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I know, the benefits of working for a college......the campus shuts down most of the time when students aren't here. Cost less for them to pay us for that long than it does to keep the campus up and running for that week 1/2.


I made Cordon Provolone last night, tehe. I'm allergic to blue cheese so I switched the cheese and made it. I was surprised that I made it yummy. the chicken was kinda thick for Cordon Blue, but I made it work.


Hate to run, but my agenda is full from top to bottom today...............:rolleyes:


Good choices.

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Well your lucky on that end Brooke. However the good news is..and I probably already said this, is I have the week after christmas off. I have 8 weeks vacation stored. The last time I took a week off work was in 2007 when my sister had her Second open heart surgery procedure at the Boston Children's Hospital. The last actual vacation when I went on a plane on a cruise was in 2005..yeah I would say I need some time off to myself. At the weight I am at right now..I'm totally not flying but would like to travel more when I lose more weight. However I still really want to get away and I'm thinking about going on a cruise to Bermuda next year out of Boston (Roundtrip Boston)..not sure who I'd go with though but if I plan almost a year in advance I think I could afford it..a little bit at a time and I won't have to worry about flights.

Brooke I wish you lived closer. :(


Our company is providing dinner for us at a nice restaurant tonight so at least I don't have to worry about dinner tonight. lol


Have a great day everyone! (even though it's more then half over) lol

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YOU NEED A REAL VACATION! But I understand the money deal. With Christmas and the medical bills lately........its sad. I really want great new winter sweaters and such, but I have to NOT run up the credit card anymore before I get it paid down again..........sigh. Then the cruise is coming and so it will be run up again anyway, lol.


I'm trying to find a way to warm up my Cordon Provolone for lunch today without the microwave. We don't have ovens or toaster ovens either. I don't want to use the microwave b/c I think that is why it gets that nasty taste to the chicken. I thought perhaps I could set it in front of my little ceramic foot heater about 30 mins before I'm ready to eat it...........I don't know.


Work is piled on............



Good Choices!

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I haven't had any weird taste of chicken from using the microwave before..can't help you there. I guess you could try using the foot heater. lol Good luck with that.


Kickboxing tonight..or so they say it will be wrestling. lol so we'll see what that's all about tonight.


Back to work...haven't heard from most of you lately. I hope everyone is doing well!

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Up a little late because we got snow last night.......well really this morning and they closed my work down and most of the schools. It will be nice. I think I'll try to get my presents wrapped today and take the time to take my cruise fashion photos, lol.


I really feel a nice "wrapped in a blanket, snug as a bug in a rug" nap today though, lol.


Yesterday I really wanted something sweet. I even went to our bookstore to look at their snacks.......I didn't get anything. I just looked at the choices and the calories and thought....."I really don't want any of these." I wanted something specific, but I didn't know what it was. So I didn't want to waste that amount of calories on something that wasn't gonna to be what I wanted.


I had to stop for milk on my way home (btw......no matter how many times you check you blind spot.......idiots are on the road, lol), so I saw a few snack things that I thought I wanted. When I got home.........they still weren't it. They were those 6pack of mini chocolate donuts and a Lance cin. roll. They were both 400 calories. I noticed mom had bought some swiss rolls for dad and I picked them up and looked at the calories. They were 240 calories for the pack. I decided that I would at least go with half the calories sweet snack, if I was intent on having something.


I don't know if I'm really proud of that or not.


Well, Good Choices all!

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Brooke, I'd say that at least you took the time to look and think about the calories in each thing you picked up. Me on the other hand..if I want it- I eat it and don't look at the calories because I know I will feel bad about it..which is what I should do..but I have that "I don't care" attitude when I want something really bad or if I'm even mad or had a bad day. I'm trying to work on that but it is very difficult. So I think it was a good thing..it was a better judgement call on your end to eat the 240 Calorie snack instead of the 400 calorie snack..because now you just saved yourself from eating an additional 160 extra calories.


So I went to the kickboxing class which I heard was supposed to be "wrestling" :confused:..but when we got there they said we were going to try Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu..um okay. I tried doing a few moves and stayed for about 15 minutes and left. They were just warming up with somersaults, weird motions on the ground and all kinds of weird body movements that my body just cannot do right now. I wasn't going to stand there and watch everyone for one hour do things my body won't allow me to do and even if I tried I could seriously injure myself. So I was mad at myself that I am the way I am right now and I couldn't do it, so I grabbed my bottle of water silently and left. The trainer was our kickboxing trainers son (about my age) he was nice but it just wasn't for me right now..as I walked downstairs his father (our kickboxing trainer) asked me what was wrong..I explained it to him and he offered to do some kickboxing moves downstairs with him but there was a class full of young boys downstairs doing kickboxing..and frankly I was in no mood to do anything. Once I'm in that pissed off mood..there's no turning back. I made up my mine I was upset and frustrated and was going home and explained it wasn't anyone it was myself and I'm not giving up as I would be back to do regular cardio kickboxing tomorrow (tonight after work).


That expierence really hit me last night but hopefully I can learn from it and use it too better myself and try harder. It's a constant battle with yourself but sometimes it does take unfortunate circumstances or big reality checks too gain more willpower and fight harder to be able to one day do the things I used to be able to do and to join other people when trying new things.


Anyway- another long work day ahead, hope everyone has a great day!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Morning ladies! I am under the one year mark till my cruise. I am looking forward to it. I did fairly well yesterday. I had some rum cake but I only have the chance to get it every few years. So for lunch I had a small piece and some raw veggies then I had a small piece during the day while we were opening presents then for supper I had a little bit of dressing and a bite of honey ham. So I think considering all the desserts and foods we had I still did well. I could have really overdone it since the stress factor was about an 8 out of 10. Plus I was running around helping my Mom get the rest of her stuff done. That included at least 12 times going up and down the stairs.


Christmas #1 went well yesterday. A lot of work leading up to it but it was nice. We also went Christmas caroling Friday and Saturday night as a family. One house was at a 28 year old on a breathing machine because of Lou Gerrets (not spelled right) it was very sad. She is not even able to wipe the tears off her face but when her Mom started crying as well it was hard not to join them. Another house was a dear friend of my Nana's who passed away this year and I will admit the tears did come then. You don't think about all the things you will miss when somebody passes like the way my Nana would say my name when she was suprised about something. I would just love to hear that again.


Christmas party today for the kids and then tonight for our youth group and our couples class but I think I will be able to handle it. It is easier there because I usually don't eat their anyway. Christmas again at my sister-in-laws on Tuesday with my Richards mom. She is having chili so that will be another easy one to pass on. Shopping on Monday to finish getting a few gifts for the kids since my Mom gave us money for Christmas:D Helping Mom all day Wednesday getting ready for Christmas eve at her house. Thursday is my 11th wedding anniversary so I will have some red lobster that night thanks to a gift card. We will have take out because the area is to crowded for eating out the night before Christmas Eve. Christmas eve should be easy again having the turkey, dressing, etc dinner so I will probably go for a little dessert and call it done. Christmas day Richard is cooking steak so I will have some of that. Yummy!! Over all I think I can get through the holidays with out getting to out of control.


Hope everyone has a great week.

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That is a lot of Christmas'! Good luck with that, but you sound like you are handling it very well.



Well.........320 it is. Dang it. I was hoping to stay out of the 20s, but stupid holidays and my own neglect of diet.


But before I weighed this morning I knew it was coming, so I last night after admitting to myself that I WILL gain every lb back if I don't stop being stupid, I got off my butt and cleaned,wrapped presents, put away clothes, then I didn't eat the whole dang tombstone pizza (that's a positive) and got on the bike for 20 mins and did my core exercises. I felt better and my back didn't hurt half as bad this morning when I got up.


Maybe just a reminder of where I came from was what I needed. My back has been hurting more and more and I knew it was from the lack of the core and strength exercises I did before and have not been doing. So, I did about 5 mins of them last night and I can't tell you the diff. in the pain in my back. I mean it was hard holding that plank and my back did feel weak, but once I did it, it was great. My back felt much better this morning and I slept a lot better with my back not being so sore.


I can't tell you what is gonna happen when I go into WVA and get around the Carbs, carbs, carbs, sugar, sugar, sugar foods and meals we have planned, not to mention the emotional stress that my aunts radiate. I can only try and do the best I can with the circumstances I have.


Good Choices.


PS-that guy keeps calling me..........any advice to let him down easy?

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Well if I tell you this brooke you might not want to eat frozen pizza again, but when you mentioned tombstone pizza it reminded me a couple weeks ago when I was at my mom's. She got a couple frozen pizzas (which she NEVER does) I was sitting at the table talking to her while she ate her spinach and mushroom pizza and suddenly after she took a bite she saw a bandaid buried in her pizza! :eek: It was the middle part too that was there..I asked if it was her's and she said no. That almost made me sick..extremley disgusting! (by the way..the brand was not tombstone)


As for the guy, honesty (IMO) is the best policy. However I wouldn't tell him exactly why but politely decline a second date or let him know you had a nice time (if you did) on the date but didn't really feel any kind of connection and if you wanted too you could say that you would still like to be friends and keep your options open..something like that anyway...That's something I would say. I hope that helps!

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That is gross and I will def. check my food from now on, lol.


I'm hopeless............I can't stop eating...........and we have a "lunch" at work today where people brought stuff.


"I WILL not lament on the bad stuff I eat, but simply celebrate the little victories."


My new motto through Christmas.



Busy busy,


Good Choices.

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My workout at kickboxing went great last night. I think I had more energy so I was able to put out more and even if I was slower getting my routines done with my partner..I still managed to do all the same number of repetitions as everyone else..I felt the pain afterwards though as I was practically limping the rest of the night..every inch of my body was sore. But it was worth it.

I think I'm gonna give my body a rest tonight and go back tomorrow. Food wise..not perfect but I've made small changes..skipping the sweets during lunch and watching my portions, having smaller portions for dinner. I immediately take half and stick it in the freezer, that way I can't go back and eat the rest and I have not been going to dunkin donuts or any other fast food place in a while.

Tomorrow we will have our christmas festivities at work and our lunch will be catered from appetizers, entrees, drinks and dessert so I will have to try my best but usually I do okay with that. Then I can work it off tomorrow night. :)


Hope everyone is doing well and has a great successful day!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Jess- It sounds like you are really getting into the kickboxing. I enjoy what I do at home but thats is probably different because I don't have others around me to make me kick it up a notch. Good luck with the Christmas party today (at least I think it is today)


Brooke- I still have not faced the scale so you are doing better then me on that part. I am going to wait a little while still before I get on. I am feeling better still so that must mean something is going right. lol When is/was your last day of work for the holidays?>

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This kickboxing sounds good. Maybe I can find a class nearby.




I didn't want to get on the scale, I knew what I had done. But I knew I had to take responsibility for it too. Plus I always figure I will not know if I lost or gained the next time I get on the scale and every loss is something I want to know, lol.


I got my exercise in last night, but I had so much junk food (sweets) yesterday from that party that I was miserable. Then of course I at McDs too b/c i was feeling sorry for myself..........stupid. Anyway, I figured no better time than right then to start doing better. So I didn't have that cup cake I wanted and I drank about 3 of the large McD cups full of water before bed. And even though I'm normally in bed by 10pm (I'm so old, lol) I made myself get on the bike for 20 mins. before bed.


If I hadn't have been tempted by the food still left downstairs this morning I might have been doing well. But I will count the calories and try to make it up somewhere else today.


Good Choices.

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Merry Christmas Jess! Sorry I missed you before you left. Have a great vacation form work.



Merry Christmas as well to everyone else. I had a great date night with my honey but ate to much. I am just praying to God that he will help me get right back on track on Sunday!!



I can't wait to have Christmas at my Mom's today. Praying that it is not nearly as stressful as last week.

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Hi everyone!!!


I know it's been AGES since I last wrote. I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to just drop out of no where. :D Since I last wrote, I've been to France and back! We had a wonderful trip and I walked a TON everyday and climbed thousands of steps. Towards the end of our trip we climbed the Basilica of Sacre Coeur, which is over 300 steps, and I did it no problem! Yay. I only lost about 2 pounds over the entire trip, but at least it wasn't a gain (I did have a LOT of wine, too). :rolleyes:


Since then I have been super busy with preparing for the holidays. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! We were busy celebrating with family over last weekend, and I was up a few pounds this morning. :mad: Hopefully some of that is water weight from all the salty and rich foods. Christmas weekend was pretty much non-stop eating. I only have to get through this next weekend and NYE, and then I am going to seriously start working out again and eating right. Just in time for a New Year's Resolution, right? There are just too many sweets during the holidays, and part of it is my own fault (I made at least 6 different types of Christmas cookies this year). But part of that is family tradition too... it's tough to balance.


Anyway, while I was at my in-laws we pretty much decided that we would rather go on a cruise next Christmas than do all the presents, etc. It's just too much work, and none of us really *need* anything anyway. So I have started looking into that... it would probably be a 3-4 night cruise (or an all-inclusive resort stay) next winter, but we need to work around the in-laws' schedules... my brother-in-law is a teacher so we'd have to go RIGHT around Christmas when school is out, and my father-in-law could only go from Thurs until Monday because he owns his own business... there are a few options but it still seems so far away!


However, if I keep this possible future cruise in mind I think it will help me get back into shape... and I need some fresh motivation.


Hope all is well and I will try to start being a lot better about checking in with you guys... My husband and I got smart phones for eachother for Christmas so I *might* join WW again... supposedly there is a great app for tracking points, and I think it would make it so much easier since it was difficult for me to log in all the time on the computer. Anyway, I'm thinking about it, maybe they will have a New Year's Resolution sign-up sale or something.


Talk to you all soon & take of yourselves ladies!



Edited by RachieLnnn
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Happy New Years everyone. The kids have had a stomach virus since Christmas night but praying everyone is well now. It was a very different Christmas and New Years will be the same way. Ellen went to NC with my Mom and Dad to see my mom's siblings and Richard is out of town helping his brother.


This week has been BAD BAD BAD food wise. I did so good until Chrismas Eve and then the stress got to bad and bam I am in the same circle as before. Please pray that I will get backo on track next week when school starts.


I never got around to telling everyone that Richard finished school. He is putting in for jobs and I am just believing that God will lead him to the right one at the right time. He is going to work with his brother out of town until then. I am thankful he is willing to do that for us even though I know he does not enjoy it.


Hope everyone has great memories of Christmas and a very safe New Years! Please do not drink and drive and try to stay off the roads as much a possible this weekend. Our area has already lost 3 young lives since Dec 20th.

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Hello Ladies....


I'm baaaccck! Like most people on earth, I have been busy with the holidays and making a pig out of myself. But, being the first Monday of the new year, I am back on track. As of 3:43pm, I am doing great!


As of a couple of weeks ago, I was still down 35 lbs. I am terrified of the scale now and won't get on it for another week or so. Hubby has given the go-ahead to book our 4th Rick Springfield cruise (which we will do next Monday), so more weight must come off! We are on the Destiny again, but with ports I have never been to - Ochos Rios, Jamaica and Grand Cayman.


I see that Brooke has another cruise coming up very soon! That is wonderful! Anyone else?



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Hey ladies,


Welcome Back!!!


Happy New Year!!


I know I've MIA, but when I have this time off I use it to catch up on all the stuff I don't normally get to do.


Well, I gained 6lbs officially over break, but happy to report that I've already lost 1lb as of this morning, so only 5lb to go before the cruise for me to be at least happy with myself.


I'm in the teens for my countdown and I did some shopping for my little travel size stuff and I posted my cruise fashion blog and getting feed back there. So, things are on the ball.


I'll check in tomr.........if I can.......I don't know how busy I will be tomr. after coming back after almost 2 weeks.


Good Choices.

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Well, I packed my lunch last night ahead of time so I made sure I had something good to eat. I haven't planned dinner though. I didn't go to the store for myself, so I don't quite know what to plan for. I'll work on it. I plan on some exercise tonight. Although I didn't get good sleep last night b/c I was thinking about cruise stuff and work stuff half the night.


Hope everyone else is doing well.


Good Choices.

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