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Cruising to Healthy


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Weigh in 326.6..........bleh. I know my problem. Its food. I got in three 45 min. workouts, but I keep feeding my face, argh.


I had a wildberry small smoothie from McD's and an egg/bacon mcmuffin. So...about 500 calories. I love the smoothies.......low fat yogurt and real fruit blended in (I so get the little seeds from the berries, lol.) Sure it has some sugar in it, but hopefully its mainly natural from fruit and the yogurt. I had to stop and get stamps for some bills, so I had to leave without BK and run by on my way into work. Good thing is I think I'm done with the chicken biscuits. I have a weird thing about chicken and the texture. No chicken with bones b/c its slimy and has those red lines in it. And if its boneless......I have to watch out for those little rubbery ligament thingies in them. It will totally make me gag and I feel like I'm going to right now thinking about it. Plus the last couple of times the chicken was sooooooo greasy I couldn't stand it. Not that the egg/bacon mcmuffin is the best, but it drops about 100 calories. I asked for no cheese.


Still love french fries though. *rolls eyes*


Anyway, Zumba tonight. I really gotta be careful with my knee though. Its my right knee and is really giving me an issue again. going up the stairs is a big problem. I can do one or two steps, but then I have a lot of pain. So then I end up going up with the other knee and keeping the right one straight. Haha, funny thing though. Was watching Eat, Pray, Love yesterday on Netflix and one of the scenes was Julie Roberts fell and the local medicine woman was looking at her leg and told her: I can tell no sex for you for a long time, you knees all dried up. Sex produces a hormone that lubricates joints." TEHE...........oh my mind was working, lol. Just kidding. I probably need some fish oil or something. I might have to break bad and see someone other than my chiro about it. But I know what I will hear: "You are fat and its too much pressure on your knees. Lose weight." To which I will have no problem responding: "No S*** Sherlock, you go to med school for that?" Problem is I gotta be able to move to lose weight, so whatcha gonna do about it?"


So cynical today, I just have lost most of my faith in any Dr. They bug me and I didn't have a good impression of them from the beginning when one told my grandmother she had IBS, when it was really cancer.


Positive is........that today is a new day and I can start over. Its great to be able and wake up to new opportunities.


Good Choices

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Brooke - I'm the same exact way with chicken! Drives me crazy.


Also with your knee- I think we both have the same issue with our knees. The only time it really hurts for me (my left knee) is when I'm going up and down the stairs and sometimes when I'm sitting for long periods of time. But I know it was because I was running hard around the kickboxing room because I was racing with someone else and I knew it was that because the next day it was really sore..and it's happened before when I've jogged on the track. So I have been kinda still jogging around the room to get my heart rate up in the beginning of kickboxing class but after a couple weeks my knee still wasn't feeling better so I decided to just walk fast around the room last friday isn't of jogging. I have talked to my doctor in the past when it happened before and basically was told I'm too big to be running right now, which I kind of already knew. :rolleyes: So any hard jumping I'm not doing or anything that I know will make the pain worse..because it won't go away if you don't kind of "rest" it. Our bodies were just not meant to carry this kind of weight so it's a lot of pressure on our poor knees. :( But at least we are making an effort for excercise.


Bad weekend for me, eating wise. I'm not even going to weigh myself for awhile. Whatever, I'm back on this week and starting to cut out the dairy.


The days were beautiful but it's short lived because we are 6-9" of snow again today :rolleyes::mad:.


Hope everyone has a great day.

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Hi everyone!


Hope that you all had a great weekend. I did ok this weekend. I had a few small sucesses - I was at my parents' house, too, which is difficult for me. One, I ate only half a cupcake. My mom was like, "Oh, just take the whole thing." And I said that I didn't want the whole thing, grabbed a knife, and cut it in half. And I worked that half into my calorie count. I also turned down a Cadbury Creme Egg. They are just too sweet and coat my teeth now, although I used to LOVE them. Also, we had italian beef sandwiches, and I grabbed only a half and filled the rest of my plate with salad and this bean dip. I counted out the number of tortilla chips to go with the dip. I also drank water instead of soda. So all in all, I was much better than usual, although not as good as I would be if I were at my own house. But I have to learn to incorporate family events and things like that into a real life diet.


Unfortunately, I am still not down very much weight... really want to lose 2.6 more pounds by the end of the month, so I will be down 10 pounds total in the three months since I started. Not very fast, but I know it will stay off, and I'm not really killing or starving myself, or busting my butt so that it is uncomfortable. I would rather make small, real-life changes that I can keep forever. I mean, yeah, if I ate great 100% of the time and worked out for an hour everyday, I know I would drop weight faster. But that is unrealistic for me, and I would not be happy. So keeping a slow but steady pace, while incorporating good habits, will be better for me in the long run.


I am really upset because there was a sign in my elevator stating that the exercise room will be CLOSED Monday through Friday of this week for renovations!!! Ugh!!! I do have a busy week, with events after work Tuesday, Wednesday, AND Thursday. So I am planning on walking to them, so that I can get in 30-40 minutes of walking each night. I also might bust out my Wii Fit, which I haven't done in awhile. If it is nice out, I might be able to go for a bike ride, but I think this week is going to be colder than last week. Ugh! I also have some free weights so I can lift those I guess. I am excited to see what the room will look like when they are done with renovations, though. I hope that we get some new equipment. There are some things in there that no one hardly ever uses - stair steppers, an ancient rowing machine, etc. I would rather have more ellipticals and treadmills since they are so popular. However, I have been thinking that I should get on that rowing machine. Aren't those supposed to be great workouts? Well, maybe I will, if they don't get rid of it! :p


Have a great week everyone!

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I'm so glad I'm not weird, lol. Or at least I got someone to be weird with, lol.

Yea, the old knee isn't healing. With the stairs I have to climb for work, why would it have the time. I could do squats a little better at last nights Zumba though. Tonight I have the Wizard of Oz, so I will give it a break.




Just think of it this way. Renovation can only mean they are trying to make it better!


I'm hoping its going to be a slow day today, so I can have a bit of a break. But I guess we will see. There is a stress comedian coming for lunch today and I think i will go see him. Gotta take advantage of the perks of working at a college.


Good Choices.

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Sorry to rain on the parade, but I looked at the McDonald's website and the mcmuffin has 420 calories and 1110 or so grams of sodium and the smoothie has 210 calories and close to a quarter cup of sugar for the sugar grams.That's half the days calories right there if you are on 1200 calories a day and then you still have the whole day to get through Then I looked at the dunkin dounts flatbreads that are made of eggwhites . I think sodium makes people thirsty and hungry more when they aren't. etc and those are just as bad. If you look at the Starbucks website or Sonic for nutritin info those will really scare you. Even the so called "healthy fast food" isn't even healthy. Then they wonder why people dont lose weight. The subway sandwiches sound healthy but aren.t Even the so called healthy one has over 1000 grams of sodium and I think that's the veggie one! I was getting a chicken sandwich from chic fila which I thought was decent until I saw the sodium content was almost 2000 calories and the wrap itself was in the 600's.


There's a good article on the web called 'eat this, not that" about how fast food people are duping consumers by touting some of their menu is healthy when it's not.


Good luck to all. PP




Weigh in 326.6..........bleh. I know my problem. Its food. I got in three 45 min. workouts, but I keep feeding my face, argh.


I had a wildberry small smoothie from McD's and an egg/bacon mcmuffin. So...about 500 calories. I love the smoothies.......low fat yogurt and real fruit blended in (I so get the little seeds from the berries, lol.) Sure it has some sugar in it, but hopefully its mainly natural from fruit and the yogurt. I had to stop and get stamps for some bills, so I had to leave without BK and run by on my way into work. Good thing is I think I'm done with the chicken biscuits. I have a weird thing about chicken and the texture. No chicken with bones b/c its slimy and has those red lines in it. And if its boneless......I have to watch out for those little rubbery ligament thingies in them. It will totally make me gag and I feel like I'm going to right now thinking about it. Plus the last couple of times the chicken was sooooooo greasy I couldn't stand it. Not that the egg/bacon mcmuffin is the best, but it drops about 100 calories. I asked for no cheese.


Still love french fries though. *rolls eyes*


Anyway, Zumba tonight. I really gotta be careful with my knee though. Its my right knee and is really giving me an issue again. going up the stairs is a big problem. I can do one or two steps, but then I have a lot of pain. So then I end up going up with the other knee and keeping the right one straight. Haha, funny thing though. Was watching Eat, Pray, Love yesterday on Netflix and one of the scenes was Julie Roberts fell and the local medicine woman was looking at her leg and told her: I can tell no sex for you for a long time, you knees all dried up. Sex produces a hormone that lubricates joints." TEHE...........oh my mind was working, lol. Just kidding. I probably need some fish oil or something. I might have to break bad and see someone other than my chiro about it. But I know what I will hear: "You are fat and its too much pressure on your knees. Lose weight." To which I will have no problem responding: "No S*** Sherlock, you go to med school for that?" Problem is I gotta be able to move to lose weight, so whatcha gonna do about it?"


So cynical today, I just have lost most of my faith in any Dr. They bug me and I didn't have a good impression of them from the beginning when one told my grandmother she had IBS, when it was really cancer.


Positive is........that today is a new day and I can start over. Its great to be able and wake up to new opportunities.


Good Choices

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Good Morning,


Went to see the Wizard of Oz last night and it was great. But I woke up with my back hurting between my shoulder blades. I think its b/c I've been using my upper body to help get up the stairs and compensate for my knee. Oh well, I guess I'll deal with it. Probably work its way out eventually.


Umm, had oatmeal at home this morning. I gotta stop with the sugar though. My downfall with oatmeal. But at least I'm getting some protein.


A concept I'm going to work on, reprogram is singular servings. I just think I don't think about servings. I mean if I want something sweet...shouldn't one mini reese cup be enough? Why do I have to take a handful? One should satisfy a craving. Yep, I think I should work on this control.


I'm going to the gym today though. I need to do at least 45 mins. I'll do the treadmill and bike to help not be so impact on my knee. Well, will plan on going, but I might have to take off to the chiropractor for my shoulders if I can get in. But I can do a walk at home if that is the case.


Good Choices.

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Sorry to rain on the parade, but I looked at the McDonald's website and the mcmuffin has 420 calories and 1110 or so grams of sodium and the smoothie has 210 calories and close to a quarter cup of sugar for the sugar grams.That's half the days calories right there if you are on 1200 calories a day and then you still have the whole day to get through Then I looked at the dunkin dounts flatbreads that are made of eggwhites . I think sodium makes people thirsty and hungry more when they aren't. etc and those are just as bad. If you look at the Starbucks website or Sonic for nutritin info those will really scare you. Even the so called "healthy fast food" isn't even healthy. Then they wonder why people dont lose weight. The subway sandwiches sound healthy but aren.t Even the so called healthy one has over 1000 grams of sodium and I think that's the veggie one! I was getting a chicken sandwich from chic fila which I thought was decent until I saw the sodium content was almost 2000 calories and the wrap itself was in the 600's.


There's a good article on the web called 'eat this, not that" about how fast food people are duping consumers by touting some of their menu is healthy when it's not.


Good luck to all. PP




I am always thankful for information, so thank you.


You were looking at the McGriddle, its 420 calories. I went to eat this, not that and it actually list the egg mcmuffin as a eat at 300 calories. I used my tracker system to enter the fact that I added bacon, but took cheese away and 320 was the calories I got for egg/bacon mcmuffin.


I like most fast food. I've grown up with it and at this point, I don't think I can cut it out, so I will just try to make the best out of a bad situation.


I also don't worry about sodium or sugar too much b/c I find if I try to use all the nutrition information to make choices then I'm overwhelmed. When I can control my calorie count, then I will work on the rest. Haven't mastered that yet though.


I can't say that what I'm doing is really working for me, but I can say that I'm trying and that's more than most people can say. I'm okay with that. This will be a life long struggle for me and so I must cater to my needs and own mindsets to find the best solution for me. I think that's why some people who have commented on this thread get so annoyed with me (I'll speak for myself) b/c they see it so simple....."Don't eat that or this or that much." In reality, people are more complex than that. I've always thought MDs should have some training in counseling too b/c sometimes they forget they are talking to people, not spreadsheet of numbers.


Dang, with my knee hurting I didn't plan on getting on my soap box today. WTH.


Don't take it personally, just trying to explain......probably more to myself than anyone.

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Hi everyone,


Well, I'm down 1.2 pounds, so I still have 1.6 more to go until I get to that elusive 10 pounds lost! I'd still like to do it by April 1. We'll see how that goes... I'm going away next week to visit some family, so it will be different not being home. I'm going to try to get in some nice hour-long workouts on Saturday and Sunday, because the exercise room should be back open.


I've decided that I just don't do well with any carbonation anymore. Every time I have a soda or beer, my stomach is just completely unhappy with me. So I'm going to cut that out. I don't really drink soda anymore anyway, maybe a can every 2 weeks or so, so I don't think it will be hard. I just go w/unsweetened iced tea if I'm at a restaurant and want something different than water. And I will just remind myself to get wine instead of beer! That won't be hard at all (I prefer it). :)


I agree that trying to count everything including calories, sodium, etc. can be overwhelming. That is why I am enjoying using sparkpeople instead of WW - not only is it free, but you don't have to figure out all those points. I really hated that. Personally, I think sodium is not a big deal unless you have high blood pressure - however, I do notice that when I eat out a lot, I gain 1-2 pounds of mystery weight because I am retaining water from excess sodium. So cutting back sodium can be helpful for me, simply because my weight tends to stay lower and I feel less bloated, so I stay more encouraged. But I don't think cutting out sodium makes any difference in "real" weight or fat loss, just the water-retention part of it. JMO and in my experience. I do get low-sodium soups, lunchmeat, etc. if the grocery store offers it. In fact, I was not happy with any of the lunchmeat choices at a local grocery store - all of them had so many extra chemical-souding ingredients added! - so I ended up buying chicken breasts, putting them in the crock pot, and we are slicing that (thinly) for sandwiches this week. It tastes better, and I think it actually ends up being cheaper.

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I was feeling like total crap yesterday, headache, tired, upset stomach. I didn't go to kickboxing Monday so I missed 4 days and I could barely get any good sleep which probably resulted in my headache that I kept waking up with. When I got into the class yesterday I could already totally feel the difference and it felt so refreshing. Went to my parents to drop my dad off, went home and showered and ate dinner at almost 10pm! Not good for trying to lose weight but that is something I don't really have control over because of my work schedule. When I woke up this morning I felt great and could tell I have more energy. So I now feel like I must get some type of excercise in everyday (or almost) in order to feel like I can get a good sleep and just feel overall better in the morning. Some days I don't feel like going but I'm doing pretty good at pushing myself to go!


Brooke - I like fast food too. It's a fact and I too, have grown up with that and cheap fast meals at home also. I can't say either that I will completley eliminate fast food out of my life but if I know I'm getting less then usual or going less frequently..then you know you are putting in an effort and putting in some kind of effort is better then not caring or trying at all. I have a hard time with sodium too because the fact of the matter is I love it but if I am thinking about it before I make the choice, I will usually make a better choice. But not always.


My own personal goal is to invite at least one change a month. Soda I've cut out more then I ever have before, kickboxing I do everyweek no excuses, calories I've cut down (but not perfect) so my next couple goals is to drink more water (lots more!) and incorporate more natural fruits and veggies!


That's it for today, hope you all have a good one!


PS- I have high blood pressure, so I do watch my sodium and yes I could be more strict about it. I also do take my HBP meds everyday and so far it's been good.

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Taking a sick day for my back. I saw the chiropractor yesterday after work and he checked my upper back, lower back and knee. My upper back had 3 pops in it, but he said the muscle was strained too, so it would be sore. My lower back was a little out of place and then my knee. He said he was concerned with my knee too, so he explained to me how the knee works, so I could understand where the pain was coming from. So apparently, between the Zumba and twisting my knee when I walk I'm causing problems. Your knee is only designed to go forward and backward, not twist. So when you do things like pivot, you should use ur upper thigh or ball of your foot to pivot, not your knee b/c it warps the two pieces of "padding" on the side of the main joint and causes strain etc. So I have to be careful about twisting my knee.


But after all that pushing and manipulating I'm really sore and with 3 flights of stairs and how much pain I was in by the end of the day yesterday I decided to give my body a break. It also means I'm missing the second zumba of the week, but I think its good. The chiro, though he says he encourages me and is proud that I can do that amount of cardio, it does take its toll. So, one day off from it won't kill me and I'll just have to do some exercise on Friday and Saturday.


My chiro told me when I came in: You look tired, are you feeling okay. HA! I haven't felt well rested in 2-3 weeks. He is good. I mean he doesn't see me that often, so to notice that is pretty good and I was even trying to look awake, lol. He pinpointed allergies, which is true. About the time the Spring like weather came in and things started blooming I got worse. Drainage makes me queasy sometimes, headaches, my throat swells (lymphs), and I'm sneezing. Allergy meds everyday too, but I still get all this. He suggest local made honey everyday to help kill my reaction to the pollen.




I know what you mean about feeling good after a workout like that. with zumba I feel really good after, in fact, my appetite goes down afterwards. I generally don't eat before zumba and after, even though I logically should be hungry, I'm not. Eventually I am, but then it would put me eating at like 10 pm. I usually come home and just don't eat as much as I usually would have. Then by that time its bedtime so I can't snack.


Good Choices.

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Brooke, that's funny that he mentioned having local honey, I have heard the same thing, actually. I hope it helps! My dad found some at a local farmer's market, but hopefully there are lots of other places near you that sell it. I just think it might be difficult to find very local honey, although I bet the internet would be your friend to find it. Or if there are Amish near you, I bet they would sell it. But it is supposed to really help with allergies.


So I have some news... I was invited to present at a conference in Istanbul, Turkey, in May! We took a look at ieverything and since I get reimbursed for travel, I think my hubby is going to come, too. I'm really excited to see that country! We will probably stay for a few days before and after to see some of the architecture.


So that is my exciting news for the day! Have a great one, everybody!

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Brooke, about the knee thing. I haven't been running on it (and I pivot all the time in kickboxing) but it's not in a lot of pain like it was before. Except now I notice it makes a snaping noise when I'm walking up the steps. :confused: Uhh I just don't have the time or money to go to a specialist. Hope I don't need too.


I felt so good yesterday, even after kickboxing. The routines are becoming easier and I'm stronger, more accurate and can for the most part keep up with everyone. This is all within a month or two months and I've been doing kickboxing for six months now. But I have been going more often in the past month or two and not skipping any weeks or days, so I think that has helped a lot. Tomorrow will be my resting day and I'm hoping to get some kind of workout in on the weekend but it's looking pretty busy right now.


Rachel - just wanted to say it sounds like you are doing great and I hope you reach your goal soon...your almost there!!


Have a great day everyone!

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Brooke, that's funny that he mentioned having local honey, I have heard the same thing, actually. I hope it helps! My dad found some at a local farmer's market, but hopefully there are lots of other places near you that sell it. I just think it might be difficult to find very local honey, although I bet the internet would be your friend to find it. Or if there are Amish near you, I bet they would sell it. But it is supposed to really help with allergies.


So I have some news... I was invited to present at a conference in Istanbul, Turkey, in May! We took a look at ieverything and since I get reimbursed for travel, I think my hubby is going to come, too. I'm really excited to see that country! We will probably stay for a few days before and after to see some of the architecture.


So that is my exciting news for the day! Have a great one, everybody!


I think we have a friend of the family who sells it, so I will go see if can sell me some.


And Turkey will be a blast. I have a friend who went and then she went back, lol. You will have a blast!

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Brooke, about the knee thing. I haven't been running on it (and I pivot all the time in kickboxing) but it's not in a lot of pain like it was before. Except now I notice it makes a snaping noise when I'm walking up the steps. :confused: Uhh I just don't have the time or money to go to a specialist. Hope I don't need too.


I felt so good yesterday, even after kickboxing. The routines are becoming easier and I'm stronger, more accurate and can for the most part keep up with everyone. This is all within a month or two months and I've been doing kickboxing for six months now. But I have been going more often in the past month or two and not skipping any weeks or days, so I think that has helped a lot. Tomorrow will be my resting day and I'm hoping to get some kind of workout in on the weekend but it's looking pretty busy right now.


Rachel - just wanted to say it sounds like you are doing great and I hope you reach your goal soon...your almost there!!


Have a great day everyone!




Hate to tell you that I get that same noise. The chiro told me to stretch the muscle around the knee.




Lay down and move the thigh out to the side and straighten your leg and then move your leg inside and straighten.




When you are sitting at your desk straighten your leg out and take your hand and press on the area above the knee and then in a straight line all the way up the hip. Flex your lower leg back and forth while doing so.


See if that helps you and remember when you you pivot, use ur foot and upper thigh, don't twist the knee.

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Back to work. My knee is already sore from walking the stairs and my allergies are kicking up again. What does it mean when you feel like you have to sneeze, but then you don't.....every 10 mins.


I'm gonna see how I feel this afternoon before I decide about working out. I mean just taking a day of rest yesterday made me feel so much better. I wonder if my body just needed some rest.


Dr. Oz had a commercial for a show on Monday with a diet called, "Think yourself thin." The commercials make it seem like he is shocked that it works. Hmmm. Too bad I'm at work.




Good Choices.

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Morning and TGIF!!!


Happy it's friday but a bit sad we didn't make our bonus this week because everyweek, we don't get one, is one week I can't get a car. :( Oh well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for next week.


Well it was starting to be a great morning until a prego in the office practically bit my head off when I asked if she was alright, She is probably like the 4th or 5th one in the office that's pregnant. Funny thing is (well not really funny) this girl is rude all the time now that she's pregnant! Brings me to the question, does being pregnant give you a free pass to be rude to people?


Anyway, I showed up to kickboxing last night and nobody else showed up!! So I was the only one there, but I'm not complaining because I got some personal training and again he offered to pay for me to go next door to the gym and thought it's a very generous kind hearted offer, I can't bring myself to say yes because I don't like when other people pay for me or feel bad but I'm just more focused on getting a car first so I can be able to get to the gym!


Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hello all,

I hate catching up on so many posts at one time because then I forget everything I wanted to reply. lol


First, I hope all of you start feeling better from your soreness and sickness. I know how hard it is to be feeling so sore and still want to get past it. I have felt like someone has kicked me over and over in my sleep for weeks now and I know its all because of added weight and not enough exercise.


Second, I think all of you are doing great with your accompishments.


Jess- Can't wait till you are able to get your own car. I know that you will be so excited. I think it is good that you are trying different ones out and making sure that you feel comfortable in them.


Brooke- Allergies are a problem for me too. My kids pediatrition makes his own honey but my main problem is getting myself to eat it everyday.


Rachel- Wow a trip to Turkey sounds fun. Hope the work will not be too much stress and you enjoy all your time over there.


I am playing around with this new WW points plus thing for the next few weeks then after tax season ends (only 16 more working days!!!!!!!!!!!) I will get real strict with it. I think it will be easier for me because my husbands stepmom and 3 stepsisters are doing it, as well as, my bestfriend for the last 15 years is doing it as well. I am not going to any meetings but just doing the points thing. It is taking me a while to get use to the fact that you do not count calories just fat, carb, sugar, and fiber. I think I am really going to enjoy the free points with the fruits and veggies that they give you. I really want one of the calculators because it is easier for me but they are on backorder because of all the people who have signed on with the new system. I did find out that my Cherry Amp is 6 points but I am going to use my weekly bonus points which is now 49 instead of 35. My goal is not to weigh until after tax season. I hope that work is not to hard. I hate the fact that we have no freezer because I would love to be able to drink my tea with splenda but I can't handle it without the ice. I have turned down so foods in the last few days so thats a start. The greatest part is that I have been craving salad this last week but the bad news is that because of all this pollen I feel like I have morning sickness at least a few days a week that lasts all day. YUCK!


Richard starts his new job tomorrow. Thank you Jesus. 2011 seems to be going better then how it started. I am still pretty sure that I am going to have to cancel my cruise but haven't actually done it yet. I am feeling a little better about it though.

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I hope the sickness gets gone soon and congrats to your husband!!!


I forgot to weigh in this morning, maybe in was my subconscious not wanting to, but I'll get to it tomr morning.


I'm struggling. Really trying to rack my brain to find how I can get my body and mind to work together on this whole controlling food intake thing. I guess I will just keep re-inventing my diet every time I need it. There has to be something that will make it click for me. I just don't know what it is yet. But as long as I'm looking I know I have a better chance of finding it.


Zumba again tonight. We will see how the knee feels after a weekend of rest.


Good Choices.

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I'm very happy to report I'll most likely be buying a car today or tomorrow!! Brand new 2011 Jeep Patriot. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles and it's not AWD or Four Wheel Drive, but I've heard good reviews on it during the winter. My friend's grandfather owned a dealership at one time and was good friends with another dealership owner. So my friend referred me to a guy there and he was super nice and gave me a price that totally blew my mind (shocked because I never thought I'd ever be able to own a brand new car!) and he's giving me almost double what my car is even worth!. I thought I was getting a good deal for a used but when he offered me the same price or less for a BRAND NEW car , how could I not take it? I tried it out, told him I'd think about it but I only had until Wed to get this deal because it's the end of the month. I still have to clean my other car out though..but I'm totally excited and ready for summer and for a road trip. My mom and I will go either next month or in May..whenever I can get a few days off.


Other good news is that my mom offered to pay for the gym that I had discussed with my kickboxing instructor..at least until I get some car payments down and see how I am doing in a few months with rent and car payments etc...I just need to make sure I go and put the smackdown on my eating. I'm determined to do this...on Saturday I pretty much did nothing and was so tired of being tired and I would have gone to the gym if I had that membership, that's when my mom realized I really needed it. I'm thankful to have supportive friends and family.


Hoping it will just be a great week overall! Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning everyone! I'm just going to check in really quick since I have a busy week ahead! A few more days to try to reach my goal of 10 pounds lost... we'll see how it goes. I was not great about going to the new, revamped exercise room this weekend, because I was super busy. But I did walk a lot, so hopefully that will add up.


Jess, congrats on the car, that is AWESOME!


Brooke, I hope your knee feels great tonight.


Annette, congrats to your husband! Thanks for filling us in on the new WW system. Keep us posted on how that is going. I didn't realize that you stopped counting calories. Interesting.


Talk to you all soon!

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I haven't been in forever, but have a couple of very valid excuses. :(


My father, from whom I was estranged, passed away on Saturday. I have been dealing - on the phone - with a LOT. I was the next of kin and made decisions about his DNR status and I also turned off life support. A very looonnnng story. But, I feel some sense of relief now. He is being cremated today or tomorrow and then I am having the ashes sent up to me. He cut off ties with his entire family a long time ago and left a big mess.


But, it's also been a huge wake up call as I learn more and more about his health the last 5 years. He had COPD and diabetes. I did not know about the diabetes. He was over 300 lbs when he died and had never been a large person when I knew him. As I notified his family and heard the same stories about their health statuses, it has really made me think about my own health. It has been a huge thing for me to deal with, but I think it's all for a reason.


I also had my first physical in 5 years last week and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Unfortunately, my blood pressure was sky high, though. Part of it may have been because they make you wait forever while you sit there freezing in your gown. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest, too! He did put me on blood pressure medication. Not really what I wanted to do, but it's time to start paying attention to my health.


So, sorry for the heavy message, but I just wanted to check in. :) Kim

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I saw you had posted that on facebook and again I'm sorry for your loss. I know what it's like to be estranged from your own family, I have my parents but I have two siblings that I don't associate with and it's heartbreaking to say the least (don't see my four nieces and nephews either). That was a very tough decision that you had and I can only imagine how stressful that must have been and probably still is. Hang in there!


When I was diagnosed with high blood pressure when I was around 22 years old I didn't want to believe it because I was so young and kind of ignored it. But It caught up with me and I finally realized how important it was and started the medication like I was supposed to but one of my goals is to be able to get off from it and I was told with weight loss it shouldn't be a problem, however since it runs on my father's side of family, there are some of average weight with high blood pressure. But often it take something drastic in life to make a change. My father quadruple bypass surgery in his early 40's and we almost lose him and it was because of his weight, smoking, stress and high blood pressure..so I think of that a lot because I don't want to end up dying of heart disease at an early age. So at least we are here talking and thinking about it and trying to make a difference and that's the important thing. :)


Had to leave work early yesterday to sign papers and finally bring my new car home! Still need to get used to the shape of it as it's not the same as my other car but I still love it and the best part is..I paid less for this Brand new Jeep then I did for my used Mitsubishi when I bought it! :eek: I did add an extended warranty to it which raised my payment a bit but I didn't have it on my other car and I think it would have came in real handy so I think it's worth it.


Kickboxing tonight and hopefully get to sign up for the gym this week!

Edited by Jesscap5
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That's a lot to deal with, I hope things get easier. But its good your physical went well. I've never had one. I'm sure if I went to the Dr. again they would want me on BP meds, but I'm just not ready for it yet. I still want to lose and not have to take it.




That's amazing you got such a great deal on your car!!! I swore when I paid mine off that I'd trade it in and get a new one, but I think I need to use my money for better uses at this point, like saving up for my own place. I don't know if I can do another Winter in that house with stove smoke and my dad's cig smoke too.


Sorry I didn't post yesterday......got in a "I don't want to write mood." Anyway, I did remember to weigh: 327.4. OH BOY! Not what I wanted to see. I need to recalculate my calories on Sparkpeople and make sure I'm doing enough exercise too. I'm not giving up. Period. I will find a way. If fact I need to go back a log my food for yesterday. This weekend, after my trip I need to sit down and make a few list and do some serious thinking. There has to be a break through for me.......I know it. Other people have it.....I need to find mine. So, I think I will just have a brain storm. Think of all the times I've dieted and all the gemics and what worked and then why it stopped working. I don't know if it will help, but can't hurt, right?


Anyway, my back is giving me hell lately. Not as bad as it was, but I really think an anti inflammatory is going to be needed. I asked my chiro and he said, "You just got you stomach back to normal, but you have to live you life too." We will see. But I hate to see how much it will cost me in prescriptions since the change in my insurance. :(


Anyway, I rested my knee and back yesterday and so tonight I'm going to the gym. I will do no less than 30 mins, but I'm hoping with doing 45 mins. of Zumba I can at least handle 45 mins. on the equipment. Probably the treadmill and bike. Thursday will be Zumba again and then Friday I have a dinner party and spending the night with friends I plan on going on my ghost hunt with this weekend. We also have my friend's twin's bday party to hit up before we leave.


Yesterday I had to go to Walmart to pick up the twins gifts and while I was there I decided to do two things.


1. Buy a notebook to write down my random ideas in. I have these random ideas and I often think them and then just forget them and move on. They may be crappy or unpractical, but some of them might work if I ever wanted to put effort into them. Besides, they clutter my mind up sometimes and its just good to get them out.


2. Learned a beauty tip from the cruise fashion boards and just had to try it. It was suggested that you buy the monistat chaffing gel powder for your FACE! :eek: The premise is that you put on your moisturizer, then the powder gel, then foundation. It is suppose to keep the oils in your face from coming through and the foundation from getting in your pores. So basically, its suppose to keep your make-up flawless and keep you from sweating it off etc. Great for hot weather I suppose, but I bought a tube of it at Walmart for about $6.97 and I tried it this morning. I will let you know if it works later today.


Well........here goes another day (nasty and raining as it is)


Good Choices.

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Brooke I have tried the monistat chafing gel on my face as a face primer (which a lot of people use actually). It's ok, as long as you don't use a lot..then it makes your face greasy looking. But I love this stuff for chafing too, instantly feels 100% better when I put that stuff on. My dad uses it too. lol


Brooke you might hate me for saying this but in regards to the physical, you should get one. As much as it hurts to go too the doctor, see your weight, bp or whatever..in the long run it will help you. It might even help you lose weight..I know that when I take my meds it helps me soo much and I'm not saying your going to be on meds but I think it's worth getting a physical. Not all overweight/obese people have high blood pressure but if you do, it's better to take meds now and get off of them later..then to not take them at all, the longer someone goes without meds to treat it, the worse it's doing for your heart and body and increases your risk of stroke, heart attack etc and it will weaken your heart.

I don't want to take my meds, I want to lose weight and not take it either but when I think about Heart Disease being the number one killer in women, I'd rather not chance it.

With that being said, how will you know if you don't go? Trust me, you would be doing yourself a favor. :)


Kickboxing last night practically killed me, or my back. But I survived and I'm going back tonight. Mr. G (kickboxing trainer) is setting me up to the gym next door to him and he's going to help train me in weight...etc, just because he insists. :rolleyes: I like him though and he left me a nice message on my voicemail and he still is offering to pay but I just can't let him do that, but it's nice to know there are people who care and really do want to help. It's the eating I know that will/is the hardest to control.


Hope everyone has a great day. Beautiful day here, except we might get 6" of snow tomorrow and Friday with rain...crossing my fingers we won't get it or at least not get much.

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