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Cruising to Healthy


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Welcome back Brooke. I really enjoyed the photo's. Things around here ae starting to get busy but hopefully next week will be a lot calmer.



In case I don't make it back on here before the 4th everyone have a wonderful and safe 4th of July.

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OMG, I have like 5 seconds to get on here and tell you guys how much I missed you and how much I'm looking forward to getting back on track! My new boss has buried me in work and she has only been here a week and I just got back today...............:eek:


Only gained 3lbs!:eek::D


I'll try to check in tonight.

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Ugh, I don't know if my body is trying to re-adjust or it might be the waking up every 5 mins. trying to figure out if I'm on the ship or at home. I'm soooo very tired, but have a lot of work ahead of me the rest of this week.




BK: Fiber one cereal, thin bagel

Snack: cereal bar (90 calories), 100 calorie snack, Oats and honey bar (2)

Lunch: BBQ, tbsp of potato salad, tbsp of baked beans, 1 roll (came back to a going away party for our other boss that left.

Dinner: sloppy joe (1) and baked fries, donut (mom brought them home and the one thing I didn't get on the cruise was donuts!)


Workout: 20 mins. I've been so bloated lately and I can guess why:rolleyes:, so exercise was so uncomfortable, but I did 20 mins at least. Taking the night off, so I can get some extra sleep and then back to it on Thurs.


I have to meet with my new boss this morning and I hope I make a good impression, all the change makes me nervous. Change is normally good, but I think when a lot of things start changing.......its a warning sign.


I haven't had time to write up a review yet, but I'll do it ASAP and let you guys know if you want to see it.


Okay, I have to get on some work now.........if I can keep my eyes open.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - glad you had a great time on the cruise. Are you ready to go on another one? LOL :p


Good luck with the new boss by the way. I wish I had a new...ok nevermind. LOL :p


I'm not happy with myself I went to the store last night with a goal set in mind. I new what I was going to get to make a "healthier then cho. chip cookies snack" When I was on weight watchers, a friend's mom was also on weight watchers and she lost over 90lbs. She was a sweet eater also and one of the snacks she mentioned she makes which is super easy is to take two low fat or fat free chocolate graham crackers break them in half and put about a tablespoon of fat free cool whip on one cracker and top with another half. Wrap it in plastic wrap and freeze for a couple hours or however long it takes for it to freeze and it tastes just like a Ice Cream Sandwich but I like it better because they don't get soggy. I think it was only like 1 WW point and under 100 calories (maybe around 60)


Anyway I went to the store to buy those two things and they didn't have the chocolate graham crackers and I couldn't think of anything else I wanted and I ended up getting the chocolate chip cookies.


I think I will hit a different store today and throw out the rest of the cookies when I get home. I hate it when things like that throw me off.


I had one cheeseburger my father made last night for dinner. This morning I was running late for work and had nothing :rolleyes: and I have left over broccoli salad from yesterday that I can have for lunch.


Have a good day everyone!

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I know what you mean. Its frustrating and you know what you want and your trying to be good and then you can't get it.......the next thing you know....your getting what you wanted originally b/c the more you look the more stuff you want.


Met my new boss yesterday. It seems like my plate will become full in the next month. Not only is my current work going to increase, but she wants me to start doing another position, Grant Writing. I have no training in this whatsoever, but she said that they would train me on it. Grant writing is very important and is essential to a lot of fund raising. I'm scared, but I hope I learn something new and that I'm good at it.




Bk: Fiber One/ Thin bagel


Snack: banana, cereal bar


Lunch: Subway w/ baked chips


Snack: Cherries/strawberries/100 calorie snack


Movie Snack: Nachos and diet soda


Dinner: Sloppy Joe and donut


Yea, not the best day, but I getting better about getting back into a frame of mind of not eating 24 7.


I went to see the new Twilight movie last night and then took my gifts over to my SIL and brother, then a shower, so in bed by 11pm. Not what I meant by getting more sleep. Although the cruise nightmares weren't there tonight. Instead I dreamed about getting married, but then walking down the aisle and realizing I didn't even know this person and why were they marrying me......like in both senses..........like I really didn't KNOW them, but the emotional sense of I didn't KNOW them either. It was so weird and its on my mind today. I wonder what my brain is trying to figure out?????


I might be planning my next cruise for Jan. 29th 2011. My friend Shatha wants to go and if my work is going to start getting more stressful it might be the perfect time.


Anyway, got work to do..........Good Choices!

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Brooke- Yes that sounds like a strange dream. One of the strangest dreams that I have ever had was in black and white and I could see myself. I think it was also a scary movie and I was running from someone. That was many many years ago.


Jess- I hate that. It will drive me nuts till I get what I want. Its even worse when someone else starts talking about some food and convince you that it is what you want so you start thinking about it and then you can't have it. :mad:


Got family pictures taken today. For those of you on facebook it will seem easy to figure out my family because they are all in navy blue. I have seen a few of them and I must admit I hate myself in photos but the kids look so cute. The other people in the pictures are one set of inlaws. It is my husbands dad and stepmoms side but my father in law passed away in 2008.


Oh well more family activites to get to and I have an awful headache.

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I feel so bad started 3rd shift on Monday and this week is so crazy have not got on here was doing good to check FB. But I'm on here now when you all are probably sleeping :)


I did make it back to Curves twice this week my plan is to go tomorrow too but we'll see as I have to go to bank too.


I've been doing good but have added a pop for the caffiene to keep me awake. I'm mad that water will not do the trick.


thur break weight watcher smart one

thur lunch bowl of Cheerios w/ milk

thur snack 1/4 cup nuts

thur dinner sausage patty, 2 eggs, rye toast, green tea

I guess I craved Breakfast al day :) LOL

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losing weight is a constant battle and not an easy one too. i always try to eat healthy to avoid gaining weight that in the end i'll have a hard time to lose. it is hard, very hard, but doable as long as one is commited and determined to do so.

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Oh boy, I just hit the work hard this morning and haven't got a break until now.




I saw the pics........BOY do your kids look like you, Especially Brittany! They are all good looking kids too!




I can't imagine working that shift and then switching back and forth too!

That is soooo great you made it to Curves!

I now the deal about the soda.....I don't do coffee except for the skinny latte and so sometimes soda is the only way I can do caff. Sometimes diet can get on my nerves, so what I do is mix it half and half if I can. I'll put half diet coke and half reg. (usually the diet coke is a little heavier). But now I'm going back to diet (post cruise) and then I'll cut it back down to 1 or 2 a week.




Nice to meet you. Thanks for the encouragement. It is very hard, but I think all of us here are on our way to achieving what we put our minds to, just like you said.




BK: Fiber One and thin bagel (these things are great....still bagel taste half the calories)


Snack: Fruit.....Fruit and more fruit.....my tummy was confused.


Lunch: Leftover sloppy joe meat and sandwich with ritz 100 calorie mix.


Snack: 100 Kudos bar


Snack: Donut at home and thing bagel.


Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with seasoning and ketchup, Garden Green beans, mashed potatoes, small slices of Italian bread with some butter and garlic.


Snack: Fiber cereal and oatmeal cream cookie (small one)


Workout: None.......I wanted to sleep, but I ended up getting into the book I was supposed to be reading on the cruise and stayed up until 10 anyway.


I know the food isn't looking good. I really have to put my foot down now that I'm back, but I have to be taking in less calories than I was on the cruise. The problem is that I'm not moving as much as I was on the cruise. No walking the length of the ship several times a day. So, I've been gaining each day! BTW, my math was .........well.........my math. I weighed 317.8 when I left and I was 319.2 when I got back, so that is about 1.5lbs. Now I'm at 321. I hope its retention from all the salt and heat and driving and etc.


I know it will help when my trainer gets back next week. I'll get back into gear again.


I know I said I didn't want to talk too much about the cruise b/c I'll write a review, but this pertains to this boards purpose. On the ship they had Hypnotist (comedy), but he was serious about the study b/c he was doing his Phd and has a license. He did a seminar later that week and was very serious. Of course he had a CD to sale, but I liked what he had to say and I thought he made a point. That all we have to do to lose weight is eat less and exercise and any diet's main point is just that, so they all work. But if your mind isn't fully on board, then you do things like cheat or quit. He said that's where Hypno therapy helps......it reaches your mind and focuses your thoughts on doing well.


A year or more ago I downloaded one of those subliminal messages tapes on my iPod to help me with weight loss. But according to this guy...you have to be willing to be Hypnotized and willing to take the suggestions or it won't work. Now from what I saw him do onstage and listening to this tape.....the tape is pretty much putting you in a relaxed Hypnosis state so it can suggest things to you. So, this week I've been listening to this tape as i go to sleep at night. You have to do it everyday for 6 weeks is what the tape says, so I'm going to give it a try and see if it makes a difference.


Well, time to make a new goal right? Well, I want to make that stupid 50lb mark, so I'm going to say I want to lose 20lbs by the end of the year. With all the major eating holidays on the way I think 20lbs is reasonable.


Also, it looks like me and my friend Shatha are planning a Jan. cruise, so I might another cruise goal too. But since the end of the year and the end of Jan. are really close........I'll wait to see how long it takes me to hit 50lbs first.


Alright, I have to grab some lunch and then get back to work.


Good Choices Guys!

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It's been so crazy here at work. We are having a fourth of july sale and the phones have been ringing like crazy. I am soo ready for the weekend!!


This morning I did have a bagel and half an ice coffee


lunch I had one lean pocket (which I did not like)


so far that is it not sure what I will do for dinner but I really want to go see a movie. Yesterday for lunch I had left over spinach and artichoke dip with a few wheat crackers and for dinner I made a little bit of garlic pasta and threw in chicken strips that were already cooked and needed to be used.


And I made several of those Ice Cream sandwiches and brought a few too work to keep in the freezer in case I needed a snack or something sweet. I figure it's better then going next door to Dunkin Donuts.


I feel like the past couple of days I've been starving myself, I haven't been snacking as much and have missed a couple meals here and there. I think I need to bring in some fruits and veggies so I don't feel as hungry and tempted when I get out of work.


I'll check back wiht you guys later.


Hope you all have a great and healthy weekend!

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Jess- sounds as though you are trying. I think we are all in a funk.We are all making good choices just the weight is not falling off.


Annette-thanks I'm trying a routine so far it is working.


Kelcy - welcome to the boards


Brooke-I have been hypnotized before for weight loss and lost approx 60 lbs. I still listen to the tape I have but not everyday like I should maybe I should try to do it again. You got me thinking girl.


fi breakfast- 2 eggs and toast, water

fri lunch 1/2 of a 6" sub from Subway, water

fri dinner-meatloaf, baked potato w/ chives & butter, water

fri snack- S'More- we had a little campfire so I could have my craving cookie

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Got the day off, but after all the food I put in my mouth this weekend I really just need to exercise all day. I just let it go this weekend. I'm hoping this is a new trend.


I'm using a new day to start new. Get back to counting my points and putting healthy things in my body. Then On Wed. I'll be back with my trainer.


Today I need to clean up the diaster zone called my bedroom from where I came back from the trip and washed all the clothes, but didn't put them away. I'm trying to work on my review, but I have writers block.




When is your cruise, I can't remember.

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Hope you all had a great 4th of July! Mine was good but I have been having some attacks with my trigiminal nuralgia (spelling?) I have had it for about 7 years but haven't had it this bad for years. After the first year or so it was under control except when I was pregnant. It involves a lot of facial pain. It stinks for it to be acting up again.


Ok enough of my complaining:( Thanks Brooke (I think it was you who said something about the pictures. lol)

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I've complained enough about my back..........I think we can all share a little pain here.


Ugh, I don't even want to tell you how much weight I've gained this past week. You would think I'd been on a cruise last week instead of the week before. I went from 319.2 to 324.2. It was like the cruise gave my body some kind of permission to eat like an elephant! I actually gained more after the cruise. But then again walking a cruise ship everyday vs sitting at my desk for 8 hours a day doesn't add up either.


So, I just have to focus my mind back to the task at hand. If I want to I can knock off the weight I gained this week.....if I put in the hard work and effort.

This means:


Going back to the gym

Going back to counting every single point

Going back to watching the kind of calories or points I take it

Increasing my water back up

And positive thinking.


Hopefully, I'll be able to check all those things off my list by the end of the week.


I gotta check and make sure my trainer and I will meet tomr., but I'm heading to the gym this evening anyway.


So, now I'm going to take a few mins. at work to try and figure out if I can transfer a download from my home Itunes to my work Itunes b/c at home its taking 2 hours for each episode to download. If anyone has any ideas.....let me know.


Good choices

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sun Breakfast- cinamon roll, coffee

sun lunch- cheerios, milk

sun dinner-cookout hamburger, macaroni salad, sweet slaw, fresh fruit


mon breakfast -2 eggs, rye toast

mon lunch- veggie chips

mon dinner-pork chop, zucchini, fresh green beans -both from garden! small piece SF cherry pie & SF ice cream


tues breakfast -2 eggs, bacon, coffee

tues lunch-hamburger leftover, veggie chips, green tea

tues dinner- spaghetti, small brownie, milk


wed breakfast- 2 eggs, rye toast

I know I have to watch the sweets but I'm used to eating more, So I myself am pleased at my results. I've lost 3 lbs. since sun 27th so not bad.


Annette-you're not complaining. I loved your family pics too


Brooke- Cruise is in September so have 3 months to go. Hopefully I can get some weight off. I'm in a slump, I am eating right except for sweets, and exercising alot, Curves, swimming,bike riding plus walking. I get more exercise in summer and I cannot get this weight to shove. I do not know what else to do. Everyone I speak to say that if I give up sweets that I will crave them more and then indulge with more calories so they like that I'm allowing myself the treat but in small quantity. Thanks for listening! :)

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I def. think that it is true that if you deny yourself you only want things more. Like the stupid wedding cake slices we brought home from the wedding last Friday. I got up the next morning and all I could think of was that stupid cake......I ate breakfast.......then I distracted myself with reading a book, then watching a movie, but by the afternoon my mind just kept going back to that stupid cake. So, I figure if I ate the dang thing I would stop wanting it. Sure enough.......I ate it and even though we had 2 more slices in the house.......I didn't want them anymore. I'm sure others would say I should have just thrown it away, but when you share a home with someone, like parents, my mom would not have liked that I threw all the cake away, but they weren't in line eating it so I wouldn't or hiding it so I couldn't (Not that they should have to.).


Which brings me to a point I thought of yesterday......I think I would quit being so lazy about my food choices if I lived on my own. I think I would prepare food for the week more often (Not all the time though) and I would have the choice of what food was in the house. Jess, could you shed some light on this since you have been on your own for a while?


I would love to have my own place, but budget wise.....I just can't. I should take the money I'm spending on cruises and save it, but I just love cruising and I love doing it while I free of family or b/f obligations. Not that I don't want that someday. I did get an email from my old professor the other day, out of the blue. The one that asked me to submit a resume to teach some evening classes......well he sent me another email asking if I was still interested in teaching a adjunct speech class in the evening........that he would set up an interview with the dean. I probably should have asked my boss, but.....you know what.......Its in the evening, after my normal job hours are over and if I wanted to go work at Wal-mart in the evening I wouldn't have to ask her permission. So, I said yes. If I interview, there is a big chance I won't get the job, so why worry about it anyway. My point being........a little extra paycheck would be nice to help make extra payments on my car and get it paid off quicker. Plus, I think it would help me decide where I wanted to go with my career and education.


I have some opportunities on my plate as of right now:


The new Grant Writing added to my current position

This possible teaching position

And in the far left.....I've thought about applying to be entertainment staff on a cruise ship though I want to lose about 75lbs before I try that.


I asked God to lead me in the right direction for my career and it seems he has put some opportunities on my plate and I hope that he guides me in my choices.


Moving past the life choices saga and onto the Fat choices saga:



BK: Fiber One cereal, arnolds bread toast

Snack: Whole Grain cheese crackers for 190 calories

Lunch: Grilled chicken sandwich and fries from DQ (yea, I know)

Snack: Kudos bar for 100 calories, sugar free Life Savers (3)

Dinner: One fried chicken breast (I tried to pull the skin off), 1/4 potato salad, 4 slices of arnolds thin wheat bread with 1 tbsp of smart balance butter.

Snack: One oatmeal cream cookie (small)



20 mins on the bike with a speed of 70 (avg.) and level 5

5 mins of core workout and stretching

10 mins of elliptical on level 2


I feel like that is a new start to starting over, though not my best work. I'll get back into the swing of things in no time.


I need to call my trainer and make sure we are working out today, though I'd do it myself if he didn't come.


Good Choices

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Brooke *Warning Long Answer. lol*


There are days when I do well and there are days when I do not so well. For me it's all mind over matter. If I don't buy it then I don't have it. Recently I have stopped buying sweets. I went into a phase living on my own that I could bake chocolate chip cookies just because I was living on my own, nobody would see me and nobody would say anything. When I made anything like that at my parents house I would wait until they went to bed because they would complain about my bad eating habits. Well it didn't matter because they would smell them and get up and start complaining. So anyway I was doing that but have stopped because well, I really thought about it and looked at the package at the calories I was consuming and let me tell you, it didn't matter that I did really well during the day - because at night time I was consuming between 700-800 calories worth of cookies (about 8). :eek:


So I'm happy to say that since learning that I have cut out buying the cookies and opting for something else like no sugar added popsicles (plus it's a better choice in this hot weather).


I will admit I've been eating dinner at my parents house the past week but that's to save money and they have been doing well with their eating. Also my parents have been sending me a nice salad every day for lunch (I'm so spoiled :p).


I will say the choices I have made are better and impulses are less frequent. When you get on your own you know there is nobody to blame but yourself.


So to sum it up I would say if you can afford it - you should at least try it. Maybe it will work for you and maybe it won't. Personally I think it would help you. Just have to watch what you buy and still keep your mind set to your goal. Sometimes you have to do things all on your own when it comes to losing weight even if that means placing yourself in your own setting. I'm not suddenly losing so much weight but I'm learning new receipes, trying new things and learning from mistakes which in the long run I think will help me. :)


I don't regret it - I still love having my own place. I get just enough visit time with my family that I don't miss them so much when I'm home. (plus I'm only 5-10 min away from them)


On Monday I went to go to a WLS meeting but totally forgot that it's reconized at a holiday so there was no meeting. We went and bought some clothes at Avenue and over one hundred dollars later I walked out with 4 bras, 1 shape fitting panty, 2 pairs of shoes and one really nice dressy top. I was happy I got a coupon discount of about $40 bucks. They were having their semi annual sale. (Fyi Brooke ;))


We then couldn't decide where to go for dinner then we realized a new ihop just opened up and we love ihop. We went and I was almost gonna get a breakfast with bacon and eggs until I realized on the back menu they had healthier options. We both elected on a grilled chicken sandwich with tomato, lettuce, no mayo and it came with a side of fruit. The chicken was sooo good and moist. We were really happy we both made a good decision on what to eat.


Today I have a salad for lunch no idea what's for dinner.

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Hi Everyone - I just came across this thread and I am hoping to join in. My name is Kim an I am a married mom of 2 boys, work part time and desperately need to lose weight for my next cruise in November, but of course for life in general.


I am oh-so-hesitant to post my weight, but let's just say it's not good. :( I have struggled all of my life. My only success was in 1999 when I lost 75 lbs on Weight Watchers (but still needed to lose 75 more) and then gained most of it back. That is where I am now. I have started and stopped a thousand "diets" in my life, and I honestly feel like time is running out. I am 41. A young 41, but still 41. I don't have money to put into programs or a gym, so I need to get motivated on my own and hopefully with a little help from friends. My husband is supportive and never says a word about my weight, but I know he wants me to feel good about myself and be healthy. So do I. I need to this for myself and my family. My boys are young and I want to be there for them as they go through school, graduate, get married, etc.


I have a cruise booked for November. I would like to be able to lose 30-40 lbs. It may seem like that is not enough time, but I think it is. Aren't we all "supposed" to be able to lose 1-2 lbs a week safely? I will take the 2 lbs a week and be well on my way.


I am very much of a closet eater, but who am I kidding? By now, I am sure that everyone has figured it out. It's not my metabolism, it's my mouth. I love all the bad foods, but I also enjoy the good-for-you foods. I don't discriminate!


I look forward to following this thread and hopefully gettings the motivation I need to get away from the refrigerator and off of the couch!

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wed lunch-spaghetti, milk

wed snack- veggie chips, water

wed dinner- ribs, baked potato, fresh green beans, 1 scoop ice cream, green tea


thurs breakfast- 2 eggs, toast



Welcome Kim - Hope we can encourage you to get on your journey.


Brooke- I live with my parents and seem the same way if I can prepare meals or buy smart ones maybe I would lose. i have tried it at home where I eat a smart one and parents eat something else. It worked for awhile then I felt if they can eat it I can too as my mom prepares meals on the heart/diabetic diet for my dad. I see where you are coming from.


Jess- thats great you have been visiting family that is what i hate the most eating all by myself.

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I think I will come back later and write more, but right now my stomach is giving me a fit......I'm gonna try putting my head down and not moving for a little while.


Is this what happens when you go off a diet and eat crap food for a week or two?

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I woke up somewhat encouraged, thinking I might have a place to check in. So, it's 8:41am and so far, so good. 1/2 bagel with light cream cheese and coffee for breakfast. I have gone outside and pulled out the kiddie pool for some outdoor play with the boys, too. We will be going to the grocery store where I plan on picking up some fruit for snacking.


Thanks for welcoming me! :D Kim

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Okay, I think I can do this now.




I wish my dad would go on a diet with his cholst. and BP b/c then he wouldn't have to spend over $200 a month on meds. He isn't a big man at all, but its just in his family. It would also help me b/c then mom would have to cook for him want he needed and not what he wanted and therefore I would get better stuff too and not feel left out.




WELCOME! Sorry I didn't say that right off the bat, but I was just plain feeling bad. We are happy to have you and hope that you can feel comfortable here and that we can help you and you can in turn help us! Speaking of...have you heard of Sparkpeople.com. I used it for a while before I went back to WW. I know you said you couldn't do a paying plan right now and Sparkpeople is FREE! Just like WW you record your food and exercise in an online journal. They have listings of food with calories and such. They graph how much fat and calories, sugars, proteins etc. They also have a community just like WW. The only real difference is you are counting calories and not points, which who are we kidding, they are the same thing, lol. OHHH, did I mention free exercise demos???!!! Give it a look and see if it will help you out or work for you.




You are great! I knew you would have a perspective on the matter. And don't worry, you aren't the only one that waits for people not to be around to eat b/c you don't want to get "the Look" or the "Wouldn't you rather eat fruit?" statement. I hid food all the time as a kid b/c I was ashamed, but I also didn't want to be judged. Its probably one of my mental blocks that causes my issues with food.



BK: Fiber One cereal, skinny latte

Snack: Crackers

Lunch: Subway turkey sub with baked chips (I tried Olive oil, but with the mayo and mustard.....it does add some flavor though...I might think about it in the future.

Snack: 2 90 cal.cereal bars and Smart Balance FF milk

Dinner: 2 slices of meat pizza and 1 slice of thin crust cheeseburger pizza

Snack: Fiber Cereal


Workout: My trainer wanted to move out session to today, so I didn't go...but mainly b/c my stomach was hurting again. This morning it was too. Its like a sour stomach feel....but like you have to go, but not really.


So, I tried the Smart Balance milk. Its 110 cal. and 1 gram of fat, which I guess makes it technically ff or it wouldn't be on the carton. They were on sale for 2/6.00 and a 75 cent coupon was on the freezer door in the store. My verdict: Well, I think its good for now. It def. does have a creamier taste and isn't as watery looking as skim. I'll see though, I think you have to try something for a while to really get a feel. It does have a little bit of a powdered milk after taste though.


I also tried taking the ginger pills we got for the cruise. After all the stomach trouble I read the label and it said to help with digestion. I can't take it at night though b/c the lady said it would keep you awake. I don't know if my stomach settled on its on this morning (though not fully) or if it was the ginger pill, but I'll keep trying it.


Got my job description yesterday with the addition. My boss asked if I would be getting a raise b/c I'm pretty much taking on a job they were going to hire a whole new person for. Our VP said they would see how I did after 3 months.


Got an A/C window unit in my office now......lol. Our president isn't here and I think she will have a FIT when she gets back and sees AC units sticking out of the windows. But I guess I'm not hot now.......lol.......my fingers are purple.


I think I'm going to take another ginger pill......:o


Good Choices.

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I am writing this after my lunch. I had a grilled chicken sandwich (made on my George Foreman grill - a handy dandy thing when I am hungry and and need a fast meal) and corn on the cob. I am home today, so these days are my biggest challenges. Luckily, the cabinets are kind of sort of free from anything that tempts me too much. But there is still some Easter candy lurking in the back. It technically belongs to my kids, but they don't know it's there. I should probably dump it. But, we know how that is.


I will look more into Spark People. I have glanced through it, but I should just jump in with both feet.


I was getting pretty discouraged with myself lately. I have been trying ONCE AGAIN to lose weight for this cruise since the beginning of the year. As you can see from my signature, I am going on a Rick Springfield cruise. I have been a fan for 28 years. (For those of you young ones, you might have to Google him!) My husband and I went on the first 2 cruises that he had and I promised myself I would lose weight. Well, of course, I did not. Then, I came home with these cool experiences, but I hate looking at myself in the pictures. This year, I have a $500 spending money incentive from my mom to lose a total of 50 lbs before the cruise. (Not that I should need the incentive from her.) So, off to a great start on March 1. I lost 19 lbs, then fell apart. No excuses. Just starting eating mass quantities again and not exercising in the least.


So, here I am. I have not gotten back on the scale. I can tell from my clothing that at least some of the weight has come back on. I need to get on the scale and face the numbers.


I love reading back through this thread. I feel like I can relate to so much of what you are all going through.

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