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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey all!


Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been so busy lately, and just got back from vacation!


Kim, GREAT job on the 40 pounds! That is excellent!!!


Ms. CO5 (sorry I don't remember your "real" name), congrats on the pregnancy! SO exciting!


Brooke, sounds like switching up your points helped a bit. Keep on going! I agree that having a support system helps a LOT with staying strong. Way to resist that Starbucks. It is VERY hard for me.


Since I have been on vacation and in a vacation mindset, I haven't been eating on my best behavior. I did try to get lots of fruits and veg when I had the chance (such as ordering a side salad instead of fries). But there was a lot of pizza, eating out, etc. I am going to weigh in tomorrow to see what damage has been done, if any. :( We were pretty active so I'm hoping it's not too bad.


I decided that it might be good for me to post what exactly I am eating everyday, so I'm going to start that tomorrow. I went grocery shopping today after returning home to an empty fridge, and I think I got some good stuff. Right now, I am making home-made granola to have in the mornings with a 1/2 cup of greek yogurt and some fresh berries. It makes about ten 1/2 cup servings at about 180 calories, so I will measure it out to make sure it lasts. It's just 3 cups oats, 1/2 cup each of almonds, pecans, walnuts, and raisins, and 1/2 cup of REAL maple syrup (I only buy the real stuff, the corn-syrup stuff grosses me out since it tastes fake to me), a tiny bit of salt and cinnamon, baked in a 300 degree oven for 30 minutes. I just sprayed the baking sheet with a bit of cooking spray. It smells SO GOOD right now. The nuts really raise the calories, but since I am tracking I really just have to make sure I get the right portion. Plus, I am getting healthy fats and lots of needed minerals/vitamins from the nuts. I read that you should eat a small serving of nuts everyday, so I am going to try to do that. On days where I just have regular cereal and milk, I will have a portion of pistachios for my afternoon snack. On other days, I usually bring some type of fruit or a cheese stick.


I also skipped getting meat this week, and instead bought some fish to make fish tacos (SO good, I first had them on our honeymoon in Hawaii) using this recipe: http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/grilled_fish_tacos.html


For the other dinners I'm going to make a dish I've made once before (also from the Eating Well website) that has broccoli, red pepper, and chicken in a peanut sauce (YUM!). Instead of chicken, I am going to use tofu though.


I realized that I would rather buy better quality meat and cut back on it than eat meat everyday or every meal. I don't think I could ever go total vegetarian, but there are a lot of other options out there, and I definitely want to up my fish intake too!!!


Best of luck everyone, and I'll try to check in tomorrow!! :)

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Well, after much debate with my inner self.......I got my butt over to the gym. I did have to compromise with myself though. I did 10 mins on the treadmill (I bumped up to 3.1 mph), 10 on the elliptical, 10 on the bike, 10 reps of ball squats, 3x10 of 10lb weights...........ahaha lots of "10s." But I came out sweating and feeling good. I knew I had to remind myself of how good it felt.


Mom made tacos with the leftover deer hamburger I cooked. I had a big old taco salad with lots of lettuce, fresh garden tomatoes, sprinkle of cheese, about 5oz of deer hamburger, about 1.5 oz of tortilla chips, and 1 tsp of sour cream. I had some M&Ms and milk for dessert. I didn't finish the milk b/c I got full.




I feel the same way about vacation. I know I will tempted, so I just try to move more and try to lose a few extra before leaving, so it won't be as bad damage. Wish I could cook like you.


BK: Cin. Kashi cereal, skim milk


S: apple or orange


L: I grabbed some bread this morning (low cal) b/c I didn't plan ahead, but I knew I had some peanut butter left at work.


S: greek yogurt, V8, something like that


D: What can you make with chicken tenders......I have like a taste for garlic something and fresh tomatoes............ugh.


W: The gym it is.


Sat: 323.4

Sun: 323.6

Mon: 325.2

Tues: 325


Good Choices.

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I am having a good start to the day. I am now down 42 lbs. :D I have been hungry the last 2 days, so I added in some more snacks and starting losing again. I am still biking at least 10 miles per day, too. So, that might have something to do with it, too!


Chicken tenders - if you are in the mood for something with tomatoes and garlic....you can brown the chicken in a little oil in a pan, then add in fresh chopped tomatoes (you may need to add a little sauce, too) and a little garlic. Have that with a little pasta and a salad. I have done something similar with chopped canned tomatoes, so I am thinking you can do the same with fresh.


I am off today - thankfully - but I have my boys home. The Play Doh is already out and it is 9am. Just little messes to clean up everywhere!


Have a great day,


Edited by cruisingagaininnov2008
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Hey all,

So, I promised I would post what I ate today, so here goes. The scale was UP FOUR from prior to vacation this morning! I'm hoping some of it is excess sodium, etc. I'm not used to eating out that much. Grrr. So I'm back on track.


Breakfast: 1/2 cup home-made granola (179 cal), 1/2 cup plain greek-style yogurt (80 cal), raspberries (15 cal), and 1/2 cup orange juice (60 cal). I'm sick or else I would usually skip the juice... total: 334 cal.


Lunch: We had a surprise lunch meeting today, GRRR. Was hoping to head home so that I could have a nice sandwich and a piece of fruit. But we had mexican from this place called Burrito Beach, looked up the calories online, and I had: 1/2 chicken burrito (436 cal), 1 tblspn guac (73 cal), and 7 tortilla chips (38 cal). Total: 547 cal. Annoying, because my lunches are usually less than that, and I hate it that stuff comes up right when I'm getting back into the swing of things!!!


Dinner: 1/4 cup (dry) jasmin rice (160 cal), 1 serving of broccoli & red pepper w/peanut sauce from Eating Well's website (319 cal), and 1 serving of tofu (96 cal). Total: 575 cal.


Totals for the day: 1456 cal (I'm supposed to stay between 1,200 and 1,500), 57 g of fat, 156 g of carbs, 68 g of protein, and 24 g of fiber.

Edited by RachieLnnn
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Sounds good.......I want like a brochette (sp), I don't care for cooked tomatoes. I'm craving a taste. weird.




You still came in under........and that is something good. We all have those surprises in life, but its how we handle them. I have to go to the cafe for a meeting on thrusday............buffet is evil.


I got my gym in last night, but my back is hurting again. I was just saying to myself the other day how nice it was that my back wasn't being so bad lately. Jinxed myself. But I did go back to higher impact exercises, so I don't blame it.


Mom fixed BK for dinner last night. So how made biscuits, egg, pre-cooked bacon. I made a biscuit out of the egg, bacon, tomato and one with butter........I'm a butter biscuit girl.......always have been. I still had 9 points left, so I ate a handful of M&Ms and called it a night.


Sat: 323.4

Sun: 323.6

Mon: 325.2

Tues: 325

Wed: 324.2


BK: Cin. Kashi Ceral


S: I had an apple with peanut butter smeared on it the other day, forgot how I liked that combo. Might do the same today.


L: Looks like peanut butter sandwich again. But its good b/c tomr. will be working lunch.


S: I actually didn't need one........yesterday......maybe not today either. I just had the V8 with lunch.


D: Mom went back to work today, so I actually might get to fix my chicken stuff. We have some frozen spinach in the freezer.......whats that spinanch and cheese sauce.........then I could dice up some tomatoes on top with some garlic salt.............hmmm


S: Probably a few M&Ms. I actually don't like to eat too many of these at a time. I can't take the chocolate taste too much at a time.


W: To the gym. I reversed what I did the day before....bike, ellipitcal, treadmill with weights inbetween. I'll probably do elliptical, treadmill bike with squats today.


Good Choices.

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Great job on working out! That is something I need to be more consistent with. Right now I still have a cold, so I didn't want to push it,. I'm down a pound from yesterday, so I think a bit of my 4 pound gain was sodium, etc.


I'm trying to think of a good dinner idea with your ingredients... do you like tomato sauce, but not cooked tomatoes? If you simmer them for awhile, they turn into a marinara of sorts. That would be good with chicken, kind of like chicken parm but healthier (you could even sprinkle some cheese on top).

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I am still with my program. :D I am down 44 lbs. :) The last couple of days I have added in a little more food - healthy snacks and little more protein. I had been very hungry the last few days, so I really think I needed more food.


I am soooooooooo ready for bed. So, I will write more tomorrow.



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Looks tasty, Brooke! How did it turn out?


I'm posting my food for the day! I made these fish tacos: OMG, they were delicious! I'm really trying to work more fish into my diet. I used mahi mahi and also used broccoli slaw in lieu of cabbage, and greek yogurt in lieu of mayo. I also added sliced red bell pepper, red onion, and purple carrots from our CSA.




Breakfast: Trader Joe's O's (100 cal), 3/4 cup 1% milk (83 cal), 1/2 cup fresh blueberries (41 cal). Total: 223 cal.


Mid-morning snack: Banana (109 cal)


Lunch: 2 oz turkey (60 cal) plus lettuce, tomato, and slice of swiss cheese (80 cal) on 2 slices of sprouted wheat bread from Trader Joes (60 cal per slice), along with half a cucumber sliced (as "chips") for 20 cal, plus a serving of homemade roasted garlic hummus (81 cal in calculator). Plus, a cup of 1% milk because I fancied it (110 cal). Total lunch: 486.


I was going to eat a mid-afternoon snack of pistachios, but I wasn't hungry, so I saved them for tomorrow.


Dinner: Fish tacos as indicated above (314 cal), plus 1/2 half an avocado (144 cal).


Workout: 35 minutes on the elliptical, around 350 cal burned


Totals for the day: 1,276 Calories, 151 g Carbs, 42 g Fat, 81 g Protein, and 30 g Fiber.


I am a little high on protein, typically low on carbs. But I think that's ok - eating this way really helps me stay full. I'm also trying to incorporate a lot of healthy fats (nuts, avocado, fish) in the right portion size.


This is day two of posting, and I think it helps me stay on track for sure, so thanks everyone, for listening (or "reading"). :)


Tomorrow I am going out to eat with friends for dinner, so I'm going to try to stay pretty low calorie wise throughout the day to make up for it. I might have a small snack right before we go, so I'm not starving though. :o


Edited to add: KIM! Great job! 44 pounds, wow! They are falling off you! How long do you exercise everyday?


Also wanted to add: Brooke, I LOVE apples sliced up and topped with peanut butter! One of my favorite snacks!

Edited by RachieLnnn
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I'm dying for the day I get to 44lbs down. At least then I will know I can do it and not get stuck at this 30lbs stalemate.




That is some good eating. I don't know if I could get that low. But then again at this point my body would think I'm starving if I did that, lol.


I gave myself a break from the gym. I thought about it and doing three days in a row might not be good. My back appreciated a break too. I will do one today. I will probably leave early on Friday, so I probably won't workout. If I can I will try to make a trip to my grandparents again, since my dad and brother are probably going to help my grandfather chop wood for the winter. I will def. have to take something to keep me busy b/c its dangerous there without much to do.


I had the chicken last night. I took that recp. and it was really good. My taste buds loved it. I did like a whole cup of cherry tomatoes (from the garden), I didn't have olive oil, so canola it was. The garlic was a bit much, but still tasty. I seared the chicken in a skillet with a bit of oil and salt, pepper and then I put one slice of swiss on top and let it melt. I put a little spinach in the tomato mix too, for some green. Plated the chicken and just dumped the tomato mix on top. I had a baked potato with it. I had a light smirnoff (1 ww point), then a handful of M&Ms.


Sat: 323.4

Sun: 323.6

Mon: 325.2

Tues: 325

Wed: 324.2

Thurs: 324


BK: Cin. Kashi Cereal and skim milk


S: Fruit if I need, I haven't lately


L: We are eating in our cafe......I don't know if they are full service or not. I'm going to try and head for the salad bar first and just get a big salad. But if they aren't in full service, they will only have like a side salad bar. If not I guess I'll look for lean meats and veggies.


S: yogurt if I need it.


D: Hmmm......I don't know. I think I'll have to see how much I spend on lunch.


W: Well, just learned I'm leaving work early b/c I have to run errands for my boss. I have to go all the way to the other side of the county (close to where I live), so driving back would be a waste of money. Is my health important, yes, but my wallet is too. So, maybe if I get home early enough I can switch on the A/C and use the bike.


Good Choices.

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45 :D:)


I am definitely on the right trend. But, let me recap... I still have a lot to lose. To get to my "goal", I would need to lose 50+ lbs. I started this adventure last summer, so it's taken me a year to get to this point. I lost 35 before my last cruise in November 2010. I gained back 15-20 and then re-lost those lbs and then 10 more. I exercise on my stationary bike every day 10 miles a day, sometimes more. It take me about 35 minutes at a good pace - 17 or 18 miles per hour. If I do something else active during the day - walking a lot - I will do less miles. The exercise has been the key for me. I put so much into it and it takes a huge amount of effort for me to get my butt on the bike, so I keep that in mind when I look at the food in the refrigerator.


I actually told my mom how much I weigh today. Someone else on this board knows, though. :o I hate talking numbers. It was a scary thing, but it is sort of liberating, too.


I love all the food ideas. I do get into ruts that I have a hard time coming out of.


Today, I did not do very well with lunch and snack. We went to the zoo and there are not a lot of healthy food options. I had a hamburger and potato chips for lunch and then had a kiddie size cup of birthday cake ice cream. Best thing ever!! But, on the upside, we walked for 4 hours and this was the hilliest zoo I have ever been to. I pushed my 42 lb boy in a stroller up the hills, too. (Yes, my 5 year old still likes the stroller!) I am thinking I burned off at least the ice cream. I am exhausted, but I will still do at least 5 miles on the bike tonight. I had a salad for dinner, but was still hungry, so I had a small bowl of cereal (Cracklin' Oak Bran) and some 1% milk. I think I am okay now.


Have a good night and a good Friday.

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Kim, great job with the exercise, and I hope you had fun at the zoo. Your lunch doesn't sound like the end of the world - at least you kept active all day!


Brooke, your chicken dish sounds divine!


I did OK today, but dinner was still hard, because I went out with friends, and we went to a place where you share everything (like small plates). We also got some sangria... which was a little sweet for me. I am having a really hard time figuring out the calories for dinner. We had some salads, some roasted veg, some sauteed mushrooms, an omelette thing, and some goat cheese baked with marinara. I only had 3 slices of thinly sliced baguette though. Overall, I don't think it was a bad dinner, I'm just have no clue how much sugar and calories was in the sangria. It tasted too sweet to me. BUT the bread basket sat there until the end of the evening, and I didn't grab an extra slice even though there was half a basket left and we were sitting there awhile. ALSO, at one point I was going to get a little bit more food, but then I realized I was full and stopped myself. I literally was reaching for the serving spoon, then took my hand away... I wonder if it looked weird when I changed directions. Haha! Probably no one noticed. ;)


It was hard for me to count my calories from dinner.... since it was a little bit of everything, how do you track that???


I did leave myself a lot of room today. Before dinner, I had:


Same breakfast as yesterday - cheerios, milk, and blueberries (224 cal)


Same (almost) lunch as yesterday - but I skipped the milk and had 2 pickles in lieu of hummus and cucumber. Had the same sandwich, and added a plum (40 cal). Total: 296 cal.


Before dinner, around 4 PM, I was a little hungry, so I had half a serving of pistachios (89 cal).


Prior to dinner, I had only used up 611 of my 1200-1550 range, so hopefully I left enough wiggle room. I had 589-939 cal remaining. It's SO hard to know.... well I will just drink lots of water before bed. All these reports on restaurant food really make me hesitant to indulge in it, unless they post their nutrition info somewhere! It's just really hard to know what's in it.


Since I was with a group of 3 others, it's hard for me to ask for everything to be no salt, no oil, etc. I'd rather just have a little bit and enjoy it. Honestly though, I really think the food was ok, since we stuck with a lot of veg, that was good and nutritious... I just should have limited the sangria... :o


Well, there's always next time, and I knew going into it that I was going to indulge, and I left room for it, so there you go. I will report in tomorrow. Have a great night, everyone!

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That's good and consistent weight loss. It will be so much easier to keep it off when you take the slow and steady approach. Your almost at goal!




You so conscious of your food. I wish I had a little bit less picky appetite.


So, I did 15 mins on the bike and some weights at home. I know..........I could have done more. But I actually got real hunger pains after exercising. I thought they were just my stomach being silly for a while........but it was def. hunger. I wondered to myself if decreasing calories and then trying to do more exercise this week was too much. But, I did make a good choice. I went downstairs and sliced up a fresh garden tomato and put some salt on the slices. I figured it was healthy and light. It was really good too. I forgot home much I just like tomatoes and salt. My stomach stopped after that I went to bed.


I had 3oz of chicken last night cooked with some Bird's eye asian medley steamed veggies with a bit of red pepper sprinkled on (I like spice). I ate the whole bag of veggies, but it was still only like 3 points and the chicken was 3 points. So a 6 point dinner. That was good after my indulgence at lunch. The salad bar was not full and of course they had no lean meats. Fried. I should have ate some cereal. But I got a fried chicken breast and a few fries and a piece of cake. I counted it all, which is why I had to eat a small dinner. Plus I had already counted a mini blizzard in b/c they were giving a $1 for every blizzard bought yesterday to the Miracle Network. It was a good excuse for ice cream, I guess. I mean in the past I would have bought the largest size, but I asked if it had to be a certain size and they said no. So I went with the mini vs a reg. (thats 300 vs 600).


Sat: 323.4

Sun: 323.6

Mon: 325.2

Tues: 325

Wed: 324.2

Thurs: 324

Friday: 324.6


So my lowest weight for the week is 323.4 and so is .8 lost. I think I can say a lb. So that is 6.6lbs lost total. I have to reset my points every time I put in a new weight b/c it takes me back to what they assigned me. But this time I noticed they took it from 51 to 50 points, so that means instead of changing it to 48 it will be 47. So, hopefully I will continue to lose. Though I think we all notice that I was a little liberal this week, so I might have an off week.


Going into my grandparents this weekend. My dad and brother are helping my paw paw chop wood for the winter. Mom can't go b/c she starts school back next week and has to prepare her lesson plans and my SIL needs to be at home b/c they are officially certified Foster Parents and could get a call anytime now, so she is manning the home front this weekend. Soooooo, who is going to take care of these men? You know they are grown, but us women do know that they make stupid decisions sometimes. So, I'm going to make sure they get decent food (not just sandwiches) and keep some water in them too. It will be nice to visit my maw maw too. I think they got her back on her anti-depression meds and she is in a better mood, but it can't hurt to come in spend some time with her. I bought some steamable rice and veggie stuff yesterday while I got the stir fry.....I will take that and some chicken with me to cook up for dinner and probably my kashi cereal too. I can do tomato or peanut butter sandwichs for lunch. I will take my scrapbook stuff with me to try and keep myself busy when I'm not talking with my maw maw, cooking, cleaning etc. I hope to take a walk too. Just a stroll, but that will keep me on track.


BK: Cin. Kashi cereal, skim milk (I try not to drink what is leftover)


S: I haven't been needing one. I can last til lunch around 12-12:30 without anything. No sugar drop or anything............


L: I brought light spam (it was in the fridge :rolleyes:), light wheat bread (some mustard), and a garden tomato to slice and eat with some salt, tehe. Maybe a cheese stick


S: I have cheese sticks or yogurt if I need it and fruit


D: We will probably stop and grab something at McD's (thats what dad likes) and eat in the car, so I will probably get a grilled chicken sandwich, small fries, unsweet tea.


W: I probably won't get one, but I do have to do some errands for my boss again (lucky b/c I can get out of here early and have enough time to get home and pack some stuff up)


Does my countdown say 70 days???:D


Good Choices.

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New total...46


Brooke - I am almost at my first goal. I wanted to lose 50 by September 10 (my son's 9th birthday and a Rick Springfield concert!) and then 60 by the cruise in November. Beyond that, I just need to keep going. Realistically, I could lose another 80, but I would be happy with another 40.


I am honestly just feeling so much better. To have my current clothes be so big, especially my pants, that I can't wear them anymore is very cool. I have a lot more energy. My husband commented last night that I don't even snore anymore. Who knew I snore? :rolleyes:


My husband and I had a rare date night last night. We went out to eat at a local Italian restaurant. It was so good. I had a chicken dish with chicken breast, a thin layer of eggplant on top and then fresh mozzarella cheese. All in a sherry wine sauce and a side of pasta. I must have consumed 1000 calories. But, so worth it. I had been really good all day. It did not show up on the scale today, and let's hope it never does. We went to a movie, too. "Crazy, Stupid, Love". Good movie.


I took a day off from biking yesterday. I will get back on today. I have a day to myself today, too. My kids are at mom's and my husband is working. I am going to go shopping later this morning and see what I can find for my cruise.


Have a great weekend.

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Well, it was a long weekend. Went with my brother and dad to my grandparents. They cut 6 truck loads of wood for my paw paw. i stayed in the house and tried to keep things clean and make sure my paw paw heard my maw maw when she called for something (he forgets to put his hearing aid in and he still can't hear her when he does). I tried to help one time with her, but there seems to be an art to it that I can't do. I did help pull her up in the bed and it may have cost me some more issues with my back. Its the worst its been in a long time. Chiropractor can't see me until Thrusday either..........oh well. Move through the pain right.


I ate over all weekend. I have 23 weekly points out of 49...........I think I need to stop right there. Its hard not to though when you are visiting. You kind of have to eat what is there. I just didn't have enough time to pack and prepare anything good. I tried not to over over over eat. This is very usual for me at my grandparents. I will say its a victory b/c compared to how I usually eat..........I think I did almost 80% better. That is a big deal.


Now, I'm back to my normality and hope to get back on the track. Although exercise may not be much of an option until I get my back fixed. I will try the bike tonight though.


Sat: 324.8

Sun: 324.8

Mon: 324


Another victory........I took my scale with me. I decided it was important enough to me to keep an accurate track. When I saw the scale (normally goes down on Sat and Sun) actually go up..........It made trying to eat better a little easier.


Wow...........I started that at like 10am...........its 12:32pm.........haha.


BK: Kashi cereal


S: None


L: peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick, V8 juice, apple


S: If I need one.......yogurt.


D: 6oz of chicken, grilled with Bird's eye chicken flavored rice and veggies.


w: Ohhhhhhh.........mmmm..........my back is not happy, so maybe not.


Good choices.

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What a day............it was busy at work yesterday, just things coming together everywhere.


Then my brother texted me saying, "Are you ready to be an auntie?"


Yep, we have our first. I won't go into detail for the safety of the child and the privacy of the family, but its exciting.


My back is trying..........I felt much better yesterday evening, but this morning its like it started all over again. Ouch. The chiro will see me on Thursday.............


I went with my chicken and rice last night. I had a bit of ice cream. I actually didn't finish it b/c I mean......it wasn't that great (mocha cheesecake........not a good combo for me). So why finish it if I didn't like it. I had some bbq chips instead. I crave bbq flavor just every once in a while. Not bbq meat though, just the flavor like on chips. So I finished off my ice cream points with those.


Sat: 324.8

Sun: 324.8

Mon: 324

Tues: 322.6 (YAY)


I was waiting for that number. I was really hoping I'd see it sometime before Friday. I think maybe I just had salt build up or something.


BK: Kashi cereal


S: if I need it, fruit


L: I brought a potato to bake in the microwave, butter, sour cream, a bit of cheese and some pre-cooked bacon. I'm just gonna do a loaded baked potato for lunch.


S: cheese stick or yogurt if I need it.


D: I'll do the long grain rice and veggies (birds eye) with chicken again.


W: I don't think so............gonna wait for the chiro.


I'm almost 2 months away from my cruise, so exciting.


Good Choices.

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Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Brooke! That's excellent!! The hard work is paying off. :D:):D:) Congrats on being an auntie, too. That's awesome.


I, on the other hand, have been snacking the day away. Boo to me. But, I am already back on track. I guess we are all allowed a bad day every so often. I seem to lose a few lbs, plateau for a a week or two, lose again and so on.


Gotta put my boys to bed. It's the most wonderful time of the day!!


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We all have our snacking days. I know this past weekend was so hard for me. I'm so glad I brought my scrap book stuff with me or I would have been eating out of boredom.


Morning all,


I had the chicken and rice last night (less points than I though b/c it was a different kind of rice.) I had some ice cream afterwards. It took me over a bit, but I did make myself wait to eat it. I wanted to wait long enough so that it would be too late to eat anymore after that, so I wouldn't be tempted. It worked.


No exercise. I sure hope the chiro can fix this. I feel like I'm going backwards at a fast rate.


Sat: 324.8

Sun: 324.8

Mon: 324

Tues: 322.6 (YAY)

Wed: 321.4 (WOW)


I'll take that, especially without exercise and after this past weekend.


BK: I went for the Kashi cheerios this morning and 1% milk (just what the store had)


S: I might need one today b/c the Cheerios doesn't have as much protein as the other. so I have some apples and peanut butter if that is needed.


L: The pre-cooked bacon stayed at work and I had some sandwich bread too, so I brought a tomato and some reduced mayo for a sandwich. I will eat the whole tomato (slices with salt, mmmmmmm).


S: I kinda needed one yesterday. My co-worker brought in some candy and passed it out and I did eat a like two reese mini cups and a couple tootsie rolls. I'm proud that I put the rest in my desk drawer though. Normally, I would eat what was there, but I took a few pieces and put the rest away. The yogurt might be needed to detour me from the candy.


D: Hmmm, so I'm kinda done with chicken. Maybe I will have a hamburger with some sweet potato (baked) frozen fries.


W: obviously, not going to, but I have been trying to get up more at work, even though it kinda hurts.


So, if 321.4 is my lowest weight then I will have lost 8.6lbs since May (mainly all in the last couple of weeks) and I'm feeling I can accomplish 10lbs by the cruise. I won't set anything else until I hit that though. I don't want to get ahead of myself.


Good Choices.

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YAY Brooke! That is excellent! Keep on going. I hope your back feels better. Are there any simple stretches your chiropractor can give you that you can do at home to help things? Sometimes I feel better after stretching, but I think you have more severe back pain, so maybe it's best to leave it to them.


I have really been trying to stay on track, but things keep popping up. Yesterday I had a morning meeting and was planning on coming home and having a light lunch (since I had an event after work that I knew would have open bar and not very good for you food). The morning meeting ended up going until 1:30 PM. I was hungry, and finally around 12:45 PM someone suggested that we order pizza. I did request that we get a big salad to the side, so that was good. I ended up with 2 slices of cheese pizza and a half a plate of salad with a bit of vineagrette on it. Not terrible but not very great, either. I should have had one slice. Everyone else in the meeting was a guy, and they had NO salad and 3-4 slices each!


At the after-work event, I tried to fill up my plate at the buffet with salad and steamed vegetables, but had some pasta and other assorted things as well. I also had two glasses of wine...


I decided that I am going to focus on making the meals I have at home really low-cal and nutritious, and then when I am forced to eat our somewhere, just try to make the best decision I can. If I ate perfectly, and always prepared my own food, I know that I can lose weight faster. BUT I also still have to live my life (during and after losing weight) so it's important to get used to making good decisions in social settings. So maybe the weight will come off slower, but it will happen.


Today I have lunch out with a friend, I'm going to look up their menu online and try to pick a good salad or else pick a sandwich, eat half of it, and get a salad to the side in lieu of fries.

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Its the little choices that make a difference over time. You have got it right.





I had the hamburger last night w/ sweet potato fries. Had some ice cream later. I had a smirnoff light.......probably why I'm retaining a bit of weight this morning. That's okay though.


I get to see the chiropractor today, so yay. Though I'm feeling better, but I feel much better once I see him, well he will hurt for a while, but still.


Sat: 324.8

Sun: 324.8

Mon: 324

Tues: 322.6 (YAY)

Wed: 321.4 (WOW)

Thurs: 322.8


I've noticed that though my weight fluctuates from day to day......From week to week.......overall........I'm going down. I think I might put this in excel by week, so I can look at the numbers.


BK: Kashi with 1%


S: I didn't need one yesterday, but as always I have supplies


L: Peanut butter, didn't have time to think out lunch


S: Didn't need one either.


D: Almond crusted med. salmon with baked potato (I might have some frozen veggies instead of the potato.


W: If the chiro gives me the go ahead.........I'm pretty sure he will.


I got my new ipod last yesterday. I guess I bought it b/c my other one reached its capacity and it was about 10 years old. But mom pointed out to me that b/c I used it for working out and stuff, that it was a positive award to myself for the weight I've lost lately. So, I found a reward that had nothing to do with clothes or food and it promotes exercise. I think that is positive. I love that the new nano is touch screen, has a pedometer on it and you can track your weight on it too, plus it has a clip (so no more sticking it in my sports bra, lol).


I'm gonna go in tonight and put together my playlist, including a workout list.


Good choices.

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Good afternoon,


Great job sticking with it, Brooke. Hopefully your chiropractor can straighten you up/out.


I also fluctuate quite a bit, especially during "that time of the month". Like now. :( I was up 3. YIKES, but now and only up 1. I am still going with my 46 lb loss. I did lose it and I know my extra pound is due my period, so I am not sweating it. I have been good with the minor exception of the pot pie I just "had" to have on Sunday. My next immediate goal is lose 6 lbs by September 10. (Then another 10 by November 4).


I have been rewarding myself with some new cruise clothes. I have purchased 5 new capris and 8 new shirts. All 2 sizes smaller. :) They *just* fit now - the pants are even a little snug. So, even if I lost more weight, they will be fine. I will not, however, being doing a fashion show. Brooke is much more brave than I am.


Back to household duties. Blech. I am "off" from work today, but somehow, I am doing more than I ever do on the job.

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I have a clothes problem as you can see.........I'm trying so hard not to buy Fall clothes right now unless I can use them on the cruise......at work.......and during the Fall, lol. I have about $200 worth of clothes saved in my Old Navy cart right now. I did get a 25% off email today though, so I might have to do it, but I'm going to think about for now.




I was supposed to go see our new little one, but he had a safety seat class, lol. I'll get to see him tonight.


The chiropractor said my disk was out of place and putting pressure on that stupid nerve again. He said the tingle was a warning sign, so I need to take some anti-inflams (he said one at a time to help my stomach out) and ice it and of course, be careful. I will forgo the treadmill when I get back to the gym next week and just do the ellpitical and bike to stop any extra pressure.


I had the salmon, baked potato and green beans. I didn't finish the salmon, I left about 1/4 of it on the plate. I had ice cream, but I used a coffee cup to keep my portion down. I'm having the other salmon piece and green beans for lunch today.


Lunch yesterday was a big splurge. Subway has a new over cripsy chicken. It is suppose to be oven baked crispy chicken not deep fried. I'm sure its still a lot more calories than the grilled, but I tried it anyway. I also went with cookies and a soda. I KNOW! However, I forgot they gave you two cookies with the meal, but I'm proud to say (that at least) I gave away the second cookie.


Sat: 324.8

Sun: 324.8

Mon: 324

Tues: 322.6 (YAY)

Wed: 321.4 (WOW)

Thurs: 322.8

Fri: 323.4 (Wonder why :rolleyes:)


But the good news is my lowest weight was 321.4 and that is what I will log. I did get that excel sheet going. I can't wait to see the comparisons over a long period (I hope it keeps going down!)


BK: Kashi and 1% milk


S: I'm getting to the point I don't need them


L: Salmon, green beans


S: ..............


D: Probably pizza if mom has anything to say about it. Although I might be over with the little one, so I may not. I will have to see.


W: I will start back next Monday and will do low low impact exercises.


My desk is full of file folders............file folders that my work study completely messed up............I won't have a work-study this year..........my Blood pressure can't handle it.


Good Choices!

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Hey everyone,


Brooke, that spreadsheet sounds cool. I will be interested in seeing how that works out. Maybe I need to do something like that too. My weight definitely fluctuates, but I just want it to gradually keep going down and not get mad when it goes up a but. Good news is, I'm back completely to normal after vacation (if you will remember, I was up FOUR). Still hovering around 10 pounds lost, so maybe I need to set a mini-goal. Six pounds by Sept. 10th seems really ambitious for me, but maybe I should join you in that, Kim. It would give me a kick in the pants that I need.


I did notice that when I put my jeans on today, they felt really, really great. Not loose, but fitting really well! I went for a 2 mile walk last night, it was so nice out that it was really pleasant.


Food has been pretty good. I cooked so much over last weekend that we have just been having tons of leftovers. We got a new veggie box on Weds, with tomatoes, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, cucumbers, sweet corn, cantaloupe, bell peppers, etc. Delicious. One thing I've noticed is that eating so many veggies, I've really cut down on having meat as the main part of the meal - instead, it's veggies. For example, yesterday I made a sandwich with grilled veggies as the filling (we had grilled up some slices of eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, bell pepper, etc. brushed with a bit of olive oil and salt and pepper). I added some roasted garlic hummus that I had made earlier in the week, and it made the best sandwich! Then for dinner, I had leftover tofu/broccoli/bell pepper stirfry. Again, no meat, but I really didn't miss it. However, I don't think I would ever seriously consider being vegetarian, but maybe a flexitarian.


Brooke, I don't know if I said this last time, but congrats on becoming an Aunt! It is so much fun!!!

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325.6 (wow, Sat. used to me my low days..........guess its time to rein in the eating a bit and lucky I get to add in the exercise next week)



Got to see our lil someone last night. He was soooooooo cute and fell asleep on me until Grandma and grandad came over and then he got a bath (Daddy got to give him a bath for the first time, but Grandma helped, lol).


I know we only have him for a little while, but I its still fun!

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