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Cruising to Healthy


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Well, I get this phone call leaving work from my mom........she was on her way to urgent care b/c she hurt her knee..........walking. They said is was a nasty sprang. How do you sprang your knee? No clue. But she came home on crutches (she doesn't know how to use) and has to be out the rest of the week. Dad stayed home with her b/c..........well.........she will probably just hurt herself with those crutches especially on the pain meds and muscle relaxers. But this means some change of plans for me too. I guess life happens sometimes. First off, I will need to get home, b/c someone will need to cook dinner. Thought dad can............yea. So, no gym. I'm doing the crunches on my lunch break so those will get done. I will just have to try and force myself on that bike. Of course, now mom can't help watch the boys this weekend. I told my brother (since we think dad is still going hunting) that I will just have to bring mom over and put in next to my SIL, lol. Thought mom says she can stay home :rolleyes:.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 321.8

Wed. 322

Thurs. 321.8


I'm trying my best to be good. Promise.


BK: Corn flakes


L: Might do grilled cheese and soup from our little food wagon thingy, lol.


D: I'm gonna call mom and ask. I have to stop and get milk anyway, so I thought I'd stop at the store and get something to fix since the fridge is low.


W: Crunches and trying to get on that bike.


I'm hoping next weekend we can take the boys to see some lights....we will see.


Good Choices.

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Brooke - Did your mom trip or anything that may have caused the sprain? Hope she gets better soon. I sprained my ankle years ago when I slipped and fell on ice. It was painful for about a week or two.


No food improvements here since mother nature decided to play a cruel joke on me and bring me my monthly gift a week early. Ugh. I am so bloated, hormonal and just crabby! :mad:


I hope everyone else is doing well and has a great weekend.

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Brooke - Did your mom trip or anything that may have caused the sprain? Hope she gets better soon. I sprained my ankle years ago when I slipped and fell on ice. It was painful for about a week or two.


No food improvements here since mother nature decided to play a cruel joke on me and bring me my monthly gift a week early. Ugh. I am so bloated, hormonal and just crabby! :mad:


I hope everyone else is doing well and has a great weekend.


She said she was just walking. But she is getting better with the crutches at least, lol.


I will be with you next week. Hang in there.

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Well, it was a stressful night and I def. ate my emotions. My SIL had to have emergency surgery. She had an atopical (I think thats it) pregnancy and lost a liter of blood in her stomach. She is fine so far, but I would be lying to say that we are all a little down right now. The important thing is that she is safe and I wouldn't have it any other way. We all had to rush around last night to take care of the kids. I left work early, so I could stop by the store and get dinner, dad went to pick the kids up, and then we fed them and took them home where I gave them baths and got them into bed. I stayed until my brother got home around midnight. They might release her today, but I'm not sure how much help my brother will need and what her mental state is at this point. I know mine is VERY distracted. I put my foundation on this morning..........look in the rear view mirror pulling out of the driveway and had forgot to put on the rest...........


I guess we are lucky that all the family, including hers, is so close by when they need it. I'm going to see if I can get my mind straight and get some work done today, but..........its gonna be hard.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 321.8

Wed. 322

Thurs. 321.8

Fri. 320.6


At least it went down. So 319 logged for this week. Gotta get prepared for next week and hope my emotions calm down too.


BK: Corn flakes (Had to talk myself out of all kinds of fast food this morning)


L: Pizza leftover


D: Tacos


W: Whatever I can get, I'm leaving it open in case i'm needed.


I told mom last night that I know that God has his reasons and I won't question him, but I just feel that sometimes we are so far below him.......we just can't understand.


Good Choices.

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It was a long weekend with not much rest. I spent Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday with my brother and the kids. He called Friday and said Mom had volunteered me to come help him. He was joking about it, but you could tell he kinda hoped I would come help, so I did. Mom and I both went over to help on Saturday while he ran to the store to get groceries. Sunday, he didn't say he needed help, but his MIL called me and said she couldn't come over until the afternoon could I come in the morning. So, I headed over. He asked why I didn't take a day off, that he was fine. LOL. He decided that day that he needed to buy a playhouse/swing set for the four year old, so him and paw paw went out to get one and brought it back to start setting up. They spent most of the day on it, while me, her mom and eventually my mom all took care of the kids and my SIL. It was kinda like an old fashioned barn raising, lol. That night he sat down for a min. on the couch while I was rocking the baby and said, "Thank you. You don't know how much I just needed to do that, help get my mind off of things." And he was doing "fine." :rolleyes:


My SIL is doing well. She is super sore, but healing and moving around a bit more. She is dying to hold the baby and did for a while yesterday but the pressure finally got to her. At this point, they have both decided that they will not even accidentally get pregnant again. They were arguing over who was going to get fixed. The Doctors said that she almost died and since this has happened once before, they do NOT recommend she try to get pregnant again. She is saying she is okay with losing the baby and is okay with not having one of her own. She said was more upset that she put my brother in that situation of almost losing his wife. So, I think her mental state is doing well. But I think at some point her and my brother will have to deal with the loss, but right now she has to get better and the boys need stability. Distractions are good sometimes.


I state all this just to say..............I DEF. emotionally ate this weekend. Though I didn't do as bad as last weekend. Plenty of weekly points left, but I did eat lost of sweets and not enough water at all. I didn't get much exercise as I was mainly sitting and talking with my SIL, holding the baby, feeding him etc. I did some cleaning for them and play with the 4 year old a bit too, but nothing of actual exercise. I think my brother is trying to get the kids back into routine this week, so I don't think they will need me this week, so I hope to get to the gym.


Sat. 321.6

Sun. 320.6

Mon. 320.2


I'm hoping maybe to see 319 again..........I'd be happy with that. Emotional rollercoster and mother nature...........yep I'd be happy with the same again or even a . something gain.


BK: I haven't got there yet. I had a splitting headache this morning. I had some excedrin and then a can of soda to help with caffi. Its doing much better. I bought a Jimmy Dean D Lights bowl. Its like 230 calories with lost of protein. It had turkey sausage and egg substitute. I'm sure sodium etc. is horrible, but I wanted to change up BK. I also bought some cereal again. I just blew out on oatmeal.


L: I have soup.


D: Mom didn't go to the store b/c she was afraid of being up that long on her knee, so we are kinda bare cabinets. I might have to go for her sometime this week.


W: I want to hit the elliptical again. I kinda gave up on my 100 crunches with everything going on, so I think i will start again today at lunch. It will just be a small goal to get to at least.


On a bright note. I can't wait for Christmas. Can't wait to see the boys get gifts. My SIL told us a secret yesterday that they had asked for permission to take the boys out of state, so they are planning on coming in for a day to see family with us in WV. I can't wait to see my Maw-Maw's face when she gets a hold of those little boys. Its been so long since we've had babies.


My dating life..........well.........I joined a new site to freshen up my choices and found a few nice ones. A lot more people who seem serious about dating, so I hope it works out.


Anyway, off to work. Its a hurry up and wait game this week as I'm depending on other people to get their work done, so I can get mine done. But I've come to realize that my job often happens that way. I can be busy to no end for a few weeks and then have a dry spell. Just glad i still have a job.


Good Choices.

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Well, I did get exercise. In fact in was the last night of Zumba last night. Only bad thing was she taught mostly new dances, lol. I was sore too from my hip, so I'm not sure what I got out of it, but it was something b/c I did sweat.


I had a hamburger and fries, with a mini frosty yesterday for lunch. I know it was horrible, but I'm still fighting emotions and mother nature, so I caved. Though I did allow for dinner to only be 8 points. I had leftover veggie/deer soup, so it wasn't too bad.


Sat. 321.6

Sun. 320.6

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321.8


Don't know why its going up.........salt, maybe? More water :D.


BK: frosted flakes..........ugh, so sweet. I will need to fix that. I think I like the D'lights. They are 7 points for a bowl and have lots of lean protein and low calorie. Might buy a few and see how it goes. Gonna have some canned pineapple too, I'll drain the juice.


L: I have a oscar m. sandwich meal thingy.


D: Mom bought some groceries last night to help us get through the week, so I will probably have some chicken and steamable rice/veggies.


W: Well, when I saw the scale go up, I knew I needed to get back to the gym tonight. I don't know if the gym will be open next week with students gone, so it might be the last week of gym access. I will go for the elliptical if my back feels like it can. If not I will have to go for the bike.


My Netflix finally got the 3rd season of Ruby on Instant play and I've been watching it during my lunch hour. It really helps me. Much more than Biggest Loser. Ruby is more real. Things that her therapist suggest, makes sense to me and brings things to light for me. It is inspiring too. I'd like to lose 10lbs a week like her though, lol. I probably could if I did more. But I will not let myself forget that I've done a lot and slow progress is still progress.


Some guy on the dating site yesterday sent me a message saying, "Hey, I'm in town for meeting in your area, wanna get together?" Really? REALLY? What in the world makes these guys think I would come meet them after one message? What is wrong with their pea sized brains that they can't read someone's profile and see that it CLEARLY states I'm looking for LONG TERM and not some "Im in town one-night-stand." This is what discourages me about guys. I just wanna slap them in the back of the head.




Good choices.

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Hi Brooke. I don't want to sound like I am overly critical but you can have so much better than those D'Lights for less sodium and $$$. Next time you are at the grocery store, pick up a dozen eggs, reduced fat cheese (I hate the fat-free) and some light multigrain English muffins. It does not take long to scramble up eggs and cheese. I usually use one whole egg and one egg white and it makes a nice breakfast sandwich. There are great easy recipes for egg/veggie muffins that you can even bake the night before and heat up when you get to work. You don't even have to know "How" to cook.


Here's another idea for when you feel like you are ready to go back to oatmeal for b-fast. I am really into "Baked Oatmeal" lately. Here's my fave but you can do any fruit combo. Makes a HUGE serving and will keep you full for hours! Again, I make these the night before and typically make 3-4 at a time and just heat up the next morning.


Baked Blueberry Oatmeal


1/2 Cup old-fashioned oats

1 Cup water

2 egg whites

1/4 tsp baking powder

sugar substitute to taste

10-12 fresh blueberries

cinnamon, to taste

pinch of raw sugar

Whisk together water and egg whites. Mix all but the last ingredient in oven-proof bowl and bake at 350 for 30 mins. Remove from oven and sprinle with raw sugar. Turn oven to broil and broil for 2-3 mins until sugar starts to caramelize. Serves 1

169 Cals, 3 g Fat, 29.2 Carbs

5 g Protein

***Credit to Jenny Grothe: 75 ways to Love Your Oatmeal***


I also like it with peaches and add a little vanilla. I use frozen fruit too so you don't have to buy the expensive berries of season!


Just a couple healthy b-fast combos for you. :)

Edited by Bellfree Bat
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Another option is museli..but you have to be a little careful ..there are lots of ready made muselis on the market..many with a LOT of sugar. I found a type at Whole Foods that is gluten and wheat free, has dried fruit, grains, oats raisins and dried apples. Very little sugar in it.


It DOES cost 6.00 per bag..but has 8 servings in it that are 1/2 cup each and 150 calories each. That, with a fat free yogurt (around 100 calories) and you have an easy, tasty 250 calorie breakfast. The museli has about 4 grains of fiber and about 6 for protein. But that's more than a weeks worth of servings.


I figure for 1.00 per yogurt (when you get them on sale) and 8 servings of Museli for .75 per serving, for 1.75 you have quick breakfast or snack with a good combo of protein, carbs, fiber, and dairy. I found a yogurt machine on clearance once and it remains my favorite kitchen appliance because I can make greek style yogurt for pennies. So for me, even cheaper.


For me, this combo works like oatmeal does..I can stay full for several hours on it.


Another thing to try (though it might sound odd) is rice and beans..a correct serving size of each. My husband is from central america and oddly that's what they eat for breakfast all the time in his country. Or sometimes he will eat a whole wheat or corn tortlla (no flour) with a quick scrambled egg/chopped onion. I've made the eggs the night before then wrap and microwave in the morning.


Hard boiled eggs can be yummy too, with a couple of whole wheat crackers. I make egg salad with fat free mayo , lemon juice and chives. A lot of times I'll even eat egg salad for breakfast.



Variety and change can be a wonderful thing. There is no hard and fast rule that says you have to eat certain foods only for dinner/breakfast, etc. Another thing I learned is to eat my biggest meal of the day at noon then a small "mini meal" at dinner..which is usually a soup or salad, something light.



Hi Brooke. I don't want to sound like I am overly critical but you can have so much better than those D'Lights for less sodium and $$$. Next time you are at the grocery store, pick up a dozen eggs, reduced fat cheese (I hate the fat-free) and some light multigrain English muffins. It does not take long to scramble up eggs and cheese. I usually use one whole egg and one egg white and it makes a nice breakfast sandwich. There are great easy recipes for egg/veggie muffins that you can even bake the night before and heat up when you get to work. You don't even have to know "How" to cook.


Here's another idea for when you feel like you are ready to go back to oatmeal for b-fast. I am really into "Baked Oatmeal" lately. Here's my fave but you can do any fruit combo. Makes a HUGE serving and will keep you full for hours! Again, I make these the night before and typically make 3-4 at a time and just heat up the next morning.


Baked Blueberry Oatmeal


1/2 Cup old-fashioned oats

1 Cup water

2 egg whites

1/4 tsp baking powder

sugar substitute to taste

10-12 fresh blueberries

cinnamon, to taste

pinch of raw sugar

Whisk together water and egg whites. Mix all but the last ingredient in oven-proof bowl and bake at 350 for 30 mins. Remove from oven and sprinle with raw sugar. Turn oven to broil and broil for 2-3 mins until sugar starts to caramelize. Serves 1

169 Cals, 3 g Fat, 29.2 Carbs

5 g Protein

***Credit to Jenny Grothe: 75 ways to Love Your Oatmeal***


I also like it with peaches and add a little vanilla. I use frozen fruit too so you don't have to buy the expensive berries of season!


Just a couple healthy b-fast combos for you. :)

Edited by Gathina
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Hi Brooke. I don't want to sound like I am overly critical but you can have so much better than those D'Lights for less sodium and $$$. Next time you are at the grocery store, pick up a dozen eggs, reduced fat cheese (I hate the fat-free) and some light multigrain English muffins. It does not take long to scramble up eggs and cheese. I usually use one whole egg and one egg white and it makes a nice breakfast sandwich. There are great easy recipes for egg/veggie muffins that you can even bake the night before and heat up when you get to work. You don't even have to know "How" to cook.


Here's another idea for when you feel like you are ready to go back to oatmeal for b-fast. I am really into "Baked Oatmeal" lately. Here's my fave but you can do any fruit combo. Makes a HUGE serving and will keep you full for hours! Again, I make these the night before and typically make 3-4 at a time and just heat up the next morning.


Baked Blueberry Oatmeal


1/2 Cup old-fashioned oats

1 Cup water

2 egg whites

1/4 tsp baking powder

sugar substitute to taste

10-12 fresh blueberries

cinnamon, to taste

pinch of raw sugar

Whisk together water and egg whites. Mix all but the last ingredient in oven-proof bowl and bake at 350 for 30 mins. Remove from oven and sprinle with raw sugar. Turn oven to broil and broil for 2-3 mins until sugar starts to caramelize. Serves 1

169 Cals, 3 g Fat, 29.2 Carbs

5 g Protein

***Credit to Jenny Grothe: 75 ways to Love Your Oatmeal***


I also like it with peaches and add a little vanilla. I use frozen fruit too so you don't have to buy the expensive berries of season!


Just a couple healthy b-fast combos for you. :)


No offense taken. I'm just not some who plans too far ahead. I guess its not in my personality. That's why the last min. changes in my food all the time. Its probably something I could work on.

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Don't even know what museli is.........lol. My small town doesn't really have a food market or anything, that's why I stick to such generic foods, its what I can get. But having different stuff for BK that isn't the norm isn't a bad idea. I eat BK for dinner sometimes, so........why not.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Sigh, mother nature comes in like a storm. Ugh, I hate this feeling to the max but so glad it only happens 4x a year. I went home and letting my eating cont. It was gross. I felt like I had not control, when I really did. Its so stupid. I'm smarter than that.


In the long run, I'm going to get in some exercise tonight. My brother needs me to help with the kids, so I will need to take off work early, so I can hit the gym before heading over there. I know I need it, even though I don't feel like doing it.


Bought some water today. I couldn't drink the water out of the fountains yesterday. I got queazy when I tried. Something about the taste. I think I've done this before. I wonder if it has something to do with my period or maybe the drainage? Don't know, but I knew I needed water today, so I just bought some liter bottled water to drink.


BK: Had corn flakes, but waited until 9:30am to eat it.


L: Light soup and some chips.


D: Hmm, don't know b/c I will be at my brother's.


W: I think the elliptical will be my best bet b/c the bike will make me push on my stomach and that will just the bloated feeling worse.


Sat. 321.6

Sun. 320.6

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321.8

Wed. 322


I don't even wanna talk about it..............I'm in a pretty pissy mood anyway.


Hopefully, my lil boys will cheer me up tonight. It doesn't help my mood that its all raining and nasty for the past three days. I guess I'm just in a funk and I will have to crawl out of it eventually.


Good Choices.

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No offense taken. I'm just not some who plans too far ahead. I guess its not in my personality. That's why the last min. changes in my food all the time. Its probably something I could work on.


Even if I plan ahead, I sometimes change my mind and have eggs or a Protein Smoothie instead of the oatmeal. I had planned to have a bean burito for lunch today but decided on the Tilapia and Quinoa leftovers instead. Having ready made options is really the key for me.


Not sure who first said this, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" but it holds so true for me. I think Jillian Michaels used it on the BL in regards to diet and weightloss. When I do not plan, I go back to my bad habits and make poor choices and overeat. I have just gotten back on track in the beginning of November after regaining ~50 lbs so you are not alone.


Just someting to ponder...As always, best of luck to you!

Edited by Bellfree Bat
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I'm sure you've seen Museli on your cruises..at least the ones I went on I saw it..it's a mix usually of oats, some dried fruits, sunflower seeds, and other grains..what I call "bird seed". It's also very easy to make from scratch and you just keep it in a jar and scoop out the serving.


If you want a "sweet" type of taste, you can toast a small tortilla and sprinkle it with cinnamon ..and have with fruit salsa (or maybe a sugar free jam).


In my husbands country, they eat all kinds of foods we'd thnk are dinner foods only, for breakfast. Rice and beans is one example, or a piece of cheese over rice..even some chopped potatoes and onions sautreed with a sprinkle of cheese. Sliced Avacado with some chopped tomatoes. Lentils such as in lentil soup are very good too. I often eat a cup of soup for breakfast too!


Don't even know what museli is.........lol. My small town doesn't really have a food market or anything, that's why I stick to such generic foods, its what I can get. But having different stuff for BK that isn't the norm isn't a bad idea. I eat BK for dinner sometimes, so........why not.
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I am so with you..if I didn't plan I'd eat bags of chips with zero remorse and such. It does take a whole paradigm shift to plan, and practice but it's worth it. I take an hour or two on the weekend....cook ahead, portion out meals in containers, chop/store veggies, make my juices, etc. Then I can quick grab mix and match.



Even if I plan ahead, I sometimes change my mind and have eggs or a Protein Smoothie instead of the oatmeal. I had planned to have a bean burito for lunch today but decided on the Tilapia and Quinoa leftovers instead. Having ready made options is really the key for me.


Not sure who first said this, "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" but it holds so true for me. I think Jillian Michaels used it on the BL in regards to diet and weightloss. When I do not plan, I go back to my bad habits and make poor choices and overeat. I have just gotten back on track in the beginning of November after regaining ~50 lbs so you are not alone.


Just someting to ponder...As always, best of luck to you!

Edited by Gathina
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Well, I start the day with hope that I maybe all those food cravings was just me trying to stuff my emotions down.


I had submitted a grant back in Oct. for a faculty member and got a call on it yesterday. The lady said information was missing and it was denied the second round. I went back and looked and realized that when I converted the documents from Word to the required formatting, information was lost and I did not realize it before submitting. Naturally, the faculty member was upset and didn't like how this reflected on them professionally. They were kind of snide about it in their emails. We were invited to send a email for reconsideration, which the faculty member said they would do on their own. Normally, I would just blow this off. Everyone makes mistakes right? I knew I had to call my VP and let her know b/c I almost figured the faculty member was upset enough to tell my VP or at least her boss. I didn't want my VP to be blind sided. So, I called her and well.........she completely understood what had happened and said it was a lesson to learn.


The problem, was this was a trigger. The straw that broke the camels back. Something that normally wouldn't bother me, but a little bit. However, I had been pushing back all those emotions from the previous week, trying to be steady for my brother and the kids. I completely just lost it. Tears and everything. My poor VP. I guess I'm lucky she is a woman. She had not known everything that had been happening with my family and I didn't want her to think that I was some blubbering idiot crying over someone being a bit upset with me. I guess it was all compounded by 3x with mother nature driving me crazy too ( I did say that to her). She told me that I shouldn't hold stuff like that in and that it always tends to happen like this when you do. She told me to take an hour or so and let it all out and not to worry about anything else. Still feel bad for her. She has mostly women on her staff and I think we all just lose it sometimes.


Anyway, the point is, maybe I needed that release. I just needed to get it out, and instead I was just stuffing it down with food. I know emotions are a trigger for me.......I still haven't found a way to recognize it. That's the problem. I know ways to deter it, but seeing that its emotions is still hard. I feel better today, I'm not as bloated, I lost 2lbs overnight, lol and I don't feel starving. This morning I stopped to get water (still taste funny) and the little debbies were on sale for .50 a piece..........where as yesterday I don't think I could have said 'no'.........today it was much easier.


Here is hoping I have more control.


It might have helped that I made sure to get a workout in last night. I knew my brother needed me, so I didn't take lunch so I could go to the gym early and still get to my brother's. I did 30 mins on the elliptical, but I did take it to level 2 this time. It felt good and I didn't get dizzy this time. I also drank about 3 liters of water yesterday.


Sat. 321.6

Sun. 320.6

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321.8

Wed. 322

Thurs. 320


BK: I'm still gonna have cornflakes, but I stopped with the frosted flakes. Good grief, that stuff is like sugar in your mouth. I'll take it home for dad.


L: I might have to do subway, b/c I didn't think anything out. I know the planning thing is good, but I'm just not in that frame of mind right now. Its something I might get to later.


D: I have an event tonight. I think they are having snacky foods. I think I will ask what they are having. If the place will let me, I might order my own food just so I can have some more control. Don't know if they will do that though.


W: Well, I won't get one in b/c of the event, but I will still get my crunches in at lunch. I think they are helping my back a bit.


Oh, had pizza last night, my brother asked me to pick it up for them on my way. My brother said, "Eating with the kids doesn't help your diet does it?" I told him, "It's my choice, I could have stopped and got a grilled chicken or something." So true.


Here is to a good day.


Good Choices.

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Well, I tried my best last night. They had salad, baked sliced seasoned potatoes, steamed veggies, grilled chicken w/ a sweet bbq sauce, and roast beef, then pettie fours for dessert. I think I would have done well if not for the extra few pettie fours.


I had a little of everything and I didn't go back for seconds. About 2 oz of chicken, 4 ounces of beef, 1/2 cup of veggies, 1 cups of potatoes. I ate a salad with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, about 4 croutons and 2 tbsp of ranch. About 5 pettie fours. I did drink soda though........I think that was the worse.


Sat. 321.6

Sun. 320.6

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321.8

Wed. 322

Thurs. 320

Fri. 320.6


So 320 was my lowest, that is 1lb up. Still got my 10lbs though. I could say that the 1lb is strictly mother nature, but I think I would be lying to myself. So, I def. don't want to do that. I'm gonna shoot for 318 next week.


BK: Corn flakes.........I think I might be done with them.


L: I actually got leftovers from last night, so a few potatoes and roast beef. the veggies were kinda soggie last night, so I knew they would just be icky today.


D: Well, depends on what we do tonight. Mom was talking about taking the 4 year old to a Christmas parade thing tonight, so most likely she will need help with him b/c he knee isn't healed all the way yet. But that will require some walking, so I won't be just sitting on my butt. But I don't know what food I will get if we have to head over there b/c of time.


W: Also depends on what we do tonight. But, just in case, I brought my workout clothes to be prepared if I have time. In fact, I might just not take lunch again and take off an hour early for the gym.


I was watching Ruby yesterday and she is actually about my weight right now, 324 actually. She has this therapist woman who comes to their "Women's Fat Night" to work with them sometimes on food addiction. She talks about, "Its not what you're eating, but what's eating you?" Which really hit home after this week. B/c I def. have more control over my eating after letting my emotions go the other day. Really wanted cin. biscuits from Bojangles this morning, but drove on by. But she is talking to these women about what trauma or emotions in their lives are they replacing with food. Do people in their family have addictions, not just food, but are people prone to having addictions in the family. And then how when we aren't happy with our "real" families we tend to reflect what we want in a family in our closes friends and they become our "family" by choice.


Then she asked them to do a 6 day intensive, which requires them to come to a house and be secluded from the outside world and control their food too so that they can't be distracted by anything and really have to look at themselves. It was a lot to process. Maybe normal size people who watch it don't get as much from it, but it does get to me.


I noticed the 6 day intensive actually invoked some really bad reactions from me. Just the mention made me nervous and made me get a bit angry. I will be honest and say that that therapy lady...........I don't like her. My intuitive read on people was kicking in and she rubs me the wrong way. Something is just not right about that lady. I like Ruby's other therapist though. But this other lady was with the intensive. They showed the first part of it on the show I watched and showed some previews. There was a part where she lady was telling one of them women to take off a hat. It triggered me so bad. Like, "Who are you lady? She is a grown woman, she can wear a hat if she wants too." I think I have an issue with people with these personalities, forceful. I have the same reaction to Jillian Michaels. Its not the same with men, just women like that. I was trying to find a connection with why these types of women bring out this kind of emotional response. The only thing I can think of is being bullied. Girls, bullying me in school. Guys did it too, but you never it never meant as much coming from guys. Girls were more cruel and it meant more. I wonder if my reaction to "intimidating", "forceful" women has something to do with me trying to win that old battle? It actually makes me cry a bit when I think about it, so it has some emotional impact.


Def. something to consider.


Good Choices.

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Sat. 319.4

Sun. 319.4


So, I got the wood in, then I got clothes together for laundry and then I pulled a muscle in my back. I was squatting down to pick up clothes and and I was reaching for something and ........yep.........pull. It wasn't horrible and its still more sore than anything, but it does hurt. I got ice on it and IBprof. for swelling too and pain. Hope it gets a bit better. Its on the opposite side as my disc and si joint, so I don't want it to make that worse.


I did get on the bike later, but that didn't hurt my back. I'm nursing it this morning and I know the best thing I can do is to stretch carefully and keep moving.

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Okay, still sore and that knot on my neck is sore too, though I think a little smaller today. Going over and playing with my nephews probably didn't help my back, but I tried not to do anything stupid. I had planned to hit the bike again, but when my nephews call me to come over for a movie and popcorn date.........how can I resist?


I did better with food though. I indulged in a snack cake, but I really wanted another one that night after I got home from my brother's. But I had just eaten sausage, beans, brown rice dinner (about 1 1/2 cup with everything). I thought about it more than once, but I just had to ask myself to check if I was hungry or just trying to feed myself for not reason. I didn't eat anything else that night.


Sat. 319.4

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8


I really hope I'm gonna see 318 this week.


BK: Honey bunches of Oats


L: Veggie Rice, brown rice.


D: Going to a Christmas Concert, so we will probably eat out and with my aunt, you never know where you will go...........will try to make the best choices I can.


W: Had my workout clothes in the car already, but then mom yells up the stairs last night that we are going to this concert tonight, so that kinda nipped that in the bud. Will try to go tomr. but it might have been good not to try today, one more day for my muscle to heal is probably needed.


MY SIL is much better, getting around really well. It was funny b/c she was asking my advice on how to get mom to stop buying the boys presents all the time. I admit, mom had gone a little overboard. She has bought them plenty of presents for Christmas and every time she sees them she gets them something. Its a bad association: Grammy=Gifts. My SIL would prefer: Grammy=Love. She doesn't want to hurt mom's feelings, but I don't know any other way of getting around it. Mom is pretty logical, it will make sense to her. I guess it would be easier for me to say it to her though, b/c I'm her actual daughter and not DIL (not that she doesn't love my SIL like a daughter), but there is a diff. I wouldn't hesitate to tell my mom to back off. lol.


Oh well, we are learning new things everyday with kids in our lives.


Good choices.

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Okay, I admit I got a little bitter last night when I got bumped to ride with my Aunt S. I worked for her for a while when I was inbetween jobs and lets just say............she very easily gets on your nerves. She has got issues. She is pretty much in an abusive relationship, but won't divorce him b/c she is a Christian and you God says you can't get a divorce. Somehow, I think if you husband has been put in jail for drawing a gun on you, God would forgive you. You think I would feel sorry for her, but the problem is she is doing it to herself. But where she lacks control in her marriage she overdoes it everywhere else. She was just too much to work for and when you around her for long periods of time, she begins to act like a two year old when she doesn't get her way. So when I got volunteered to ride with her to the concert and have dinner with her, I was a little peeved. Then I had to sit next to her during the concert. The ride and dinner were fine and I thanked God for giving me patience. But then she talked through most of the concert to the lady next to her. As a theatre major, bad audience behavior gets on my nerves. And this was the second time I've had to sit next to her during a performance where it isn't really appropriate to talk during. Not to mention the other rude people with their camera flashes every five mins. and walking right up to the stage and taking a picture, then walking off. Sorry, just a pet peeve.


Anyway, I did try to enjoy the concert and get into the Christmas spirit. I promise.


Oh, we went to Chipolte for dinner. Never been there, didn't know how it worked really. Not a great atmosphere, but maybe they did it different here b/c it wasn't a big place. Anyway, tried to think healthy. I got a burrito, with brown rice, black beans, chicken, med. salsa, sour cream and lettuce. Now the biggest calories came from the about cup of rice they put on there. I'll have to check their website to see if I can get nutrition, but the best I can figure..........that thing was about 20 points. But it really is a meal. I didn't get anything else with it, but a drink and I didn't need anything else. In the past I would have got chips and salsa too.


Sat. 319.4

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 319.4


Come on 318, can you please show up.


BK: Honey bunches, skim milk


L: Bought some cup of noodle soup and tuna/crackers


D: Maybe BBQ and a baked potato?


W: Trying to do the elliptical. The back is feeling a bit better, I need Ibprofen. to help it though. Still have a knot on my neck though. Going to see the chiro tomr.


Good Choices.

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Well, I thought I should check in.


I have yet to get on the scale again, but I did get back on the bike. Yaaay me. I want to steadily exercise before Christmas so when all that food starts coming out, I won't feel completely guilty about it. I just celebrated my 29th birthday for the 14th time. This was the first year that I did not have a big frosted cake from the bakery. I so wanted one, but it's just not a good thing for me to have that in the house. Baked goods - particularly cake, birthday cake - is my ultimate weakness. If it's there, I will eat it.


I had some good news about my next vacation. We are still going to Club Med, but it has been changed to Cancun. The resort looks much nicer than the one in Florida. The downside is the cost of the flight will increase. But, we will make it work.


I am off today. I already exercised, so that's done. Now I am going to indulge in a cup of coffee and then think about dinner for me and the kids.

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Well, I thought I should check in.


I have yet to get on the scale again, but I did get back on the bike. Yaaay me. I want to steadily exercise before Christmas so when all that food starts coming out, I won't feel completely guilty about it. I just celebrated my 29th birthday for the 14th time. This was the first year that I did not have a big frosted cake from the bakery. I so wanted one, but it's just not a good thing for me to have that in the house. Baked goods - particularly cake, birthday cake - is my ultimate weakness. If it's there, I will eat it.


I had some good news about my next vacation. We are still going to Club Med, but it has been changed to Cancun. The resort looks much nicer than the one in Florida. The downside is the cost of the flight will increase. But, we will make it work.


I am off today. I already exercised, so that's done. Now I am going to indulge in a cup of coffee and then think about dinner for me and the kids.


'Tis the season, right? I'm trying to plan for my office Christmas party on Friday. I know the restr. but I have to find out if we get a limited menu or a buffet or what, then I can think about what I will eat. I will indulge a bit, but not like I used to.


Cancun sounds much more fun! Hope the flight isn't too bad. My flights for my next cruise can't even be booked yet b/c its too far out, but I'm check the Oct. prices and it looks like around $300.

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I got my workout in, though short. I cut it to 20 mins. , but I did try and make it more intense. I tried to hold 4.0 the whole time if not higher. I actually felt more tire, out of breath, and sweaty from doing that for 20 mins. that I do with 30 total. The muscle feels better as long as I'm not pulling on it, so I didnt' think the exercise would hurt it b/c it shouldn't pull on it. However, I did find that my lower back was quite sore after and I was limping a little from my left side of my hip. So, I think its a good thing I will see the chiro today and that I decided to cut back the workout.


Over ate last night. Sloppy joes with deer hamburger, baked potato, half a bag of light popcorn, can of soda, and a donut stick. Didn't need those last bits, but I did it anyway.


Sat. 319.4

Sun. 319.4

Mon. 318.8

Tues. 319.4

Wed. 320.4


mmm, I guess so much for 318. I guess I still lost the 1lb from last week.


BK: honey bunches of oats


L: leftover bbq on a bun with pretzels


D: Mom will probably have us eat the meatloaf she made the other night.


W: I'm going to the Chiro, so probably not


Work Christmas party on Friday. I know what restr. just gotta figure out if we get a limited menu, buffet style or what so I can at least think about it.


Good choices.

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