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Why is Royal Carib taking its time with Labadee updates?

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Why do they keep us in the dark so much???


I'm not going to cancel my cruise if we don't go to Labadee. However, since I'm on a 9 day Voyager cruise, with four sea days already, I would not want to see a 5th sea day.


Come on, Royal Carib, announce your plans for Labadee this year.


Also, give the 9 dayers another opp, perhaps Cozumel ?

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I recently saw a schedule of port calls for ships, and realized that these cruise lines likely schedule port calls far in advance, since you can't physically fit many of these megaliners in a port.


My suspicions are that they need to arrange port calls around what other ships have scheduled far in advance, and availability of Coco Cay, etc. I suspect they are not waiting for a whistle to blow and simply return to Labadee.



...left until Navigator of the Seas 11/13/04


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Well if the cruise lines schedule ships so far in advance, then it shouldn't take too long for Royal to see what ports are available on a given day and make arrangements for all the ships that were originally scheduled to stop at Labadee. Its pretty ridiculous that the 5/21 Voyager cruise is 15 days away and there hasn't been 1 announcement from Royal about their plans. In some cases they've given merely 2 days notice before posting the alternate port of calls on their website. The Haiti crisis began in February, its now May. They need to get their act together and learn to communicate to their customers a little better, and a little quicker. Instead of making monthly updates...pass along the updated itineraries as soon as they've been finalized.


Countdown to the Voyager out of NYC

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Found his on the RCCL.com press room, so you might want to visit often for updates:


Navigator of the Seas

May 1, Western Caribbean sailing, substitute port call at Nassau, Bahamas

May 8, Eastern Caribbean sailing, substitute port call at Coco Cay, Bahamas

May 15, Western Caribbean sailing, substitute port call at Nassau, Bahamas


Explorer of the Seas

May 1, Eastern Caribbean sailing, substitute port call at Nassau, Bahamas


Mariner of the Seas

May 9, Western Caribbean sailing, substitute port call at Coco Cay, Bahamas



...left until Navigator of the Seas 11/13/04


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I would not call a schedule for cruises happening *right now* as timely information.


Come on, RCCL, let your customers know what is going on!!!


How's about Bermuda stop for the Voyager 9-day??? that would be cool, too icon_smile.gif

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Hucc - have you called the Customer Service? I tried about a week ago. One response I got was that we were going to either Cococay or a SECOND stop at Grand Bahama Island. Each time I called or emailed them I have gotten a different response.


I HOPE someone from RCCL is reading this. As a first time cruiser, I am a little P-O'ed. I can't plan or pre-pay for excursions, and the customer service people are less than helpful.


I think I might cry if there is another day at sea.


We booked our cruise about 3 days before the issues in Hati hit the front pages. Right away we started checking websites, emailing RCCL, calling, etc. NO ONE CAN TELL US ANYTHING. I am not real pleased so far with the whole experience - and I haven't even gotten on board. I am beginning to think I would have had more luck - and paid less - on another line.


Anyway, see ya in a couple of weeks!

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I personally enjoy the sea days, so I wouldn't mind at all if that is what happens. I have a feeling though, that we are going to be going to Coco Cay or Grand Bahamas. Either way I will be happy just to be on a fabulous 9 day cruise.


Countdown until Voyager of the Seas


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Well I can understand your frustration, I hope you are able to be flexible enough to make the most of whatever happens. Having been to Labadee I totally enjoyed it and would love to revisit...and I am sure RCCl want to go back as soon as they can. So announcing a decision too soon to cut it if they end up being able to go would cause more confusion.


For me the days at sea are the absolute best...this is the only time you really get to totally enjoy cruising. But I can totally understand people not liking them so much. My first couple of cruises I wanted an itinerary with the fewest days at sea..but now..those are my favorite.


Good luck and make the best of it!




Soverign of the Seas Nov 99

Majesty of the Seas Apr 00, Nov OO

Enchangement of the Seas Sep 00, Oct 02

Rhaposdy of the Seas Jun 01

Elation Oct 01

Zuiderdam Apr 03

Radiance of the Seas Jun 03

Voyager Nov 03

Mariner Apr 04


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I'm on the VoS 5/21 also and I like days at sea bot 4 days at sea out of 9 is enough for me. I hope we go to RCCL private island if not going to Labadee.


I agree with original poster it would be nice to know know almost 2 weeks before we cruise.


Hope we find out soon maybe this weekend.



RCCL Voyager 5/21-5/30/04

CCL Inspiration 4/4-4/11/04

NCL Sea 4/14-4/27/03

DCL Wonder 5/16-5/19/02

DCL Wonder 5/3-5/8/01

CCL Fantasy 2/15-2/18/01


[This message was edited by judyf on 05-06-04 at 06:12 PM.]

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I can understand all of your frustration however remember one thing, the reason RCCL is not going to Labadee right now is for YOUR PROTECTION.


I am sure they want to go back as soon as they can. Thinking this way, the reason they might not be able to announce the ports or sea days that might be substituted is that they want to return to Labadee as soon as they possibly can and do not want to schedule too far in advance.


I too have a cruise scheduled Aug 1st on the Mariner, western caribbean, and Labadee is one of our ports of call. We have been there and will miss it greatly should we not get to go there however whatever they substitute for it, if that is the case, will be fine with me, as long as I am safe from the problems in Haiti.



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I really don't care where we go so long as we go somewhere. Another day at sea and I think my DH would be stir crazy.


It is irritating that 2 weeks out they still can't answer us. Surely by now they can see that it still isn't safe on Labadee, and they can make some alternative arrangements.


But honestly, I have never called a customer service department of any company and got so many different answers on the same question.


Well, all I am doing now is counting down the days. It will be nice to be on a vacation where my employer CAN'T get ahold of me. Every time I take a vacation they call me. Never fails!



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Just got off the phone with RCCL and they said they are deciding between Nassau or Coca Cay and will know on Monday.


I vote for Coca Cay!



RCCL Voyager 5/21-5/30/04

CCL Inspiration 4/4-4/11/04

NCL Sea 4/14-4/27/03

DCL Wonder 5/16-5/19/02

DCL Wonder 5/3-5/8/01

CCL Fantasy 2/15-2/18/01

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We are going on the June 4th 2004 sailing. We were also wondering what the hell is Royal Caribbean's problem. I really think this is bad customer service if you ask me. 1st they change where to get on the ship(going to drive to Bayonne, but not to thrilled about leaving the car in a run down area) then the problems in Haiti started. I hope they don't plan on going to Labadee last minute. I really don't want to go somewhere where people are being killed. Or near the area anyways. We are with all of you, why can't they give some answers? Wouldn't you think they would have an alternative route mapped out to begin with. Most companies I know have an alternative plan well in advance, in case of changes. We don't care where it sails to as long as it's not another day at sea or another day in the Bahamas. If we wanted to go on a Bahamas cruise we would of done that and for much cheaper. I know it takes months of planning but come on get with the program and let us know where we will be sailing too!!! icon_mad.gif

Looking forward to the refurbishment. So at least maybe a nice looking ship will make up for the other dumb things. Can't wait to see how large the Voyager is. As I lay in the tanning bed today, I was pretending to be laying on a lawn chair on the pool deck with a frozen mudslide in my hand.

Well hopefully we will know soon. Have fun no matter where it sails too though, get out there and enjoy yourselves.

28 more days till Voyager of the Seas~June 4th Yippie icon_biggrin.gif

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Me thinks some people should chill out a little... to truly enjoy traveling you need to learn to be FLEXIBLE. Its best to leave the Type A tendencies at home. Haiti is a fluid situation that is difficult to interpret from day to day I'm sure.

Relax and enjoy....



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The last time there was trouble in Haiti I think they were out of there for about 9 months....

It is a lovely stop but safety is important.

I can understand that new cruisers don't like changes but cruising is about the ship not the ports....

Look at it this way, if you miss a port you will have to take another cruise....you'll be hooked anyway.

I agree with the poster that said...chill, its all good no matter where you go



First ever European adventure on Splendour of Seas


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We had thought that, based on a previous ship's itinerary, we would be going to Grand Bahama. When we got to the pier we found out we were going to Nassau. We've been there several times, but there is always something new and different to do. Nancy

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What an incredible bunch of ()s! Do you people not realize what is going on in Haiti? Turn off "Friends" and "Fear Factor" for a minute or two and see what's happening. If you are so concerned about spending another entire day being catered to and pampered on a ship at sea, go to WDW and eat breakfast with Mickey.


Granted, I didn't pay for it (matter of fact, got paid for it), but I spent 142 days straight at sea in 1982-83 in the Indian Ocean. It wasn't all that bad...ship was haze gray, though, not white.


"He saw himself as a crystal pool of clarity, and viewed his life as a troubled glass of misunderstood virtue."

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I think most of YOU are missing the point. All some people want to know is where they are going instead of Labadee. The posters are fully aware of the situation in Haiti. They are also fully aware that RCI are the only ones that use Labadee. As all the other itineraries are set it should be pretty easy for RCI to make a decision as to where the ship is going instead, a sea day or a port. It's not like there are 50 ships scrambling for a place to call. RCI knows where all the competitors are, they know what is in port on any given day. Pick a spot, make a decision. It really isn't difficult. Any person with any decent organizational skills could manage the handful of ships that require a change.

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i agree with the last couple of post above...people need to chill out...im on the first 9 day out of nj and i would love to know where im going too but its a vacation ive been looking forward to for months and could really care less...im sure rccl is doing everything that is possible but you people are getting all worked up and in such sour moods weeks/months before your cruises, i just think its not worth ruining your vacations that you paid lots of money for...i do agree that the custom service is something that they really need to work on but im not gonna let it ruin my trip...just go and have fun


Voyager of the Seas out of NY


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also i think that people need to realize that its not like driving down the highway and picking between a holiday inn or a ramada inn...im not an expert on this in any way but im sure since 9-11 it has gotten a lot harder to just dock at any port you want...im thinking there are probably a lot of approvals that need to be cleared with the coast guards, etc and you know when its anything that involves the gov its gonna take a long time


Voyager of the Seas out of NY


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While I do not speak for RCI I do know this. RCI cannot return without a functioning government and all its departments. Haiti is in transition now. You have to have an immigration dept. and a port dept. to clear the ship into any country. From what I understand Haiti is now naming new heads of these depts. and training the new people. As soon as this is done and things are back to what passes for normal RCI will return. By the way all reports are Labadee is still beautiful and well maintained.

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I agree that some of the responses here show that people are missing my point.


Of course, I am aware what is going on in Haiti. And, I agree 100% with Royal Carib's decision not to go there.


And, of course, I will enjoy the ship, and whatever we end up doing.


However, the point still is that it is poor customer service leaving customers in the dark as to what may/could/should happen. There is a rough time frame, and giving us information in drips in not really acceptable.

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RCI is probably only reserving dock space on a month by month basis in the alternate ports, which is why they are releasing the info in dribbles. They want to get Labadee back on their itinerarys ASAP. If they committed to a long term contract at alternate ports and then Labadeee was declared safe and they couldn't go there because of alternate commitments, how would you as a passenger feel then? I know it's hard no knowing but I think we should try to look at the big picture.




Panama Canal Transit 4-16-05

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I think part of the problem also lies with where we are coming from and the amount of distance we have to cover. It looks like it takes 45 hrs to get from Grand Bahama back to NJ. So if it takes 45 hours to get down there, that would put us in the Bahamas at 2 pm on Sunday. We would then have to leave by 7 (?) to get to Grand Cayman on Tuesday. The alternate would be to find a port that's close to where Labadee is, which might no be so easy. So I think part of the problem is that they are going to have to switch which days we are at sea. I'm no expert on the distances and how fast the ships can go, but I think this might be contributing to the problem. The cruises leaving from Florida have much more flexibility since they don't have to travel such great distances.

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