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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey guys, I'm coming to you from Clearwater, Fl. I would say I was excited, but not really. I forgot my schdl. for my conf. so I have no idea if there was something last night or not for us. I do know classes start today at 8:30am, so maybe I didn't miss anything.


The food is going to be a BIG PROBLEM. There is a restr. in the hotel, but the food is super expensive except for the sandwiches, which of course are like blt's and hamburgers! They have a cafe too, so maybe I will just eat there. Then my other two choices are delivery from a pizza place and another place that I don't have a menu for. I did find the gym though, so I will be getting on that tonight!


Noisey around here. Tried to take a nap yesterday afternoon b/c I had been up since 3am. Between the maids cleaning and people up and down the hall, ppl above me making noise.........Then last night I went to bed and I guess just in time for the "vacation ppl" to slowly roll in between midnight to 4am. If you come into a hotel at 4am..............don't let your hotel door slam! Geeez.


Anyway, I think I'm off to the coffee shop and hope its not super busy and have something there for BK.




How did the date go?


And yes, he has worn a kilt.......but doesn't own one......apparently they are expensive.


Good Choices.

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I just got Brittany tickets to a special benefit concert by Lady Antebelum (spelling?) They are going to be in concert Nov 17th and I tried to get tickets but they sold out in like 2 min. Well both of the guys are from Augusta so they are going to be having a special concert to raise money for MCG and I scored three great seats. So she will get to see them 5 days before her birthday, we have great seats, she will miss half a day of school because its a 12:30 in the afternoon, I got all three tickets for $39.00, and it benefits a local hospital. My butt may still be big asa cow but I am going to win mommy of the year at my house;)

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Hi girls


Just popping in to say hello. Thanks for all the prayers. They were driving on their motorcycle after visiting her parents grave site and an 81 year old woman came out and took a random left and hit them dead on. Both were wearing helmets but my cousins wife flew about 50 feet and landed on her head which caused her death. :(

My cousin's pelvis took the front handle bars off the motorcycle and though he survived, he sustained severe damage to his pelvis, elbow and down below. He had surgery yesterday and is still in recovery. Everyone is very worried about their only child, a son who is only a few years younger then me. :(

Also her birthday was next week and my cousin was going to suprise her with a brand new car he already bought..:(


It's just really sad and this is the fourth death in four years (one every year) on my dad's side..so it's really heart breaking for the family.


As for the date- it went very well. I'm seeing him tonight and Friday. So we will see how things go this week.


Take Care everyone and hold your loved ones tight because you really never know what can happen, it's all in the lord's hands.



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Hi Everyone,


First, I love hearing dating stories! Good luck with those new prospects.


My cruise is 20 days away and I am not meeting my goal, but that is okay. I still feel good - 34 lbs lighter. I am able to fit into the dress that I bought for formal night - so all is good. I will keep plugging away at this. I am not going to give up! I still have a looonnng road ahead.



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Morning Girls,




So sorry for your loss. But I'm glad that your date went well.




You are Super MOM!


Okay, I forgot who it was, sorry: But I'm so jealous you are leaving it 20 days or was it 18? Still jealous!


Well, one more year older and around 34lbs lighter. I'm pretty sure I gained this week. Almost impossible b/c I have to eat out for every meal and the choices at this restr. aren't the best. I've been trying to just adjust the portions. Yesterday was a bad day though. I think I was bored and feeling sad I wasn't going to be with my family on my bday. So I started the day eating a bagel.......(they have snacks) so another raisin bagel.........and another........then Fish n chips for lunch (I did leave some fries), then cookie, coke, veggies and dip. I do have to say that I went for dinner and got tomato chicken parmegnena? and ate about 1/4 of it and couldn't take another bite. So at least my body knew I'd over done it. Then I felt so sick I didn't go exercise, that and I had homework from the seminar.


I got two free drinks from the hotel for being a priority member (I don't remember that), so I think I might invite someone to join me for a free drink tonight.


Good news is that I wasn't doing the assignments in class b/c I was just not feeling it. Well, never fails that when I'm inspired the creative juices flow and BAM! I knocked out every writing assignment thus far out last night. I probably could have done more, but I was tired. This gives me hope that I can do this job!


Good Choices.

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Morning Girls,

Okay, I forgot who it was, sorry: But I'm so jealous you are leaving it 20 days or was it 18? Still jealous!



Me Me!!! I am leaving two weeks from Sunday. We are staying one night at the Marriott Biscayne in Miami and then off to our cruise. I did read that Destiny (our ship) was having propulsion issues, but it is (hopefully) fixed as she is sailing right now. Keep your fingers crossed that all will be fine for our sailing.


Congratulations on the 34 lb loss!! That is a great way to celebrate your birthday!!



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I gained a lb in FL......not too bad considering. But now my body thinks it has permission to eat like that more...........I've already used my flex points for the week, just over the weekend! I'll be in the gym everyday if I can help it.


Oh, and they took my meridia off the market, so no more apt. sup. I guess I'm back to just telling myself this is the only way to be healthy.


It will probably help that I will be back in a routine, so I can control my food a bit better. Although I'm still scared for the upcoming holidays.


I just got a $900 bill for one of my test........! The insurance was like,"If you had waited two days you wouldn't have had to pay but 20%........great! What avg. person goes for big test a lot? I mean, mostly I just do Dr. visits..........so trying to keep up with what quarter I'm in and how much deductable I've spent is stupid. I guess I'll be making a spreadsheet to keep up with that crap like I do my budget now.


Anyway............I gotta get to work........have to catch up today.


Good choices!

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Hope everyone is doing well and had a great weekend.


Didn't have my date on friday as he got pink eye but was able to get meds and it takes 24hrs for them too work, so we had the date Saturday night and it went really well.

Saturday morning my sister was in the special olympics..she played bowling, came in fifth place in her team and I'm very proud of her!

Sunday I did some candle shopping and laundry..not too much fun and had no trick or treaters so I have a bowl of Candy I hate that I'll end up throwing out.


uhh work :cool:


Have a good day everyone!

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Hey Jess,


I'm glad your dates have gone well...........:D


Saw my Dr. yesterday. She knew about the meds being pulled. She said she wanted me to try another diet. Its basically the Atkins diet, but with only lean meats and lean fats. Its called the Dunken diet and it was developed by a french dr. Basically, its pure protein (meat, egg)) for 5-10 days straight to get the carbs out of your body. Then you can add every other day of veggies in with no starch (no potatoes or corn). No fruit. Oh, unlimited amounts of the pure proteins. So chicken, pork, fish, Turkey, deer etc. This one says no red meats, but I like red meat, so I think if its lean I can still do it. Then you can add like skim milk, low fat cheeses, low fat dressings, sugar like splenda, some oats and bran, but limited. Well that is the jist. There are like 4 phases and eventually you can add back in some breads and pastas.


I'm not sure about it, but I'm willing to give it a try, just to say to myself. I'm willing to do ANYTHING to make myself healthy. I think I might still do weight watchers for the month I'm trying this, just so I can see how many calories (points) I'm taking in. I'm not starting until next week b/c I have to hit the grocery store first.


My grandma went back in the hospital again. Its sad when she goes in the hospital so much you just kinda don't get upset about it anymore. I fear that that is a false peace. She was having breathing problems, so they took her in. They at first didn't see in anything, but kept her for observation. She was suppose to come out yesterday, but the Dr. ran another test and thought he saw something, so they kept her. She might get home today. Of course, she wants to go home and is very upset about being kept. I would hate not having control over my body and where i was. We should be so lucky.


Okay, I gotta loads of work to do.........I fear it will be that way all week. I will ttfn.


Good Choices.




How is your mom?

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Brooke - That seems like a strict diet plan. Good luck with it, it won't be easy I'm sure.


I went to kickboxing on Tuesday (cause Monday I forgot my workout clothes :rolleyes:) and wasn't going to go last night because my ankle was sore but I made myself go anyway because I want to try and go minimum twice a week. I'd like to go three or four though. I didn't strain my ankle and I still got a great workout so I was very happy with my workout yesterday...it helps too when the people I work with (who also go to the classes) encourage me and push me to keep going. I must say I do have a good support group here.


Dates have been going ok, though I'm starting to doubt myself and not sure if I'm heading in the right direction. It's not serious and not sure if it will be or not, guess we are still trying to figure that out. Though I'm not sure if I am even ready to get serious with anyone if I haven't gotten serious about getting this weight off first.


Haven't heard from a bunch of you lately...hope you are all doing well!

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Yes, it will probably really hard, but I want to try it, weirder things have worked, lol.


Your workouts sound great......you are doing better than me.


I had to have a serious conversation with myself last night. I had to give myself an ultimatum. I told myself that unless I went upstairs and got on the bike for 20 mins that I obviously wasn't ready to cont. on this journey. So, I got up and did 20 mins before bed.


I also wanted to share my latest blog with you guys. A touchy subject, but I think I handled it as fair as possible.




Good Choices everyone!

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Brooke - I too saw that article and was completely appalled! :eek:


I don't care what her "issues" are or have been...that is not an excuse for the things she wrote. She blatantly opened up a can of worms and has gotten flamed for it...as she should have for writting that article. Good thing it wasn't my magazine I wouldn't want anyone representing a womens magazine like that. :(

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I know, she showed no empathy.


Morning everyone,


Well, the start to a new diet today. So far so good, I think, the diet is confusing and since I don't have the book I kinda have to decide things for myself. So I'm kinda combining Atkins with Dukan, lol.


Starting weight: 322.4 (yep, gained 1.6 in a weekend from binging. Let that be a lesson)


I plan on making it 7 days, but if I'm still seeing a good weight loss I will go for the full 10 days of pure protein.


I'm keeping a journal or how I feel and the emotions and situations I'm dealing with so that I can try and handle them better.


As usual I will keep you updated.


Good Choices!

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Brooke - Good luck on the new plan this week. Hoping it works for you!


I was going to go to kickboxing tonight but got bad news that my mom's best friends's son died suddenly in a car accident this morning. He was only 29 years old. I also have a cousin coming up from out of town tonight so I'm not sure I will make it too kickboxing tonight. I'm very sad as I have known this guy my whole life and he was a really great person and also did a lot of good deeds. He leaves behind a son (toddler). Last few weeks as been really hard on my family.


Hope everyone is well.

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hey Jess,


So sorry for your loss. You are never prepared for situations like that.



Well, I got through day one. I had a bit of a craving for sugar in the middle of the day........addiction............geez. But nothing a piece of sugar free gum didn't get rid of. I had steak last night, but I cooked enough for me to have 2 today. I cooked some ranch/cheese mini turkey burgers last night, but I will try them at home b/c I'm unsure of how they will taste after being in the fridge. I have this thing with chicken having a .......taste.........after being in the fridge not matter how tightly I seal it. I hope these don't b/c I hate to waste them. I also created a low carb shake that will help with the sweets and whipped cream is good too (and I get the extra creamy b/c it has less carbs thatn ff.)


Well here is to day 2


Good Choices.

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Just checking in! I set sail on Monday and although I did not meet my goal (still at a 36 lb loss), I am determined to continue my weight loss journey. It is coming off so slowly - I attribute much of that to my age as well. 10 years ago, I could just say I will lose 10 lbs this month, with some minor diet changes, it happened. Those days are long gone!!


I will report back upon (my much-dreaded) return and post a pic or two!



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Kim - Have a great cruise!!


Brooke - Great job for your first day! You'll have to share that shake receipe with us.


Well this morning I woke up with a major headache and it still wont go away so I just took something for it. Also having bad allergies this year, runny nose all the time, sneezing...Not looking forward to Friday. I got the day off but only because I have to attend two funerals, at the same funeral parlor, back to back. :eek::(

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Bon Voyage! Enjoy it, its Vacation!




Well, its low carb, not low fat or calories, lol. But its half n half, a bit of water, 2 scoops of extra creamy whipped cream, splenda, vanilla extract, and diet hot coco powder-to taste. Blend with ice.


Day 3 and I'm holding on.........I was not sure if I was so full of protein or if I was just tired of it last night, but I waited til about 7pm to make something to eat. I feel a bit better this morning. Except my knee has developed something wrong with it and its quite painful............when I have to go up and down 3 flights of stairs at work. Chiro here I come...................


Good Choices.

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Thanks for the receipe Brooke :D

Sorry about your knee, that really does put a damper on things doesn't it? If it's not one thing, it's another.

Great job for making it to day 3, you can do it!!


I haven't been going out to eat because I've basically been broke. lol so I've picked up sandwich stuff and lean cuisines, yogurt..for dinner it's soup and or turkey sandwich or omelet. I haven't been home long enough to cook a gourmet meal. I did go to kickboxing last night and that made me just all around feel better. I wish I could go tonight but since my cell phone needed to be repaired and I got a loaner..I have to go return it. It's a 30-40 minute drive one way..so I'd have no time to go to kickboxing. :(


The good news is I have a date tomorrow night :D

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Hi Ladies!! My name is Ashley and I just stumbled across cruise critic the other day.... I've actually never been on a cruise, but am considering going on my first one next fall :) I also wanted to join in on this discussion! I really want to lose weight.... and losing weight before my first cruise would be GREAT:) I could definitely use the accountability, etc. offered here. Hope you don't mind if I join in! :D

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Hi Ladies!! My name is Ashley and I just stumbled across cruise critic the other day.... I've actually never been on a cruise, but am considering going on my first one next fall :) I also wanted to join in on this discussion! I really want to lose weight.... and losing weight before my first cruise would be GREAT:) I could definitely use the accountability, etc. offered here. Hope you don't mind if I join in! :D



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