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I was reading tonight how Dream does not have a "Sports Bar"


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Why do some people insist on telling other people what they should or should not do with their vacation? Relaxation is the key- worrying about what everyone else is doing is NOT relaxing. :rolleyes:


I agree. I spend a lot of time relaxing in my cabin watching the sea go past - zero interest in hanging around at bars (I don't drink) and so forth. One of the first things I check out in the capers every day is what the free movies on the TV in the room will be. Yes, it might be "watching TV on vacation", but there's a big novelty value in doing the everyday things you like while cruising along on a ship like this.

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I can only go in the summer & there is not much i need to see baseball sucks. Ill watch F1 if i catch it. I wouldnt cruise during the NHL playoffs :) I would think it's fun when the superbowl is on if they put it on the screen outside.

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It sounds like only network sporting events get played on the TVs...is that about right?


I'm leaving for a cruise soon, and was hoping to catch some baseball highlights during the week? I'll be on the Pride. Any chance of this happening?


I won't die without sports, but being a huge sports fan, I'd rather not miss out on a week of baseball.


As to the lady who says "why can't you men stay away from sports for a week," all I can say is that I pitty her husband

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I'm leaving for a cruise soon, and was hoping to catch some baseball highlights during the week? I'll be on the Pride. Any chance of this happening?


I won't die without sports, but being a huge sports fan, I'd rather not miss out on a week of baseball.



Unfortunately your only bet is to watch the evening or morning newscasts on the local channels and pray for highlights! Check the crawl at the bottom to hopefully get scores...

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As to the lady who says "why can't you men stay away from sports for a week," all I can say is that I pitty her husband

My wife calls football season "craft" season. She knows that football and baseball are serious as is March Madness, but I don't get the free pass on NBA, since she knows that's the sport I'm the least passionate about.


Hey, my Warriors have sucked for a long time. My Giants are interesting again, and the 9ers are back with Singletary.


I saw a few too many (well, one is one too many) Dodger jerseys on the Splendor. It never failed that they were Raider fans, too.


Ooh, got off subject... well, kind of.

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A couple of things to consider ...


1. Carnival does NOT have a specialized sports package just for their sports bar. Therefore, you are going to have to rely on *gasp* the Big Four networks for their sports coverage. (And maybe TNT? I dunno, I know NCL has TNT as part of their package and thus had some NBA games during their season, but I can't remember is Carnival has them in their package.)


2. With that in mind, feel free to do a little research and find out what the broadcast contract for your favorite league/sport is so that you know what to expect ahead of time. (And yes, I do know what the broadcast contract for the NHL says ... it's pretty much public knowledge if you follow the sport, or any sport for that matter.)


3. Keep in mind that ESPN does *occassionally* broadcast something other than footie. I've seen boxing as well as NBA basketball (or rather an NBA team playing the Knicks).


4. Unless you're into the Denver area teams, don't expect much coverage from the local news broadcast.

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My wife calls football season "craft" season. She knows that football and baseball are serious as is March Madness, but I don't get the free pass on NBA, since she knows that's the sport I'm the least passionate about.


Hey, my Warriors have sucked for a long time. My Giants are interesting again, and the 9ers are back with Singletary.


I saw a few too many (well, one is one too many) Dodger jerseys on the Splendor. It never failed that they were Raider fans, too.


Ooh, got off subject... well, kind of.



Yea, my wife likes to say "she is a widow to football on Sunday's during the season:)"

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I know there are sports fans out there, my DD is a nascar fan. but when you go on vacation, why can men not leave their stupid games alone? I mean you are there to relax. how is watching a bunch of jerks relaxing? And this goes for the SOAP watchers of women also. And I don't have to be by a TV when my soap comes on.


RELAX is the key, and getting uptight when your team looses or makes a wrong play is NOT relaxing.


Unlike you not all women watch soaps, personally I cant stand them! Me, I enjoy a cold beer and lots of football and basketball. Its my vacation and if I want to enjoy watching a game then thats what I'll do.


I think you need to RELAX.

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Unlike you not all women watch soaps, personally I cant stand them! Me, I enjoy a cold beer and lots of football and basketball. Its my vacation and if I want to enjoy watching a game then thats what I'll do.


I think you need to RELAX.


Are you single? ;)

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The valor had highlights from the Masters in the sports bar...not much coverage......I do think the sports coverage is very lacking on the cruise ships.... I dont get it either....The hotels in the carribean can pick up ESPN....why not the ship??

Another thing I dont understand.....the cigar bar holds 150 people....you will never see more than 20 in there (and yes i enjoy smoking cigars), the sports bar holds about 30 people and you will see 50 in there trying to catch a glimpse of a sports high light......

I think Carnival is missing the boat big time (pun intended)....they could sell much more booze with a huge sports bars with TVs everywhere and good sports coverage......the guys and a few gals would be there every night ordering drinks.......Sorry but I order maybe 1 drink during the "shows".


To those who want to regulate what I do for enjoyment on my vacation......get a life.....

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OP back. I totally agree that if Carnival actually made their "sports bar" a real sports bar it would be a money maker. Over the years I've read numerous threads about why they can't due to satellite issues, money issues, blah blah blah. I just found it very interesting that on their newest ship they do not have a so called "sports bar". We know from experience that the space is a waste because they don't give us the sports we want and need. It's usually empty unless something really big is going on. The problem is when something big is going on we usually can't view it. The big screen helps but it's rare. Everyone here loves when they do show something great. We have also met great people on the rare night. I guess the cost must be overwhelming to create a "real" sports bar and not worth the risk. Bad for us. Oh well

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Here's a radical idea:


How about going on a cruise AND NOT WATCHING ANY TELEVISION AT ALL!!??


How about enjoying the essence of what being at sea is all about?


Unfortunately, the megaliners, in order to attract more and more people to cruising, so that they can keep feeding the beast ( also known as "the bottom line" which lets face it is what it is all about anyway); have tried to make their ships a bit of everything for everyone.


Thus the large cruise ships have become not much more than floating shopping malls with the endless distractions that those malls entail. The constant din of unrequested music, giant screens trying to sell one everything there is. How much different is a cruise ship which has a giant screen operating 24 hours a day, TVs in every room, and TVs in sports bars.


It isn't so much that some folks are addicted to sports; but that many folks are simply addicted to television and it's evil spawn - The internet.


Here's an idea: How about not taking on your cruise vacation any of the following: Cell phone, blackberry, laptop computer. How about NOT looking at any sort of screen showing images for an entire week. Do y'all think you could handle it, or would it be painful, like some heroin junkie going cold turkey?


I walked into the whimsically decorated sports bar on The Freedom, and lasted about three seconds before I came out gasping for fresh air from all of the noxious smoke in there.


Our next cruise will be a barefoot one on of the smaller sailing vessels. We will leave the floating malls to all of you shopaholics, sports fanatics, TV addicts and lardasses who can't seem to get enough of the mediocre food.


A chacun a son gout.


Enjoy your vacation in what ever way you like.



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How about going on a cruise AND NOT WATCHING ANY TELEVISION AT ALL!!??


here's a radical idea... how about not being so judgmental? :)


It isn't so much that some folks are addicted to sports; but that many folks are simply addicted to television and it's evil spawn - The internet.


hello pot, have you met kettle? seems awfully hypocritical to be complaining / whining about the evils of television on it's evil spawn - the internet, now doesn't it? how do you post to cruise critic - via smoke signals or carrier pigeon? :rolleyes:


and seriously, on that note - i've gotta say that's a crock of... the internet is an amazingly valuable and useful resource - it grants each of us greater access to information than presidents, kings or other notable figures through the course of history with amazing resources invested in the pursuit of information - not to mention the convenience of online shopping, banking, etc... for relatively little expense.


Here's an idea: How about not taking on your cruise vacation any of the following: Cell phone, blackberry, laptop computer. How about NOT looking at any sort of screen showing images for an entire week. Do y'all think you could handle it, or would it be painful, like some heroin junkie going cold turkey?


how bout you bring whatever you want to, and i'll do the same. i won't judge you...


Our next cruise will be a barefoot one on of the smaller sailing vessels. We will leave the floating malls to all of you shopaholics, sports fanatics, TV addicts and lardasses who can't seem to get enough of the mediocre food.


that's a little harsh, eh...? but good for you... do whatever you enjoy - and i'll do the same. and thank you for abstaining from carnival and the other 'floating malls'... i'd hate to find myself at your dinner table... geez. ;)


back to the op's comments - on the note of the sports bars - yeah, too bad dream won't have one, but as previously mentioned, they're not that great to begin with. i like the idea of swapping the sports bar and cigar bar venues / sizes... seems far more suitable to me... a lot of people (myself included) wouldn't / don't go to the cigar bar because we just don't find that appealing... a bigger better sports bar though - definitely has the potential for a larger draw and more earnings potential.

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The Valor did have a sports bar. Just because they may not be showing the games you want to see does not necessarily disqualify it as a sports bar. But with so much to do aboard and on shore, it seems like a waste to sit in front of a TV while on vacation. You can do that anytime at home.

Yes and people could sit at home and drink for alot cheaper.:D

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Carnival could increase their revenue siginificantly by adding a Sports book at the casino and improving their sports bar. Those two in combination would be a significant money maker for Carnival.

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The valor had highlights from the Masters in the sports bar...not much coverage......I do think the sports coverage is very lacking on the cruise ships.... I dont get it either....The hotels in the carribean can pick up ESPN....why not the ship??


Because Carnival doesn't want to pay for specialized satellite service for one locality on each of their ships. It's not a revenue-generator.


And I agree that a combination of a sports book and the specialized service woud probably be a good money-turner.

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here's a radical idea... how about not being so judgmental? :)


Well, I just knew someone would get defensive over my opinions, and wouldn't you know it would be a Texan. I've tended to discount the opinions of Texans since the last two US Presidents from our lone star state gave us The Vietnam War and The second Iraq War respectively. What is it with Texans and guns, and machismo?


Now, because my idea is NOT TO WATCH TELEVISION, that does not mean I'm being judgemental. I'm simply stating that not watching the boob tube for one week might be a good idea. It might help refresh one's cerebral synapses; if there are any left after a diet of "reality" shows and "talent" contest shows. Not watching television has only become a radical idea over the past half century. Prior to that it was not really an issue, was it?


But why is this respondent feeling so defensive? Did I attack your religion?




{{hello pot, have you met kettle? seems awfully hypocritical to be complaining / whining about the evils of television on it's evil spawn - the internet, now doesn't it? how do you post to cruise critic - via smoke signals or carrier pigeon? :rolleyes:}}


Well of course I'm using the computer, Tex. But you see, I'm at home, not on vacation somewhere, and I limit my computer use to maybe one hour a day ( not counting use for necessary business work.) So it isn't the pot calling the kettle black, it is merely a suggestion (WHICH I SINCERELY DOUBT MOST PEOPLE COULD FOLLOW WITHOUT GETTING NERVOUS TICS) that when one is away from home it might be a good idea to do something other than all of the routines one follows most of the year. Oh, let me see, I'll roll my eyes.


{{and seriously, on that note - i've gotta say that's a crock of... the internet is an amazingly valuable and useful resource - it grants each of us greater access to information than presidents, kings or other notable figures through the course of history with amazing resources invested in the pursuit of information - not to mention the convenience of online shopping, banking, etc... for relatively little expense.}}




HEY, HERE'S ANOTHER RADICAL IDEA - HOW ABOUT READING A BOOK!!! ( Just wait - in a generation or two, no one will have any idea what that is. :-) which will coincide with the time that the U.S. becomes a third world nation.




{{how bout you bring whatever you want to, and i'll do the same. i won't judge you...}}


But you already did judge me, and obviously you were so taken aback by my radical idea that you felt compelled to break down my posting paragraph by paragraph, so I am returning the favor. As for not judging me, by your response, you already have. And your last sentence shows that. You have decided that simply because I have a different opinion than you, that you certainly wouldn't like to have dinner with me.


Do you only like to dine with people who share the same opinion as you. You must be fascinating as a conversationalist then. But then my choices of foods might repel you, so you shouldn't share our dinner table.

Parenthetically, we usually don't like to dine with absolute strangers, which has always been one of the drawbacks of the Carnival ships (but not a deal breaker - yet). Apparently Carnival realizes that and is now starting open dining times ala NCL, so that the rest of us don't have to have dinner with a bunch of cowboys.




{{that's a little harsh, eh...? but good for you... do whatever you enjoy - and i'll do the same. and thank you for abstaining from carnival and the other 'floating malls'... i'd hate to find myself at your dinner table... geez. ;)}}


And you wouldn't.


back to the op's comments - on the note of the sports bars - yeah, too bad dream won't have one, but as previously mentioned, they're not that great to begin with. i like the idea of swapping the sports bar and cigar bar venues / sizes... seems far more suitable to me... a lot of people (myself included) wouldn't / don't go to the cigar bar because we just don't find that appealing... a bigger better sports bar though - definitely has the potential for a larger draw and more earnings potential.



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Well, I just knew someone would get defensive over my opinions, and wouldn't you know it would be a Texan. I've tended to discount the opinions of Texans since the last two US Presidents from our lone star state gave us The Vietnam War and The second Iraq War respectively. What is it with Texans and guns, and machismo?


-The Quote function is your friend, learn how to use it.

-Feel free to stop acting like a typical Lawn Guy Land Meathead. And keep the politics off the board.


Now, because my idea is NOT TO WATCH TELEVISION, that does not mean I'm being judgemental.


No, the other vitriol you posted does.


I'm simply stating that not watching the boob tube for one week might be a good idea. It might help refresh one's cerebral synapses; if there are any left after a diet of "reality" shows and "talent" contest shows. Not watching television has only become a radical idea over the past half century. Prior to that it was not really an issue, was it?


Why do you assume everyone spend every waking minute watching TV?


But why is this respondent feeling so defensive? Did I attack your religion?


Kinda. More like you're making sweeping judgments about people you don't know, are highly insulting, and have a certain air of unearned confidence about you.


Well of course I'm using the computer, Tex. But you see, I'm at home, not on vacation somewhere, and I limit my computer use to maybe one hour a day ( not counting use for necessary business work.)


I love watching a Luddite take this usual backpedal. Always amusing.


So it isn't the pot calling the kettle black, it is merely a suggestion (WHICH I SINCERELY DOUBT MOST PEOPLE COULD FOLLOW WITHOUT GETTING NERVOUS TICS) that when one is away from home it might be a good idea to do something other than all of the routines one follows most of the year. Oh, let me see, I'll roll my eyes.


-There's an eyeroll emoticon. You might want to figure out how to use that while you're figuring out the Quote function


-Why do you assume people do nothing at home other than sit around and watch television? This reeks of self-loathing.




If it's so addicting, why are you here? You do realize the messageboard is the grandfather of Twitter and Facebook, right? Surely if those are useless, this forum is useless. Or are your convictions that permeable as to allow to you come to a "useless" site and vent your spleen, but you're not to be touched with the "useless" and "addicted" brush?


HEY, HERE'S ANOTHER RADICAL IDEA - HOW ABOUT READING A BOOK!!! ( Just wait - in a generation or two, no one will have any idea what that is. :-) which will coincide with the time that the U.S. becomes a third world nation.


Thank you, Kreskin, for that amazing insite, but I find your prognastication lacking in both logic *and* reason ... and then there's the fact that it's NOT GERMAIN TO THE CONVERSATION. Does this happen before or after the Mayan Apocalypse?


But you already did judge me, and obviously you were so taken aback by my radical idea that you felt compelled to break down my posting paragraph by paragraph, so I am returning the favor.


-It's called trying to make sense of your screed.

-You didn't return the favor, because you haven't figured out how to use the Quote feature.


As for not judging me, by your response, you already have. And your last sentence shows that. You have decided that simply because I have a different opinion than you, that you certainly wouldn't like to have dinner with me.


No, actually don't think he judged you at all, but rather made an informed choice based up on the post that you left on this forum. And I'll be honest with you, I don't particularly want to have dinner with you either. But that doesn't mean I think you're inherently evil, if that's some small consolation.


Do you only like to dine with people who share the same opinion as you. You must be fascinating as a conversationalist then. But then my choices of foods might repel you, so you shouldn't share our dinner table.


Wow, that's ... just ... wow. Not sure where this was going before you cut yourself off. Not sure if I want to know.


Parenthetically, we usually don't like to dine with absolute strangers, which has always been one of the drawbacks of the Carnival ships (but not a deal breaker - yet). Apparently Carnival realizes that and is now starting open dining times ala NCL, so that the rest of us don't have to have dinner with a bunch of cowboys.


And I'm sure you're a wonderful conversationalist if you're always having meals with the same people.

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-The Quote function is your friend, learn how to use it.


No, the other vitriol you posted does.


Kinda. More like you're making sweeping judgments about people you don't know, are highly insulting, and have a certain air of unearned confidence about you.


I love watching a Luddite take this usual backpedal. Always amusing.


Thank you, Kreskin, for that amazing insite, but I find your prognastication lacking in both logic *and* reason ... and then there's the fact that it's NOT GERMAIN TO THE CONVERSATION. Does this happen before or after the Mayan Apocalypse?


It's called trying to make sense of your screed.


You didn't return the favor, because you haven't figured out how to use the Quote feature.


No, actually don't think he judged you at all, but rather made an informed choice based up on the post that you left on this forum. And I'll be honest with you, I don't particularly want to have dinner with you either. But that doesn't mean I think you're inherently evil, if that's some small consolation.


Wow, that's ... just ... wow. Not sure where this was going before you cut yourself off. Not sure if I want to know.


And I'm sure you're a wonderful conversationalist if you're always having meals with the same people.


right on, cat - i agree with your assessment entirely... some people... :rolleyes:


to bnb... look - i know how to use the quote feature AND the eyeroll... :p


i hope you figure it out... it's rather unfortunate your rude and judgmental drivel all appears in a quote that looks to be authored by me... eek. :eek:

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