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Posts posted by trixiegal

  1. I'm sailing in the next week and want to use it to communicate with my two teenaged kids while onboard. They have to buy the app, too, but it seems worth it. Still a bit confused on how it works but my son is a techie so he'll get me up to speed.



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  2. I remember that other thread months ago, I subscribed to it. I usually travel with my kids under 21, so I'm the only one drinking the wine and never make it through a bottle at one sitting.


    People on that thread were very helpful with a few suggestions on how to make in room cocktails. I like the idea of making sangria with either red or white wine. Try getting sliced peaches if available for a delicious peach sangria. Also, the wine spritzer idea is good except I hate overly sweet drinks so I'd need some seltzer water in place of Sprite.



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  3. Have a wonderful cruise! We had our first Lido balcony this summer on the Breeze. It was perfect! I also called in and was assigned to that cabin by my PVP when I was pricing other balconies on Deck 8. She said she had the perfect cabin for me and, boy, was she right...



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  4. Check Trip Advisor for reviews. I recommend the Four Seasons, which is adjacent to several of some of the nicest restaurants in the city- Oceanaire, Fleming's, Talara and within walking distance from Little Italy.


    I've stayed at the Hotel Monaco by Kimpton and loved it. Its, in a lovely historic building with lots of charm and ambience, and I appreciate all the perks that Kimpton gives guests like their wine & appetizer happy hour. It's also walking distance from the Inner Harbor.






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  5. Perhaps it is only old geezers, (who, according to the poster addressed in the above comment, seem to be anyone over age 25, because no one older could possibly understand the internet or how it works :eek:), who care these days about actual facts and details rather than "feelings" and "emotions." After all, isn't everything posted on Twitter in the heat of the moment true? And isn't that a great way to deal with problems, rather than having a rational discussion between parties involved?



    None of us were there. So you can add all of your assumptions but that won't make what happened to that A-LIST CUSTOMER and his family appropriate in any situation. The fact he was pulled off a flight he was already on with his young kids and forced to delete a tweet is mind-boggling to me and no explanation makes it okay. He, in his own words, said the issue was resolved. He was on the plane in his seat! There was no need for any further conversation besides the agent wanting to control what he tweeted. He can tweet what he wants. She saw the tweet as a problem because it included her name and could lead to repercussions from SWA.


    I guess all of you that agree with her are the entitled ones and think you can bully people into doing what YOU want. Nope. Keep trying and let me know how that works for you...



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  6. Please let us know how well you fare in any legal or contractual situations in the future. Who cares about actual law, wording, semantics or details -- it's all about what you think and your opinion.


    Just a word to suggest that you will save yourself headaches in the future if you start to focus on details now. Before you become the geezer that you seem to think we are.


    Words have meanings, and have consequences.



    I don't take well to online bullying so I will bite back. Sorry you can't take the snark you dish out.


    I'm actually not a lawyer, that's why I've paid mine so much and had great success with any legal issue I've had. I don't need to play one on CC.





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  7. Yep, welcome to the 21st century! Twitter can make or break companies, brands, and people's careers (I'm looking at you, Paula Deen). I love it because it encourages accountability in real time and puts the power back in the customer's hands because we are the ones actually supporting the companies with our money. Nothing wrong about that at all in a capitalistic society that encourages freedom of speech. Sounds like this agent needs more training on conflict resolution.



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  8. Honestly, I don't care what you think and I am not trying to impress anybody on an online forum. I am entitled to my opinion without nitpicking about semantics instead of facts to back up a point.


    As a customer of Southwest, I feel the situation was handled poorly by a ticket agent who herself felt entitled enough to demand that a customer delete a tweet on his private Twitter account in order to reboard a plane. Totally ridiculous!!! This is why this entire situation has gone viral despite what you say is really the truth and has actually caused Southwest to apologize. I truly hope the customer pursues this matter further to make sure that agent is at least disciplined if not actually fired.


    In order to be an A-lister on the airline, he obviously spends a lot of his hard earned cash with Southwest and deserves to be treated with respect and not like a security risk just because he expressed his opinion about the experience.



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  9. Let's look at this situation closely, as reported by a reputable news agency- http://abcnews.go.com/US/family-booted-off-southwest-airlines-dad-tweeted-rude/story?id=24685645


    And this is Southwest's latest press release regarding this matter-


    Reaction to Recent Social Media Concerns

    Updated: 7/24/14 at 10:37 AM


    We've reached out to the Customer and had a very productive conversation. We've apologized and our Company and Employees are ready to move forward serving more than a hundred million Customers annually.


    Southwest Airlines appreciates and is active in social media, and it is not our intent to stifle Customer feedback. Social media is a very valuable avenue for engaging with our Customers. On Sunday, July 20, a Southwest Airlines Employee and Customer were having a conversation that escalated about the airline's family boarding procedures. The Customer was briefly removed from flight #2347 from Denver to Minneapolis/St. Paul to resolve the conversation outside of the aircraft and away from the other Passengers. Our decision was not based solely on a Customer's tweet. Following a successful resolution, the Customer and his family were able to continue on the flight to Minneapolis. We are thoroughly investigating the situation. We have reached out to the Customer and offered vouchers as a gesture of goodwill.

    So instead of adding content and making this personal based on our own experiences, let us focus on the facts as they've been reported. Sounds to me like Southwest is taking responsibility for the situation because they apologized and are now calling it an "escalation." Under no circumstances should a customer need to be removed from the aircraft to continue a conversation that was already resolved, according to the customer WHO DID BOARD AFTER THE A-LISTERS, unless the agent wanted to make him delete his tweet. Why the need to investigate if the situation was successfully resolved? I hope that agent is fired for her diva behavior. Tweets are free speech and the customer wasn't threatening anybody but reporting on his bad experience. I'm glad this has gone viral.

  10. PS there are flight attendants who can be rude and threatening. Are they taken off the flight? Kind of an extreme reaction. The worst of his tweet was "most rude gate agent ever". Is that threatening?


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    No, not in the least. It sounds like the issue was blown out of proportion by a disgruntled agent who wanted to get even with no regard for the other passengers or his children. In fact, she created a PR nightmare for SWA instead of learning the lesson that if you're in the service industry be careful how you treat people or it may end up online. That's why I love social media! Makes companies accountable, whether they want to be or not.

  11. Libel, slander, a history lesson?! Who cares...


    Since we are making personal attacks instead of actually proving any type of rational point- he was on Twitter(which is -for all you senior citizens who find it hard to make sense of all that mumbo jumbo nowadays- a worldwide and extremely popular social media site) and tweeted SWA with his issue because the company actually ENCOURAGES people to do just that if there is an issue. If you don't believe me, just click on this link and be enlightened-



    There was no hint of a threat implied with his tweet. I personally would've allowed the police or other actual authorities, not a pissed-off Ticket Agent with a power complex, to be called so they could explain to me what the problem really was. Nothing would've been deleted.


    This world is getting crazier and crazier. I'm sure he agreed to delete it in the moment just to calm his kids down and get home. SWA should fire that agent immediately for taking the law into her own hands because he dared to speak out against her horrible customer service.

  12. Sorry not sorry, but you can tweet anybody's name that is working for a company you've done business with if you feel so inclined. There was no slander, he was doing what Southwest itself says it encourages customers to do if they have a customer service issue. I suspect the agent was called after the tweet and then took it upon herself to use her power to make this guy's life miserable with no regard to his children and delaying the flight for other passengers. Unbelievable that she can get away with it and impinge on his 1st Amendment rights! Companies need to understand the power of social media and train their employees on how one misstep can really ruin a brand's reputation. Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Foursquare et al. are not going away!



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  13. You'd have to go back to the terminal to get a taxi from the curbside, of course you don't have to go back to the port by shuttle. But it will save you $24+tip. It's your call what it most convenient for you!


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  14. I can't wait to see the finished outfit! Sounds so fab...


    FYI, for anyone really interested in the fashions of that era, I'd look into reading about Coco Chanel. She created a phenomenon during that period using jersey fabric but wasn't really that famous until the 50s in the US. However, it's fascinating to learn about how those styles became popular and led to ready-to-wear clothing in department stores as opposed to having them made by a seamstress or fashion house.



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  15. In July, we went with Dollar at MIA and it was fine. There was a line to get the car but it was a great price so I was patient. You will see the shuttles lined up to pick up cruisers disembarking right at the curb of cruise port. Very easy process.


    Because you have a large group, I'd designate one person to be your drop-off guy or girl and leave you all at the port with luggage then do the return and take a shuttle back. Keep in mind, whoever is in the cabin with them will have to wait to check in until they're back.


    Look on Kayak for best rental car prices.




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  16. As someone else noted, MJS Transportation is $13 PP not $15 like the others. Of course, with tip the difference is nil but I highly recommend them, as I've used them twice in the past year. On time, friendly and really nice shuttles. Would use them again in a heartbeat!



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  17. I used to live in Orlando and drive to Miami at least once a month. I would take the turnpike, as others have mentioned. I rented a car after disembarking the Wonder last December and last month after leaving the Breeze. We always fly RT from FLL because it's cheaper on SWA and not hard to get to and from POM from there.


    My advice as a parent that travels with two kids is to leave DIsney area around 7 am, take the nice ride down to POM and make a brief stop for bathroom or drive-thru breakfast. You'll get down to Miami around 10:30-11 am, then drop off your family at the port with luggage and turn in your car rental at nearest agency. Then take a shuttle back to the port to check in. Your family must all be together at check-in because they check your ID and take photo for your pass card.


    When you return after disembarking, you can go by yourself to get a car by shuttle and leave your family to relax with luggage while you handle the rental and come back and get them. Then you have a rental to get to FLL for an afternoon or later flight. Should be less than $45/day which means you come out ahead of a $15 pp shuttle to FLL. Much, much cheaper than leaving a rental parked for a few days while being charged to park!


    Car rental prices vary greatly from day to day, but I've used Kayak to find decent pricing from Dollar. Keep in mind that many people use these agencies for one-way rentals and it may not be a speedy process on pick-up. Drop-off should be easy, breezy. I also used SIXT in downtown Miami, which was easy to get to from POM by cab but I didn't appreciate their bait and switch tactics for the rental.





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  18. Actually, I used to never plan my cruises very far in advance because I also felt like who knew what could happen in a year. I also got fairly good pricing doing it that way except for the time I let my little sister book my 9-day on RCCL and I grossly overpaid.


    But being on CC it's refreshing to see how many people plan 9-18 months in advance. I want to book a European or Med cruise for summer 2017 and will probably book it sometime next year. I just have to decide which line to go on!



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  19. Try the Sleep Inn Dania. Tripadvisor reviews are mixed but we did a King Suite and it was fine for 1-night. The biggest plus was (besides being under $100) that it's right next to a really nice, big Walgreen's and we stocked up for the cruise the next day. The pool liked nice enough for a little one to have fun in. BTW, I didn't smell smoke at all in the hallways or our room.



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