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Sharon, Bill said it started raining just when they were finished just like you did for your's. Today I just got back and it was just damp and cold. A very light mist driving home. A gloomy day today with temps only in the 40's. Real bad driving last night. Yes, this weather can tire you out . Good to nap and recharge your batteries.


My son is doing great now that he is not drinking anymore and is taking his med's. The key was to get sober.


So this afternoon is the finial run of this show. They have not been selling out on this 1 but have had very high energy crowds, This was cast as a low budget play, and they have a big sponsor who will back them up to make their goal if they fall short. So a win, win situation for all.




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That is good to hear about your son. I'm sure it's not easy getting off anything you are addicted to.


We really didn't get any more rain today but it was gray and cold. Good the weather held for Bill. Couldn't tell from your post if you did the 5K or not.


Also good they had a sponsor for the play. I think the Wed night gals are going to a musical in a couple of weeks. Can't remember the name right now. It's an amatuer play too.



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Sharon, yes me and my cousin did the 5K walk. It was cold and damp but no rain for the walk. We were out at the pub with the cast members and crew of the play last night , and it started lightening, and then the rain started coming down. We drove home in pouring rain. Today just cold windy and damp. But at least the sun is out. Basically around here, at some point or another, it rained the entire weekend here.


Yes, the term amateur is 1 word to describe these types. But they are actually called community theater. This was the last play for the season. The next season will start in the fall. So we shall see what he goes for then. There are 3 plays each season. So are you planning to go with the Wednesday night gal's to that musical?


A funny story what happened last night. They were originally going to raffle a Graduate Poster that was thought to be an original poster from the 1967 play and thought to be signed by Dustin Hoffman and Ann Bankroft. It was determined that it was a Chinese Counterfeit. So the poster was pulled and it was raffled off to the cast and crew, and I won it. lol




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Congrats on getting the Poster, you will have to hang it up somewhere. Always fun to win!


Right now there are only 3 of us going to see the play. It's on the 22 of May, at least thats the date we are going.


My sister has an appmnt tomorrow probably to get the drainage tube out. She had said she could drive since she haa been to the store several times. Then today she tells me her brakes are not good. Her appmnt isn't until 1pm and I have a big dinner I have been looking forward to for several months tomorrow night. I am supposed to be there by 5pm so would need to be home by 3:30 to get ready. I told her I would take her but that was when I thought her appmnt was at 9am. I don't know if I will take her or not, it's so far away and takes hrs to get there and back . I also asked her today again when she was leaving, she said she planned to go May 18 when she got her SS again. So she is getting in another month here and thats if she really does go then.


I had a noise in my car engine, took it in Friday, it was the alternator. So today got it fixed for $424.

Then got the bill from my lawyer, $975.00, geesh!


Nice you had someone to do the walk with you, glad you got it in even with the weather.

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Sharon, if you are going to drive your sister it is going to really mess you up as far as the time goes. You would have to leave before noon and who knows when you will get back. If she does not make any plans now she will not be out on 5/18. It could just be more talk. If her son's do not have it to come and get her, it will not happen.


Wow nothing like getting hit all at once with the bills. Have you heard anything about what they are going to do about the will?


So Bill is a representative for CARA now. So we went to a suburb about 7.5 miles away from our house last night to register for a 5K walk on Sunday that Bill is representing that group. So I figured I would go with him. I think that this weekend the temps should be close to 80 but cooler in the morning.


Good luck,




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About the will, my lawyer sent a letter to "their" lawyer asking them about the will again and what are they going to do. He told them they need to get something done and notify us about it. Then today I had to go to the lawyers to sign a paper in regards to Bill's house that they are putting up for sale. All beneficiaries had to complete the form that asked if you wanted to buy the farm for $965,000, if you wanted to buy half the farm (????), or if you did not want to buy the farm at all.


I did not take my sister today, and she did not get back until 4pm, which would have been too late for me to ready for the banquet. I told her I had made plans to go along time ago and was going. So I did have good time tonight.


She has asked several times about the bunco night I am going to on the 12th. Tonight she asked if she could go too. I told her I would have to see if there was still room, ugh!!


By representing, do you mean he is doing the walk or just lining it up for others? I hadn't heard it will be that warm, and it might not be up here. It's supposed to rain here tonight but so far nothing.


Oh yes, the dr told her that he wanted to see her in 3 months or if she moved to Florida he could set her up with a dr there. So nothing to hold her here.



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Sharon, good if your sister can set up a Dr down in Florida, so she can go there and have this Dr set someone else to see there. Now all you have to do is to get her moving out ASAP.


Bill will be representing CARA and that means he is promoting the organization and offering ways to join or to pass out information and to answer any questions anyone has. This is a CARA sanctioned race. That means it is certified and in their program.


So you had a good time tonight at the banquet? I will be hosting bunco at my house on the 20th. So I told Bill a few days ago to make the reservation at the hotel so he does not get left out.


It did rain here last night. Today very high winds and it seems much cooler with the winds. That is what it is supposed to be on Sunday. However early in the morning I am sure it will be much cooler.




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Well kind of a mishap on the banquet. She had told me it was at 11:30 on the 5th, but today I saw on facebook that it was today. So she will probably not remember telling me the 5th even though I wrote it down right away while we were talking on the phone. I'm not to upset though because looked like there was lots of people there according to what was posted on FB, and she had lots of other friends that came.


Today yes cold and blustery but looks good from inside. Will go see the girls tonight.


I have been in a very crabby mood the last couple of days, don't even hardly like myself. Don't know why either.


Got the fertilizer to start conditioning my straw bales, will put it on tomorrow and the next several days so its ready when or if it ever warms up and stays that way. Then I can plant my veggie plants.


So if you do several CARA sanctioned races do you qualify for some other races? Good Bill has gotten himself something else to keep busy with.



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Sharon, I can totally understand your mood with what your sister has put you through. Also the pressure of not really knowing for sure when exactly she will be leaving. She does not plan or have any real down the road planning. Let's hope that in a few weeks she will be gone and out of your house and for you caring for her.


This weather has been down right blustery. Cold again this morning with a sharp wind out of the north east. I guess this weekend will be warming up some. But rain forecast for Saturday. So yes, I would get credit if I was running, but since I am walking there is nothing for that. But this will be the first time that Bill will not be doing it with me. I will be all alone out on the course until I finish and he will be close to the finish line.


So how was the dance place last night? So are you saying that since the banquet dates were all wrong, you did not go yesterday?


Once the weather starts staying warm for extended period of time, things will be really taking off. But we cannot stop those weeds. They grow any time and any place.




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No I didn't get to go to the luncheon, but like I said I wasn't too dissapointed. She did text me and say she missed me not being there, but she told me the wrong date.


May be you will find other walkers to walk with. I went by myself to a local 5K and found two gals to walk with. We talked the whole time and were the last finishers but had a good time.


I did zumba this morning and then cut grass this sfternoon for several hours. I had my fitbit on and it is says I currently have 22,422 steps. Lots of bouncing on that riding mower!


Since I scheduled a bus trip dinner on my birthday, which falls on a Wednesday, I am celebrating a week early, next Wed night, with another one of the gals who also has a birthday.That way the owner will only have to make one birthday dinner for everyone. He said he would either make tacos or Italian beef. When I booked the bus trip dinner I knew it was on my birthday but didn't think about it being on a Wed.


Supposed to almost be hot tomorrow, we'll see if they are right!



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Sharon, it is shaping up to be a very nice day today. It might make it to 70 today, we shall see.


This is not a huge race/walk on Sunday maybe 100 or under. This is their first year doing this. So until it grabs a hold of a event and gain popularity, it starts out small.


A very close friend of ours at the club passed away a few days ago, so once I get home from work we will go to the service. Originally Bill was going to a banquet tonight, but he decided to cancel as he has already bought a ticket, but donated it to a facility member instead.


Well that will be nice to go on a bus trip on Wednesday, especially going with someone else. Then the following Wednesday you will celebrate it at the dance place, as the owner sure does take care of you all.


So I keep forgetting to tell you about WW. I did go last Saturday and I was 1 pound over and paid $15. I went back on Tuesday and now I am back in the life time club once again. So from Saturday to Tuesday I lost and got back to where I once was.




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Say that is great about WW, now you can keep going and stay on track. You were pretty close to goal anyway so you must have been doing something right.


No, this Wed is the party for two of us and next Wed is the bus trip dinner. I don't know where they are taking us for dinner the only description was a steak house. I don't like driving home that late at night by myself, I think it will be around 10 pm. It takes about 45 minutes to get to where the bus leaves from and returns.


I finally got my straw bales started, it will tske about 10 days before they are ready for planting. I had to move them so they would be more in the sun, they weighed between 50 and 80 pounds so no easy job. They were really packed tight. Also got the rest of the lawn cut. It felt so good to get in the shower afterwards.


That sounds like quite a few people in the race, but I know there are more people by you. If we ever had a 100 they would think it was alot. Since it's on Sunday and it's Mother's Day are any of your family coming to walk or come over afterwards? I don't think I'm even going to church, they always have a sermon about mothers and I don't want to hear it. It's another one of those holidays I prefer to ignor.


Tomorrow I might plant some of the petunias or snapdragons, looks like the weather is holding for the next week.


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Sharon, it rained a little around here this morning. The temps were in the mid 60's and now it has stopped raining, but the temp has dropped into the 50's and a real sharp wind. So shortly I will be leaving for work as we have a parade, the village, and everyone goes right by the shop. So we setup chairs and I park in the rear and watch the parade go by. Bill is working with the PD as crowd control.


OK that will be good to have the owner give you both a nice birthday surprise with something he will fix for you both. Then the follow week going to dinner. It is too bad they will be coming back so late. I thought it might have been an afternoon lunch.


It should be a good weekend for working outside. Yes, I know how you feel about tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. It will just be Bill and I tomorrow. Derby Day today.




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Is that the Polish parade? I heard something about that on TV this morning.

We did not have any rain and it got into the upper 60's. We went to the next town to their first farmers market of the seaon. There were alot of people so I had to park a couple of blocks away. My sister barely got there, couldn't breathe. Had to go find a place to sit down. I told her I wasn't sitting, I was going to walk around. When I got done looking I found her sitting again. She said she had looked around a little. We listened to a guy singing for a while and then got up to walk to the car. Again, she could barely make it to the car. I don't know why she always wants to go with, she can never do it. I told her I want her to get to Florida before some other ailment pops up. Now she is saying her son might not be able to get here by May 18th. I am going to tell her if he can't she needs to go back over to her sons house till he comes.


When we got home I planted a flat of snapdragons.


I heard Nyquist won the derby, will probably see the highlights on the news.


The monthly bus dinners are usually all lunches, this is the only dinner one for the year.


What do you plan on doing tomorrow, out to dinner maybe? Happy Mothers Day to you!

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Sharon, a very happy day to you today. It is at least a very nice day as far as the weather. So since we got up very early and the race/walk started at 8. We were there at 6:30 getting everything all set up. So we left around 10:30 and once we got back home, we laid down for a few hours. So the kids called and left messages, but we decided just to stay put today and to cook on the grill. For the first 5K I did a little running with the walking. So I think I did fairly well.


In our village the first Saturday in May every year they have what is called a "Good Neighbor Day Parade". Where the main drag is blocked off for 2 hours and the parade starts. So Bill was working with the PD doing crowd control and street closures. Today is a much better day as far as the temps and the day is going.


Yes, you should just say to your sister that she cannot walk without getting out of breath, and that you will be walking, so no she cannot come with you for that very same reason. Also she will keep putting off until something is done and done soon. If her own kids cannot deal with her, how can anyone expect you to be dealing with her.




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It was a very nice day weather wise. I did some weeding and planted a couple of 6 packs of petunias.My sister went over to her son's house for a while. While she was gone I went up to Lowes and bought a short hose I needed to connect to the water spout. She was back here when I got home. She said he was so glsd she had come over. I saw my opportunity and told her that if her son from Florida didn't come by the 18th she was going to have to go back to her son's house and wait. I told her I had helped her out longer than anyone else and I just couldn't do it anymore. She said he should be here by then, if not before. So we will see what happens.


That is pretty good, walking and running some in the 5K. How do your legs and feet feel?


I don't blame you for going back to bed for a nap, it feels good sometimes.


Nothing planned for tomorrow, if it doesn't rain I will do some more weeding.


How was the parade, did they have any high school bands or politicians? Our towns major summer thing is the first weekend in June. We have bed races down main street, kids parade with big wheels and pets. A queen contest. Then a big parade lasting a couple of hours, a carnival and to end it fireworks


Well back to work for you tomorrow,


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Sharon, yes it was a very nice day yesterday. Today cold, damp and windy here. So not a good day to be outside. But perhaps a little in the later part of the morning, as it is supposed to rain again later on the afternoon.


A very good plan for you with your sister. You will have to stay on her as she will string you along if you let her get away with it, and you are right about doing for here what no one else was willing to do. So you have more than enough done the best thing for her, when no one else had done.


Yes, my feet were hurting, and today my legs are a bit stiff. Certainly called for the very first time. I will have to keep it up and it can only get better.


Stay dry today,




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It started out pretty nice this morning, I just got outside though and it started sprinkling. I came in to wait for it to quit and then the wind started and the temps dropped.So didn't get anything done. Tonight we have been losing the tv picture off and on because of the clouds over the satellite dish. It is raining pretty good too.


I have not been walking since that last 5K I did a few weeks ago. Just been doing zumba for exercise, snd of course working outside.


The name of that show we are going to on May 20th is 42nd Street. Had some publicity pictures in the paper and looks like it will be good.


Also saw in the newspaper our RE tax bills have been mailed out. Hope they don't go up alot, they are bad enough now.


Stay warm tomorrow, feels like fall again!


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Sharon, agreed that yesterday and even today are fall like temps and rain. It seems like it is raining more today than yesterday.


I know of that show, and you should get a very good performance, as I have heard nothing but good reviews from that show.


As far as that parade went, there were politicians as usual in parades. There were no big names just local one's.


If I can get in a couple of 5K's each month or the very least 1 per month. That should help me out a great deal. Even though you have not done another 5K you at least have been doing the Zumba.




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Does Bill have a schedule of 5K's? It would be easier to get in a couple of them a month if you knew where they were.


Another cold rainy day and now that it is getting dark its getting foggy.


Tomorrow night the other gal whose birthday we are celebrating is bringing an angel food cake and strawberries. I think I an going to bring either a chocolate cream pie or lemon meringue pie from Perkins restaurant.


I talked to my granddaughter in Texas yesterday, she is going to have her youngest son's 3rd birthday party on June 25th. His birthday is July 2nd but she doesn't want to have it over the 4th of July weekend.


My sister has set up another dr appmt for next Monday. She is always out of breath so going back to the cardiologist. I told her maybe she needs to be on oxygen. Then I asked her if her son has made plans to fly up and drive her back to Florida. I got the same answer she has given me the last two weeks, "he's working on it". I said there is only one more week, do you think he is jerking you around? She said maybe she will just get an apartment here, which we both know isn't possible since she has no money saved and can't afford anything. Going to be a problem, but I told her again she will have to go back to her other son's house and he will get the other one up here quick cause he doesn't want her to live with him.


Got a couple of mini cinnabuns today at the mall, they were good but not quite as good as I thought they would be.



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Sharon, yes, yesterday it rained most of the day and into the evening. We woke up this morning and could not see across the street with the heavy fog. Temps a little warmer.


Well next Monday is the 16th and only 2 days before your sister has to leave your place. I think she is jerking you around and has not made any plans at all. It well be interesting to see if you can actually get her out by then. In a month from now she still will be talking about her son working. But a very good idea if you can get her back to her son's house as his wife certainly does not want her around. So they will get the bal rolling on getting her moved to FL.


Bill has all of his events all marked down on his calendar. Not all of them are 5K's. He has some 5 & 10K's, some 10 miles and some 1/2 marathons. So I just have to pick what one's will be close by and to see what my plans would be to go to them.


It is not as foggy as it was this morning. Bill has a brand new bike that he said he will take to the bike store and to see if they would trade it in for a new bike for me or a slightly used bike. If I can find 1, he said he would go riding with me after work.




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Wouldn't that be nice to go bike riding together! I just got that bike I bought a couple of years ago out of the basement. I paid $100 and they delivered it, brand new bike with a price of $399 on it, but its too big for me and its a man's bike. I went over and helped my pet sitter get a huge estate/barn sale set up this afternoon and she said I should bring some stuff too, so I'm going to take that bike. Would like to get something that fits me, maybe a 26" bike with the money I get from selling this one.


My sister told me today that her son has a ticket to fly up here on the 22nd. She said she would go to her other son's house on the 17th and stay there until he gets here. She said, I bet you will be really glad to get rid of me. I told her I just want to get my life back and she needs to get her's in order. I also told her we might not ever see each other again once she's in Florida because she will not be back up here and I doubt that I will go down there. Kind of a sobering thought.


We had a good time tonight. The taco's weren't so good because he made them with cut up steak instead of ground beef and the meat was tough. But there was all the other stuff to put on them so you didn't even really need the meat. I took a lemon meringue pie that I bought and the other gal brought an angel food cake that she made and was all mixed in with strawberries and blueberries. It looks like a big jumble of stuff and was not very appetizing. It was foggy coming home but not as bad as the night before.


Tomorrow night we have the bunco game, that should also be a fun night.


Do you think you would ever do a 10K? I think that would be a little too much for me. I know when we did that 7 mile walk my feet and legs were hurting and very tired.



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Sharon, I have done a 10K in the past but not this year yet. I may do another 1 if I can find the right race.


Well all you can do is hope and wait and see if she keeps to her promise to move out next Tuesday. Yes, it is a conceivable reality that once she moves down there that you two may never see one another ever again. You have nothing to be sorry for as you have stepped up and have given her a place to hold up in for these last months. Certainly you have done so much for her, and now it is time to get your life back to piece and quiet once again.


Today has turned out to be a not so good day at all. It has been raining around here for the past few hours and it is not all that warm either. Just damp and cloudy.


We will have to find the time to get to the bike shop and see what kind of deal we can find. Good for you that your pet sitter is letting you bring some of your stuff as well to try and sell.




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I don't know why the size print changed, awfully small. Tried to change it but no luck.


Helped at the barn sale again today, and got my bike over there. Hopefully someone will buy it so I don't have to get it home again. There is so much stuff over there its unbelievable.


Had fun at the bunco game. They had a raffle with gift baskets, paintings and gift certificates you put a ticket in a box in front of them to win. I won a $25 gift certificate to a local restaurant and I had the most losses at our table so won $5.00 for that.


Looks to be a cold weekend again and more rain which we really don't need.



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Sharon, I often are adjusting my font size for writing. As far as this site, I thought they had everything regulated.


That is good that you won and even lost and got rewarded in bunco. I will be hosting the game next Friday at my house, and Bill will be staying at a local hotel only 1 mile from our house.


Yes, this morning was a bit cold and I heard that rain moving in late this afternoon. At least the sun is shining bright.


It would be nice if you could sell your bike over the weekend at the barn sale. I would think that she will be running it over this weekend. If you have it priced right it will move.




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