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Cruising to Healthy


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I totally understand how you feel. I have been running at about 80% commitment lately (if that makes sense). Doing the right things most of the time, but then having some wine, or overindulging in something else. I'm not seeing the scale move. I'm pretty good during the week, but weekends are tough.


I have found a new favorite way to burn some calories. I just take my nook downstairs to the workout room, and hop on the bike while I read my book. Before I know it, large chunks of time have gone by! Now, I know I am not exercising strenously but it's a nice addition to my other workouts. I figure if I going to sit and read, I can go downstairs and do it on a bike. The nook is nice because you don't have to hold any pages open, it just sits there. Plus the nook lets you get free books from the library, whereas I've head the kindle only wants you to buy things off Amazon.


I could be better about working out though. Lately I have been so busy just keeping up with our vegetables! Yesterday I spend about 3 hours blanching corn, making marinara from scratch, cleaning and chopping broccoli so that it's ready to go, cleaning lettuce, etc. It does take a lot of work to keep up with it all, but it is so worth it, I know.


Yea, I think the more active, in my normal activities I become, the better off I am. I totally get it.

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First of all..........its a new WW week for me! It means that I get a clean slate and can now make better choices (not that I can't do that everyday, but still)


I already started with cutting back on my serving of Kashi cereal and logging my official weight for the last week.


On that topic..........


Sooooooo, did NOT realize that my official weight from last week was 321. I don't know why it didn't registrar. I guess sometimes the numbers run together. So.......yea, my whole thing about gaining...........stupid.


Sat. 320.6

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2

Wed. 323

Thurs. 324

Fri. 324.8 (Not good, but I know the problem :rolleyes:)


Take a look at that! My lowest weight for the week was 320.6, so I lost .4lbs, lol. I WILL TAKE IT! Now, to get back on track for next week so I can see that 10lb mark, which is .6lbs away. :D


I do have to say that I think I was...........ummm...........no way to say this politely...........I needed to go to the bathroom. And I'm pretty sure that was my system rebelling against the crappy food I was giving it (no pun intended). So..........here is to .6lbs next week. That's all I'm shooting for.


So, my little rant yesterday about Halloween costumes. I feel a blog coming on.............but I think I will wait until I get the pieces i ordered.


I decided to rebel and be sexy as I want to be in my own way and just as cost effective as their cheap costumes. I own a cute black pencil skirt from Old Navy ($25 btw), a pair of calf pleather boots, a kind of gothic feather head piece, and believe it or not (if I can find it) a black satin hooded cape. So, I simply bought some moldable vampire teeth online for about $20 (s&H) and went to Torrid and bought a black Bustier for about $40 after tax. Went to CVS and bought some fake eyelashes too. I might go to Walmart and look at there Halloween make up and stuff, but I don't have to. BTW, used extra bucks for the eyelashes, so can't count that. So, $60 on a Halloween costume. Most of the good ones online were about that much.


Now, I just hope it looks as good on me as it does in my head :eek:. I've been on youtube studying some gothic/vampire make-up techniques too. Now, my only problem..........I wanted some crimson lipstick...........every redish tint I get turns pink on my lips. I'm thinking I will have to go more dark brown that red b/c of my pink complexion. Any suggestions. I might do brown anyway for that old black and white Victorian look.




BK: Cut cereal portion in half, with 2 % milk


L: Ummmmmm, I brought a cup of 70 calorie soup and I think I still have bread for a peanut butter sandwich.


D: Its friday...........I suspect pizza at home, if I eat it, probably.


W: Well, I will playing around with make up looks, so probably not. BUT, we have a tour of a new building today for work and then a walk through of how Homecoming will be set up, so at least there will be that.


Good Choices!

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Wooosh.........that was my weekend. Wine tasting and cleaning on Sunday was a quick weekend. This weekend is Homecoming for work and of course I'm an alum too. So it will be a busy week for us.


I stayed moving most of the day on Sunday. So I feel good about not being lazy. My scale isn't being nice though. I was hoping to make 10lbs this week, but everything is up. It might be time for the gym........if I can find time this week.


Sat. 323

Sun. 323.6

Mon. 323.6


Crossing my fingers and doing my best to eat well this week.


BK: Kashi and 2% milk


L: Tortilla soup (has lots of protein) 1 1/2 cup.


S: Maybe a bit of peanut butter just as an afternoon pick me up......I'm been crashing a bit. May be for the lack of veggies :rolleyes:


D: Mom bought some bird's eye steamable stuff so I think I can do pretty healthy.


W: Motivate, Motivate, Motivate..............


I did have a win this weekend. First, I didn't get up til 10am on Sunday (late night) and then I wasn't hungry right away, so I waited to really 12pm. Mom had bought those low fat whole grain waffles, so I had those for........lunch? So, I didn't need to eat until around 4 or 5 that evening. Mom had bought fried chicken from the store and made mashed potatoes, green beans, squash (I don't eat it). It would have been so easy to grab the leftover fried chicken they had for lunch for my dinner, but...............I didn't. I grabbed out a grilled chicken breast and seared it with some seasonings. I added the mashed potatoes, green beans and some corn bread muffins. Here is the next thing. I kinda may have loaded the food up a bit too much. I mean there wasn't much of green beans left and they aren't that caloric. The mashed potatoes though and corn bread, even the chicken (4 oz frozen) might have been too much all together. I was happy when I realized I didn't want to clean my plate and left a good portion of most everything on my plate. Fat Dog was happy.


I think its great to know the difference between when you are finished eating and do not need to eat anymore and not wanting to finish your plate b/c of "will power" or b/c you are on a diet and "shouldn't." I didn't finish my plate b/c I was full, not b/c I wanted to prove to myself I didn't have to. I think that is a bad reason not to finish eating.


I actually had plenty points b/c I skipped a meal essentially. I induldged a bit in a serving of ice cream and some chips.


But there was not a point where I felt hungry all day. And my blood sugar was better this weekend. I was have some bouts of it dropping. I didn't understand, b/c it hadn't happened in so long.........but who knows what kind of elements could effect that.


Anyway, 32 days!!!! And the dreams have become more frequent. You guys know what I'm talking about..........oh yea.


Good choices.

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Hi everyone,


Hope everyone had a good weekend. I went to a wedding, and ate way too many sweets!!! Ugh. They had cupcakes, mini cheesecakes, and a candy buffet, where you could fill a bag to bring home. My weight has stayed the same, but that little bag is so tempting! I kind of want to give it away at work, but my husband would not like that. So I'm just going to try to stick to fruit for dessert. I have apples, watermelon, and concord grapes right now. If I tell myself that it will all go bad if I don't it, that helps me to stay away from the junk. I don't want let beautiful fresh farm fruit go bad, it's so wasteful.


I have a boot dilemma, too! I ordered this pair of really cute boots from zappos. Here is a link:


They zip up, but just barely. I thought they would fit because the reviews said the calves were cut wider than normal. If I had a spare 1/2", I think they would be perfect. Do I keep them, and hope that in the next few months my calves will shrink? Or do I return them, and keep searching for another pair of perfect boots? I had a really great slouchy pair last year, but they don't make them anymore. If I order "wide calf" boots, they are usually too wide. I'm just right in-between. :rolleyes:


I found a really interesting old cookbook from the 1930's this weekend. It was really interesting to read the chapter on nutrition. They recommended 2 servings of fruit a day - and at least one should be fresh fruit. They also recommended a non-starch veggie at each meal, plus one serving of carbs at each meal and only one 3 to 4 oz serving of meat a day. Other protein could be milk or eggs. Each day, one of your vegetables should be a cruciferous vegetable (cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) Adults should get a pint of milk a day (I think that's 2 cups), but children should get a quart. I think people ate a LOT less back then. They also ate practically no processed foods, unless you count plain canned or jarred food. There were much smaller meals. They also listed the average size of a dinner plate and it was like 9 inches, I think. I think mine are much bigger, but we do usually eat off of our salad plates. Anyway, it was interesting reading... people were a lot thinner back then, but I think the key was the portion sizes and no processed foods.

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Hi everyone,


Hope everyone had a good weekend. I went to a wedding, and ate way too many sweets!!! Ugh. They had cupcakes, mini cheesecakes, and a candy buffet, where you could fill a bag to bring home. My weight has stayed the same, but that little bag is so tempting! I kind of want to give it away at work, but my husband would not like that. So I'm just going to try to stick to fruit for dessert. I have apples, watermelon, and concord grapes right now. If I tell myself that it will all go bad if I don't it, that helps me to stay away from the junk. I don't want let beautiful fresh farm fruit go bad, it's so wasteful.


I have a boot dilemma, too! I ordered this pair of really cute boots from zappos. Here is a link:


They zip up, but just barely. I thought they would fit because the reviews said the calves were cut wider than normal. If I had a spare 1/2", I think they would be perfect. Do I keep them, and hope that in the next few months my calves will shrink? Or do I return them, and keep searching for another pair of perfect boots? I had a really great slouchy pair last year, but they don't make them anymore. If I order "wide calf" boots, they are usually too wide. I'm just right in-between. :rolleyes:


I found a really interesting old cookbook from the 1930's this weekend. It was really interesting to read the chapter on nutrition. They recommended 2 servings of fruit a day - and at least one should be fresh fruit. They also recommended a non-starch veggie at each meal, plus one serving of carbs at each meal and only one 3 to 4 oz serving of meat a day. Other protein could be milk or eggs. Each day, one of your vegetables should be a cruciferous vegetable (cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) Adults should get a pint of milk a day (I think that's 2 cups), but children should get a quart. I think people ate a LOT less back then. They also ate practically no processed foods, unless you count plain canned or jarred food. There were much smaller meals. They also listed the average size of a dinner plate and it was like 9 inches, I think. I think mine are much bigger, but we do usually eat off of our salad plates. Anyway, it was interesting reading... people were a lot thinner back then, but I think the key was the portion sizes and no processed foods.


That is a hard one with the boots. I have to have wide calf. But maybe some plus size stores. I think some have non wide calf, but I would suspect b/c they cater to plus sizes the calfs on the normal widith would be a little bigger........maybe. The Avenue maybe.

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I so had too much fun with my vampire fangs last night, lol. I'm such a theatre geek. Love dress up! Anyway, the bustier came too and Its just a bit unflattering. I mean I didn't expect it to look like the pictures. I don't know if the pencil skirt is the best idea though. I really need a bustle skirt or at least some long. Oh well, I'll figure it out.


Soooooo, I think I can do the gym this week. I have to stay after for work b/c the girl they hired as a temp for our phonthon calling hasn't got her background check yet and a full time staff member needs to be there. But it should only be for this week. The calling doesn't start until about 6pm, so I figured I could hit the gym for about 30 mins. before. I have no idea how to keep myself busy otherwise though. I should have brought my laptop. Oh well.


I'm slipping into eating out again. I see it, but I'm not stopping it. Last night I had McDs. Bleh. I had their oatmeal and mcmuffin this morning. This is me slipping into bad and old habits. Its like Fall and Winter bring out a eating side of me. I have to find the reason and nip it in the bud.


Sat. 323

Sun. 323.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323


Looks like some maintaining going on. Hopefully the gym will jump start.


Other thing to worry about this week is eating out b/c I will have to stay through dinner and our choices on campus are obviously not that good. I can't really bring anything either b/c there would be no where to heat anything up. And the only place to eat outside of the college is DQ. I'm in a crappy food trap. I will just have to make the best deicisions I can.


BK: Mcd's oatmeal and mcmuffin


L: peanut butter sandwich, cup of soup


D: Subway?


W: 30 mins on something.


31 days.............ugh, that 30 day mark is so hard b/c its so close, but so far away, lol.


Good Choices.

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I don't even want to talk about last night (food wise). I'm going to forget it even happened and today is a new day and I've already been to the grocery to find some better choices. I will not be meeting my 10lbs this week< i know that. In fact, I probably just made it super harder to make 10lbs. Anyway, Zumba will start on Monday and I hope it will jump start me.


Sat. 323

Sun. 323.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323

Wed. 323.6


BK: Umm, I have ceral of weight control oatmeal too.


S: grapes


L: I'm thinking of doing half of a Med. salmon I baked this morning and half serving of some steamed garlic flavored veggies.


S: V8 or Fusion Light , just to help boost some fruits and veggies and the seasons are getting in the way.


D: If I don't eat all the salmon and veggies for lunch then i think I will have the other half for dinner. If not. I think I will get a 6 inch turkey from subway, have my cup of soup.


W: Yesterday was hectic getting the new girl kinda settled and myself too. Today, I hope I can scooch over to the gym for a bit before hand.


30 FREAKIN DAYS. That 10lbs will come off!!!!!!!!!


Now, gotta go take myself downstairs and get my water filled up b/c that is the other part to the new day.........getting more water in. Along with the frozen single serving veggies.


Good Choices.

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Getting a little busy around here............'tis the season for us.


Anyway, I did do a bit more moving last night, but didn't exercise. Its just too hectic. I will re-start myself with Zumba on Monday. If anything will kick me into gear..........that will.


Sat. 323

Sun. 323.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323

Wed. 323.6

Thurs. 323


Well, If this stays true tomr. then I will have gained 2.4lbs in a week or so. But, I must find a positive and I think this has probably been the most consistent week I've had to date, lol. I had said I wouldn't add exercise back in until I started maintaining or gaining...........looks like I hit both. Next week........here I come.


BK: Oatmeal and skim milk


S: grapes


L: peanut butter (2 tbsp) 2 slices of bread (white b/c we were out of wheat), cup of soup (I haven't eaten it yet..........) V8 (6oz)


S: V8 Fusion Light (50 calories, low sugar)


D: Grilled chicken 6 inch sub from subway w/ baked chips and water.


W: I will try to walk around a bit more tonight, but my back is bothering me and the chiro isn't until tomr.


29 days!!!! Part of me doesn't want the countdown to end b/c.........that means I have a week of bliss and then its all over.............


PS-My brother and SIL are getting two new lil ones today. Brothers, 3 months and 4 years old. I would love to see them, but with work and stuff. Plus they have scabbes(sp). Mom says I would probably be very susceptible to them b/c of how fleas, ticks, and mosquitos love me.........and I hear they are horrible. Poor babies. Hopefully, they will clear up and I can go see them soon.


Good Choices.

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Ugh, long day for it being a short day for me..........bleh.


322.6 was my weight today. So at least in was a little down. Just gotta keep vigilant and I will get where I need to be.


Tomr. will be busy too. I took a 2.5 hour nap today at 4pm:eek:. I think I just finally let my body feel the stress that I'd been trying to fight all week. Then I had a nice cry in the shower. The pressure is on at work I guess.


Although we got notice today that we think we got a big grant we were after, that I wrote and have been stressing about since we turned it in. I sure hope my VP read the notice right. You would have think I would have jumped for joy when she told me, but.............I just kinda..........went blank. Then I said something stupid in front of everybody.........then my cousin texted my grandma was in the hospital again.......my brother has to get rid of one of the dogs b/c it doesn't like one of the little boys they have...........I hit a funk. I mean, my energy, my attitude...........went from 60-0.


My thoughts are that I had been putting more pressure on myself than I had thought about that one grant. More worry than I was letting myself believe. So when the good news came in........it was more like all that worry, that pressure was realized. Then throw my own stupidity, some family things and a stressful week at work on top of it.........yep. I hope I can rally my body and strength tomr. and put on my A game. Maybe I can make up my stupidity at least.


As for now. My tyenol pm is going to kick in here in a min. (after a 2.5 hr. nap that late I think I need a little help to sleep tonight).


Did I mention that I bought jeans at the avenue the other weekend and I fit into a size 26 jean there? I was impressed. Their jeans tend to run small anyway, so I usually would go for a 30/32 if they even had that. I bought a pair of skinny jeans too. My first pair EVER! They aren't bad and I could squeeze into a size 26/28. A little snugg, I mean but they are skinny jeans, they are suppose to be snug. Besides the 30/32 was too big. A few more pounds and the 26/28s will probably fill much better. The 26 reg. jean though is pretty comfortable.


Here is hoping that a new day is a new start.............for lots of things.:rolleyes:


Good Choices.

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I haven't posted in a little while. Time is just slipping away.


I have been diligently working on my weight loss. I had a few lbs sneek back on when I wasn't paying attention, but those are gone. I have been working really hard on my bike - I am doing the programmed workouts. They are 30 minutes long and the resistance fluctuates. I am doing 18+ miles/hour. I was doing 15 or 16, but I decided to push myself a little bit more. I sweat my butt off, so that must be good, right?


Brooke, doesn't it feel great to get into smaller sizes? I had to buy new jeans because the others were falling off around the waist and I wasn't comfortable in them anymore. I dropped 3 size in jeans. Love it!


I am off to bed; my eyes are closing now. :o Kim

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Hi Girls!


Hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to pop in and say I haven't forgotten about you all. I still sometimes read your posts on weekends when I can actually get to a computer (my parents). Congrats KimC on the baby! so happy for you. Congrats Kim (crusingagaininnov2008) on your weight loss. Rachel and Brooke keep up the good work! and Rachel I have the same dilemma with boots too and it saddens me because I would love to wear calf boots or even ankles ones and it seems impossible because my calves look like elephants. :( Sad but true. Within time I will be owning plenty when I can squeeze my darn leg into those! I went to Avenue too and Lane Bryant and Ijust said forget it!


Brooke and Kim - It does feel great to be able to get down in pant size. Brooke I was wearing 30/32 in stretch jeans because the zip up ones wouldn't fit me. Everytime I bought them they would end up looking baggy. I was sad all the time because I was actually growing out of the Avenue clothes and what I could fit into looked like crap.


I was at my highest weight ever in Febuary. But in April/May something clicked and I have lost about 50lbs since! I am super excited because now I can fit into smaller sizes and I went to Lane Bryant to try on a 28 because that was always the biggest size they had at the outlet and it fit! I stopped going there years ago because I couldn't fit into their clothing anymore. Brooke I'm a little less then 20lbs from where you are in weight and I cannot weight to fit into a 26! Yah us!! lol :D


I was going through clothes and found I bought brand new clothes a couple years back with the tag still on them that I hadn't worn because I got to big for them. Now they are too baggy! most of the weight I lost is my upper half. (I don't care where I lose it but I really wish it started with my bottom half first but I'm not complaning!)


My addiction to sweets has subsided tremendously because I have stayed away from it, I control my carbs, portions (big one!) and get lots of water and protein.


Here's my workout schedule:


Monday- Walk 2 miles during lunch hour. after work (6pm): 1 hour Strength Training (one week will be upper body, next week lower)


Tuesday - Walk 2 miles during lunch hour. boxing after work: 1 hour (with a couple girls from work, bunch of other guys and a professional boxer)


Wednesday - Weigh in day at work (biggest loser competition we are doing) I take the day off, though somedays I do still go walking during lunch.


Thursday - Walk 2 miles during lunch hour. After work: 1 hour cardio kickboxing


Friday - Walk 2 miles during lunch hour. No classes on Fridays.


Sat. & Sun are the hardest days! I try to at least get one walk in. But also usually go walking Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for a mile walk..just to get that extra push before weigh in.



Hope you are all doing well and are enjoing your weekend! I won't be able to post a lot but I will try to pop back in once in a while. :-) (stinks not having my own computer at home)

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Thanks Jess! You are doing great! You look great and I know you have to feel it too! Keep it up!


Long weekend..........I fear it will be a long week and so I will make this short a and sweet today.


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 322.8



BK: Weight control oatmeal, skim milk


L: I brought some bread (peanut butter), with some chicken noodle.


S: One of those small packs of Tuna packets.


D: Umm, might have to be subway or a peanut butter sandwich, as I will be doing Zumba...........I think............I really hope.............no one has said anything about having to work.


25 days and I'm determined to meet my 10lbs.


Good Choices.


W: Praying its Zumba. I really need it.


I made some good and bad choices, but I was the wise to them. Gonna do much better this week.

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Jessica.....AWESOME!!!!! That is such great news. Your workout schedule is amazing, too! I was so happy to read about your progress.


I hit 51 lbs. I really struggled the last month with food and lack of exercise. There are no more excuses to be had. I never talk sizes, but I will now. When I started, I was busting out of 24 stretch jeans, 26 fit. 3X in tops. Now I fit into 18 jeans (jeans from Kohl's - their brand Apt 9 or Sonoma which may be vanity size) and 1X in tops. I was very excited to purchase a size that started with a "1".


I am still aiming for 60 lbs by November 4. Even more if I can do it. I am watching my food intake and still exercising daily. I even did my mom's treadmill over the weekend for 40 minutes. I thought I was going to pass out when I got off of it. I prefer my bike, but it's good to change things up, too.


You can do it Brooke!! Maybe with your Zumba, the pounds will zoom on out of here. :)



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Kim- You can do it!!!


Work didn't slow down a bit. Then I got asked to work last night, but my boss was nice enough to still let me skip out for a few to go do Zumba, since they kinda asked me last min.


Zumba..........ahhh........don't know if I missed it or not, lol. I'm not too sore today, but I think I might feel it more tomr. My back is def. the most sore at this point. I'm kinda waiting for it to feel just a bit worse before I take an Ibprofin. But I made it through the 45 mins. and only found myself slacking a bit at the end, but I forced myself to at least keep doing the motions even if the passion wasn't behind it, lol. Its only once a week at this point, so..........I will have to do some stuff on my own. Tonight I will take a break and let my body recover from shock, plus I MUST go see my new lil guys! I've been working so much I haven't had a chance to really meet them yet.


BK: Weight control oatmeal (its kinda sugary) and skim milk, cheese stick


L: Peanut butter sandwich and some soup, probably a v8 and V8 fusion (1 point each)


S: I didn't get around to one yesterday and I was okay.


D: Ummm, I planned for a grilled chicken sandwich and baked potatoe from Wendy's b/c I intend to head over to my brother's right after work and I know I will stay late. I don't want to eat too late. I thought that would be a good compromise.


W: Let the shock set in first.


Oh, did I mention I didn't get through all my points last night. On WW you aren't suppose to do that, but the late hours and stuff, I just didn't have time to get them all in. I think it was all of 5 points, but......


24 days and counting. Come on 10lbs. I know half of you will come back on the cruise...........so I need the full 10!!!


Good Choices.

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Hi everyone,

Wow, it was so exciting to see so many posts today! Love it!


Jess, sounds like you are doing dynamite!!! I was so glad to see you post, because I've been wondering where you were! Great job. Keep up the great work!!! Your workout regimen sounds great, too.


Kim, you are doing great as well! Congrats on the loss and going down those sizes. I bet that feels wonderful. Way to go on your cycling. I need to be more diligent about exercise. I am planning on doing some high-intensity cycles tonight (run for 1-2 minutes as fast I can, then alternate with walking). I do like cycling though... sometimes I bring my nook down there and just go for a long time while I read. I've also been adding light weight training into my workouts... I think it REALLY helps, more than cardio sometimes, actually. At least I feel toner and more fit.


Brooke, keep up your determination and I know those 10 pounds will be gone! You are so close! Sounds like Zumba was fun. I always thought those classes would be a good time. I wish I was going on a cruise so soon!!


This weekend I cooked a bunch (as usual). We had an acorn squash from our CSA, so I roasted it and pureed it, and added it to a thai curry. Delicious! You almost don't notice it's there - it just gives the sauce more body. There is also garlic, ginger, lime, coconut milk, etc. in there for flavor. I added green peppers, onions, broccoli and a red chili pepper too. I wonder what type of squashes we will get this week. We're starting to be on the tail end of summer vegetables and starting to get fall vegetables. We also got kale, sweet potatoes, etc. I bet we'll get a lot more root vegetables.


I saw a challenge that other people have signed up for that is for the month of October eating no processed foods. I was thinking about signing the pledge. We do eat bread though (sprouted whole grain, usually). I would also have to give up pasta, chocolate, wine, crackers, etc. A lot, actually. I think it's possible, but I want to think about it. We'd have to add back in a lot of beans, rice, etc. What about coffee? What about my daily cereal? I think I'd have to give that up too, or at least make some granola or something. Hmmm. Interesting idea, though.

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Hi everyone,

Wow, it was so exciting to see so many posts today! Love it!


Jess, sounds like you are doing dynamite!!! I was so glad to see you post, because I've been wondering where you were! Great job. Keep up the great work!!! Your workout regimen sounds great, too.


Kim, you are doing great as well! Congrats on the loss and going down those sizes. I bet that feels wonderful. Way to go on your cycling. I need to be more diligent about exercise. I am planning on doing some high-intensity cycles tonight (run for 1-2 minutes as fast I can, then alternate with walking). I do like cycling though... sometimes I bring my nook down there and just go for a long time while I read. I've also been adding light weight training into my workouts... I think it REALLY helps, more than cardio sometimes, actually. At least I feel toner and more fit.


Brooke, keep up your determination and I know those 10 pounds will be gone! You are so close! Sounds like Zumba was fun. I always thought those classes would be a good time. I wish I was going on a cruise so soon!!


This weekend I cooked a bunch (as usual). We had an acorn squash from our CSA, so I roasted it and pureed it, and added it to a thai curry. Delicious! You almost don't notice it's there - it just gives the sauce more body. There is also garlic, ginger, lime, coconut milk, etc. in there for flavor. I added green peppers, onions, broccoli and a red chili pepper too. I wonder what type of squashes we will get this week. We're starting to be on the tail end of summer vegetables and starting to get fall vegetables. We also got kale, sweet potatoes, etc. I bet we'll get a lot more root vegetables.


I saw a challenge that other people have signed up for that is for the month of October eating no processed foods. I was thinking about signing the pledge. We do eat bread though (sprouted whole grain, usually). I would also have to give up pasta, chocolate, wine, crackers, etc. A lot, actually. I think it's possible, but I want to think about it. We'd have to add back in a lot of beans, rice, etc. What about coffee? What about my daily cereal? I think I'd have to give that up too, or at least make some granola or something. Hmmm. Interesting idea, though.


I wish I had the will power not to eat processed foods.........but that is a challenge I just can't face right now. But I know you could!!!

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Well, I totally spoiled my dinner last night. My brother ended up taking my new lil guys to McD's for the play place and my SIL felt bad getting a fried chicken sandwich and a large fry. I was gonna be all healthy (and I KNOW I should have), but I didn't want her to feel bad. So, I gave into myself and her feelings too (you noticed I put myself first b/c I can't deny that it wasn't a hard choice to get fries). Anyway, its been counted and I still have a few weekly point left and I've earned some exercise points, so hopefully I'll come out okay.


Forgot to post my weight yesterday:


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 322.8

Tues. 322.4

Wed. 322.4


Again with the consistence in weight. I'm going to look it positively. Its about a lb down from last weeks hold at 323 -+.........so that is good.


BK: Weight control oatmeal, a V Fusion, cheese stick (I noticed I wasn't loaded my breakfast up as much and that was causing some snacking later. So I'm going to try and load breakfast up some more.)


L: Tomato soup and peanut butter, maybe an oz of chips (been craving crunchy and mom bought some "everything" bagel chips, but I keep forgetting to get some"


D: Okay Chicken and Birds eye rice and veggies.


W: Okay, 30 mins on the elliptical. My thinking is that if I can do Zumba for 45 mins and survive.......I should be able to do the ellipitcal for 30 at a decent pace. Plus, I really want to tone my legs up a bit. I know I talk about being okay with my looks and I am, but we all have that one spot. Its moved on me as I've worked on my mental perception of myself and dealt with my insecurities about my body. My focus at this point is on the over hang of knee fat on the back of my legs. It bothers me only b/c when I wear dresses it shows, but only in the back. Like my over hang in the front isn't that bad, but it kinda balls up in the back and I hate that when people look at me from behind, thats what they see. I have to deal with this mentally and I know I will. But, I know too that if I start toning my body that it can only help. Why not focus my exercise on what I want to improve, might be the motivation I need.


23 days and counting. I have almost everything I need, except for a few medicines (allgergy) that I know I will have to buy more of before I leave. I have been really good about not buying more clothes. I'm happy with what it packed at this point and I've kept myself away from the suitcase to prevent in impulses b/c gosh knows I don't need to spend anymore money on the cruise at this point. lol.


29 days until my 28 birthday too.


Good Choices.

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Well, let me start by saying I was VERY proud of myself last night. I did 30 mins straight on the elliptical! I don't remember me ever doing that, maybe? But I don't remember. I kept a pretty medium pace for the most part about 3.2-3.4 speed. I tried to amp up by changing my Ipod to a fast song and pushing myself during that song, I made it up to a 4.5 at one point. My heart rate started at 119 and hit a high of 168. 400 calories burned (for my weight). Almost 2 miles. I think I did really well and I didn't feel like I couldn't do it at any point.


I went home and realized that I hadn't eaten about 25 points (half my points for the day, kinda) and so I added a baked potato to my dinner


4 oz of grilled chicken with a bit of oil, pepper, salt

1 bag of long grain, whole wheat rice, carrots, broccoli birds eye steamable

1 large baked potato (I mean its really a cooking potato, not a real baked potato, but I still count it as such) with 2 tbsp of smart balance butter and salt and pepper. Put a little chicken boullion on the rice.


Even after all that I still had points for a small bowl of banana cream pie ice cream mom bought and 1 malt beer beverage.


I finally got my supply of Zija again and I added some more tea this time (it last me longer b/c I don't use it as much) and so I had a cup of it last night and added some fiber to it as well. Well, detox is right........lol.........now I just gotta make sure I drink plenty of water today b/c those detox teas do not discriminate against pushing the water out of your body too.


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 322.8

Tues. 322.4

Wed. 322.4

Thurs. 322.8


So, even if I'm not out of the 322's by tomr. my lowest weight is 322.4 so far and my weight for last week was 322.6. It will still be a loss. Yay me.


BK: Weight loss oatmeal, skim milk, fusion, cheese stick (I didn't eat the cheese stick yesterday.


L: Just a peanut butter sandwich probably. I'm leaving half a day to take my car in for a check up before I drive it to Orlando :D


D: Maybe some bunless hamburgers...........idk.........


W: I will forgo workout today, just to give my back a rest, it was a little annoyed with me this morning. The ellipt. isn't a lot of impact, but I am standing up, so it is pressure on my back. I do need to work on my balance though. I was pulling my hair back on it and loss my balance a bit. I don't know if that is from the fluid in my ears or just a flabby center. Could be both.


Okay, I'm going to quit typing and grab my oatmeal b/c my stomach is like.......EMPTY........no joke. Then I have a fun last min. proposal to get together by like..........noon. lol.


22 days and counting.


Good Choices.

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Great job with working out, Brooke! I have never tried and elliptical and not really sure I want to - it doesn't look easy. But then again, it's not supposed to be easy. Your dinner sounds good too. Is the rice a single serving bag? I am always afraid of rice and pasta - those are my weakness, so I avoid them. (But, am making pasta with meat sauce tonight. It's hard living with 3 males - they still like to eat! I will have a cup of pasta and a big salad.)


Still 51 lbs down. Oh boy, it is sure coming off slowly. :o 9 more to go to hit my next goal. After that, I am going to set another 40 lb goal. I am finding that by setting these smaller term goals, it has been less overwhelming. Yikes. I was talking to my mom about weight loss today. For the first time in a as long as I can remember, I no longer can say "I have to lose 100 lbs". :D


As far as the cruise goes...I think I am finally done shopping for it. I just picked up another pair of capris of of the Kohls' clearance rack and a cute top. It's almost time to start bringing everything out and figuring out exactly what I am bringing.


Have a great day!

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Great job with working out, Brooke! I have never tried and elliptical and not really sure I want to - it doesn't look easy. But then again, it's not supposed to be easy. Your dinner sounds good too. Is the rice a single serving bag? I am always afraid of rice and pasta - those are my weakness, so I avoid them. (But, am making pasta with meat sauce tonight. It's hard living with 3 males - they still like to eat! I will have a cup of pasta and a big salad.)


Still 51 lbs down. Oh boy, it is sure coming off slowly. :o 9 more to go to hit my next goal. After that, I am going to set another 40 lb goal. I am finding that by setting these smaller term goals, it has been less overwhelming. Yikes. I was talking to my mom about weight loss today. For the first time in a as long as I can remember, I no longer can say "I have to lose 100 lbs". :D


As far as the cruise goes...I think I am finally done shopping for it. I just picked up another pair of capris of of the Kohls' clearance rack and a cute top. It's almost time to start bringing everything out and figuring out exactly what I am bringing.


Have a great day!


Thanks Kim. I'm going for it again tonight. I hope I can do it again and feel the same way. The rice was not single, but it was 2 servings. I counted it as such. But it wasn't that bad, like 6 WW points.


That must be a good feeling. Not having to lose 100lbs on your plate. One day I will get there.

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Umm, just noticed we are on page 100 of this post, lol. WOW!


Well, yesterday was.............Idk. I finally got that big grant I was after and it felt good and a big relief. But it was kind of spoiled by the fact that I had a last min. proposal going out, another proposal in the finishing stages, and a report due today that needed work and I was only there for half a day. Then I spent 3 hours at the car place having them do some checks to make sure it was okay to drive to Orlando. Boy, they try and take you don't they. They said my gas take overflowing when I pumped gas could cost me $200 just for to diagnose, bull. I will just cut the pump off at the right point manually from now on. Then they said my back tires would align.........hmmm. Whatever. Its good to go for travel, so I'm not going to worry about it.


I'm working tomr. Last event weekend and then two more weekends and I'm cruising. I think I will spend those weekends with my nephews.


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 322.8

Tues. 322.4

Wed. 322.4

Thurs. 322.8

Fri. 322.6


I still lost a bit, not much, but a loss is a loss. I will make it. 7.6lbs gone.


BK: Weight control, skim, cheese, fusion (I just now ate........I got busy with work and forgot for a while)


L: Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I have a meeting at like 11:30, who knows how long that will take, so Idk what I'll do for lunch. I always have cereal and PB.


D: maybe some fish tonight.


W: 30 mins. on elliptical.


Another couple weeks and I'll be on the Ship. I've been praying for good weather and safe travel all month.


21 days and counting


Good Choices.

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