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Cruising to Healthy


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Kim, so sorry to hear about your loss. Sometimes life gets in the way of all our diet plans. Our thoughts are with you.


Brooke, even though you had a lot of temptations yesterday, good job on just finishing up the day with cereal for dinner! That's a good trick for the times we have heavy lunches, etc.


This morning I got up early and put some mini potatoes, carrots, and onions in the crock pot along with a pork loin that I marinaded with garlic, dijon, olive oil, a splash of apple cider vinegar, salt, and pepper. It will cook on low for about 9 hours. Yum! I hope it is tasty. It's a little bit of work prepping everything, but at least dinner will be done when I get home. Amd we'll have lots of leftovers.


We still haven't booked a spring getaway trip. For some reason I'm having a hard time committing. Not sure why since I usually get so excited to book things. I think the problem is that we just can't decide where we want to go. This fall is our 5th wedding anniversary so I really want to go on a neat trip for that... so we're debating on just saving up for that, so we can have a big trip before we start thinking about (gulp) having kids soon.


Have a great day everyone!



HA! Oddly, I was just in thinking mood on my way to work this morning and though about the whole........."having kids conversation"........once I find a husband of course...........I think I scared myself. So, I can understand your reservations.

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Sat. 320

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 318.6

Wed. 320.2

Thurs. 320.6

Fri. 320.8


Well, I'm not sure what is going on with that, but I'm not in seeing 323 anymore, so YAY! Plus at 318.6 being my lowest weight this week, that is 2.4lbs lost.


I did do the workout last night and I took it up to level three last night and tried to push past 5.0 a few times. I did well.


Mom had spagehetti on when I got there so thats what I had. Though I was sooooo hungry I did snack a bit. Not wise, but I did it. Fresh canned tomato sauce and deer with PLUS pasta helped make it a bit heathlier Spagehetti too. I had a smile cup of salad with it and watered down some ranch dressing.


BK: Haven't started off well this morning. Ran out of oatmeal at work, no cereal or oatmeal at home, not enough time to cook eggs, CVS computers were down, McD's had a line wrapped around the building, only other options were DQ and I wasn't doing that. Sooooo, a skinny latte from Starbucks on campus is my BK right now. I have to say that the the HUGE cin. roll looked really good, but I knew it was nothing but bad. Even their muffins looked dangerous. I will just have to maybe eat my fiber one brownie for bk or something. Go to the Bookstore later, but the 50mph winds are detouring me from going back outside unless I have to at this point.


L: Brought leftover spagehetti.


D: Well, my aunt once again had extra tickets to a Rascal Flats concert, so I'm meeting up with them tonight to go, so eating out will probably be on the menu. And you never know where with my aunt. Could be a drive thru or a off the road map restr.


W: Was really gonna do this tonight, obviously, plans changed.


But with three good workouts in this week and my weight leveling back out, I think things are getting better. Just gotta try harder next week. I need more 2lb weeks.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 319.4

Sun. 317.8

Mon. 318


Well, as I have in the past, I won't put 317.8 in I will round up, if that is my lowest number. But I'm happy to celebrate small victories and I hope this is a new trend for me.


I tried to watch myself this weekend, as usual I indulge on the weekend, but that is also why I restart my weekly points on Fridays, so I can have those extra points to help curve things on the weekend.


On Friday my aunt had extra tickets to the Rascal Flatts concert, so we headed out to that and stopped a little restr. downtown for dinner. I have potato feta soup (about 1 cup) and a turkey sandwich (it was cut in half, so I had the first half and have of the second), it came with about 6 tortilla chips, but they give you bread and olive oil before. Then my aunt bought about three desserts for us to try. I don't like German chocolate so that was good, the Honey oat cake wasn't to my taste either. The huge cream puff eclair was good though, good thing we shared.


I did some cleaning this weekend, up and down the stairs for laundry, so I wasn't sitting all weekend, though I stayed at home.


BK: Oatmeal with skim milk and sugar


L: herb chicken veggie rice


S: Fiber one brownie


D: umm, since I have Zumba tonight......I might grab some subway before class or after depending on how hungry I am.


W: I was told Zumba started tonight, so hopefully that will give me a new boost to my normal exercise. Soon I will need to add some weights in. I think I will start that with the five lb hand weights I have and use them during the day to help boost my energy level during work.


I probably just need to take a sick day this week sometime and go in for my wellness check up with my Dr. for my insurance, then I need to see the chiropractor too. We will see.


Good Choices.

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Hey all,

Well, I had a very fun weekend, but did not eat so well. We just ate out a LOT. Mexican (quesadilla), Wendy's (hald salad + grilled chicken wrap), pub food (turkey burger + split a order of fries). I tried to make better choices (except for the quesadilla), but I'm up 3 pounds! I'm thinking it's got to be some water weight from all the sodium... Blech. So today I am back on track, drinking lots of water, fruits and vegetables. I was on track to lose 0.5 pounds this week, but we'll see where I'm at tomorrow. :cool: I'm planning on working out tonight (elliptical).

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Hey all,

Well, I had a very fun weekend, but did not eat so well. We just ate out a LOT. Mexican (quesadilla), Wendy's (hald salad + grilled chicken wrap), pub food (turkey burger + split a order of fries). I tried to make better choices (except for the quesadilla), but I'm up 3 pounds! I'm thinking it's got to be some water weight from all the sodium... Blech. So today I am back on track, drinking lots of water, fruits and vegetables. I was on track to lose 0.5 pounds this week, but we'll see where I'm at tomorrow. :cool: I'm planning on working out tonight (elliptical).


Def. get some water in and flush that salt out, I bet that 3lbs goes away. :D

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Sat. 319.4

Sun. 317.8

Mon. 318

Tues. 317.2


Well, that was a pleasant surprise this morning. But it certainly felt good.


Well, I did Zumba last night, man I was sweating a lot. I guess taking a break from it for a month let my body forget how much I have to work to do it. But they say changing up workouts is good for you, so I think it will be good to have Zumba once a week until summer.


I ate subway last night, turkey on wheat with cheese slices, R mayo, mustard, lettuce, tomato, pickle. Had some apples with it and soda. The soda was for caff. to make it through Zumba and I did, thank God. I still came in with points being good.


BK: Oatmeal, banana (I'm craving that fresh fruit parafait from subway, I was even dreaming about it and I don't really like yogurt......so weird)


L: Ran by the store this morning and had to bypass all the really bad stuff. Was gonna grab a lunchable or something, but saw something in with Biggest Loser on it. It was a non frozen lasagna dinner. It probably has about 2-3 servings in it. but its 200 calories for a cup and they tell you to eat steamed veggie with it. I picked up a single serving Green Giant Broccoli and cheese package (WW point 1 per serving). I figure I can get two lunches out of it at least.


D: Ummmm, I really don't know.


W: ellpil. for 20 mins. intervals.


I've been trying to find a house and it has been anything but simple. The loan I have is restrictive and the houses on the market just aren't getting my attention, then the one I like........$20,000 more than I can afford. Thought I had it all figured out with buying a lot and modular home, but can't do those seperatley with my loan, has to be already set up. Grrrrrrr. I think I just need to let this go for a week........then come back to it.




Good Choices

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Sat. 319.4

Sun. 317.8

Mon. 318

Tues. 317.2

Wed. 318.6


Not too bad considering I ate fast food last night. I know, why ruin a good vibe? B/c I'm me and I do that. No excuses. Just habit.


I did workout last night, but I only did 15 mins. b/c I got a little scared. I mean really. I was doing good. I decided to start off in fast mode then slow down. I got to the second fast interval and was actually pushing a bit to stay between 4.8 and 5.5, I was maintaining that pretty well, then I felt a sensation that I hadn't before and it was scary. Normally, you get that your mouth watering so much, throat hurting feeling. That doesn't scare me, it makes me want to stop, but I know its normal. I got this feeling in my chest. Like a backwards gulp. I get heart beat "skips" sometimes. Not a reg. thing, just random. Mostly when I take deep breaths. It kinda feels like something coming up slow, then popping out and going back down. I don't know how to describe these things well. Anyway, used to that. But this was really slow and everytime I tried to pull a breath in it pulled up my chest and my airway felt closed off. Of course I gave it just a min. to see if it would pass, but when it didn't I slowed down. I didn't stop, but it went away eventually as i slowed down. Now just before I checked my HR which was 178 and I went faster after that. I wonder if I just haven't pushed that hard before so it was just unfamiliar to me. Idk, but I will try to be aware of this in the future.


BK: Oatmeal, sugar, skim, banana


L: That BL meal wasn't horrible. Actually little more than I wanted in 1 serving. One serving is only 3 WW points. Wow. And it was 2 servings in the package. I put the rest of it in a container and will have it for lunch today with the broccoli serving and a clementine.


S: i had a Lunchable snack pack before working out yesterday. It has mini ritz, small serving of mozerella, and turkey. 2 pts for all of it. I also had a fiber one brownie, probably the same today.


D: Um, Chicken something for sure.


W: 20 mins interverals.......hopefully with no problems this time



So many internal things going on, my head and heart are having a hard time right now. Been talking to a pretty nice guy for almost 2 weeks now, he text me and calls me. Nice guy, works two jobs, good looking (a bit bigger, but 6'2). He is sweet, calls me pet names, but I'm conflicted. I'm looking at the bigger picture and the smaller one. He lives 2 hours away. He has family land he lives on and wants to stay there and "work" the land on the side. I'm at a place where I'm looking to buy a house and get a out on my own, with a pretty good job that I've been in for a while and I'm still learning and growing.


He contradicts himself. He says he isn't cynical, but he talks about working the land b/c he wants to make sure his family has something to eat when things go to hell.......and twice he has been going through the drive thru when on the phone with me and both times they messed up his order and he got all fussy about it and brought race into the issue, though he says he isn't racist. I flat out told him I don't do cynical or people with negative attitudes b/c my dad acts that way. I thought that got rid of him, he came back with more, trying to convince me........saying he was open minded.........he wanted to travel, go to Hawaii. Then he said last night that he wanted a woman who makes good money, he is into women's lib. So, I said, "Then if your wife makes more money and has to move b/c of her job, will you follow?" he pretty much said no b/c he was staying where he was b/c he had dreamed of taking care of his family land for as long as he remembered. I said, "But if a man made more money, the woman would be expected to move to him." he mumbled for about a min...........had no clue what he said. literally. could not understand him. He is respectful to me and cute sometimes, but I just don't know. I only like half of him.


I hate dating.



Good Choices.

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Hey everyone,


So after losing 2.5 pounds the first week, I am not posting any loss for the second week. That weekend away set me back, I think. Why is it always two steps forward, one step back for me? Meh.


I'm hoping to get back to my pre-holiday weight and then some this upcoming week. 1.5 pounds (plus) required for that. I will keep you posted.


I did discover a new snack to share with you all that is about 85 calories. It's 1/2 cup of Fage 0% yogurt with about 1/4 cup of berries. I thaw frozen unsweetened berries in the fridge in a plastic container, then add some of the thawed berries and their juices to the yogurt right before I eat it, and mix it in so it turns nice and pink. I've used strawberries, rasperries, or blueberries. It's nice because there is no added sugar (except for natural sugar in the berries), along with the 11.5 grams of protein from the yogurt. WAY better than those pre-packaged yogurts with fruit mixed in (AKA also added sugars/corn syrup!). Also, I think by the time you buy a large container of greek yogurt (about 2 cups) and a bag of frozen berries, it's about the same cost as 4 single serving yogurts. Could also top with a tablespoon of slivered almonds for some crunch or to make it like a parfait.


I also bought some almond butter to put on apples as a snack. I haven't tried it yet, but will let you know how it is.


Almonds are supposed to be great for inflammation, so I'm trying to sneak in a few servings a week. My other goal is to eat more fish!


Brooke, to me is sounds like that guy is wanting to impress you, and will say what he thinks you want to hear (positive about women's lib, etc.). However, if contradictory things are sneaking out, I would wonder if he was being totally honest with you or himself. There is nothing wrong with him wanting a women to come to him, as long as he is upfront about it. Also, he may not know exactly what he wants, either. Maybe he can see benefits to both sides (the woman breadwinner vs. the man breadwinner), but was brought up to think a different way and is struggling with that. Either way, I wouldn't automatically stop seeing him over it, but would keep an eye on the situation to make sure he isn't misrepresenting himself on purpose. Good luck!

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Dating should be fun. You shouldn't hate it.


This guy does not sound like the one for you. You are right - he contradicts himself. His bringing up the race issue would have been it for me. This is when he is supposed to be on his best behavior and showing you what he is all about. I think he is showing his true colors very early on. If you don't get warm and fuzzies, move on.

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Dating should be fun. You shouldn't hate it.


This guy does not sound like the one for you. You are right - he contradicts himself. His bringing up the race issue would have been it for me. This is when he is supposed to be on his best behavior and showing you what he is all about. I think he is showing his true colors very early on. If you don't get warm and fuzzies, move on.


Haha, my brother said I couldn't date him b/c I couldn't move away........he needs me to help take of his kids...........and him, lol.

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Hey everyone,


So after losing 2.5 pounds the first week, I am not posting any loss for the second week. That weekend away set me back, I think. Why is it always two steps forward, one step back for me? Meh.


I'm hoping to get back to my pre-holiday weight and then some this upcoming week. 1.5 pounds (plus) required for that. I will keep you posted.


I did discover a new snack to share with you all that is about 85 calories. It's 1/2 cup of Fage 0% yogurt with about 1/4 cup of berries. I thaw frozen unsweetened berries in the fridge in a plastic container, then add some of the thawed berries and their juices to the yogurt right before I eat it, and mix it in so it turns nice and pink. I've used strawberries, rasperries, or blueberries. It's nice because there is no added sugar (except for natural sugar in the berries), along with the 11.5 grams of protein from the yogurt. WAY better than those pre-packaged yogurts with fruit mixed in (AKA also added sugars/corn syrup!). Also, I think by the time you buy a large container of greek yogurt (about 2 cups) and a bag of frozen berries, it's about the same cost as 4 single serving yogurts. Could also top with a tablespoon of slivered almonds for some crunch or to make it like a parfait.


I also bought some almond butter to put on apples as a snack. I haven't tried it yet, but will let you know how it is.


Almonds are supposed to be great for inflammation, so I'm trying to sneak in a few servings a week. My other goal is to eat more fish!


Brooke, to me is sounds like that guy is wanting to impress you, and will say what he thinks you want to hear (positive about women's lib, etc.). However, if contradictory things are sneaking out, I would wonder if he was being totally honest with you or himself. There is nothing wrong with him wanting a women to come to him, as long as he is upfront about it. Also, he may not know exactly what he wants, either. Maybe he can see benefits to both sides (the woman breadwinner vs. the man breadwinner), but was brought up to think a different way and is struggling with that. Either way, I wouldn't automatically stop seeing him over it, but would keep an eye on the situation to make sure he isn't misrepresenting himself on purpose. Good luck!


I'm keeping an eye on him. I don't want to keep throwing these guys back.....maybe I'm too picky, lol.


1.5lbs, I know you can do it :D

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Sat. 319.4

Sun. 317.8

Mon. 318

Tues. 317.2

Wed. 318.6

Thurs. 318.8


Well, I have to say (and I hope I don't jinx it) that I'm happy not to see a 320 in this bunch. I hope I'm done with those, but its still to close to the line to say that right now. Just positive thinking.


I got my full 20 mins. in last night. and I did try and push it this time. I felt a little strain, but nothing like the night before. So maybe just push a little bit at a time and then it will get better.


I had a piece of salmon with fiber toast last night. Had to eat quick b/c my brother called and him and his wife both got some kind of virus. She was already sick and he had to take the baby to the dr (for something else) and was on his way back and was pushing it to make it home. I also ate about 2 nuggets and 3 fries to help my nephew eat his dinner. I can see how you can gain weight with kids now.........anyway, had to go over and get the 4 year old a bath, help feed the baby, and get them to bed. Now, I just have to hope that I don't get sick. Actually, dad works with my brother and he stayed home today with symptoms.........so if I didn't get it from being over there, I'll probably get if from dad. Small prices to pay, right. The boys made my heart smile, they are so precious. I know at this point if they go back, that if will break my heart, but sometimes its worth it.


BK: I had extra vitamens this morning to try and not get this virus. I'm trying to ignore some headache pains this morning and just chalking it up to "all in my head" mentality. Oatmeal, and clementine (they were down in our kitchen area in the office for taking, why not).


L: Subway, probably turkey breast, tomato, lettuce, pickle, r mayo, mustard. Apples and I hope they have a parfait...........I've kinda been craving one.


D: No clue.


W: Well, if I show no signs of this sickness by the end of the day I have a apt. with the chiropractor this afternoon, so no workout tonight.


Had my first cruise dream last night. I think I'm nervous about my friends liking the cruise (since they are newbies) and I was dreaming about my friend being really calm and meeting all these new people, but I was in a frenzy.....didn't get my S&S card, I couldn't remember how we got to the ship, we were already at dinner, hadn't gone to the room yet, couldn't find my other friend........so weird. But we all understand cruise dreams, lol.


Good Choices.

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Dating is like shopping for shoes..sometimes they look nice on but not on you..they dont match the outfit just right..the size might be a little off..they match one outfit but not another. Doesn't mean they are bad shoes, just not the right shoes for you.


I got married in November..a little later in life than I wanted to but in retrospect what I have now was so worth every tear ever shed, every heartbreak. The only lesson I can pass on is that you know when it's right and when it's not. Nobody is perfect, but if he's not the right one, you just quietly go on your way and realized he may be a better fit for someone else and not you.

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Dating is like shopping for shoes..sometimes they look nice on but not on you..they dont match the outfit just right..the size might be a little off..they match one outfit but not another. Doesn't mean they are bad shoes, just not the right shoes for you.


I got married in November..a little later in life than I wanted to but in retrospect what I have now was so worth every tear ever shed, every heartbreak. The only lesson I can pass on is that you know when it's right and when it's not. Nobody is perfect, but if he's not the right one, you just quietly go on your way and realized he may be a better fit for someone else and not you.


Well, I def. pushed him a bit last night on the phone and he hasn't texted me yet this morning......idk. Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought.

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Sat. 319.4

Sun. 317.8

Mon. 318

Tues. 317.2

Wed. 318.6

Thurs. 318.8

Fri. 320


Shouldn't have opened my big mouth, lol. Oh well. 317.2 is my official this week.


Well, I woke up with some stomach cramping, feeling tired and my muscles aching. I hope this is all that comes of this bug being passed around. Diff. people react diff. I guess. I took the day off just so I wouldn't pass anything on to the ppl at the office.


BK: I have kept down a bowl of oatmeal, water, and banana for at least 30 mins. so far, but the cramping has gotten worse since I ate.


L: something easy-baked potatoe maybe


D: Something easy-probably same as above


W: Well, it depends on how I feel. At least I got in 3 workouts this week.


I got some extra sleep this morning, I'm hoping I can keep to holding in food. I hope I can hold in my vitas I took this morning, they can probably help. But at least I'm not feeling as bad as my brother and dad felt.


Just entered my weight and found out I went down in points. Now I adjust my point manually b/c I wasn't losing with the points they set for me. I took it down three points. So it dropped me from original points of 50 to 49. I dropped it from 50 to 47......so now I have 46 points. I will see if this continues to help, if not, I might drop another point. Just as long as I continue to be satisfied with the food I'm getting.


Good Choices.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Well, if you pushed him and he's not interested anymore, nothing wrong with that. Its not good or bad, it just is. He's not the best pair of shoes for you but he might be perfect.


I learned the hard way through dating it's really about just having fun though it took me awhile to not look at eveyone as a "well, maybe"..for me it's more like "look nice, smell nice, show up, be nice, goodbye, go home".


Well, I def. pushed him a bit last night on the phone and he hasn't texted me yet this morning......idk. Maybe I'm not as ready as I thought.
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Thank you, OP for starting this thread. It's encouraging to see you are sticking to your weight loss plan and have continued for a long time now.


I go to WW so I am going to be posting on that thread, but I want to check-in with your thread also. My short term goal is to lose 36 pounds in 18 weeks. By doing this, I will be able to wear my summer clothes again for our June cruise.


I have a personal trainer and she is very encouraging and believes I will be able to acheive this goal. At 60 and morbidly obese, I hope she is right. I see her 3 times a week and she checks my food journal each time.


Your idea of doing your food journal on-line is inspirational.

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Thank you, OP for starting this thread. It's encouraging to see you are sticking to your weight loss plan and have continued for a long time now.


I go to WW so I am going to be posting on that thread, but I want to check-in with your thread also. My short term goal is to lose 36 pounds in 18 weeks. By doing this, I will be able to wear my summer clothes again for our June cruise.


I have a personal trainer and she is very encouraging and believes I will be able to acheive this goal. At 60 and morbidly obese, I hope she is right. I see her 3 times a week and she checks my food journal each time.


Your idea of doing your food journal on-line is inspirational.



Thank you, I just keep trucking. :D

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Sat. 318.6

Sun. 318.4

Mon. 320.2


See, knew I would jinx myself.:rolleyes:


Anyway, I had a restful weekend. The virus didn't hit me as bad and I did well and recovered in 24 hours. My eating wasn't that great. I snacked a lot and I don't know why.


Back to the grind stone this week though. Gotta get lots of water in b/c I slacked this weekend. And back to exercise.


BK: 1 1/4 cup dried oatmeal, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tbsp sugar (I know horrible, i will try to cut back.)


L: Turkey/bacon wrap from grocery store. Its no wonder people over eat. This wrap looks harmless (well except for the mention of bacon), but most people wouldn't think twice about eating the whole thing in one sitting. But if you glance at the nutrition label..........550 calories, 24 grams of fat. So, I'm cutting it in half and eating half for lunch and half for dinner. I know I'm still getting in the 550 calories, but I'm not eating 550 calories and then adding on a potential 400-500 on top of that for dinner either.


D: 1/2 of turkey wrap. Oh and I bought these little Chiquita snack bags (kind like the size of the apples they sell at subway) that have apple slices and a few grapes it it. I know, why not buy fresh fruit and make baggies yourself? Well, I'm generation easy.......but at least its a better choice than a bag of snack chips.


S: I bought the ham and cheese lunchable snack pack. Still 2 points.


W: Zumba tonight, so I'm ready for a good workout.


I mentioned to my chiro about my little chest problem exercising he seemed a bit concerned and asked me if it stopped when i slowed down, if I was having trouble sleeping etc. He seemed pretty impressed and maybe a little unsure about my HR being at 178. But it only stays there for about 3 mins at a time, so. Anyway, he didn't say that I might need to slow down or anything, so I feel okay about what I'm doing.


Looked at three houses this weekend. Found one I liked, but the layout has some issues, that wouldn't be horrible for me right now, but re-sale might be a problem. Plus there is an issue with how many acres it has and the type of loan I qualify for, so.........it may just not be "the one."


The boy seems to have backed off a bit. Gave me all Saturday without texting or calling. And hasn't been texting or calling as much lately either. Space is good, maybe he read me. But I think I've decided to have the "next level" conversation with him. This will consist of asking about the big picture and long term stuff, along with the 2 hours of distance between us. I will see how that goes.




Heres to staying in the teens. Don't care if I got back up to 318 at this point, just want to be in the teens for now.


Good choices.

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Sat. 318.6

Sun. 318.4

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.2


Oh well, I will get there one day.


Did Zumba last night, still a good and fun workout, but my knees suffered a bit.


I overate yesterday and not good stuff, but today is a new day. I think this whole house hunting thing and this boy are making me stress eat, so I'm just going to have to really listen to myself until I can get a handle on it.


BK: I think I've been under est. my oatmeal points. Well, I know I have. So, I'm adjusted for it and hopefully, it will help in the long run. Oatmeal, skim milk, 1 tbsp of sugar (better today)


L: Sloppy joes made with deer meat, extra fiber wheat bread, mix of cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots, 1 tbsp of ranch to dip.


S: Apple pack and lunchable (before workout for protein punch)


D: Mmm, not sure.


W: Ellipt. Do you think its time to take it up a notch again. I'm at 20 mins. about 2 fast songs (about 3 mins each) and about 3 slow periods (about 3 mins. each) at level 3. I never know if its better to increase the intervals, the level or the time.


Well, hopefully...we will go back out looking at more houses this weekend. I asked my brother to go this time, he knows about structure and he will speak up more than my dad will.


Good choices.

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Usually when I don't check in, it's because I am not behaving. :rolleyes: That is again the case. :rolleyes: No excuses, unless laziness and gluttony count. I don't know why I am undoing all the good that I did. It took so much effort and time to take off the weight and I feel it creeping back on. :( But, I have decided enough is enough and I have to take care of me.


I am going to attempt to get up a half hour earlier tomorrow morning and do my bike first thing in the morning. I have a really hard on the days that I work to go to work, come home, feed the kids, do household stuff and then exercise. My day falls apart and then I say "screw it" and eat. It's a horrible and vicious cycle.


Brooke...have you met the "boy" in person yet?

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Usually when I don't check in, it's because I am not behaving. :rolleyes: That is again the case. :rolleyes: No excuses, unless laziness and gluttony count. I don't know why I am undoing all the good that I did. It took so much effort and time to take off the weight and I feel it creeping back on. :( But, I have decided enough is enough and I have to take care of me.


I am going to attempt to get up a half hour earlier tomorrow morning and do my bike first thing in the morning. I have a really hard on the days that I work to go to work, come home, feed the kids, do household stuff and then exercise. My day falls apart and then I say "screw it" and eat. It's a horrible and vicious cycle.


Brooke...have you met the "boy" in person yet?



I feel ya. I am doing bad things to myself this week. While I've kept up with exercise, food is slowing my progress down.


No, haven't met in person yet. He is gonna have to break down and do it soon though. I can't really decide if it will worth the distance and some of the other things unless I can sense a chemistry between us. Next time we talk I think that will be my request.

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