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Cruising to Healthy


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OK, I just got back from lunch, and just wanted to post, because I felt like I dealt with it really well, and I'm proud of myself. :)


I ate half a $5 cheeseburger from the restaurant, and will give the other half to my husband (he will be so happy).


I also ordered a side salad with the house vineagrette on the side (I used about a teaspoon).


I was the only person out of the approximately 10 people that I was with that ate only half the burger, and the only one to get a salad instead of fries/tater tots. :eek: The tots were tempting though. But it didn't really bother me. I felt a sense of accomplishment when I asked for a box to take the half home.


The thing is, I ate really slowly, and REALLY enjoyed the 1/2 burger, but after that, I was full and really satisified. I think eating the salad really helped because it takes a lot longer to eat something with a fork than just shoveling down fries.


A few weeks ago I was really struggling with eating out, and balancing a social life with eating well. But if I can keep doing things like this, I think I will get it down. I don't feel like I overindulged too badly (although I'm sure my lunch was more calories than I usually eat at lunch), but I also don't feel like I have to be a hermit, home alone, and eating only vegetables and lean meat.


Lots of water the rest of the day to flush out any sodium... and maybe a light dinner tonight. Maybe a salad with some shredded chicken...


(Speaking of the shredded chicken, I did it the other night in the crock pot. I just put a thin film of olive oil on the bottom, then placed the chicken breasts (boneless) on top of the oil in a single layer. Salt and pepper for seasoning. They cooked for an hour on high, then another half hour on high to make sure they were done. I let them cool a bit to seal in the juices, then flaked them with a fork. I only did 2 large breasts, but it made a TON of shredded chicken. Now we can use it for salads and maybe to put in some wheat tortillas with taco seasonings).


Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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Morning ladies. Sounds like we are all happy for the weekend except Brooke I imagine that she is not happy and wanted last week to last forever.lol I don't blame her.



Haven't exercised this morning but did well the rest of the week.


Have a great day!

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Hey ladies!


I'm back! Boo:mad:


But I'm already looking up cruises for Oct. (bah to Hurricane season, lol).


I got on the scale and good lord. I'll wait until tomr. and weigh in the morning. Plus my ankles are swollen from flying and driving, so some serious water flushing may be in store. Never the less. I feel motivated again. I enjoyed the walking on the cruise (we were in the aft and had to walk to the room all the time.), the islands, we did walk the jogging track the first morning. I LOVED the color wars dancing competition. I forgot how much I love to "perform" and dance. I may have to find a zumba class or buy myself that Xbox connect and some dance games. Maybe a little dancing will spark my exercise. I did take the stairs more than usual, so I will just say that I could have gained a lot more. I'm sure I won't have time to plan my meals........I'm sure I won't. I can't even get clothes washed and things put away. They will have to wait until the weekend.


I know I shouldn't have, but I checked my work email and ........:eek:.......yea, that's why I'm writing now. I won't have time to dilly dally tomr.


The ship was beautiful and so well laid out. The crew was great and I had a blast. Everytime I cruise I cruise differently. This time was about relaxing (we bought a spa pass for the week, WONDERFUL!). I didn't stress the little things and I didn't let my friend dictate what I did. I wanted to do the color wars activities and she wanted to play the slots.......I told her I'd meet her later. She was a little upset that I took off, but oh well. Then I ditched her in Costa Maya b/c she had me on the beach in Roatan for 2hours with no shade (did I mention I'm pale?) and I didn't want to do another beach day. I took some pics then went back to the ship and used my spa pass to relax, then I went on our balcony and took a nap. I enjoyed every min. of it.


I think I want my own room on the next cruise, it I can budget for it. Its not that we didn't get along, but we both like to dress up and take a while to get ready. I actually used the spa showers for 4 out of the 7 nights, so she didn't have to hurry in the shower. I just want to know how it feels to have a room to myself. It might be lonely, idk. But I still want people to come with me, just not be in my room, lol.


Anyway, that's the short version. I'll try for more when I get through the paperwork on my desk.


Good Choices.

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Brooke sounds like you had a wonderful time! I will tell you that if you get a room alone it will be basically the same price as paying for two people (Single supplement charge, but I'm sure you probably knew that). I don't blame you for wanting your own room though.

As for the dancing - I think it's great. My two favorite ways to excercise and dancing and swimming (though I love biking too). I think we talked about this before but my niece has a Just Dance wii game that I LOVE. Seriously I love it more then my niece and I get a total workout from every part of my body and I'm out of breath and sweating after just one and it's so much fun that you want to keep doing more or you can do it with a partner too. I think they have the same games for the Xbox Kinect too and you can download more music and dances if you already done all the ones on the game. When I get my bills paid off I'm gonna buy one of those.

How was everything on the plane btw?


My mom just said to me on saturday "I'm ready for a cruise" so I guess I will be looking into one also. Though I really want to visit a long time friend in Sweden and want to save my money for that. I don't know but I do know my #1 priority is to lose weight so I don't have to buy two airplane tickets :(. If we do a cruise, it might be better to go out of Boston. Plus I heard Bermuda is beautiful and has a ton of things to do.


Anyways, back to work.

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

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Good morning everyone. Happy Monday (boo).


Welcome back Brooke! It sounds like you had an awesome time!!! Good luck settling back in at work. That is always really tough.


I had a good (fun) weekend, but not showing much loss on the scale. On Saturday night, we went to my brother-in-law's birthday party. No one had any dinner prior, so my sister-in-law ordered a bunch of appetizers... chips and salsa, nachos, combo plate w/chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, potato skins, and soft pretzels, and a cheese pizza. :eek: UGH!!! I really wanted to order off the menu, but I wasn't sure how things worked because they were throwing the party. So I had some soft pretzel, some nachos, and a bite of pizza... oh, and chocolate birthday cake too (split a piece w/Hubby). It was a terrible dinner and I felt like I didn't really eat very much, I wasn't satisfied, etc. And everything was SO SALTY. I also had 3 beers. The next morning, my stomach felt terrible and I had no energy. It really was a wake-up call. I had done so great at a restaurant on Friday, too! Grrr. So I had a pretty healthy day yesterday after I woke up. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast w/raspberries, elliptical for 45 minutes, had a healthy salad for lunch with shredded chicken and a 1/2 cup cottage cheese to the side, and then went shopping for new jeans/dress pants. When I got home, I went through my entire closet and dresser, got rid of a bunch of things, and set aside all the clothes that fit really nice when I am 30 pounds lighter.:cool: So that is my goal and I'm about 5 pounds there, so I should be more positive. I don't want to get rid of these clothes, because I'm really hoping that I can fit into them by summer. Anyway, by the time I got done with all that, it was 9:30 p.m. and I hadn't had dinner, so I had another bowl of cereal. :o


What Saturday night taught me was that I really need to take control of my own meals. When I asked my husband what we were doing for dinner before we left, he didn't know what was going to be there and said we could grab something beforehand. But then someone picked us up from the train, and we didn't get a chance to stop anywhere, and then the next thing you know.... bad bad appetizers. Looking back, I would have eaten something small and packed with protein and fiber before we left home. Then I could have indulged in a half a slice a cake and stayed away from the appetizers.


Oh well, it is a new week. I hope I am retaining some sodium. I was on track to lose 1.4 pounds this week, but not right now. Today, lots of water. I've had some steel-cut oatmeal for breakfast, and am having a spouted wheat bread sandwich w/shredded chicken for lunch, and maybe an orange. For snacks I'll have a laughing cow cheese wedge and a few small whole-wheat crackers or maybe an apple + peanut butter. Not sure what is for dinner yet, but I might go grocery shopping after work.


I'm thinking of making some home-made chicken noodle soup with the shredded chicken. I think it could be pretty low-cal. We also have leftover chicken taco filling (I added some onion + bell pepper to some chicken along with chili powder, cayenne pepper, and cumin) so there is that, too.


I feel like I am running low on meal ideas... Maybe I'll look around on the web for some meal ideas... some type of healthy casserole would be good this week. We are supposed to get 24 inches of snow on Tues/Weds so it would be nice not to have to walk to the grocery store in that! (We don't have a car.)

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Thanks guys I did have a blast.


I weighed this morning and I was 324. I was thinking I left at 317, which is what I weighed after the stomach virus, but I checked my Sparkpeople weight log and I weighed on Thurs. before I left and I was 322. So......I only gained 2lbs on the cruise. I think that is super good considering. Now........I just gotta get back on the program. Easier said that done when you've been cooked for all week and been keeping too busy to think about food, lol.

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Enjoying some McD's Oatmeal this morning. 260 calories for just the brown sugar and oatmeal, not bad. Oh, and unsweet tea (well splenda)......I'm trying to get off of soda completely, so tea is the next best thing. Trying to get back to drinking lots of water and still fighting vertigo from the ship......ugh.


I've got a knot on my neck.......its like the size of a big gum ball. Its not on the muscle though.......I'm not sure what it is. Doesn't hurt really. Sore when I press on it. I'm going to the chiro tomr. so maybe he can figure it out if it doesn't disappear before then.


I'm looking into the droid phone. I can finally upgrade without paying the retail price. My cousins have the phone and it sounds awesome. My bill will increase, which is why I'm gonna wait a month. I want to pay off my credit cards from the cruise and my raise goes into effect next month too. My LG ENV3 is starting to act up anyway. It delays opening text and sometimes when I open to full keyboard the screen stays black for a couple of seconds and the charge isn't holding as long. All of these are great excuses to buy a $200 phone.:rolleyes:


Yesterday I was checking my student loan site to see when my payment would go up and when i did I noticed it said that I could have my loan forgiven if I worked in public service, including non profit colleges, but I have to make 120 payments before. Well, I've made 24, but they say they don't qualify. I'm confused, so I'm sure I will making calls b/c it would be nice to get the rest of the $26,000 loan paid off. In any case, I need to change my payment plan b/c I'm only paying $4.00 towards the principal!:eek:


I'm thinking finances lately, can you tell. My car will be paid off this summer and I'm going to a free service for planning for retirement next week from work. I haven't started a 401K or a Roth yet, so I need to get on it......knowing that my generation has no chance in h*** of getting SS.


Well, I've blabbered enough.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - I know what you mean, I am always thinking finances and trying to plan for the future. Every job I've had, I've signed up for the retirement plan but I'm only paying minimum..once I get caught up with bills I'm going to increase the amount.

Have you invested in life insurance? Almost all people I know that are my age don't have it but my father since I was 16 has taught me the importance of things like that and planning for the future and such. I pay $25 a month for that..which I also need to increase cause I've been paying that set price since I was 18. Non smokers get more benefits too but I guess it also depends on what plan/where you go to get life insurance. But that could be something to look into.


I need a phone also. What carrier do you have? we have US Cellular family plan but I've been hearing that it's cheaper to go with verizon for family plan. I dropped my phone in the sink two weeks ago, then last week I fell on ice and dropped my phone in the snow..so now my phone does all sorts of crazy things and has a mind of it's own. I don't have insurance but my mom's plan is up this month so not sure if we should stick with US Cellular or go with another plan.


This morning I am drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast with no sugar added, for lunch I have a turkey sandwhich I made with whole wheat very thin sliced bread and a cup of assorted fruit. and I brought a couple liters of water also...cause like you Brooke I'm trying to cut the soda right out.

Forgot my stupid sports bra yesterday and I was wearing my good bra and I was not going to wear that too kickboxing so I didn't but I felt bad I didn't go. Hopefully they will be open tonight though I am 90% sure they will not be open tomorrow because we are getting another 2 feet of snow! :(



Thanks for the tip of the chicken. I tried it with chicken tenderloins last night..I had it on high for an hour, then went to bed and kept it on "keep warm" overnight and when I woke up they were done perfectly and just easily shredded. Then I had all sorts of ideas for meals. Tonight I plan on making a pizza with some of the chicken, feta cheese, tomatoes (cause I love them), black olives, bit of olive oil, some garlic, spinach..should be really good.


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Excellent! I'm so glad the chicken worked out for you! I have already used all of mine up from last week. It was pretty tasty and stayed moist, so I was happy. I'm going to make some chicken noodle soup witht he rest of mine, with carrots, celery, small noodles, white beans, etc. I was surprised to see beans in this recipe I was looking at, but I figured I would try it since they are so good for you. Yum! I like beans. Jess, that pizza sounds delightful!!!


Regarding phones - DH and I just switched to Verizon from AT&T, and we got Droid phones (2 for 1) around Christmas time. It was about $100 for a Droid! I got a Droid 2 Global, because I like having the slide out keyboard. I just cannot type on those touch screens! I think I have cold fingers so maybe they don't register, I don't know. Vampire hands or something. Anyway, I have really loved it. My favorite thing is that you can download a Sparkpeople App for free. I use it all the time to track my food, and it's really fast and easy.


This morning, DH and I woke up early so that we could workout before work. He wants to start working out so that we will be ready to go to Alaska in July. We will be doing a bunch of hiking... I'm not sure, I'm not really the outdoorsy-type, but I think it will be fun and really beautiful. I think it will be a lot easier for me to get up and get going if he gets up too... I did sprints at 6-6.5 MPH alternating with walking at 3.4-3.7 MPH for a minute each. Wow, that was really tiring!


Last night we went grocery shopping, and I have never seen it that crowded! I guess people are freaking out about the upcoming snow. We are supposed to get up to 24". The lines were all the way down the aisles!


P.S. Brooke, I hope the knot on your neck goes away - keep us posted. I hate it when I get weird things like that.

Edited by RachieLnnn
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That's what the lines are like at Market Basket on Sundays. lol That's the cheapest grocery store within a 100 mile radius so everyone and their mother go there..always crowded. Of course when people know the weather is going to be bad-they make a mad dash to the grocery store.


It started snowing here already we should get 3-6 inches then after mindnight the snow will thicken and we should get another 10-15 inches. Awful winter weather this year, I hate snow! (and Ice for that matter)


Great job on the workouts..the worse part (at least for me) in the beginning is forcing yourself to go when you don't really want to. Once I go then I want to go again but I need to keep it a routine or else I have to force myself all over again. lol


Well I finally got an appointment with the new doctor that my insurance accepts...except I have to have a consultation all over again with the new doctor, it's an hour drive and it's not until mid March! :eek:

I'm really kind of upset about it because I constantly have the need to go to the bathroom but because of my job I can't..it's terrible. Whatever I eat or drink it's like my body rejects it - I hope this month and a half goes by fast so we can find out exactly what's going on and get it under control. :(



BTW - is the Droid a touchscreen? I'll have to look into that, the sparkpeople app sounds like a nice app to have handy.

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I have verizon. I don't know about the family plan, but I've found that Verizon has a better "unlimited" plan as far as texting and such. They also have more coverage in the US. I have a nationwide plan with unlimited text, pics, vids and 450 anytime mins, free nights and weekends and free mobile to mobile. I have a 10% discount from my company though, so umm.....$80 for that without the discount.


I want the Droid phone b/c it has all the things my ENV 3 has +. My friend has one and when I was down there this weekend she took her phone, pulled up and ap, took a pic of her AE discount card and it stored the barcode and number in there. She said, now all I have to do is show them that and they can enter the number, no more keychain thingy. NEAT! The access to internet on the go is good too. And if I ever move out of the house, I think I would purchase the wifi spot part of the phone, instead of paying for internet at home, less expensive.

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Yes, the Droid has a touchscreen. Jess, I hope that you feel better soon and that the new doctor can straighten you out. :( It sucks that you have to wait so long, though.


Well the snow has officially started... let's see if we are really going to get "thundersnow" as the weather reported! :eek:

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Hope all of you guys in the snow are nice and warm and SAFE. It has been in the 60's here this week.


Jess- Call every week and ask them if they have had anyone cancel. Thats what my hubby did when he needed to see a specialist and he was able to see him about 2 months earlier then he was suppose to.


Rach-I understand about things not going like you planned. It's a bummer.


Brooke- I have a knot on my neck since last year and when I finally saw the dr about it he said I had gotten some infection at some point and the gland just didn't go back down but that it was no problem. It doesn't hurt unless I am messing with it. lol Now that I am not so scared about it I hardly even remember it is there. I was terrified that I was going to have cancer or something. I am pretty sure that when I got so sick last Feb that it happened then but with Nana being in the hospital all of March then passing away, then Brittany's surgury I just didn't notice it until May. Let me know what you chiro says about yours. Praying that it is the same thing or something equally nonimportant.


I am up t0 664 minutes of working out. Doing so so with diet and darn my Mom for bringing me a biscuit every morning at work. i keep telling her that I don't need it but she's a mom so she can do it anyway. lol

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Well, I tried to start again........I'm just being plan lazy and I know it. It really makes me sad that I can't motivate myself. But today I opted for McDs brown sugar oatmeal (290) and a banana for BK. I have progresso Italian veggie soup for lunch (that may be iffy depending on how it taste) and I brought an apple, orange and peanut butter crackers for snacks. I'm drinking my splenda tea for caf. and I'm gonna motivate myself to at least get on the bike tonight. I'll get back to the gym next week with this post cruise dizziness stops. I guess its one step at a time, but its like I KNOW I can lose 30lbs.......so 25lbs shouldn't be that hard.


Did I say my new goal is 25lbs by my birthday in Oct.? That will get me out of the 300s only technically by one number, but its something.


I'm gonna try and post the pictures on FB today, but if you don't have me on FB I'll post my photobucket album link here.




Good Choices.


PS-Found myself crying in the night club on the ship in the corner in the dark thinking to myself, "I'm never gonna find someone." Got back and had a message on Okcupid from a pretty good looking, older (not too old) pretty compatible guy. I kinda just want him to be it. I know I shouldn't jump ahead, but just from initial conversation........idk.........maybe I just want someone too much. :rolleyes:

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So I went to go to kickboxing on Tuesday...and they were closed. We only had 3-4 inches then but they were closed yesterday too. And not open the rest of the week. Great. I've been doing alright with food too.

I've had a carnation instant breakfast drink everymorning except today (ran out) so I made an omelet with little bit of cheese and chopped canadian bacon. Yesterday for lunch I made a chicken salad sandwich on the very thin whole wheat bread and a cup of assorted fruit. I stayed away from Soda and drank water all day and diet half iced tea/half lemonade at dinner. Dinner consisted of a chicken quesadilla with diced tomatos, threw in some left over spinach, bit of cheese and lightly dipped in light sour cream and salsa. It was soo easy to make and really good. So I made another one (had to use up the rest of the shredded chicken) sliced it and put it in a container for today's lunch. Not sure what I will do for dinner tonight, maybe something easy like soup.


Rachel btw the pizza I made..the stuff I put on it was really good, but I basically had to scrape it off since the cruse was done but the dough under the toppings wasn't. :confused: I put it back in the overn several times and the top kept browning but the dough didn't harden. Maybe it was too think but it didn't seem like it, I'll have to try it again another time..try something different. Still made for good meal with the carbs. lol


Annette - thanks for the tip, I will try that!


Brooke - I know how you feel, honestly but you have to remember right now what your priorities are and right now that's you! (at least that's what MY priority is) If a nice guy comes along, then great..see where it goes.

When I was on a cruise with my friend in a few years ago and went to the club, lots of guys were hitting on her and she danced with one and for a little bit I was thinking the same thing as you but after awhile I'm like whatever, I don't care. I'm gonna dance and have fun because I enjoy it and that's all that matters. The more the years have passed the more I confidence I have, because I've come to realise I can still be happy the way that I am and yes sometimes have bad moments or days feeling lonely but I'm going to enjoy what I can when I can because you never know when it might be your last time...here today, gone tomorrow- happens everyday. Anyway that's what I try to think about when I get lonely or wanting a family or want to do other things with my life and I know I could do so much more with my life if I take care of myself first before anything else.

But you are great and there is someone out there for you but maybe it hasn't happened yet for a reason. ;)

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Hi everyone!


Well, we did get a TON of snow here. We even saw some thundersnow! The sky lit up really bright and then a crash a few seconds later. It was so bright because of all the snow particles in the air. :) It was VERY neat.


We made something really tasty last night, if you like chicken satay and the peanut sauce that comes with it. We used this recipe: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/broccoli_stir_fry_peanut_sauce.html

I used some shredded chicken to make it more filling and a complete meal, and we had it over quinoa because we were out of brown rice and I didn't know it. :cool: It was really tasty, easy, and quick! Actually, I am kind of digging the "eatingwell" website lately. There are a lot of good recipes on there.


Jess - in regards to the pizza dough - were you using a raw dough or a pre-made one like Dijorno (sp???)? Someone told me that the key to making your own pizza when using raw dough is to pre-bake the crust for 10 minutes prior to adding any toppings UNLESS you have a pizza stone. With a pizza stone, it can go right in. I don't have a pizza stone, so I always pre-bake for 10 minutes and it turns out pretty crispy. So I would maybe try that next time?


That stinks about kick-boxing being canceled, things were a mess here, too so I could understand why they did that. We have been getting up in the mornings to work out, except we didn't today. :rolleyes: But the weekend is coming up soon, so maybe we can get some longer workouts in! That is my plan, anyway...


Brooke, that is exciting that you met a guy online! I hope this work out. Keep us posted on how things progress. Remember you are awesome no matter what. :D


We are having dinner out tonight because some people are in town. I don't know where yet, but I want to make a plan before we go. Wherever we do go, I want to get a salad as my side. If we get pizza, I will get a salad too and just have a slice. I don't care if I am the only one to order it! :p Usually when I do, everyone else says, "Oh, that's a good idea..."

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Thanks Rachel. It was raw dough...my aunt told me some good pizza recipe ideas that she makes (and I had never made pizza before) and she never said anything about putting it in the over first..but I guess I should of thought of that before. lol. thanks for the tip- I will definitely try that next time.

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Hey, so late today..........whoosh. I typed up 3 pages of a to do this today for work. I just have to breath.


I did pretty good until late afternoon, when I had poptarts, decent dinner, then two snack cakes.......but I did walk all the way over to the other side of campus and back when I could have drove, so that was good.


Went back for oatmeal at McD's and got a chicken biscuit too......:mad: But I didn't have a soda today when I really wanted one. Poptarts snuck back though. Had salmon and green beans for lunch though. One step forward, one step back. At least I'm paying attention though.


Come on Brooke 25lbs by Oct...............you can do this! Might do this "Phases" diet program in the area, just to try it, I mean I most always lose weight on a diet, so can't hurt.


My boss approved me for the week I want off in October for my cruise, for my bday (my goal), but I still have to find someone to go with. If it was another week I would just go by myself (just to see how it would feel), but I think it would be pathetic to cruise by yourself for your bday. Time to put an all call out on FB!


Good news though, my hard work at work has been recgonized. Well, I will tell you guys, but you can't write anything on my FB about it b/c I have co-workers on there and they can't know. We all got 2% raise, but my VP got a small pool of money to give some people some raises........and I got .75 raise. I'm still not making the big bucks, but I was really appreciative of her giving it to me with so many people in our department needing and deserving it too. I will have a meeting with a retirement person next week and then I'm gonna try and sit down with my SIL and do some financial planning to pay off loans, save money, and plan for moving out etc. So, this will help a bit.


As far as the boy......he is 34 and about an hour away from me. He works in organ and tissue donation and he plainly states on his profile that he is looking for "her" not a booty call. Jess will know what I'm talking about here: We answered about 95% of the questions on the site the same. I've kinda tested him with some things I've said and he has done really well so far. I've always thought I wanted an older guy I think I need someone to rein me in sometimes. I'm smitten, but I've got this, "Just jump in" feeling, but I'm holding back the best I can. I can't get too excited I might scare him off. Here is to hoping.


Good choices.




Does kickboxing put a lot of pressure on your lower spine or knees?




The knot is my lympnode swelling. The chiro said I was fighting something off. Maybe that I got some water in my ear and it had some bacteria or I'm fighting a cold. He says sometimes thats just a physical sign that your body is under fire.


Wait, was that Rachel or Annette......geez its been a lot day........I'm getting out of here. lol.

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Brooke - I won't lie to you, in kickboxing you are using all of your body. We do a lot of floor stuff too and it invloves being on your knees..BUT it might depend on who you see for a trainer. Maybe they have a different routine. When I'm standing and holding the paddle in step kicker or the blast master for my partner..then my back starts hurting. But it doesn't last long because we do several different stretches and routines..



Today has been a really busy day for me at work also. Bad news of the day is that I no longer have a primary care doctor :(..they called today and said she resigned and they don't know anything else yet. So I'm stuck because I was supposed to have an appointment with her next week and then I'm having a colonoscopy..oh boy, I am sad because I really liked her and trusted her and I've had some really bad doctors in the past and I don't want to go back to looking again and doing trial and error..so that's something I'll have to figure out when they send a letter to the patients with more information explaining why she left and if/where she is going.


Good News of the day- I lost 4 lbs since Wed. I didn't weigh myself before Wed but I will bet you I was higher because I have been really putting a lot of effort into cooking my own "real" food and watching what/how much I eat and not drinking soda! I am having dinner with a friend (the guy who I briefly dated..yeah we are just friends). I asked him to pick a place where there is healthy options...so he choose Chinese! :rolleyes: So I suggested he try Thai food..the stuff I get is really good, loads of broccoli and is not the healthiest meal out there but it beats what I normally would get at a chinese restaurant and none of it's fried.

Well he was very reluctant but finally caved in..so tonight I will have my usual Thai meal which includes lots of broccoli, chicken and some type of sauce almost like a broth and a cup of rice..so good. A glass of water on the side will be my drink of choice also. Now I just have to remember to only eat half and take home half.


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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sorry ladies to be quick. I had a very very very rough day today. I am not going to put it all on hear because its the internet but I really was in a situation where my whole world could have been turned upside down. I prayed and had a few family members praying and things turned out much better then they could have. I am still going to have some rough days ahead but praying things continue getting better.


My mind is not able to think straight so I will read about everyone's posts tomorrow.

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I have not been able to post the past few times I have read these boards. Not really sure why. But...I have been reading.


Brooke...your pictures are gorgeous. I love the one of you in the green dress (I am pretty sure I have the same dress in black - Target?). Your comment about crying in the club made me so sad. You are young, take care of yourself first and have fun with your life. Love will come. :) I met my very accepting husband at 30 and we are celebrating our 10th anniversary this April. Your someone is out there. We have obviously not met, but I find your posts to be so open and geniuine. You must be as well. :D


Jess...you mentioned taking a Boston to Bermuda cruise. Do it!! We did one in 2000 on the Norweigan Majesty. (no longer sailing) It was so much fun. Bermuda is gorgeous and I would do it again in a heartbeat. The journey will be rocky becasue it is the Atlantic, but so worth it.


As for me...I have been a bottomless pit this weekend. The weather has been terrible lately. I have made a hobby of shoveling snow and chipping away at ice. That's gotta count for something!!


Have a great week!

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Where are you getting your recipes?




You are in my prays.




Yep, target. Such mixed reviews from the fashion blog about that dress, but the end all is that it is comfortable and goes over my bathing suit really well.




Hmmm, well maybe I'll have to wait on kickboxing. My back is better, but the chiro thanks the swelling is back and I need to go back on anti inflam. meds. I'm gonna try getting back in the gym, working on my core again and just taking like an Ibprofin in the morning and one at night (it thins my blood alot).


Well, 324 was the weigh in today. I really expected that. I mean I knew I wouldn't lose eating what I was eating. But I brought my workout clothes with me and I intend on hitting the gym after work. I even downloaded a bunch of songs to my ipod to help motivate me. Most Glee, lol. But it works. I'm sure I spent about $50 in songs last night, but I don't download that often, so it will be okay.


Gotta get taxes done. Our students get certified and do them for us for free, so I think I will let them. My bank had a free turbo tax thing, but I tried doing it and I had a few question. Plus, it said I owed $72 federal and got $71 back from state. Better let the experts do it.


The boy gave me his number to text him......he also said he didn't mean to be forward, but wondered what my lips tasted like :o (Blush). He is my kind of flirt, just a little over the line. He emailed that, so I texted him......."Today, cotton candy." What can I say, love some flavored lip gloss. We texted back and forth and he said he was sad that I was an hour away b/c he'd come take me to a movie. I told him I'd take a raincheck. Then he told me he always wanted to start a little bar of his owns and that I could get all my friends together and he'd play bartender for us. lol. I know girls will understand how big it is when I guy kinda offers to meet your friends first. (his name is Roger)


Now I've got this guy, Tim, that is an old friend of my friend flirting with me on Facebook..........I just don't know. I kinda like the other one. Plus, Roger said he is getting back in the gym just to get a little more healthy and it really motivates me to do the same. I think its good that I don't know him well, but he has a positive impact on me.


Anyway, 3 pages of to do list to get working on.


Good Choices.

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