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I'm sorry Brooke. If we lived closer- I would totally go with you!!


I did another kickboxing class yesterday..and I snacked on snap peas and carrots so I was pretty proud how well I did yesterday. I convinced myself this morning to get on the scale....BAD idea. Not only did I not lose, but I gained!!!:mad: I know 1 day of hard work doesn't make a huge difference on the scale but I have also made changes so not sure what it is..but I guess this means I gotta work even harder to get it off. This morning I found a box of no sugar added hot chocolate in my cupboard so I took that too work instead of getting a regular one a Dunkin's. Salad for lunch and I got my carrots to snack on. No soda for me..tomorrow morning is weigh in day and I'll be damned if I am still at gaining point tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone!

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Jess- Sorry about the bad luck with the scale. It can be very depressing. Good job with the soda thing. I am still doing awful with that. I don't think I have ever struggled this much with sodas. I have been doing some kick boxing at my house. I like it and it doesn't take a lot to make you feel it either.


Brooke- Just make the most out of your birthday. I remember the last party I had for me was when I was 16. Now its all about JC since we have the same birthday. I love for my husband to rememeber me but other then that its just another day. Of course next year will be a sad one because my Nana always called on my Bday. As a matter of fact, she went into the hospital just 3 days after my bday and I was still real sick the week before that so I didn't see her on my bday and after she passed away and we were at her house we found a bday card with my name on it. It was a great card to it talked about the past, the present, and the future. I have it put up. I can't believe that you are actually going to get to go on another cruise before I go on mine. You might actually get another in there after that too. :p It's a lot harder to budget for a cruise for 6 people. I know you do Carnival cruises so I was wondering if you have noticed them going up in prices? I had priced a cruise on the Dream and then decided to go with Royal even though it was more $. Then yesterday I was doing some pricing things for my Dad and noticed that the cruise on the dream is now more $ then the one on Royal.


Rachel- Sounds like you are having a blast getting ready for your trip. I have never been to France although I am not one who really wants to travel overseas that much. I would like to go to Austalia one day though.

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Jess- Sorry about the bad luck with the scale. It can be very depressing. Good job with the soda thing. I am still doing awful with that. I don't think I have ever struggled this much with sodas. I have been doing some kick boxing at my house. I like it and it doesn't take a lot to make you feel it either.


Brooke- Just make the most out of your birthday. I remember the last party I had for me was when I was 16. Now its all about JC since we have the same birthday. I love for my husband to rememeber me but other then that its just another day. Of course next year will be a sad one because my Nana always called on my Bday. As a matter of fact, she went into the hospital just 3 days after my bday and I was still real sick the week before that so I didn't see her on my bday and after she passed away and we were at her house we found a bday card with my name on it. It was a great card to it talked about the past, the present, and the future. I have it put up. I can't believe that you are actually going to get to go on another cruise before I go on mine. You might actually get another in there after that too. :p It's a lot harder to budget for a cruise for 6 people. I know you do Carnival cruises so I was wondering if you have noticed them going up in prices? I had priced a cruise on the Dream and then decided to go with Royal even though it was more $. Then yesterday I was doing some pricing things for my Dad and noticed that the cruise on the dream is now more $ then the one on Royal.


Rachel- Sounds like you are having a blast getting ready for your trip. I have never been to France although I am not one who really wants to travel overseas that much. I would like to go to Austalia one day though.



Umm, I paid $879 for a balcony on deck 6 (extended) and the price went down $30pp a few weeks back. I paid just as much for the balcony as I did pp for me and mom in June for an inside. They have a inside for $439 on my Jan. cruise right now (7 days). The time of the year can account for $$$$$.


Probably not another cruise, but I'm thinking Ireland in the summer of 2011 to see my friend there. I think I can budget it in.

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Umm, I paid $879 for a balcony on deck 6 (extended) and the price went down $30pp a few weeks back. I paid just as much for the balcony as I did pp for me and mom in June for an inside. They have a inside for $439 on my Jan. cruise right now (7 days). The time of the year can account for $$$$$.


Probably not another cruise, but I'm thinking Ireland in the summer of 2011 to see my friend there. I think I can budget it in.


Funny you say that Brooke because I'm thinking Sweden in Summer 2011! lol


Oh and Japan! (not sure when though)

Edited by Jesscap5
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Sorry I have been so out of touch. Ironically enough, I only seem to want to report in when I am doing well. I definately had a slip - or 2 weeks worth of slips. I honestly don't know why I do it to myself. I feel so much better when I am making good choices and moving more. When I eat crap, I feel like crap. Why doesn't the old saying "You are what you eat" ever sink in???


I considered myself to be on a plateau before (or at least that is what I told anyone who dare asked). I actually gained 3 pounds. I am pretty sure my son's birthday cake, ice cream, cookies, brownies and various yummy things had something to do with it. :D I have a huge problem with having parties and holidays at my house. But, good news is that I lost the 3 plus one more. I am still hoping to lose some more before I leave on November 14.


Someone mentioned candy corn. I am oh so dreading Halloween now. Candy is my number one downfall. :eek:


Brooke...keep us updated on the meds. My doctor - whom I avoid at all costs - has not mentioned meds to me, but has mentioned surgery. I am sort of anti-weight loss surgery as I have a friend who had gastric bypass and then ended up on a feeding tube. I know there is no magic pill for us, but I curious to see if it works for you.



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Well today was weigh in day at work and although I did 3 kickboxing classes in 1 week and watched what I ate...I mentioned to only lose not even a pound. .4 to be exact. Maybe I ruined my chances by bingeing last weekend. So this weekend I'm going to try hard to stay on track. Hopefully that will make a difference in next weeks weigh in.

I don't think I will be doing anymore kickboxing this week though. I'll probably go again on Monday. I am very sore and really need to rest my body before I start up again..I did two days of kickboxing in a row.

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I'm sorry Brooke. If we lived closer- I would totally go with you!!


I did another kickboxing class yesterday..and I snacked on snap peas and carrots so I was pretty proud how well I did yesterday. I convinced myself this morning to get on the scale....BAD idea. Not only did I not lose, but I gained!!!:mad: I know 1 day of hard work doesn't make a huge difference on the scale but I have also made changes so not sure what it is..but I guess this means I gotta work even harder to get it off. This morning I found a box of no sugar added hot chocolate in my cupboard so I took that too work instead of getting a regular one a Dunkin's. Salad for lunch and I got my carrots to snack on. No soda for me..tomorrow morning is weigh in day and I'll be damned if I am still at gaining point tomorrow.


Have a good day everyone!

If you are drinking sugary juices this could be a problem too??? One would be amazed to see how much just cutting back on the sugar can do:p Are you eating first thing when you wake up? This is important to help kick your metabolism out of "rest mode" http://scottiesoverthetop.blogspot.com/

15 days to cruise date:D

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If you are drinking sugary juices this could be a problem too??? One would be amazed to see how much just cutting back on the sugar can do:p Are you eating first thing when you wake up? This is important to help kick your metabolism out of "rest mode" http://scottiesoverthetop.blogspot.com/

15 days to cruise date:D


Hi Hobbie!


Well I will say sugar is definitely a problem for me but I don't think I've had any juices. Speaking of metabolism, I have hypothyroidism so I take meds when I wake up on an empty stomach and have to wait 30 min to 1 hour before I can eat anything. The last time I saw my doctor she told me that my levels were so high that even if I was trying to lose weight, I wouldn't because of my thyroid..so I have another blood test coming up and hopefully we can get it under control.

I never miss meals either...especially breakfast.

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Sorry I didn't post today.


I'm trying to pump myself back up. I weighed this morning to help with the shock tomr. Yep I'm up 2lbs-3lbs.


I had a great talk with my co-worker today and one with my SIL last night. It was like I just needed them to vocalize what I already knew, to make myself realize that I know the steps I need to take to get back on track.


Tomr. my WW starts over for the week. So I will too, again. And I don't mind saying again, until I get it right.........so I will keep saying again, again, until I don't need to anymore.


I have to call for my blood test tomr. so I will let you know and my ecocardiogram will me next Wed. My trainer got super excited to see how my heart is.


Good Choices.

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sat B cereal w/ milk

sat L 1 peanut butter bread, water

sat D small bowl potato soup, 1/2 hamburger sandwich, 1 can of diet pepsi


sun B 2 eggs, toast, 4 oz. milk

sun L nothing just water

snack chex mix

sun D 4 slices of pizza, baked doritoes, 8 oz sierra mist, 1/2 slice birthday cake (sisters b-day)


mon B 1/2 a omelette (all meat) toast, coffee

mon L fiber one bar

mon D chicken pot pie, water, klondike bar


tues B 2 eggs, toast, coffee

tues L fiber bar & yogurt

tues D hamburger on grill, lettuce tomato, light mayo, cottage cheese


wed B jimmy dean light breakfast bowl, 4 oz. milk

wed L 2 pieces of pizza, mini kit-kat bar, water

wed D 2 ribs, small baked potato, asparagus, cottage cheese with tomoatoes, water

snack baked dorito snack bag


thurs B jimmy dean light breakfast bowl, 4 oz. milk

thurs L 2 pieces of pizza, mini kit-kat bar, water

thurs D took leftover 4 oz steak cut up and put in between totillas with cheese, water


This is my weeks worth of meal -not bad but still need some improvement. Next week cruise, going to try my best but the alcohol content might due me in LOL.


I will be off here for a couple of weeks.

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Hi everyone,

Well I finally got back to exercising last night, and it felt GOOD. When I get home from work, I usually go down one of two paths - either put on workout clothes and go downstairs to workout (we have a gym in our condo building, so I really have no excuse, I don't even have to go outside), OR I have a snack and get on the computer/tv. So, obviously I need to keep going with the working out option!!! That's my goal for the next few weeks. Let's see how many workouts I can get in.

Good news, my boots came and they fit my calves and I am soooo happy with them! I can't wait to start breaking them in!!

Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser premiere this week? There were so many sad stories on there! I really can emphatize with a lot of them - some of the stories were so sad, I just can't imagine going through that and still having to diet & exercise. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can completely understand the downward spiral some of them went through, and I just wish them the best in their journey forward. Looking forward to this season, it always inspires me.

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OK I hope I don't leave anybody out but the only think that I seem to lose around here is my memory. lol


Hobbie- (Is that right and is that a name ?) I see that you are almost to your cruise. So I am adding you to the list of people that I don't like but it will only be while you are on the cruise so for now I am going to say welcome and if you don't mind fill me in on what you think the biggest tips to weight lose are.


Brooke- Sorry you had a bad week. I am really really thinking about Weight Watchers this time. If you wouldn't mind would you tell me the points to a can coke and a 16 oz bottle of coke?? Maybe seeing this will get me off this awful kick I am on.


Jess- I am so sorry you work hard and then don't get those results you are wanting. Let us know how the blodd results turn out. I really hope the new meds work and it lets you see the results you are after. A man spoke in the church the other day and he had been told by drs that he had the slowest metabolisim they had ever seen and he would have to stay under 1000 calories a day to even see results. He said he had always struggled with weight and he weighed 76 lbs in 1st grade and was up to 90 something by 2nd grade. He has lost down to 340 now because he had surgury about 18 months ago but he almost lost his ability to walk. He couldn't even move his toes for a long time but now can walk with crutches.


Kimmers- You probably won't check in now that vcay is so close but WE WILL MISS YOU and your little list too (said in her wicked witch from Oz voice.) lol


Rach-I only watched part of the Biggest Loser. I was not very happy with how they did the first show. I mean I know they are making tons of money making the show so I think they should have took all of those they picked to the ranch. I can only remember that man that kept falling on his face and then lost really that was just mean if you ask me. I hope this show is not going to be making a lot of changes like American Idol because I really lost all desire to watch it the last few years. But I admit Biggest Loser is usually a big motivater for me. Something about watching it while you are on the treadmill makes you want to swing your arms a little faster.


Kim #2- I am glad you got those lbs back off. Good job jumping back on board after being off just a couple weeks. Sweets and holidays is something I am dreading to.


As far as me I have walked 5 miles in the last 3 days. Glad that my shows have started back up since I have an excuse to do some work while watching my shows.

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OK I hope I don't leave anybody out but the only think that I seem to lose around here is my memory. lol


Hobbie- (Is that right and is that a name ?) I see that you are almost to your cruise. So I am adding you to the list of people that I don't like but it will only be while you are on the cruise so for now I am going to say welcome and if you don't mind fill me in on what you think the biggest tips to weight lose are.


I would say biggest tips are NEVER miss meals, Eat Small Portions(size of palm) Eat first thing when you wake up, Get your heart rate up for longer than 20 minutes when you excercise. Stay active daily :D

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I knew this lull in work wouldn't last for long. My list just grew substantially.


Anyway, Well, I weighed this morning and I was 322. So I felt better. I haven't journaled all weekend though............bad habits.


I went out dancing and drinking, lol..........this weekend so maybe they countered each other.


I have my workout clothes in the car ready for this evening. I haven't started the meds yet b/c I have to the test before I take them. I will respect that part of what the Dr. asked of me though she gave me the script already.


The antibiotic seems to be working, my ear isn't as cloudy and I can feel drainage. I need to take some mucinex though to make sure my chest doesn't get filled up.


Homecoming weekend for work and me (since I'm alum), so I will busy no matter what this week. If I don't get on, I apologize.


Good Choices.

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Hello Ladies


First time in what has seemed like forever I got to do some shopping this past weekend. Super excited because I actually found a cute pair of shoes for my cousins wedding on Friday that matches my dress. I was nervous about the color of the dress (because I just got it in today) so I stuck to black for the shoes. Food wise - was o.k. Better then the week before. I think if I had stuck more to a schedule it would have been better because Saturday I didn't have anything to eat until noon (bagel with sundried tomato cream cheese) and then I didn't eat anything until late that night..I wasn't expecting a huge loss but when I got back on the Scale yesterday..I gained and I wasn't expecting 3-4 pound gain from the weekend. :(


Anyway I went to Kickboxing last night and trying to make better food/drink choices and get into a routine. The weekends are the hardest though.


Hope everyone is doing welll. Brooke miss your posts. We need to share fashion tips. :D

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Well the nurse didn't run out of the room, so I'm guessing nothing showed up on my heart that she would worry about, but the Dr. must read it and let me know later.


Soooooooooooooooooo busy.




I miss you guys too. I'm super jealous about the kickboxing, I would be so scared to do something like that.



Good Choices!

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Just wanted to do a quick stop. I miss you all. Headache right now so this will be short. Has exercised 5 out of the last 6 days:D I didn't have Coke yesterday or today!! I have even done really well on my food today as well so prayerfully this is a turn around for me. I am really sick of feeling queasy not sure why I have been so much lately and it is not that I am pregnant so please don't even think that. I love my kids but still feel certain that 4 was enough. All I can guess is stupid allergies.


Still haven't gotten to see "Biggest Loser" from last night but hope to watch it while I am on the treadmill in the morning.


Please say a prayer for my Mom as her levels are very low again and we have an extra appt to see the Dr. We are still blessed to have him though because when the nurse called with the results (which we knew that they had to be low because she is feeling so weak and sick) she said the dr wanted to see her Thursday 2:20pm then goes he doesn't have patients that day let me go see if this is really what he meant and she comes back and says yep thats what he wants. Love to have a dr that will come in when he doesn't have to for the well being of his patients. I am pretty sure she will have to go back on the TPN for a while but as much as a pain as it can be she is feeling really bad.

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Brooke I have a feeling your results will be just fine. The kickboxing class isn't as harsh as the word seems. It's just girls from my work that are trying to lose weight too and it really is a hard working workout. I sweat more at this class then I did with the personal trainer. It's really hard but I like it.


Annette - hope you feel better and I will pray for your mom.


SO what are the results of good eating (for the most part anyway) and kickboxing? A GAIN! Not a full pound but still not getting the results. I only gained .2 . The only thing I can think that it might be is mother nature who decided to show up today (weigh in day). I still need to stay more focused though on the weekends and stick to a constant schedule or else I'm all over the place!


I will not be on here until next week because tomorrow is my cousins wedding and I will be gone during the weekend. So I hope everyone has a happy and healthy weekend!!

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Time is just getting away from me and I never seem to make it over to the boards on a regular basis. My cruise is approaching quickly - I can now say it is NEXT MONTH. I am down 32 lbs, but I am lowering my goal for the cruise. I would be thrilled with 8 more lbs. I just want to be realistic. I find that the weight just is coming off so much more slowly than it used to. When "they" say it's harder to lose weight as you get older, they are not kidding. :( I am -ahem- 41. The last time I had anything close to this success was 10 years ago and the lbs seemed to literally fall off. I was also working full time then and had less access to food. I work part time now and raise my 2 boys. Being home more means being closer to the refrigerator and I also have all kinds of snacky things in the house "for the kids". No excuses, it just adds to the difficulty factor.

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This past week was sooooooooooo busy and my weekend was that too. I'm sorry I haven't posted more.


I lost 1lb on friday, I started the diet pill and I'm not having any problems yet. I'm curving my choices and I'm counting my points and recording them and being, here is the key part, "HONEST" about them.


Another lb this week would be great and all I'm asking for.


Next week may be another busy week. Most events are done except for a festival we have on campus and then my trip right after. But I got so behind on my reg. work that I'm knee deep when I get back. If I'm MIA, I promise I will make it back soon.


Good choices.

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Well, for the last 2 days I've stayed within my points. I kinda have to b/c I only have like 7 flex points left after Friday and Sat. I went to the gym yesterday too. I like being back on track.


Going out for lunch today. I think mexican. I'm not sure what I should get, it never seems to fill me up. And those darn chips!


Good Choices

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Good job Brooke! Keep counting those points, just stay focused. I know it's hard, especially when you go out to eat.


So during the weekend I had a strong feeling like I was coming down with something. I didn't have any symptoms yet but I just felt like I was going to be. Sure enough here I am today hacking away, sounding like crap and blowing my nose like crazy. Yesterday the symptoms started but today it's worse. I didn't go to kickboxing last night and I haven't been since last Wed. I plan on going tonight, but I'm not sure how it will be if I'm sick. Uhh. If I don't go it will look like I'm giving up or that I'm a wimp so guess I have too.


Also I had a doctors appointment today..yeah forgot all about it. I made this appointment like 6 weeks ago and I still didn't go get my blood taken. Soo this weekend I know what I'm doing...getting my blood taken and hopefully get another appointment next week.


Is it bad that I'm already really wishing the weekend was here? I have like 8 weeks of vacation time at work..maybe I should actually use some! :rolleyes:


have a great day everyone!

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Brooke- I am so glad that you feel good about being back on track. I understand what you mean.


Jess- Hope you feel better soon. It is never fun being sick. By the way I agree take you a vacation!!!


I have been working out almost everyday! I can tell a difference in my clothes although I am not getting on the scale just yet. Right now I am trying to focus on getting healthy so that I feel better and have more energy. I have had temptations but so far I have been able to refrain and skip them. Haven't had a coke since the last time I mentioned it.

There is still a chance that Mom might have to go back to the hospital and I am already convincing myself of the healthy options I can pick for food at the hospital.

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