who has always put his family first and taken care of us no matter pain/sickness/tired. Thank God for my mother who has always supported me in everything I did even if Theatre was my passion. Thank God for a brother who would stop the world to help me if I needed it.



BK: Oatmeal (I didn't have any milk at home, sooooo I grabbed a baggy and took some oatmeal with me to work and grabbed a pint of milk at the store on the way) Skinny latte.

Snacks: Grapes

Lunch: Subway with apples

Dinner: Leftovers I think


I told my boss yesterday about wanting to get my Phd. After the last time when I applied for the Alumni job and the word got out before i told here I knew I had to tell her right away. I hate doing this b/c I haven't even applied and I won't even know if I get accepted until next year. But she said she was happy for me and thinks its a great idea and she completely understands. She said she would tell our VP and that she would even ask her to write my letter of recommendation when i needed it b/c it would probably mean more coming from someone with VP in their title, lol. I just hope this doesn't jeopardize my job b/c we will be getting a new VP over our entire dept this summer and I don't want them letting me go b/c they think I will be leaving anyway.


I hope everyone has a great weekend!


Good Choices.

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Brooke- Hope you get to feeling better soon. I know its frustrating when you still want to workout but your body won't let you. I will have to check out that movie.


Jess-Glad you are getting settled in your new place.


Kimmers- Seems like you are having a great week. Sounds like fun and pampering is very nice.


Kari- Hi don't think I have said hello yet:o


I have been ok with food the last couple days. I have walked another 3 miles so that feels nice. I did have a regular coke late last night. Brittany has had a headache since Monday and so I took her to the ER last night and it was so late and I was so sleepy so we got a bottle from the vending machine. She doesn't really like diet coke or coke zero so I went with the calories. ER was a waste of time gave her a shot asked if she felt better she said no they said ok we're sending you home. LOL Thanks for nothing. I got her a dr appt this afternoon.


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Brooke: Importants notes on Step Aerobics...


1. For the beginning, just use the Step on the floor with no risers. You will still get a workout.

2. If you get lost in the routine, just do the basic step and wait until you can catch up.

3. Make sure your whole foot lands in the middle of the Step without your heels hanging off the ends. (hard on the achilles tendon)

4. If you get too tired and cannot use the Step anymore, or even in the beginning if you are not comfortable stepping on the Step, you can do the same moves on the floor with no step.


I love Stepping. Some can be really hard and complicated and some easier patterns. Hopefully the students know to start with the basic steps and do not complicate things too much. Have fun!

Edited by Bellfree Bat
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Brooke - I like doing my hair and makeup but I hate wearing dresses. Not that I don't like to dress nice, it's just that everything I find (especially dresses) is never flattering. We are just ordering the dresses online so I'm basically putting all my faith that the dress will fit and look decent on me. I'm very paranoid about it.


When I graduated high school everyone of course wore a cap and gown well they asked all the seniors to go to this one person who would take down your measurements. Well the guy took one look at me, I told him my size and he wrote it down and that was it. I had a bad feeling about it but ignored it, until the night before graduation. We got the gowns and lo and behold it didn't fit at all!!!! I freaked out because graduation was the next day!! Luckily I found one (had to drive an hour away to get it) and it worked out. The last wedding I was in (my brothers) I had my gown made by the brides friend. Well yeah she did a nice job and it looked nice but it looked horrible on me! it just hung there and even my mom agreed it made me look even bigger! :(


Brooke - with all my complaining you should just come take my place! I've been in enough weddings since I was 3. lol


Sooo happy it's Friday (pay day) and I'm really happy that tomorrow is my final payment on my car and I own it!!


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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I know the feeling. I always had trouble finding the dresses too, but I guess my grandma just installed the "princess" snydrome in me, lol. I'll take your place!!!



Speaking of clothes. I posted my cruise wardrobe so far on my blog if you want to see.



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happy weekend girls!! Glad that summer is almost here. No more waking the kids up early but then I am sure you will also see me say I can't wait till school starts back up. LOL


Jess- I know what you mean about lots of weddings. I have been in 10 (not including my own) unless I have forgotten one. Although my favorite would have been my cousins at the wedding pailion in Disney World. All the kids and I were in it. I realized that I was going to be the oldest one in the wedding which was full of kids in their early 20's so I became paronid of looking older then everyone else and lost down to 104 and was in great shape. It is some of the only pictures of me I liked but the marriage didn't last so now I hate posting them everywhere because of the brides feelings. Man I wish I could get motivated like that again. I was working out 2 hours a day and food didn't bother me at all. All I thought about was the wedding. Of course I ended up looking more like 12 then 20's lol. At the bridal tea I was asked if I was one of the jr bridesmaids:eek:.


Brooke- Hope your luck picks up. Seems like you have been having a lot of bumps in the last few days. Poor thing. By the way good luck picking up before your Mom gets home.

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Enjoyed seeing your fashions for your cruise. Black and red is a fabulous combination for you.


Just a small fashion tip that is useful for everyone. When dressing, ask yourself where you want people's eyes to focus. That's the area you play up and down play the other areas. That's why a fabulous piece of (costume) jewellery keeps people focused near your face. The outfit need only be plain and simple. A bright coloured top and black bottoms also keeps attention away from the bottom. Embellishments around a neckline of a top such as beading and sequins is also a great distractor.

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Enjoyed seeing your fashions for your cruise. Black and red is a fabulous combination for you.


Just a small fashion tip that is useful for everyone. When dressing, ask yourself where you want people's eyes to focus. That's the area you play up and down play the other areas. That's why a fabulous piece of (costume) jewellery keeps people focused near your face. The outfit need only be plain and simple. A bright coloured top and black bottoms also keeps attention away from the bottom. Embellishments around a neckline of a top such as beading and sequins is also a great distractor.




You would be amazed to know that my greatest fashion trend is wearing my PJ bottoms. LOL I love love love my PJ's. Maybe when my kids get older I will change but I doubt it. My sister is the same way and she only has 1 kid and he is 12 now. My other sister is the exact opposite she wears heals everywhere. We look like strangers when we go out together. :) Praising the Lord that my husband is ok with my very laid back style. Its rare that the 2 of us go out on a date so when it does happen I do try and dress nicer. As a matter of fact I bought a $22 eyeliner on the ship so that I could have my makeup done by a makeup artist. It was so worth it for me. :o

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Thanks Gerri:). I do have jewerly, but I haven't planned that part out yet. I usually put what I want to wear together in little zip lock baggies and then lay it in the suitcase with the outfit. I guess that's my next step, after I finalize some of the outfits. Good tip though. I know a few pieces pull in around my stomach and its not pretty...I can do some alterations, so I might try to make them fit better.

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thurs L- yogurt, bannana, hamburger sandwich, green tea

thurs D- hamburger sandwich, water


fri B- one turkey sausage,two bacon & cheese w/ scramled eggs, coffee, rye toast

fri L- ham salad on crackers, water

fri D- 2 oz pork, noodles, broccoli, green tea


sat B- 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices bacon, 1/4 cup potatoes, rye toast, coffee

sat L- 1/2 ham sandwich w/ mustard, green tea, 15 cheez-its

sat D- hamburger sandwich, 20 chips, ice water


sun B- one scrambled egg, one sausage, biscuit, orange Hi-C


I feel like I have not been on here in ages seeing all the posts. Brooke I like your cruise clothes you have picked out.

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Brooke- love that idea of putting things in a bag and laying it with your outfit. By the way checked out your outfits and I think you are all set to have a wonderful and fashionable time.;) When is the big day when you guys tell your dad? Are you getting nervous?? I think I would be but I am sure your Mom is more so LOL. I asked my husband if he thought it made me maniputlating to wait and ask him something when he is in a ggod mood. He said no it just made me smart.:D


Kimmers- It seems you are getting a hang of facebook!!!


I am still making (mostly) good food choices. I haven't worked out any more then walking but I have been walking everyday!

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Thanks guys for the positive comments on the outfits. I'm still picking and choosing b/c I think 38 outfits is maybe a little obsessive, lol.




I love PJ pants too, but I keep them at home b/c I just can't pull them off otherwise, but they sure are comfy!!!!!


Umm, we haven't told him yet. Mom is waiting for Mother's Day I think. Just waiting for a day where he kind of has to be nice to her, lol. Plus its around the time her mother died, so he might be nicer about it. We sure don't know how he will react. As he gets older, he seems to mellow just a little bit each year. He didn't fuss too much about her going to the wine festival this past weekend. But then again, he went turkey hunting. We will see......he'll just have to pout if he has too. Ain't gonna ruin my fun.


I see you are getting back on track too. I knew you would when you were ready and had time to put yourself back on top again! One step at a time, right?




You are getting the hang of FB. I love your comments on my wall....they are always helpful and funny.




Glad your last surgery went so well. I hope the next check up says you are free and clear and you can start planning your family.




Are then women in your office still doing the BL challenge thing?




I have to admit that I just had one of those weeks. I think I just fell into worrying about too much stuff and let that dictate what I was eating and how much of it. It stinks b/c I was doing so well and then to let yourself sabotage yourself is silly. But I did. Making life decisions, telling my boss about possibly getting my Phd., worrying about them hiring a New VP of our dept., then my back is out of place and it really hindered my exercise. Yea, Yea.........whining never helped anything.


After eating french fries three times this week......yea (hanging head in shame) I have to stop this emotional eating. I HAVE to break the cycle. However, that will be a process, so for now....just back on track.


I proudly say that I did 2 15 mins intervals on my bike last night. 15 mins at more than a moderate pace for the full 15 mins. I know for most people this is easy, but I hadn't done it before and I was very proud of myself.


We have interviews for a Grants Manager today, so I don't know if I'll make it to the gym for lunch and then I have a Chiro apt. after work so I will have to do whatever at home. But the chiro is needed b/c I have to get my back straight so I can get back to full force exercise. I was up this morning on the scale, but I think I'm bloated too b/c I was drinking soda too much again (diet) and not enough water. So...back to water again. I've almost drank 20oz already this morning and have a whole 33oz waiting on my desk.


I've got my transcripts ready, now I have to get my recommendation letters. My old Director from undergrad......saw her this morning....she said she wanted to set up a lunch meeting with me so we can talk. She is very excited for me and I will need the advice that she can offer.


OHHHH, almost forgot to tell you. May be up a little on the scale, but I measured last night and I was down an inch in my thighs and another inch in my waist. So, I'll hang onto that!


I hope everyone has a good Monday


Good Choices.

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I may have to quit my Fat Girl blog. Though I love the outlet it gives me for being myself and maybe helping other girls like me....people just irk me. I can't take these people who write such negative things to me. They don't even know me and you would think I killed their cat sometimes.


Its so said b/c it was a great outlet for me to express myself and deal with some of the issues that normally make me feel so ashamed of being Fat. But with this blog I feel like I shouldn't be ashamed b/c its not helpful to the road I want to go down. I am who I am at this point in my life and I must love and embrace that person and her Large Hips, Big Butt, Kickstand stomach, Lane Bryant wearing self. After all the years of being a drama major, you think I could take some criticism.....the pure fact is that these people don't want to give constructive criticism, they just want to be hateful and poo poo on me b/c they are having a bad day or life or whatever.


I have to ask myself this? WWCED (What would Cass Elliot Do?)? I don't think I can write on here what Cass Elliot would do.


Thanks for that venting moment.:cool:

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