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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8


Well, though I will round that up, its nice to see. Just a bit closer to getting to my short goal of 309.


BK: whole wheat waffles (2) and 1 tbsp of PB and a banana. I'm starting off high with carbs. But complex carbs. I think I've read that if you are going to eat carbs, its best to do so in the morning for that early morning energy and it will burn off...........or something like that.


L: Idk, probably eat some more turkey, I bought three packs of it, lol. Either that or a salad from subway.


D: bunless hamburgers with green beans.


W: I didn't work out yesterday, I skipped zumba and the gym. I got a call from my real estate agent to come look at a house and its one of these deals where it might not stay on the market for long. I'm not going to comment on it..........right now. Tell you why later. But I'm going today for 30 mins. on the ellpt.


Well, I hope this downward weight continues and its partially b/c of my lower carb intake. But I also lowered my daily points to 44, which 2points down, so I don't think I'll hurt myself too much. I did fine with it yesterday. Went over, but when I lower my dailies I usually always hit what my previous daily was with weekly points, so I'm still lowering my intake. Eventually, I'll get used to it and less weeklys will be needed.



Good Choices.


Hi Brooklyn FC


Let me tell you, I have been reading your thread for over 2 yrs and wanted so many times to chime in and tell you that I thought your problem was eating too many carbs and sweets. Since your doctor appointment it seems like you are taking this much more seriously now, so glad for you that the scale is finally going down and that your really trying hard lately to make it work. I knew if you gave up much of the carbs you were eating you would be successful and I for one are rooting for you. Keep up the good work:) and don't let anything or anyone get in the way of your progress, I get a feeling many here are rooting for you as well. Just think of how good your going to feel when you reach the 200's on the scale:)

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Hi Brooklyn FC


Let me tell you, I have been reading your thread for over 2 yrs and wanted so many times to chime in and tell you that I thought your problem was eating too many carbs and sweets. Since your doctor appointment it seems like you are taking this much more seriously now, so glad for you that the scale is finally going down and that your really trying hard lately to make it work. I knew if you gave up much of the carbs you were eating you would be successful and I for one are rooting for you. Keep up the good work:) and don't let anything or anyone get in the way of your progress, I get a feeling many here are rooting for you as well. Just think of how good your going to feel when you reach the 200's on the scale:)


Thanks. You are right. I have been and probably still addicted to carbs. I LOVE them. It has been kinda hard adjusting what I can eat b/c every time I think about a meal, I have remember to take out the carbs or at least most of them. Lunch has suffered the most, but I have a feeling that if I do some more research I might be able to find more options.


I also think, in the past, I've been told or asked to give up all carbs, all at once.......and well..........I'm sure you could probably know and read that it never worked (at least not for long). I think gradually decreasing my carbs and then finding a level that is doable and healthy for me is the key. I'm actually thinking between 90-100 will be a sweet spot for me, but it will probably have to go lower until I lose more weight, then I can regulate it.


I will admit that I haven't felt deprived (except for that one night with the cheerios) and I know there will times where I go carb crazy for one reason or another (hopefully at a min.), but between the WW and just keeping carbs more in check, I think this is something I can cont. to live with. And I think that is key.


I'm def. not giving up. It may take me longer than most, but slow and steady wins the race, not just the sprint.

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Hi Brooke,


I wanted to chime in as well to tell you that here in Texas we are cheering you on!!! I am a long time lurker but can hardly give advice as I am in a struggle with my weight right now as well. I am currently on WW and am on the buddy system with a great friend. I believe we are all great friends on Cruise Critic which is why I am on here every day, so please always continue posting. You are an inspiration to me and I'm sure countless others.


Take care and as you say "Good Choices"!!!!!



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Thanks. You are right. I have been and probably still addicted to carbs. I LOVE them. It has been kinda hard adjusting what I can eat b/c every time I think about a meal, I have remember to take out the carbs or at least most of them. Lunch has suffered the most, but I have a feeling that if I do some more research I might be able to find more options.


I also think, in the past, I've been told or asked to give up all carbs, all at once.......and well..........I'm sure you could probably know and read that it never worked (at least not for long). I think gradually decreasing my carbs and then finding a level that is doable and healthy for me is the key. I'm actually thinking between 90-100 will be a sweet spot for me, but it will probably have to go lower until I lose more weight, then I can regulate it.


I will admit that I haven't felt deprived (except for that one night with the cheerios) and I know there will times where I go carb crazy for one reason or another (hopefully at a min.), but between the WW and just keeping carbs more in check, I think this is something I can cont. to live with. And I think that is key.


I'm def. not giving up. It may take me longer than most, but slow and steady wins the race, not just the sprint.


Hi again:)


Listen, we all know the struggles of losing weight including myself, why do you think I come on here, if anything to read about any different hints of losing;) I know I like my carbs too and you know what? they are not your enemy if your eating the right carbs, with plenty of fiber, that is a weight loss tool right there, FIBER!!! I usually eat 100% whole wheat toast in the morning with some eggs, and at night I will have a baked potato (not loaded with butter) with dinner, and it works. Again I used to think that carbs were your enemy, they are not if they are the right carbs, not the processed junk like white bread, white rice, candy, cakes, cookies etc....I do eat something sweet everyday, I buy those miniature bags of peanut M&M's, only 90 calories a bag and seems to do the trick for me. Remember everything in moderation, now I need to tell myself that lol...;)


Like the old phrase goes...slow and steady gets the job done, and I think you are finally on the right track, keep up the good work:) I will post again soon:)

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It's truly amazing that two lurkers have posted today with encouragement. I've also been lurking on this thread, wishing the best for you for a very long time Brooklynfc and I had decided to send you a note today. I'm thrilled with your progress over the past 2 weeks and I understand what an incredible struggle this is. Your focus and determination are inspiring.


I have studied nutrition and was a nutritionist. The choices you've been making lately are a vast improvement. Be proud of yourself! I know it can be difficult to take advice when it's heaped on you unsolicited, but just know that I'm out here, reading and encouraging you on and if you ever have questions, just ask--I'm more than happy to answer.


So keep up the postings and keep up the progress. There are many of us lurkers out here pulling for you. You're not alone even one day.



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Hi Brooke,


I wanted to chime in as well to tell you that here in Texas we are cheering you on!!! I am a long time lurker but can hardly give advice as I am in a struggle with my weight right now as well. I am currently on WW and am on the buddy system with a great friend. I believe we are all great friends on Cruise Critic which is why I am on here every day, so please always continue posting. You are an inspiration to me and I'm sure countless others.


Take care and as you say "Good Choices"!!!!!




Wow, I didn't realize so many people were behind the scenes, lol. I can't believe you guys read all my bad grammar and sometimes silly rants. :p But thanks for letting me know you are here and cheering me on. It gives me more reasons to succeed.

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Hi again:)


Listen, we all know the struggles of losing weight including myself, why do you think I come on here, if anything to read about any different hints of losing;) I know I like my carbs too and you know what? they are not your enemy if your eating the right carbs, with plenty of fiber, that is a weight loss tool right there, FIBER!!! I usually eat 100% whole wheat toast in the morning with some eggs, and at night I will have a baked potato (not loaded with butter) with dinner, and it works. Again I used to think that carbs were your enemy, they are not if they are the right carbs, not the processed junk like white bread, white rice, candy, cakes, cookies etc....I do eat something sweet everyday, I buy those miniature bags of peanut M&M's, only 90 calories a bag and seems to do the trick for me. Remember everything in moderation, now I need to tell myself that lol...;)


Like the old phrase goes...slow and steady gets the job done, and I think you are finally on the right track, keep up the good work:) I will post again soon:)


I really have noticed that more uses for veggies and how they've increased the last two weeks. I should eat more fresh at lunch instead of the V8, but it is easier, I guess. And you are right. Just using the thin bagels instead of the reg. ones, or reading the breads to see which ones have less carbs per serving (high fiber, low cal) can make a big difference. I actually have felt less hungry and found it much easier to stay in daily points since starting with the low carb.


I think I've posted this, but not sure, but I do give myself a daily treat, which is carb smart ice cream. Usually more than one serving or just one of their bars. But it makes me feel like I'm making a good choice and still getting to eat something I want (not exactly need).


Thanks again.

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It's truly amazing that two lurkers have posted today with encouragement. I've also been lurking on this thread, wishing the best for you for a very long time Brooklynfc and I had decided to send you a note today. I'm thrilled with your progress over the past 2 weeks and I understand what an incredible struggle this is. Your focus and determination are inspiring.


I have studied nutrition and was a nutritionist. The choices you've been making lately are a vast improvement. Be proud of yourself! I know it can be difficult to take advice when it's heaped on you unsolicited, but just know that I'm out here, reading and encouraging you on and if you ever have questions, just ask--I'm more than happy to answer.


So keep up the postings and keep up the progress. There are many of us lurkers out here pulling for you. You're not alone even one day.





Thanks a bunches. Knowing people, who don't *kinda* don't know you want you to succeed is very encouraging.


I know I've been slow and I've been set back, but I feel like a child in school. I learn new things all the time and sometimes it takes longer for me to understand certain subjects than others and each time I go up a grade I compile more education together that will help me build a strong foundation.


I think people are so focused on doing things as quickly as possible today. Even a Dr. tells you ways to get the weight off quickly and encourages diets and plans that allow you to do so. I know the sooner I get most of the weight off the better I will be as far as my health, but when you are moving so fast how can you take the time you need to build a steady foundation that will keep you from cracking later down the road. I'm okay with being the turtle, it must be my southern roots, we don't do anything that fast.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8

Wed. 314.4


So, maybe 314 this week. I'm okay with that, more would hurt either, lol.


BK: Atkins shake-This is a milk chocolate shake that Atkins makes. Its about 4 WW points for a whole, but I only use half, then I add a whole banana, and about 1/3 milk (I don't like too much chocolate), then some ice. It has good protein, serving of fruit and complex carb. I find that I have been craving sweet for BK, so it helps to keep me away from cereal or waffles, etc. With the milk and shake mix, its 4 WW pts and 32 carbs.


L: Bought some low carb and high fiber tortilla soft shells last night. I'm gonna put some cheese and turkey in it and heat. 1 small tangerine and maybe a v8. Need to remember to buy some low fat shredded cheese next time.


D: Umm, I'm between a salmon fillet and half a baked potato, green beans and ...........not, lol.


W: 30 mins at the gym.


Last night I ended up sched. a haircut (needed it), but don't worry I schd. it for later, so I could still go workout. But all the ellpt were taken when I got there, so I just grabbed a recumbant bike. It was still a good workout. And b/c I had to get to my hair apt. right after and knew it would take a while, I grabbed a low carb burger from hardees. Though I know the fat is outrageous, it was better than what I could have got. AND, I just got a burger and no fries. I did get a medium tea that was half/half. Sweet tea is too sweet for me nowadays, so I have them mix it. I know it still has sugar, but I'm sure it isn't as bad as full sugar. And I couldn't do another diet soda. I remember now why I quit drinking diet and reg. soda so much. Icky feeling.


Still not talking about this house...........lol.


As I'm sitting here, my stomach is still hungry. I'm gonna give it about another 10 mins. and then I might have to find something in my store of stuff to eat. I usually throw some bacon or another protein in the mix after the shake, but I just didn't remember to grab some today.


Good choices.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8

Wed. 314.4

Thurs. 314.8


I think last weekends carb overload might be catching up.


BK: shake and some pre-cooked bacon


L: I almost didn't have anything, but I saw some egg salad in the fridge. Now it has 13 carbs for 1/2 cup b/c its store bought. If I like it, I will have to try and make my own instead. But I brought 2 tbsp of it to put on some Arnold's wheat fiber thin bread. V8 and tangerine.


D: Hmmmmm.


W: 30 mins in the gym.


So, maybe I let some stress build up yesterday. Been waiting on some info. and its making me just worry and stress and I let it build up all day yesterday. Even exercise didn't release it. I got home and just could feel my emotional need for food to comfort me. I did the best I could. I cooked three 93% hamburgers, protein and had some carb smart ice cream. I did eat about 2 oz of dorito like chips, but stopped myself. Eventually, I calmed down. I feel better about it all this morning, but still all little anxiety. I knew there would good and bad days. Thankfully my weigh in day is tomr and things start fresh..........that will help me re-focus.


Good Choices.

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One thing to keep in mind..check fat contents on foods too..low carb doesnt always mean low fat and one piece of bacon alone has enough sodium for an entire day



Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8

Wed. 314.4

Thurs. 314.8


I think last weekends carb overload might be catching up.


BK: shake and some pre-cooked bacon


L: I almost didn't have anything, but I saw some egg salad in the fridge. Now it has 13 carbs for 1/2 cup b/c its store bought. If I like it, I will have to try and make my own instead. But I brought 2 tbsp of it to put on some Arnold's wheat fiber thin bread. V8 and tangerine.


D: Hmmmmm.


W: 30 mins in the gym.


So, maybe I let some stress build up yesterday. Been waiting on some info. and its making me just worry and stress and I let it build up all day yesterday. Even exercise didn't release it. I got home and just could feel my emotional need for food to comfort me. I did the best I could. I cooked three 93% hamburgers, protein and had some carb smart ice cream. I did eat about 2 oz of dorito like chips, but stopped myself. Eventually, I calmed down. I feel better about it all this morning, but still all little anxiety. I knew there would good and bad days. Thankfully my weigh in day is tomr and things start fresh..........that will help me re-focus.


Good Choices.

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One thing to keep in mind..check fat contents on foods too..low carb doesnt always mean low fat and one piece of bacon alone has enough sodium for an entire day


True. I'm finding it very difficult to find low carb, low calories stuff. I'm not sure if I'm ready to throw another element in the mix right now. One thing at a time. Carbs are hard enough to try and get under control.

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yaaay Brooke! You are doing a wonderful job....look at those numbers!


The only reason why I am doing well so week is because of a nasty stomach bug. :(


I know that feeling. But good news was that was a good jumping off point for me.........:rolleyes:

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8

Wed. 314.4

Thurs. 314.8

Fri. 315.8


Well, as usual I will be rounding up the 313.8 to 314, which I think my numbers support.


BK: Shake, bacon.


L: Light spam and corn.........I know........this was my rushed morning.


D: Idk.


W: I'm going to try to go over during lunch and grab one.


I didn't workout last night b/c I was all nerves. Nothing could have helped me last night. I was waiting for my cousin to make a bid on a house that already had some interest shown (they didn't fill out the right paperwork), but he ended up not getting to it last night.........so now I've had an entire week of stomach turning, ulcer forming stress and worry about getting this house. I know I'm supposed to say "Que sera sera", but I'm only human. This is the first house I've actually really liked, in my price range. Of course we found it only gets 1.5 gallons per min. on the well, but that isn't horrible. Now, I'm just hoping my cousin drags his butt out of bed after the concert last night and puts the bid in. I don't know why I'm so worried, the possibly that they will reject it is like 50%.


I also had to get my taxes done last night, so at least that's one less thing to worry about. So, I'm hoping to get a workout in at lunch to help keep me on track. I am proud that I have been doing 30 mins more consistently, so I will pat myself on the back for that.


Good Choices.

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Wow, I didn't realize so many people were behind the scenes, lol. I can't believe you guys read all my bad grammar and sometimes silly rants. :p But thanks for letting me know you are here and cheering me on. It gives me more reasons to succeed.




Hi Brooke!

Alright, I am a lurker too! LOL! But I did contribute some comments a couple of years ago when my husband lost his job and we were not sure if we were able to go on the cruise that we planned. Oh, I am one of the many "Annette's". icon7.gif I did stop reading for a while, but started reading again around December. I have gotten many tips from reading this thread, and I hope you don't stop. Keep up the great work that your doing! Weight loss is oh so hard and I struggle with it as well.

Keep up the great job, you can do it!!

Healthy Choices!

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True. I'm finding it very difficult to find low carb, low calories stuff. I'm not sure if I'm ready to throw another element in the mix right now. One thing at a time. Carbs are hard enough to try and get under control.


I've been reading your daily posts and I want you to know that you are not alone in this. I'm also trying to lose and it is very hard to "throw too many elements in the mix" at the same time.


I happen to like bacon and find that if I get the low sodium kind and microwave it (instead of frying it), it's really not that bad. I buy the low sodium bacon from Costco, Kirkland brand, and for two pieces there's 80 calories, six grams of fat, and 150 mg. of sodium. I don't have it every day, but I find it harder to stay on track when I can't have the foods I like in moderation...I also watch my portion sizes.

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Sat. 315.6

Sun . 316.2

Mon. 314.6

Tues. 313.8

Wed. 314.4

Thurs. 314.8

Fri. 315.8


Well, as usual I will be rounding up the 313.8 to 314, which I think my numbers support.


BK: Shake, bacon.


L: Light spam and corn.........I know........this was my rushed morning.


D: Idk.


W: I'm going to try to go over during lunch and grab one.


I didn't workout last night b/c I was all nerves. Nothing could have helped me last night. I was waiting for my cousin to make a bid on a house that already had some interest shown (they didn't fill out the right paperwork), but he ended up not getting to it last night.........so now I've had an entire week of stomach turning, ulcer forming stress and worry about getting this house. I know I'm supposed to say "Que sera sera", but I'm only human. This is the first house I've actually really liked, in my price range. Of course we found it only gets 1.5 gallons per min. on the well, but that isn't horrible. Now, I'm just hoping my cousin drags his butt out of bed after the concert last night and puts the bid in. I don't know why I'm so worried, the possibly that they will reject it is like 50%.


I also had to get my taxes done last night, so at least that's one less thing to worry about. So, I'm hoping to get a workout in at lunch to help keep me on track. I am proud that I have been doing 30 mins more consistently, so I will pat myself on the back for that.


Good Choices.


You see, you never knew you had such a fan club;) we are all here rooting for you:)


I have to agree about the sodium in foods, if your not drinking plenty of water to flush it out you will see a gain on the scale, trust me I know. I soak it up like a sponge then have to spend the next day flushing it out of my system. It is good that your eating more protein then carbs but maybe a mix of everything would be better. There was nothing wrong with eating oatmeal in the morning, maybe a salad for lunch and a protein and veggie for dinner,even adding a baked potato too, nothing wrong with that. The problem with eating all protein is the tremendous amount of salt. Trust me everything I mention here I have to abide by myself;)


Have a nice weekend:)

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:) On the baked potato note, I had a hard time eating a baked potato without butter,sour cream and salt for the longest time. Now I like baked potato with a little fresh ground pepper and I would not even consider putting butter, sour cream or salt on it. ;) I think after awhile your taste buds adapt to the changes. :) Keep up the good work, stress is a killer. Try to get to the gym when you are stressed I have noticed if I get on that treadmill I can go faster when I'm stressed I think I try to run off the stress and I always feel better afterwards.

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Hi Brooke!

Alright, I am a lurker too! LOL! But I did contribute some comments a couple of years ago when my husband lost his job and we were not sure if we were able to go on the cruise that we planned. Oh, I am one of the many "Annette's". icon7.gif I did stop reading for a while, but started reading again around December. I have gotten many tips from reading this thread, and I hope you don't stop. Keep up the great work that your doing! Weight loss is oh so hard and I struggle with it as well.

Keep up the great job, you can do it!!

Healthy Choices!


I know, this thread is full of Annettes and Kims, lol. I'm glad that this thread has helped you, I know being able to type things out helps me realize a lot of things.

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I've been reading your daily posts and I want you to know that you are not alone in this. I'm also trying to lose and it is very hard to "throw too many elements in the mix" at the same time.


I happen to like bacon and find that if I get the low sodium kind and microwave it (instead of frying it), it's really not that bad. I buy the low sodium bacon from Costco, Kirkland brand, and for two pieces there's 80 calories, six grams of fat, and 150 mg. of sodium. I don't have it every day, but I find it harder to stay on track when I can't have the foods I like in moderation...I also watch my portion sizes.


It is hard to put so much in the mix. But I know that overall nutrition is smart. I actually wanted turkey bacon, but they had ran out of the pre-cooked and I was too lazy to buy the cooking stuff........generation microwave strike again. But the pre-cooked stuff does have a better nutrition label and I do blot the bacon after I heat it.

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You see, you never knew you had such a fan club;) we are all here rooting for you:)


I have to agree about the sodium in foods, if your not drinking plenty of water to flush it out you will see a gain on the scale, trust me I know. I soak it up like a sponge then have to spend the next day flushing it out of my system. It is good that your eating more protein then carbs but maybe a mix of everything would be better. There was nothing wrong with eating oatmeal in the morning, maybe a salad for lunch and a protein and veggie for dinner,even adding a baked potato too, nothing wrong with that. The problem with eating all protein is the tremendous amount of salt. Trust me everything I mention here I have to abide by myself;)


Have a nice weekend:)


Yea, I know I can overload on sodium, I do like salt. But I do try and keep myself in water. I drink around 1/2 gallon a day give or take, so hopefully that will counter most sodium intake. But the low sodium bacon is a good idea. On the weekends, I eat deer sausage for my protein, so fat and the sodium isn't that bad.


Happy St. Patty's Day!

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:) On the baked potato note, I had a hard time eating a baked potato without butter,sour cream and salt for the longest time. Now I like baked potato with a little fresh ground pepper and I would not even consider putting butter, sour cream or salt on it. ;) I think after awhile your taste buds adapt to the changes. :) Keep up the good work, stress is a killer. Try to get to the gym when you are stressed I have noticed if I get on that treadmill I can go faster when I'm stressed I think I try to run off the stress and I always feel better afterwards.


I will try and wing off butter and sour cream, but I don't know if I can get to just pepper, lol. Might could go with that fake butter powder stuff.........;).


I know they say exercise is good for stress, but I had got myself so worked up over nothing I was literally just tense from top to bottom. I did some meditation music and deep breathing. It helped but it was just a lot at the time. Of course now..........I'm fine:p.

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I would just like to point out that we made it to page 117 on the 17th, lol.


Sat. 314.8


If I don't have plans on a Saturday or I have late plans, I have my little morning routine. I get up, fix breakfast and pull up the laptop and put an ice pack on my back to start the morning off without any swelling. I eat breakfast and get caught up on news and facebook, lol.


In a little while I'll get up and decide what I need to get done for the day........cleaning, clothes, projects, etc.


Today it will probably be cleaning the furniture my brother gave me for my...........house...........whenever that happens. Cleaning up the room, pulling out some spring/summer stuff.

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Sat. 314.8

Sun. 312.6


I have to say i struggled this morning with the scale. I weigh when i first wake up......before i eat.........and after.................yea.


I weighed 313.....but then it went to 313.2 and back again. So it was being wishy washy which it doesnt normally. So i decided not to eat right away and to sit for a while. I went back and it was wishy washy between 312.8 and 313. So i took a shower and got out and it read 312.6. Im gonna decide what it will be when i weigh tomr.

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