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Brooke, I'm thinking part of your struggle with food is living at home and depending on your mom to do part of the grocery shopping and storing the food in a kitchen used by others. What about getting a small, office sized or slightly larger refrigerator for your room and keeping your food in there? You could also designate a space in your room for pantry items. It would be good practice for when you do eventually live on your own and might even help with planning. If you only eat what you, yourself grocery shop for, then that kind of forces you to plan your meals. It's how most of of us are doing it...I mean I have to go out and shop for the food in our house, so by default, I have to have a plan of what we are going to eat for the coming week and in that plan, I have to incorporate foods that are acceptable in my diet. Now some weeks are better than others and I can truly plan for the week and other weeks, I just have no idea and end up at the grocery store several times a week and some days, I just have no idea and end up with Publix deli rotisserie chicken for me and Publix hot wings or subs for the rest of the family. But the point is, it's my responsibility and there is no "fall back" position, other than maybe a breakfast for dinner type of day, but for us that usually means scrambled eggs and bacon, which is ok on my diet.


Just an idea if you are so centered on your environment. I'm the same way...it drives me crazy to visit my mom and try to cook in her kitchen for more than a few days, just because how she organizes things is not how I'd do it. Works for her, but not for me!:)



I have actually thought about it. I have a mini fridge from college somewhere, if it still works, but its only the 2ft tall one, I probably should have kept the 4 ft. tall one and it would have been more useful. I would do it, except for the fact.......i would fear having easy access to food in my room. I actually use my room as a deterrent to food, since it is upstairs and away from the kitchen.


The fact of the matter is I need to move out, but it seems that I have catched 22'd myself with this land and such.........I just keep praying for something to work out.

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Hey everyone,

Brooke, I think it's wonderful that you post so much, this is your thread that you started after all! I have to say that I think you get so many comments and suggestions because people really resonate with what you are saying. We've all had difficult days or days that we couldn't stop ourselves from eating too much of the wrong thing.


I think all of the reflection lately is great. It really shows that you are starting to examine your actions and how you can fix this food thing. We can give all the advice in the world, but until you are ready to tackle it, you won't be as successful as possible. So keep posting, keep trying to work out these issues. Maybe take 10 minutes at the end of the day or when you get home from work just to reflect on yourself and your day. Just taking a moment to step away from all distractions and think can be really helpful.


As for myself, I've tracked for two days now. It's so much easier when I'm not the only one doing it! I can openly log on and figure out how many calories a recipe was without trying to do it quick/on the sly. The website is telling me that I need 1440 calories a day in order to lose 2 pounds a week. That's before working out, though. So if I hit that goal, but workout and burn 400 calories one night, I can add say, a glass of 1% milk and a banana after working out and maybe some wine with dinner and still keep my deficit. (That's probably not the best way to use up the calories, but I do love my wine and need to budget for it!). When I was on sparkpeople, I think it was telling me a range of between 1300 and 1500 calories a day, so that seems about right. With loseit, you can see your weekly deficit too, so even if you go over one day, but are under on the others, you can see if you are averaging close to your goals. So far, I really like it!


Let's see, pcrum (what is your real name? Sorry!), I made mexican-style stuffed peppers last night and they were tasty! And the recipe tracker came out to about 200-something calories for one. Amazing. They had 3/4 pound of ground turkey breast cooked with chopped bell pepper, 2 jalepenos chopped, onion, tomato, and garlic, then I added a can of black beans and some sweet corn. And taco seasonings. I topped each with a bit of mexican blended cheese. I was going to add brown rice, but then I had so much filling that it wasn't going to fit in the peppers! I still had a bowl of extra filling to the side. We topped with avocado (DH and I split one small) for about 160 calories, and some tortilla chips (I counted out the portion) for about 140 calories. I even had a light beer w/a lime for around 100 calories... so all in all, a really tasty dinner, and I definitely didn't feel deprived at all. Especially with getting avocado and tortilla chips, which is a total treat! Dinner was about 600 something calories total, in case anyone's curious. My breakfasts are usually less than 300, and lunches and snacks tend to vary with the day. (Depending on if I go out for lunch or eat at home, etc.).


I think that for me, it's just being mindful about not having MULTIPLE beers, limiting the number of chips, etc. Just a few days ago I would have had multiple beers and then had the bag of tortilla chips in front of me, being mindless about it. But when I know I only have 25 calories left for the day, I'm not going to go get more chips. I told myself if I was really hungry later on, I could have 3-4 strawberries. But I wasn't, so I didn't.


Brooke, did you re-read your WW literature? Any revelations? Just curious. The program has changed a lot since I did it. Also wanted to say that before I got married, I was living at home and did WW and lost like 25 pounds. It was hard because I ate with my family and didn't have a lot of control, so I totally understand. I would basically eat a Special K granola bar for breakfast for like 100 calories, and keep lunch to around 300-400 if possible (like a subway sandwich w/out cheese, no sides, or a grilled chicken salad without cheese and dressing, etc.). It was hard, but I really wanted to lose weight for my wedding and that was the only way that I could allow room for dinner when I didn't know what it was going to be.


Actually, re-reading them today, carefully. I'm thinking about wiping all the logged info. clean and starting over.........with points and weight tracking etc. Just start over and just keep going, ignoring anything, but the principals they have laid out. Maybe I'm a diet addict :eek::p.

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Doing really well today.


So far, I've eaten what I had planned. I did have to add in 45 calories worth of butter spray to my tracker for the crab meat (well, fake crab meat b/c I wasn't going to pay for the real stuff, but now I think I might. Its not bad and I guess its got no fat, but you can tell its not real crab.)


I'm actually finishing lunch now. I realized my container had enough room in it for 2 cups of green beans, so I only ate 1 cup out of it and I'm leaving the rest for next week. I also added 1 cup of rice instead of 1/2 cup. Still have 13 points left to eat (dinner is already entered).


I feel full and satisfied. My crystal light drink is keeping my sweet tooth satisfied and later for a snack I'll have my greek yogurt (which is technically a protein) and the second portion of mixed berries (I didn't buy grapefruit, just a 2 cup container of mixed berries).

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I disagree with the score: Brooke=20, Sweets= -2


I told you I could be used for a case study.


And I do want to stop eating............"chocolate cake" I would like to have control back from inanimate objects. I think I just have to physically feel it. I felt very empowered yesterday when only had that yogurt (though 3 portions too much), but I did it. I didn't go home and eat any other form of "treat."




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I don't think you monopolize anyone's time, if anything lots of people post great tips. Besides, if everyone felt you were monopolizing our time we wouldn't take the time to care.


You have a lot of tenacity even if the scale doesn't move..that's admirable because most people would have given up and gained back every pound they ever lost. At least your not doing that!


I feel sometimes like I monopolize your time and this thread. I know I started it, I really didn't think anyone would end up reading my blabbering. But I do hope that its been helpful other than to me, despite my lack of progress.


So, that plan is not appealing to me as far as the food choices........well.....actually most of them seem fine. I think its more of the rules I don't like. I do actually like the structure though. I guess its a formula of sorts and I like how it works. Mainly the portions and spread out foods. I was mainly satisfied yesterday.......actually I was. I did need to eat a slice of cheese and turkey in the evening when my stomach started growling, but I came in at the exact point place I needed to be.


Last night, I did plan out on my WW tracker what I planned to eat for most of the day. There are 18 points left, some of which will be for my decided 'treat' (which might be a piece of cake b/c its my SIL bday) and I didn't do an after dinner snack, so we will see.


Here are the screen shots of my WW tracker:





If I'm going to up any points or add anything I will def. aim for more of the protein, rather than carbs or of course more veggies........then fruit (b/c of sugar)


I might be watching my nephews tonight, I don't know yet. But since it is Friday and unless my bro and SIL stay out really late, I still should be able to hit the bike.

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Hey everyone,

Brooke, I think it's wonderful that you post so much, this is your thread that you started after all! I have to say that I think you get so many comments and suggestions because people really resonate with what you are saying. We've all had difficult days or days that we couldn't stop ourselves from eating too much of the wrong thing.


I think all of the reflection lately is great. It really shows that you are starting to examine your actions and how you can fix this food thing. We can give all the advice in the world, but until you are ready to tackle it, you won't be as successful as possible. So keep posting, keep trying to work out these issues. Maybe take 10 minutes at the end of the day or when you get home from work just to reflect on yourself and your day. Just taking a moment to step away from all distractions and think can be really helpful.


As for myself, I've tracked for two days now. It's so much easier when I'm not the only one doing it! I can openly log on and figure out how many calories a recipe was without trying to do it quick/on the sly. The website is telling me that I need 1440 calories a day in order to lose 2 pounds a week. That's before working out, though. So if I hit that goal, but workout and burn 400 calories one night, I can add say, a glass of 1% milk and a banana after working out and maybe some wine with dinner and still keep my deficit. (That's probably not the best way to use up the calories, but I do love my wine and need to budget for it!). When I was on sparkpeople, I think it was telling me a range of between 1300 and 1500 calories a day, so that seems about right. With loseit, you can see your weekly deficit too, so even if you go over one day, but are under on the others, you can see if you are averaging close to your goals. So far, I really like it!


Let's see, pcrum (what is your real name? Sorry!), I made mexican-style stuffed peppers last night and they were tasty! And the recipe tracker came out to about 200-something calories for one. Amazing. They had 3/4 pound of ground turkey breast cooked with chopped bell pepper, 2 jalepenos chopped, onion, tomato, and garlic, then I added a can of black beans and some sweet corn. And taco seasonings. I topped each with a bit of mexican blended cheese. I was going to add brown rice, but then I had so much filling that it wasn't going to fit in the peppers! I still had a bowl of extra filling to the side. We topped with avocado (DH and I split one small) for about 160 calories, and some tortilla chips (I counted out the portion) for about 140 calories. I even had a light beer w/a lime for around 100 calories... so all in all, a really tasty dinner, and I definitely didn't feel deprived at all. Especially with getting avocado and tortilla chips, which is a total treat! Dinner was about 600 something calories total, in case anyone's curious. My breakfasts are usually less than 300, and lunches and snacks tend to vary with the day. (Depending on if I go out for lunch or eat at home, etc.).


I think that for me, it's just being mindful about not having MULTIPLE beers, limiting the number of chips, etc. Just a few days ago I would have had multiple beers and then had the bag of tortilla chips in front of me, being mindless about it. But when I know I only have 25 calories left for the day, I'm not going to go get more chips. I told myself if I was really hungry later on, I could have 3-4 strawberries. But I wasn't, so I didn't.


Brooke, did you re-read your WW literature? Any revelations? Just curious. The program has changed a lot since I did it. Also wanted to say that before I got married, I was living at home and did WW and lost like 25 pounds. It was hard because I ate with my family and didn't have a lot of control, so I totally understand. I would basically eat a Special K granola bar for breakfast for like 100 calories, and keep lunch to around 300-400 if possible (like a subway sandwich w/out cheese, no sides, or a grilled chicken salad without cheese and dressing, etc.). It was hard, but I really wanted to lose weight for my wedding and that was the only way that I could allow room for dinner when I didn't know what it was going to be.


I am on Lose It too and I LOVE it! I also switched over from the sparkpeople. I had used SP for about six months last year and successfully lost my first 26 pounds. I have been using Lose It now for about seven months and have lost another 45 pounds. Having the app on my iPhone is the perfect "journal" for me. My email address is mcconnellfam96@yahoo.com ~ feel free to add me! :)

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I get what your doing with the treat thing a day. I really do.


The part that doesn't make sense to me is why your not going to measure the portion size. The wrong portion sizes of the treats and food in general is what gets most of us into trouble?


You said that you would trust yourself to eventually get to the right portion size (If I understood you correctly, maybe I didn't). To me, it seems self-defeating because I thought the idea behind allowing treats in any diet was to learn how to incorporate them into your life in a reasonable way, meaning the right portion size. If you haven't been able to trust yourself to eat the right size of a treat before, why would you be able to trust yourself now? I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I'm trying to understand.


Like you kept mentioning about being deprived. Why would you feel deprived if you weren't able to eat a whole box of cookies if that's what you wanted to eat for your treat that night? I guess I don't get why you feel you might need a whole box instead of just 2 or 3. (just using the cookies as an example)


The planning thing..well, it's been tossed around here before. Almost every diet on the planet involves a degree of planning. If something is a priority to us, we find a way to make it happen and cut something else out time wise. Maybe your not ready to really lose weight yet if your not willing to plan.


Random thoughts..


I'm with Gathina 1000000000000000000000000% on this one.


You really need to stop treating yourself as if you have 0 self control. You have it, you just don't believe that you do,.....yet.


I'm bad with treats too, believe you me. However last night, I factored into my daily calories some ice cream. And guess what I did? Measured it. Do I feel like an absolute moron measuring ice cream, absolutely. Do I KNOW that if i didn't do that, I'd take WAY too much - YOU BET.


In the US our portion sizes are OUT OF CONTROL. It's not even our fault - we were raised in this "bigger is better" mentality with food and now we are all paying for it. It's up to US to teach ourselves what is right portion wise. Nobody else is going to do it.


Telling yourself you have 10 days to eat whatever snack per day at whatever size you want - you might as well not start your plan until 10 days from now.


I KNOW it sucks. Believe me, I do. I'm a carb addict. A junk food addict. A soda addict. However we need to control ourselves - nobody or nothing is going to do that for us.


Do I allow myself soda still - yes i do. However i'm trying to use smaller portions when i do it (a can vs a bottle; you get the point). Someday I hope to be down to even less. As for treats - well - I'm factoring them into my daily calorie count. If there's no room for them - I'm not allowed to have one. In some ways, it's motivation to do better on my meals to try to have the treat. Sometimes it means swapping out say, a carb at dinner like potatoes, so that I can have some ice cream later.


Hope you don't take this as mean, it's just meant as tough love. I understand what you're telling yourself inside. Despite being here, you've got that "I can't do it" mentality programmed so deeply into yourself that you're literally sabotaging yourself at every turn to ensure that you indeed won't be able to do it.


I hope that you will be able to see that with a little change to your thinking, you might find yourself a happier/healthier you.


We are all here trying. We are all here listening. We all screw up. We all get back up and get on that horse and start again. Eventually, we won't fall off as often...

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I am on Lose It too and I LOVE it! I also switched over from the sparkpeople. I had used SP for about six months last year and successfully lost my first 26 pounds. I have been using Lose It now for about seven months and have lost another 45 pounds. Having the app on my iPhone is the perfect "journal" for me. My email address is mcconnellfam96@yahoo.com ~ feel free to add me! :)


I added you from your request :-) i see you lost today :-)


RachieLynn please feel free to add me as well... ariawomanATgmail.com (replace AT with @). I love to have more encouragement.


I have to be gross for a minute....


Have any of you that have gone from eating whatever you want to eating within a certain calorie count ever noticed a difference in your, um, frequency to do number 2? LOL. I know I know gross!


I've noticed since I started tracking on lose it on 6/6 - I've defintely become less regular I guess you'd say. I used to go 1-2 times a day...now...well I just had a stint where I did not go for FOUR days. UGH!! I feel bloated and gross. It grosses me out wondering where it is if it's not coming out LOL.


I went 2 times today but each were tiny in figuring it was several days worth.


I guess this means I need to work more fiber into my diet? Or is it normal that eating less = pooping less?


I know gross but, it's really making me wonder what's up as I was SOO regular before dieting.

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Brooke - you are not monopolizing anyone's time. We choose to come on here and read. (I read it just about daily, but only tend to post when I am doing well. :rolleyes: )


I have been successful a few times dieting throughout the years. I personally don't think any of us can do this without planning. It really shouldn't matter what your living situation is. I have been successful living at home, living alone following a break up and living with my husband and two kids. That is perhaps the hardest for me - keeping a house stocked with food kids will eat (this of course includes forbidden snacks), cooking for them, cooking for yourself and then finding the time to exercise.


I have said this before....I am a food addict. I am not using it as an excuse, but I also deal with this every meal, every snack, every everything of the day. I know what my triggers are and those are the things that I stay away from to be successful.


We all have all the tools and support we need. We can do this!!

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I'm with Gathina 1000000000000000000000000% on this one.


You really need to stop treating yourself as if you have 0 self control. You have it, you just don't believe that you do,.....yet.


I'm bad with treats too, believe you me. However last night, I factored into my daily calories some ice cream. And guess what I did? Measured it. Do I feel like an absolute moron measuring ice cream, absolutely. Do I KNOW that if i didn't do that, I'd take WAY too much - YOU BET.


In the US our portion sizes are OUT OF CONTROL. It's not even our fault - we were raised in this "bigger is better" mentality with food and now we are all paying for it. It's up to US to teach ourselves what is right portion wise. Nobody else is going to do it.


Telling yourself you have 10 days to eat whatever snack per day at whatever size you want - you might as well not start your plan until 10 days from now.


I KNOW it sucks. Believe me, I do. I'm a carb addict. A junk food addict. A soda addict. However we need to control ourselves - nobody or nothing is going to do that for us.


Do I allow myself soda still - yes i do. However i'm trying to use smaller portions when i do it (a can vs a bottle; you get the point). Someday I hope to be down to even less. As for treats - well - I'm factoring them into my daily calorie count. If there's no room for them - I'm not allowed to have one. In some ways, it's motivation to do better on my meals to try to have the treat. Sometimes it means swapping out say, a carb at dinner like potatoes, so that I can have some ice cream later.


Hope you don't take this as mean, it's just meant as tough love. I understand what you're telling yourself inside. Despite being here, you've got that "I can't do it" mentality programmed so deeply into yourself that you're literally sabotaging yourself at every turn to ensure that you indeed won't be able to do it.


I hope that you will be able to see that with a little change to your thinking, you might find yourself a happier/healthier you.


We are all here trying. We are all here listening. We all screw up. We all get back up and get on that horse and start again. Eventually, we won't fall off as often...


Just to be sure, i wasn't saying i was having a treat that would put me over my daily allowed intake. The treat will be dependent on what i have available in points, so i guess in a way it is portioned.

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I did reset my WW today to start my weight at at 316 and reset my points to their default. I have a feeling i will gain a few # from doing this , but I'm going to try to be patient and know that if i do the program correctly it should work. I reread today and refreshed my memory on the principles of WW and with my new formula, i think i will succeed.

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Just to be sure, i wasn't saying i was having a treat that would put me over my daily allowed intake. The treat will be dependent on what i have available in points, so i guess in a way it is portioned.


I'm not really sure that it's possible to know how many points something is if you don't know the portion, though. For example, ice cream might be 5 points lets say, for 1 cup of ice cream. However if your bowl is 2 cups full, that would be 10 points, and potentially throwing you over.


This is all based on the assumption I'm making that points are tied to a portion size. I've never been on the WW system but I was under the impression that it was indeed points based on portion sizes.

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I like what you said. I think the whole idea of a "healthy" lifestyle instead of looking at life as one giant diet is that you can enjoy eating more.


We've all blown it.I could down a whole bag of chips with no remorse..but it's funny when you "train" yourself to eat the right portion amount you really don't feel deprived and you are enjoying it the way it's supposed to be enjoyed.


Like I said before, not sure why one would feel deprived if they didn't eat the whole bag of cookies versus eating 2 or 3. Maybe it's better to eat the 2 or 3 and really enjoy them and savor them? I would think that would be more enjoyable than eating a whole bag then mentally beating the crap out of yourself after because you felt guilty..but that's just me.


I'm with Gathina 1000000000000000000000000% on this one.


You really need to stop treating yourself as if you have 0 self control. You have it, you just don't believe that you do,.....yet.


I'm bad with treats too, believe you me. However last night, I factored into my daily calories some ice cream. And guess what I did? Measured it. Do I feel like an absolute moron measuring ice cream, absolutely. Do I KNOW that if i didn't do that, I'd take WAY too much - YOU BET.


In the US our portion sizes are OUT OF CONTROL. It's not even our fault - we were raised in this "bigger is better" mentality with food and now we are all paying for it. It's up to US to teach ourselves what is right portion wise. Nobody else is going to do it.


Telling yourself you have 10 days to eat whatever snack per day at whatever size you want - you might as well not start your plan until 10 days from now.


I KNOW it sucks. Believe me, I do. I'm a carb addict. A junk food addict. A soda addict. However we need to control ourselves - nobody or nothing is going to do that for us.


Do I allow myself soda still - yes i do. However i'm trying to use smaller portions when i do it (a can vs a bottle; you get the point). Someday I hope to be down to even less. As for treats - well - I'm factoring them into my daily calorie count. If there's no room for them - I'm not allowed to have one. In some ways, it's motivation to do better on my meals to try to have the treat. Sometimes it means swapping out say, a carb at dinner like potatoes, so that I can have some ice cream later.


Hope you don't take this as mean, it's just meant as tough love. I understand what you're telling yourself inside. Despite being here, you've got that "I can't do it" mentality programmed so deeply into yourself that you're literally sabotaging yourself at every turn to ensure that you indeed won't be able to do it.


I hope that you will be able to see that with a little change to your thinking, you might find yourself a happier/healthier you.


We are all here trying. We are all here listening. We all screw up. We all get back up and get on that horse and start again. Eventually, we won't fall off as often...

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I added you from your request :-) i see you lost today :-)


RachieLynn please feel free to add me as well... ariawomanATgmail.com (replace AT with @). I love to have more encouragement.


I have to be gross for a minute....


Have any of you that have gone from eating whatever you want to eating within a certain calorie count ever noticed a difference in your, um, frequency to do number 2? LOL. I know I know gross!


I've noticed since I started tracking on lose it on 6/6 - I've defintely become less regular I guess you'd say. I used to go 1-2 times a day...now...well I just had a stint where I did not go for FOUR days. UGH!! I feel bloated and gross. It grosses me out wondering where it is if it's not coming out LOL.


I went 2 times today but each were tiny in figuring it was several days worth.


I guess this means I need to work more fiber into my diet? Or is it normal that eating less = pooping less?


I know gross but, it's really making me wonder what's up as I was SOO regular before dieting.


I take 500 mg of Magnesium each day to help with constipation. I read that in the Atkins book and it works like a charm. They say Vit C also helps, so I also take that daily. I can really tell a difference if I skip the Magnesium...I think for me it helps the most.

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I'm not really sure that it's possible to know how many points something is if you don't know the portion, though. For example, ice cream might be 5 points lets say, for 1 cup of ice cream. However if your bowl is 2 cups full, that would be 10 points, and potentially throwing you over.


This is all based on the assumption I'm making that points are tied to a portion size. I've never been on the WW system but I was under the impression that it was indeed points based on portion sizes.


U r correct. Im just doing it backwards. Im letting the points amount determine the portion. So if by 7pm, i have not had a treat and i have 10 pts left,then yes, i might eat 2 cups of ice cream. But if its the middle of the day and i know i still have to eat dinner, and a balanced full meal is important, but i want my treat to be some frozen yogurt while im out, then i will probably choice 1 c @ 5 pts. This is why im gonna prefer my treats at night bc i need to use pts for real food that has value first then if there is any left, a treat. This is also where better planning will help.

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I take 500 mg of Magnesium each day to help with constipation. I read that in the Atkins book and it works like a charm. They say Vit C also helps, so I also take that daily. I can really tell a difference if I skip the Magnesium...I think for me it helps the most.


Interesting. I have stopped taking vitamin c regularly lately as I ran out - but it's been months not just a few days/weeks. Wonder if that had any impact though.


Is the magnesium you're taking in capsule form or gross liquid like MoM?


In other disgusting news - my boyfriend told me I should try an enema.....um....that's an interesting experience to do yourself LOL. I can't say it feels like it helped all that much but it did um, get some results LOL.


TMI! I know! I can't help myself. lol


Maybe it'll lighten the mood of the thread :-)


If any of you have never read the box of an enema, i'd highly suggest it. Just reading it makes you want to crawl into a ball LOL.

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Smooth Move tea..yes, that's really the name of it!


Enema..no way!


If you really want to do a total housecleaning go to CVS or such and buy a bottle of the magnesium citrate..it's like 1.50 a bottle..what a lot of elderly people use..it's disgusting in taste but works like a charm.


Interesting. I have stopped taking vitamin c regularly lately as I ran out - but it's been months not just a few days/weeks. Wonder if that had any impact though.


Is the magnesium you're taking in capsule form or gross liquid like MoM?


In other disgusting news - my boyfriend told me I should try an enema.....um....that's an interesting experience to do yourself LOL. I can't say it feels like it helped all that much but it did um, get some results LOL.


TMI! I know! I can't help myself. lol


Maybe it'll lighten the mood of the thread :-)


If any of you have never read the box of an enema, i'd highly suggest it. Just reading it makes you want to crawl into a ball LOL.

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Interesting. I have stopped taking vitamin c regularly lately as I ran out - but it's been months not just a few days/weeks. Wonder if that had any impact though.


Is the magnesium you're taking in capsule form or gross liquid like MoM?



It's capsules...nothing like MOM! I get it either at GNC or Walmart. 500 mg Magnesium capsules, no taste at all.


Smooth Move tea..yes, that's really the name of it!




Where do you buy this? Might be interesting to try! I'm a tea drinker and love my chai tea!

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This has been a long crazy 4 weeks for me. Lots of travel, weird eating But a lot of movement chaseing a 20mth old..weight lose. has slowed a bit

Down 3 lbs in 2 weeks. This is what the scale says I'm feeling like it may be more tho as none of my clothes fit. In a 12 now with room to spare in the waist:). So now I really need to add working out everyday. Have a treadmill and bowflex in the garage need to get my butt out there every morning. Let the sweat begain living in Fl I'll be sweating.LOL So I have a goal of becoming a runner something I have always wanted to be. Going to set a date of Oct 1 to start outside jogging running:eek:.

I am going to do this!!


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Easy to find at almost all health food stores or where they sell Medicinal teas..


It is NOT for the faint hearted, though..best to drink at night and then it "moves" in the morning..


It's capsules...nothing like MOM! I get it either at GNC or Walmart. 500 mg Magnesium capsules, no taste at all.




Where do you buy this? Might be interesting to try! I'm a tea drinker and love my chai tea!

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So far


1/2 c of oatmeal

1/2 c of 1% milk

3 strips of low sodium pre cooked bacon

1 homemade biscuit with my1 tsp smart balance


2 pieces of cin toast crunch that my nephew fed me


1 glass of tea, very lightly sweet with fiber


2oz of turkey lunch meat

1/2 c garden tomatoes

1 tsp salt

1 tsp ff mayo

1 tsp mustard

1 cut up peach with fiber1 tsp sugar bc it had no flavor


Right now I'm watching the 1 year old sleep while the gparents entertain the 4 year old .


I've avoided the chocolate in chocolate cookies mom brought back from summer school....3x this morning and wanting ice cream in the fridge. I've tried to say to myself something encouraging each time. I did fail with the biscuit though. Lucky that i went for a second and between the four year old and the dog i didn't get any, so that was just lucky intervention.


I do appreciate everything, everyone says. Not one of you has ever been rude or ugly in your advice or suggestions.


And you are right. How bad do I want this? And i think i can say honestly at this point, not bad enough to lose anymore weight, but enough to keep what i have lost off. So i guess that is 50% in. Now i have to find the road block, bc i can't imagine I'm self sabotaging just bc, that is keeping me from the other 50% commitment.


Good choices


I forgot to add that im gonna discontinue taking that stuff my friend started me on to see if it might be the cause too.


Btw, Dr oz said that most ppl need to use a fiber supplement bc they don't get enough in their diet. I do the powder daily.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Someone here said they liked eggplant. I found this recipe today for an eggplant crostini-like sandwich that had only 175 calories per serving and I'm going to try and make it..I like the ingredients and it has greek yogurt in it too. Looks easy !



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This has been a long crazy 4 weeks for me. Lots of travel, weird eating But a lot of movement chaseing a 20mth old..weight lose. has slowed a bit

Down 3 lbs in 2 weeks. This is what the scale says I'm feeling like it may be more tho as none of my clothes fit. In a 12 now with room to spare in the waist:). So now I really need to add working out everyday. Have a treadmill and bowflex in the garage need to get my butt out there every morning. Let the sweat begain living in Fl I'll be sweating.LOL So I have a goal of becoming a runner something I have always wanted to be. Going to set a date of Oct 1 to start outside jogging running:eek:.

I am going to do this!!



Wow to be in a 12 again! I've not been in a 12 since I guess college. I've been up to 18/20 but now seem to be decently in the 14/16 range for things. Someday i want to be able to shop at ALL stores again, rather than like 3! So tiring to have only those few options right???

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And you are right. How bad do I want this? And i think i can say honestly at this point, not bad enough to lose anymore weight, but enough to keep what i have lost off. So i guess that is 50% in. Now i have to find the road block, bc i can't imagine I'm self sabotaging just bc, that is keeping me from the other 50% commitment.


Good choices


I forgot to add that im gonna discontinue taking that stuff my friend started me on to see if it might be the cause too.


Btw, Dr oz said that most ppl need to use a fiber supplement bc they don't get enough in their diet. I do the powder daily.



You're right that most of us don't get enough fiber. Maybe I should consider adding something to my diet. I should see if lose it is racking my fiber accurately, then I can see if i'm getting enough per day. My guess is I'm not.


As for the self sabotage...it doesn't have to be conscious.


Maybe you're afraid of losing the weight and being a different person? Maybe you're afraid that you will lose the weight but somehow be no happier in life than you are today. Maybe you're afraid you'll lose the weight and find out that people are superficial and start liking you more when you're more attractive.


There are a myriad of reasons that you could be self sabotaging without really even thinking about it consciously. Maybe give it some thought - you might just come up with a fear that you have involving the weight loss.

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With you 100% on this one...the idea about "superficial" people..even if that were remotely true, the real people that matter in life don't care what size you are, even those of the opposite sex.


One thing I noticed, Brooke (and said again, with kindness) is that you said you had "tweaked" the ww point system to base it on "your" needs..letting the "points" determine the portion? I guess that would make sense that it's not working if you aren't doing it the way your supposed to? I understand the point concept now. I saw that they have a WW point forum here, did you ever share what your doing and ask their feedback?


It might be good to list all the reasons why losing the weight is a benefit..beyond the obvious of nicer, smaller clothes. Think of all the health issues that could be resolved, improved, etc. Fortunately you are young, but it is a whole lot harder to lose once you are older, so losing now is like "prevention"



You're right that most of us don't get enough fiber. Maybe I should consider adding something to my diet. I should see if lose it is racking my fiber accurately, then I can see if i'm getting enough per day. My guess is I'm not.


As for the self sabotage...it doesn't have to be conscious.


Maybe you're afraid of losing the weight and being a different person? Maybe you're afraid that you will lose the weight but somehow be no happier in life than you are today. Maybe you're afraid you'll lose the weight and find out that people are superficial and start liking you more when you're more attractive.


There are a myriad of reasons that you could be self sabotaging without really even thinking about it consciously. Maybe give it some thought - you might just come up with a fear that you have involving the weight loss.

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