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Everything posted by B747Purdue

  1. My January was moved to Valiant...is OK. My April being cancelled...is also OK. Being able to switch to a 14 Day Transatlantic, in the same XL Sea Terrace, for no extra charge is amazing. I thought I had reached the end of my literal wave, considering I booked a single cruise in a Solo Sea View in 2020 and now I've ended up with five sailings in XL Sea Terrace's for no extra $$ out of pocket, I can't complain. I realize not everyone is in the same boat (another pun), although many likely are. The Virgin Saga continues for us that have stuck with it since the beginning.
  2. Yes, they will fully accommodate/customize anything (in my experience). For example, at Razzle Dazzle, I ordered the Waffle entree, but Waffle plain with only syrup on the side...and I added just the chicken filet from the chicken sandwich. So, a classic Nashville Chicken & Waffles. It caught on actually, so I'm surprised they haven't added it to the menu...haha. At the beginning of every meal they ask about allergies and if you've reported one previously it's saved to your profile and they again validate.
  3. Adding my code for the below, xoxo. August 14 - 21 French Daze & Ibiza Nights https://virg.in/oGFk
  4. I had several amazing agents tell me (since being cancelled) the Access Codes would be sent out today, 22 June. They went as far to extend my hold, for which I was thankful. I have still not received an Access Code today, and a sailing mate called and they were advised they are now rolling them out throughout the rest of this week. I feel so bad for these great frontline agents that are forced to work for weak leadership, which is creating and passing down false details. I have sailed once before with Virgin, earlier this year, and I am looking forward to again. Although, the lies and incompetence of leadership of this cruise line are driving it in to an iceberg. I get the delay and appreciate the offer to make it right, although the lack of competence to streamline the process to move forward…which includes the app (which didn’t work on my cruise in March…and is still awful) is abysmal. What a disgrace.
  5. October 19 - 23 Fire and Sunset https://virg.in/oGFZ Also booking (next week): August 14 - 21 French Daze & Ibiza Nights (will edit with code or PM me) Hope to see you in onboard!
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