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Freedom Eastern Caribbean - 5/23/09 Sailing


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Antigua is simply put, a stunningly beautiful island. Picture a Caribbean post card and it could be Antigua. While we didn't get to go up and around the island (inland), seeing it from sea was a wonderful and unique perspective. It has rugged shorelines, divided by postcard perfect beaches.


Our tour took us to Stingray City. It feels a little like a touristy thing, but its waaay cool. Basically you walk around or snorkel in 4-8 feet of water, while many stingrays swim around you. A little freaky and unsettling at first, but you get comfortable quickly. Great photo ops.


The tour also went by the usual landmarks - Hell's bridge, Pillars of Hercules, Nelson's dockyard. The guides were well informed and fun to be around. So basically this tour can be summed up as: go really fast, then stop at an interesting place, be educated by the guide, then repeat until done!


Here we are loading off the boat for lunch. We pulled up to a nice area, and while we frolicked in the surf, the guides set up lunch of grilled chicken, plantains, banana bread, and drinks. Yum!




Later we stopped at a stunning beach for rum punches and time to relax and play. Here, judge for yourself weather it's pretty. We had it all to ourselves!




After the tour finished, we had a few hours left. We went souvenir shopping in the small port town. The one negative of Antigua is the street vendors are VERY aggressive. Basically felt like a full onslaught. "There's a cruiser, they have money, get 'em!"


Back on board, a repeat of the earlier night. Check our son in at Camp Carnival, and go be grown ups with other grown ups. A nice dinner, stimulating conversation, sweets and beverages. Just a relaxing end to the day. We again decided to not be out too late, as another port day awaited. Hitting three ports in three days, where each day we had an early excursion, was a bit tough on the nightlife. But we enjoyed it!

Day 6 - Tortola


Ah, the BVI - pirate heaven. Another early excursion - to Virgin Gorda an the Baths. This time, we decided to go through Carnival. The times seemed short and when I looked at Speedy's schedule, I was worried about getting back in time. So we opted to pay extra for the peace of mind of being with Carnival. One of our tablemates did the same trip on his own and got back with plenty of time, so decide for yourself!


We were picked up (also by Speedy) at the pier and took the 60 minute ride to Virgin Gorda. From there, a 10 minute taxi ride to the Baths. A summary of the Baths would be: walk down trail to beach 1, climb over/under/through rocks to beach 2, walk up trail to restaurant, reward yourself with a cold drink!


We loved the Baths. It's beautiful (albeit crowded with many tours). The rocks are just cool and it's fun to go through. Make sure you wear water shoes or something similar! Here is a quick tast of what awaits you:






We loved going to the Baths. Other friends took tours around Tortola and also loved their excursions. May be tough to go wrong on this island.


When we got back to the port town, we went to Pusser's Landing. Had to have a famous rum punch, right? Yummy. And that earned an authentic t-shirt!


After dinner that evening, we went to the Victoriana again - for the family friendly version of the comedy of Happy Cole. If you get a chance to attend his show, DO IT! Literally had tears running down my face as he poked fun of the cruising experience. He was quite popular and we had a great time!


Okay, that'll wrap up this installment.


Next up (may be tomorrow!): Another sea day, a night at the Supper Club, Nassau, and arriving home.

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Thanks so much- I was reading them last night- This is a great review, we actually booked the Virgin Gorda Baths excursion also, and the stingray in Antigua- This is giving me lots of information- Thanks so much!!! I was wondering about San Juan, can you just walk off the boat and tour the Forts and then do some shopping?

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Thanks so much- I was reading them last night- This is a great review, we actually booked the Virgin Gorda Baths excursion also, and the stingray in Antigua- This is giving me lots of information- Thanks so much!!! I was wondering about San Juan, can you just walk off the boat and tour the Forts and then do some shopping?


For San Juan - absolutely. When you come off the ship, there will be many tour guides and taxis trying to get you to come with them. You could take a taxi right to either of the Forts, then walk back down into town for shopping/dining. You could walk to the Forts, but it's a little bit up hill. I'd try to get there fast to give yourself time.

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Great job on the review, Lee. We sure miss you guys. Dinners are just not the same - and I can't get my son to do any stand up comedy afterwards either!


I will just pop in with a few comments on our tours for the folks reading the review. Our tours were a little different and all booked through Carnival.


San Juan - Dave and I just got off the ship and explored on our own. We loved the blue bricks in old San Juan that were once ships' ballast. The Castillo San Cristibol (sp) is within easy walking distance from the ship. We then found Senor Frogs to sample the local beer and buy our (young-adult) kids a T-Shirt. ( 1st 2 pics)


St. Thomas - We booked a tour of St. John and the National Park through Carnival. We boarded a ferry for the ride to St. John. A word of warning: sit on the inside or upper deck - NOT the SIDES of the ferry. The seas can be a little rough - and you will be soaked to the bone. We were the entertainment for the folks inside for about 45 minutes We all had a good laugh - it's vacation


Upon arrival in St. John, be boarded a "safari bus." This was an F-250 pick-up truck with rows of seating across the back. It is open-air with a roof overhead. Luckily this gave us a chance to dry off a little The scenery was beautiful! Our driver/guide was named Chris. He did a wonderful job - giving us the history of the island, stopping for photo ops, and general entertainment.


We had about 30 minutes after the island tour before boarding the ferry back to St. Thomas. So, we walked to a local bar - Woody's. Some folks opted for the Bushwacker. I like to try local beer (Pics. 3 & 4)


Antigua - This island has one of the most beautiful coastlines I have ever seen. We did the "See Antiqua by Sea" tour through Carnival - about 6 + hours long.


It was very close to Lee's tour - except we only stopped to snorkle and swim 1 time. We also went on a catamaran - not a speed boat. We stopped on Green Island to snorkle and have lunch. The crew cooked us lunch on the boat. 2 other catamarans pulled up along side us - making the beach area smaller. This was the only drawback of the entire excursion. They did not stay as long as our group, so we had the beach to ourselves most of the time.


Of the 7 cruises I have been on, I would have to say this is in my top 3. The crew of the Excellence were - excellent! After snorkeling, we were offered rum punch, wine, or beer to drink. I, of course, opted for the local beer. We were served as much or as little alcohol as we wanted on the return trip - finishing the circumnavagation of the island. This was a great tour - nice mix of scenery, snorkeling, food, and fun. (Last Pic)

Tortola - We did the Kayak & Snorkle trip through Carnival. We met our group (signs posted and/or a Carnival excursion person will be there to help you find your tour) a short distance from the ship. We boarded a safari for a 15 minute ride to a nearby marina. The traffic is slow moving and we could have probably walked there faster. You can see the other marina from the ship. We then took a catamaran across Drake's Channel to Peter Island.


Peter Island is a private island owned by Bill Gates and Amway. We rode over with the staff on our boat - so were the first on the island. Our tour began at 8:15, but there was another tour beginning later in the day too. We then had our kayak "orientation" and headed out to sea. We kayaked to another part of the island, came ashore, listened to some history of the BVI from our guide, then headed back.


We then had the opportunity to snorkle or play in the surf. The snorkeling was better than I expected. One could see lots of interesting fish and coral just feet off the beach. Some folks swam out farther, but my mask was leaking :( and I really just felt like relaxing in the water.


We were offered a rum punch for the ride back. This was a half-day excursion which suited us just fine at this point in the trip. We were the only 20 people on the island for the time we were ther and it was very relaxing. The island had restroom facilities, a bar, and a restaurant.


Well, that is all for now. I am adding a few pictures. (You can only do 5 per post, so I can add others later.) Warning - they are not even close to the ones taken by Lee.


TTYL - Charlotte






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Great review! Thanks for posting. I look forward to the same cruise in January. Sad to say it will be dark when we are in San Juan.


Thanks for reminding me of this. I am on the freedom cruise on January 2nd as well, it will be dark once we get to San Juan. Will there be anything worth doing?

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Okay, this review is buried away on page 3, so its time to post!


I meant to post a couple more pictures of the Freedom in port. The ship docked in San Juan was shown back a few pages. Here's one of the Freedom in St. Thomas. The Freedom is on the far left (we arrived first). The Glory is one of these, I think on the right. And the other is the Liberty.


Nice parallel parking, huh?




Here is the Freedom in Antigua. A classic, beautiful and clean profile!




And here we are in Tortola. The British Navy shipped arrived during the morning. I think the Freedom gave it an inferiority complex, as it was dwarfed!






Will be back in a bit to continue with the review...sea day, Supper club, Nassau, and more!

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Great job on the review, Lee. We sure miss you guys. Dinners are just not the same - and I can't get my son to do any stand up comedy afterwards either!



Thanks Charlotte. We miss you guys too. You and Dave made our first cruise especially memorable!


Thanks for adding your excursions....I know you guys enjoyed them. There are so many great choices!

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Let's see if I can wrap up this review. For you hardy and brave souls still reading along, I'll do my best to provide something of use to you!


Day 7 - Sea Day


After 3 wonderful but tiring port days in a row, we were ready for a sea day. So how did I start my day of rest? Running on the upper deck of course! Really, just happened to wake up early, realized I was going to eat and eat and eat that night at the Supper Club, so why not watch the chair hogs come out and fight for that prime real estate while burning a few calories?


After the run and some gym time, we had breakfast at the Lido grand buffet. A few mornings we ate in the Posh dining room (nice service), but my son did best with the big assortment of choices at the buffet. I think breakfast is the best meal to eat at the buffet - lots of choices, including the made to order omelets. The line moves quickly, just good solid stuff!


We chilled for a good part of the morning, hanging around doing a whole lot of, well, chillin'! Took a shot at the comedy trivia (13 out of 20), and a few other games. After lunch (buffet again), a good part of the afternoon was spent sunning on the deck, playing in the pools, and going down the water slide. Basically a relaxing day at sea. Very nice.


This was the second elegant evening. While my son enjoyed dressing up for the first one, he only wanted to do one. So we dropped him off at Camp Carnival, and my wife and I dressed in our finest polyester. We had reservations at the supper club. What a treat!


We enjoyed a leisurely 2 1/2 hour dinner. The room was about half full, and the service was on par with any of the fine dining restaurants I've been to. I didn't take any pictures of the food, but I'll try to describe what we had.


Appetizers - I had a shrimp cocktail. Now these are not the same shrip cocktails served in the main dining room. Very large, very tasty. And the cocktail sauce was perfect - some nice bite to it. My wife had a crab cake. Her verdict: Awesome! Again, much, much better than main dining room.


Salad - I had a caesar and she had a mixed california green. Nothing world beating here, but very solid in taste, texture and presentation.


Main course - We both had surf and turf. This was half a grilled lobster tail and a petite filet mignon. Sounds simple, and it is. But very well prepared. The lobster tail was grilled perfectly, hot yet still juicy and of very good size. The filet was tender and well seasoned. Simple ingredients but just well prepared. For side dishes, she had mashed potatoes with wasabi and I had sauteed mushrooms. Again, very well prepared and delicious.


Dessert - Wow. Really good. My wife had a chocolate tarte. We expected some type of cake thing...what she got was four seperate desserts. Think large shot glass size. Each filled with a different chocolate concoction. Judging by the way her eyes rolled up in her head with each bite, I'd say it was good! I had the apple tartin - a golden crust with apple and all sorts of spices and sugars to make it taste heavenly.


For wine, I was looking for a Barolo wine, but while the wine list was reasonably extensive, they had no Barolos. The sommelier suggested a Luce as an alternative. It was fantastic! That's a blend of Sangiovese and Merlot grapes and hit was full bodied, yet spicy. "Pepper" came to mind. We'll be buying some of this for home!


If you are on the fence whether to spend the extra money to attend the Supper Club, I'd encourage it. You will not get a meal of this caliber for this price at any other restaurant!


After dinner, we made the rounds to see friends and other cruisers in their elegant dress. Great people watching! Later, we changed into some casual clothes and waited for the late show of Happy Cole's "adult" comedy routine.


We had seen Happy earlier at the family event. We knew he'd be popular, but weren't prepared for the crowd he attracted! The 10:30pm show was standing room only. We got to the lounge about 11:30 for the midnight show. As the early show got out, madness ensued. Early people were leaving, while late show people rushed to claim seats. The scene was akin to a store with huge sales opening the day after Christmas. Bedlam!


Happy gave us quite a few laughs again. I actually think his family show was funnier, but everyone seemed to enjoy it (except for one couple that walked out).


After the show and more rounds of drinks for everyone, we finally called it a night. It was as if we all knew the cruise was coming to an end soon and wanted to delay it as long as possible.


Day 8 - Nassau


We'd never been to Nassau (or any of these ports) before, so I sat in one of the sessions that teach you how to find bargains. (By the way, what kind of training do you go through to have the Shopping Expert job on Carnival?). Here was the takeaway: never pay asking price, always negotiate. Wise words!


It's obligatory to take a lighthouse picture coming into Nassau. So here it is:




Since we knew this was the last day of vacation, our plan was to have a quiet beach day. We reserved a day room at the Sheraton Nassau Beach Resort (along Cable Beach) $99 bucks for up to four adults. Children no cost. That gave us a room, beach chairs and towels.


Before going to the resort, we spent time in the straw market haggling for souvenirs. It's a fun sport and I think we felt we got good deals, and the vendors still seemed happy too.


Our only problem this day was finding a taxi to take us to the resort. It seemed all the drivers wanted to go to Atlantis. We finally had success and paid $20 for the three of us to take the 15 minute ride to the resort. We got checked in (after a longer wait than we wanted). Headed to the beach, found a couple of great chairs (not a crowded beach). And it started to rain. Bummer. Fortunately it only lasted a few minutes and the sun came back out. Our son played on the beach, we built sand castles, and just enjoyed ourselves. We then ate lunch at the outdoor pavilion. Food and drink were pricey! After lunch, we moved over to the pool areas. Here are a couple of pictures - there are three seperate pools.






The Sheraton also has a casino, some shops, and is connected to the Wyndham.


While walking back to our room, we saw something that caused us to do a double take, then laugh out loud. Enjoy it for yourself:




What is that room for????? Alas, it was locked, so I'll never know.


We took a shower in the hotel room, cleaned up, and got a taxi back to town for $18. A little more shopping, and then back aboard.


I'm out of pictures, so final thoughts and pictures in the next post

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For you experienced cruisers, you know Nassau is a popular port. When we were coming back to the pier, we saw there were now four ships in port!

For those of you who like looking at cruise ships, here is the RCL Monarch of the Seas, the Carnival Imagination, the Carnival Freedom, and the NCL Sky




And shots of each - its fun to look and compare:




The Carnival Imagination. It has a huge slide on top of it. Looked like very few balconies.




And the NCL Sky




We enjoyed one last evening with our dining table friends. It's a funny mood that last evening - people are a little sad the cruise is ending, yet want to have fun too. Kind of a manic/depressive thing.

We handed out small fortunes to all the people who had taken care of us while aboard. Nice feeling - to show gratitude tosomeone who has made taking care of you their top priority.


We packed up the night before. Debated doing self-assist for about 30 seconds, before realizing we might as well let someone else lug these things around. Since we had a suite, we were given Zone 1 tags - priority. After a breakfast on the Lido, we did a final room check and headed to the Victoriana Lounge. Apparently, a lot of other people decided to self-assist, because that took longer than expected. While it seemed like a long wait (didn't help we were kind of sad), we had our zone called by 8:45. By 9:10, we walked down the gangway, picked up our luggage, gone through customs, paid the parking tab, and were on the highway, heading north. Pretty fast and smooth process.

I hope you've enjoyed the review as much as I enjoyed writing it. What a grea way to relive the vacation. Ask away with any questions.

And have fun on your next cruise!!

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Thank you so much for your great review. Dh & I will be on this exact cruise in January and I loved seeing all the pics and hearing about your trip. As you already know, reviews and info. about Freedom's eastern itinerary are few and far between. We are looking at doing almost the same shore excursions as you did, except on St. Thomas I think we'll do an island tour and Nassau I really want to swim with the dolphins at Blue Lagoon, just gotta figure out if we will have time. Thanks again for your review! Loved it.

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Very nice!


Can you share--how much did the Antigua tour cost?




It was about $150 a person. I know - sounds pricey at first But that's a 7 hour excursion, with lunch and stingray city. I'd absolutely endorse it. Everyone on board said they enjoyed it. But you need to like being on a powerboat. On the Atlantic side, it was pretty bumpy. Of course my son loved it!

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