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  • Holland America Line Meet & Mingle

    Join Cruise Critic members who have chatted with one another on our Holland America Cruise community prior to their cruise. You've interacted with each other for weeks, months...some of you for years! Cruise lines appreciate and recognize your loyalty and want to make your cruise vacation special. Don't pass on an opportunity to meet each other. You'll be glad you did!
  • HAL Eurodam 12-10-18 Cruise Critic Group submitted by Krooznut.jpg

    Meet & Mingle Party on board Eurodam December 2018  by Krooznut


  • About Holland America Line Meet & Mingle

    Meet & Mingle Online Before Your Cruise
    Join discussion on the Holland America Line Roll Call Forums.   Find out who you'll be sailing with, make new friends and perhaps even share a shore excursion or two!

    Download and print our Meet & Mingle Nametags.
    For more fun, download a Meet & Mingle Doorsign!

    Setting up a Holland America Meet & Mingle
    The information below has been compiled from the Holland America Forum, and is based upon individual experiences by members. It should be made VERY clear that there is no official sponsorship of Meet & Mingle Parties on board Holland America ships. We appreciate the generosity of Holland America in setting up these gatherings as they recognize the loyalty of Cruise Critic members. However, it should not be expected that each ship will offer the same amenities, or anything at all. Remember, too, that paid groups on board take precedence over non-paid groups, and there are often many groups on board vying for the same space. All of the above said, let's get started with the party planning!

    1) Before contacting anyone at Holland America, your first step should be to POLL everyone on your ROLL CALL to see if they are interested in attending a Meet & Mingle on your cruise. It would be helpful to consider your daily itinerary, and obtain a general consensus as to when our fellow cruisers would be most likely to attend. More than likely someone has been keeping a general who's sailing list on the ROLL CALL throughout its duration. Keeping this listing fresh encourages others to continue to participate and to join in on the fun! Please make sure your efforts are coordinated so that only ONE person from each sailing is contacting the cruise line.

    2) Once you have determined that there is enough interest, you will need to contact the Holland America.  Do so by writing to:  onboardeventservices@hollandamerica.com no later than 5 weeks before your sailing.

    Tips for Your Meet & Mingle: Be sure to ask for a NO HOST get-together, which means no one person will be responsible for payment. Indicate what you would like them to serve, such as Coffee, tea, pastries or a NO HOST Bar. Best bet is to choose only those items indicated as no charge. Also it's nice to invite Officers, such as the Beverage Mgr., Hotel Mgr. CD, etc. to attend your get together. You should have a general idea of when/where you'd like the party to be held. Offering up a few suggestions would be very helpful.
    If You Sign Up, GO!
    We know there were SO MANY choices on board it is easy to see how it would be tempting to skip the M&M, but DON'T! You'll be pleasantly surprised by how much effort is put into these gatherings by the staff on board. Make it worth THEIR while, too. They truly want to meet you (and you can get a few nice pics with them, too!). Also, don't sign up just so a party will be held. It is disappointing to members, as well as the staff on board, to have only a few show up -- when they were anticipating a crowd.
    Don't Sit -- Mingle!
    We cannot stress this enough. You won't have a good time if you just park yourself in a chair. There is no entertainment other than each other. Get up, walk around, and mingle with your new friends.
    When You Return From Your Cruise, Don't Forget to Share
    Before the memories fade, be sure and share your Meet & Mingle experience right here with everyone on the Holland America Line Forum.
    Upload your Meet and Mingle photos to our Meet & Mingle album and your photo could be chosen as a featured photo of the week! Winners receive some cool Cruise Critic Swag. Upload your photo here: Meet & Mingle Photo Album! Everyone loves to see pictures of community members, and you'll be able to share firsthand just how much fun your Meet & Mingle can be.

    Need Help? Write to: Meet_and_Mingle@cruisecritic.com
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