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Posts posted by Landlocked_N_Texas

  1. Our 2nd Disney cruise, the waiter would give my husband the hardest time making any substitutions. Usually it was just requesting a baked potato, but sometimes it was picking a side from another dish. He was turned off of Disney cruises - I'm so glad I MADE ;) him go on another cruise. Our waitstaff was wonderful the next cruise! No request was treated as an inconvenience!


    I think it depends on your service staff. I have had some (other cruise lines included) that treat requests as an inconvenience, some who seem personally affronted by a request and some who will bend over backwards to get you what you like. I make sure I go out of my way for the latter bunch - not just tipping, but mentioning them by name to the maitre de and on the comment cards!

  2. Hi! We usually drive in to Galveston. We are thinking of flying into Hobby this time. Can anyone give me an idea of how long it takes to get from the terminal to baggage claim and then to shuttle pick up? It doesn't look like a big airport.


    We would land at 9:05am. Could we take the 10:00 shuttle?


    Thanks for any advice! I'm nervous about flying - this may be the first cruise I need my sail-away drink BEFORE I board!

  3. Exactly! They didn't do anything wrong, but it was just kind of a snooze. You're also right that it was even worse following our awesome day at LFK. The cavetubing water is SO shallow in fact, that we had to lift our butts up quite often so we wouldn't scrape them. I think my expectations were also too high because people raved about this excursion and even called it the "best excursion they've ever done."


    I'm glad we saw the "interior" of Belize, it's nice to see how the locals live, but it seems like their crown jewel is their beautiful water and great snorkeling. Next time :)


    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk



    We went to Belize on the Magic in Dec. 2014 and used Cavetubing.bz. We had booked Cavetubing, but due to weather, they had to cancel (too much rain, so the caves were dangerous). They were very nice and offered us zip-lining as a substitute (for the same price!). I didn't want to go... I don't mind heights, but zip lining is out of my comfort zone. :)

    However, it was the best experience! My husband (who hates heights, by the way) and my son loved it! The people were very professional and nice. Like you, I'm glad we saw the interior. I was bummed we missed cave tubing until I read your review!

    I do have to disagree about the food. It wasn't very flavorful as far as seasoning, but we had several kids in our group. I think they have to cook to please many palates, so I can see how some find it bland. (For the record, we had bread fruit and iguana with iguana pepper salsa cooked on the beach in Roatan, so I think we're somewhat adventurous eaters!). It was the first time my son (11) had chicken with beans and rice, and he asks me to make it for him, so it made an impression on him!


    I read somewhere that the time of year affects the speed and depth of water in the caves. I wonder if you were there in a "slow" season. Sounds like something kids and older people might enjoy - mild intensity and all...

  4. Also, in our experience, sodas ordered at bars tend to be flat, "leftovers" from already opened cans that they pour over ice. I think you can request a full can, but a nice tip and getting to know your bartender is helpful. We've gone back to pay as you go. You get the whole can and a glass of ice. I put the ice and can in my Tervis and I'm all set. Then again, I drink 1-2 pops a day, so it wasn't worth it to me.

  5. this line "the mdr wasn't as 5 star but it was do-able" doable?? it should be much better than doable... and I find it is better than doable..




    Well, Carnival's MDR certainly wasn't memorable, and the Carnival Magic was my most recent cruise. I don't remember being blown away by any of the food I had. But I don't remember having anything that was bad or "inedible" either. Now the service was memorable - our servers (Nonni especially) can hold their own against DCL. That said, I never found myself wishing I had reservations at the Steakhouse, or wishing I was back on Disney.


    No, I'm not gushing over the MDR on Carnival, but it is certainly do-able.

  6. We have done several Disney cruises and found the food top notch. Then we sailed on the Carnival Magic. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised! The buffet at breakfast had more choices than DCL and the omelette chefs were much quicker and better!


    The main dining wasn't as "5 star" but it was do-able. And our wait staff on Carnival was outstanding!


    My husband loved CCL's Deli. I thought DCL's quick lines were better. I liked DCL's room service; my husband thought it was blah.


    We both agreed Disney's pizza was far superior, but nothing holds a candle to Carnival's Cucina del Capitano!


    Everyone's different, but I think everyone should be able to find something they like on any cruise. Individual passengers have the responsibility of letting the wait staff know if something is not up to standards (too cold, not liked...). Or they have to be willing to pay a bit out of pocket for a nicer dining experience. It's the way of the (cruise) world unfortunately!

  7. We were at Blue Lagoon in May 2011 and did the Dolphin Swim. Our son was 8 (that day!). It does say it is in open water, but the lagoon is actually a cove and very calm. The dolphin swim is in a large area, with netting to keep big critters out. You are all fitted with life jackets, and I got the feeling there weren't many strong swimmers in the group. When we went, there were about 10 people in our group and 2 dolphins. You got lots of one on one time with the Dolphins! Kisses, dancing, hugs, and simple hand commands are done. All of this is while treading water, or floating. But if you are tired the dock is right there, and you can rest. (No one had to, and there were a few young kids there!) The experience ends with a foot push. If you have never experienced it, it is indescribable!


    The Dolphin Encounter is different in that you are sitting on a platform in the water. I think you get to do hand commands, a hug and kiss, but no dancing and no foot push.

    Blue Lagoon itself is nice ( on the other side of the lagoon). There are hammocks and blow up toys on the water and a place to lunch. We didn't eat there, so I can't comment on that.


    Hope that's helpful! If you have other questions let me know! Maybe I can jog my memory!

  8. I can't help but wonder if the $6 Cheese and Crackers means they'll stop serving the Cheese platter in the MDR.


    Or if the pizza available 24 hours from Room Service means they'll start closing Pirate Pizza early. I'm usually not a cynical person, but it seems to be the trend in all cruise lines (not just Carnival).

  9. I hate it when cruise lines "nickel and dime" passengers once onboard. That said, Carnival (while adding more options that happen to be up-charged) still has free room service. If people are willing to pay for the convenience and service, you can't fault them for that!

    I once said I'd never pay for food on a cruise ship. One taste of Red Frog Pub's Conch Fritters and - Bam - I'm hooked. Can't wait to fork over another $4.95 for those delicacies - and I'm as tight as they come!


    Basically, if there's demand, and people are willing to pay, it's a great move on Carnival's part.

  10. Due to food sensitivity, I can't have MSG or aspartame.


    I know Carnival doesn't add MSG in their dining rooms, but does anyone know about "Guy's Special Seasoning?" or the sauce on the burgers. I'm sure they don't add MSG itself, but it's in a lot of prepared spices like soy sauce and seasoned salt.


    Also, does anyone know what the "sugar substitute" in the healthier desserts is?



  11. I think the lobster I've tried while cruising was awful - bland and rubbery! But, as someone who lives 10 hours from the ocean (and even that's just the Gulf of Mexico) I can see why people get excited. I get just as excited over fresh gulf shrimp, or snapper, or clam bakes in New England! The rarity of it makes it more enjoyable.

  12. Your fear of fry cooks brings us back to the original point - these CMs should have Basic Life Support training (so that they aren't doing chest compressions on conscious guests, as you say). And with that, I am done with the Off Topic stuff that high-jacked this thread. Can't wait to find out what kind of training the new life guards do have.

  13. I don't think that all crew members are taught BLS. I worked for Disney as did my son, and neither of us received any sort of medical or emergency training other than"Call 9-1-1"


    A life guard is a life guard regardless of the depth of the water. Would you not call an RN an RN because all they do is take kids temperatures, check for head lice, and call parents to pick up the ones who have had protein spills in elementary school? I know the land based lifeguards at Disney are Red Cross certified, the ship lifeguard will receive training in Orlando, so it makes no sense that they wouldn't go through the same program. By the way, they teach it at Stormalong Bay at the Beach Club before and after hours as it's the deepest pool at Disney.


    CPR performed incorrectly on a dead person is better than nothing. CPR performed on a person who has simply lost consciousness is very dangerous.



    Autocorrect responsible for most typos...


    I'm surprised crew members wouldn't learn BLS, especially considering the ship is so isolated once at sea.


    I don't argue with a lifeguard being a lifeguard. What I was saying is that perhaps they aren't RedCross certified, because the depth of the water might allow for a less intensive type of certification.


    But I completely disagree with your last statement. All of the new research shows that chest compressions, even performed incorrectly, increase a persons survival rate. In fact, this is why the American Heart Association changed guidelines in 2010. I'm not saying CM's don't need to get certified in BLS, but I am saying that, if I were a lawyer, and CM's did nothing but call a nurse or MD, especially knowing the new research and guidelines, I would have a field day.

  14. There have been several changes recently. I am re-certified every year, and one of the biggies is that (contrary to previous thoughts) CPR performed incorrectly is still better than none at all. That said, I bet every crew member is certified at least in basic life support. It seems to make sense they would call med support first, then start BLS if a life or death situation. If it is not a dire emergency, they are probably trained to only let medical staff handle it.


    I wonder if DCL can call the cast members lifeguards, even if they're not "trained" because The pool is far too shallow to use any of the techniques lifeguards have to master for rescue. Or perhaps I am a "certified lifeguard" if I meet my employer's certification process, but I could not say I was a RedCross Certified Lifeguard.

  15. I have never been on Carnival's excursion, but I've been to Chankanaab. The park has snorkeling, with gear to rent or about $8pp. You have to leave a photo ID for deposit, or I think you could leave a cash deposit. There are chairs and shade. The "beach" is not a typical beach, in that you can not wade into the ocean's edge. It is a very rocky area. There are areas of steps to get into the water, and once you are in, it is deep (over 6 feet). As such, there is no sand stirred up, and it is the perfect spot for snorkeling, especially beginners!


    There is a pool, a pretty garden walking path, and the heritage park to enjoy. They do have a website, but I'm not at home so I can't remember the link.


    There is also Dolphin Discovery, where there are manatees and sea lions as well. In general, it is a nice spot. No vendors on the beach when we were there, but no waitstaff either.


    Sorry I don't know more about your specific excursion; I'm eager to read other responses because we limos chose this excursions as well.

  16. I have motion sickness in a car or plane, so when I went on our first cruise (a 4 day) my family physician recommended I start taking Meclizine 2 to 3 days before sailing and once a day during. (I can't do the patch...long medical story). Well, knowing what I know, I didn't fill the prescription and bought the over-the-counter version (generic Bonine) in a lower dose. I figured at half he dose, I could do 1 in the morning and one at night.


    I think I was high on the adrenaline rush of loving cruising, because I wasn't tired at all...until Day 4. We arrive at WDW, and I lie down waiting on the laundry at our hotel...and slept...from 10am until the NEXT MORNING!!! But it's nice to know that my family was so concerned that they went to Epcot without me ;)


    The next cruise, I did Bonine again (the OTC dose), but 2 days prior, then once a day, evenings only. This was a 7 day and that worked perfectly. It worked on our last cruise as well, even with a bit choppier seas.


    I do recommend to my patients to start taking their medication 2-3 days before. This also gives them a chance to see how it will affect them and adjust their routine accordingly. But keep in mind that these patient (and I myself) have been diagnosed with a vestibular disorder of some sort. It's hard to say if you would be sick on a ship or not. As a PP said, even seasickness on small ships doesn't necessarily equate to seasickness on a ship. Cruise ships have stabilizers!


    My advice for the average person would be that if you are prone to motion sickness, use whatever works for you when you get motion sickness. Start taking it (Meclizine or Dramamine) 2 days prior to sailing (probably at night) and travel with it. Wait and see how you feel, then take it as needed. If you feel fine once on board, leave it in the bag! But you'll have it in case you need it.


    We just had to be sitting by Mickey and his gang:




    Everyone looked like they were having a blast over there riding the AquaDuck...me dreaming about how maybe some day I'll be able to afford Disney. Sigh. I was really hoping that Disney pulled out before us. I wanted to hear their "Wish Upon a Star" horn. But, that didn't happen. My oldest daughter set up on a higher deck (I found out later) waiting to hear it and it never happened.


    Meanwhile, here I am sitting on the deck watching this cruise line that I had never been on FULLY PACKED TO CAPACITY...yes, no rooms available, another first for me, getting ready to leave the port in silence as we drift out into the sunset quietly like a ship in the night ninja and all of a sudden...here we go...time to PAR-TAY! The music started blaring, the chairs were moved off the deck and there was Julie the cruise director getting everyone pumped up and ready to dance. Can I get a h3ll yea?! You bet. I was super excited at that point and ready to get my dance on. Whoever said Carnival was a boring, no music ship was out of their minds.


    Drink in hand and party on dude!


    When did you cruise? We were on the Fantasy May 18th, and I remember seeing one of the bigger Carnival ships in port with us. This struck me as funny, because I was watching it during the Sail Away party, and I swear I couldn't have talked to DH for 5 seconds and the Carnival ship was GONE! I remember wondering if I had got turned around and was looking the wrong direction - but nope, Carnival was way the heck ahead of us heading out to sea! And I wanted to watch it leave port and wave to everyone! - Like a ninja is right!


    I also remember it took Disney a lot longer to blast their horn - we were well into the sail away party before it happened, and usually they do it to start off the party.


    We are taking our first CCL cruise in December after years of Disney - I love reading your review - even though we are going on the Magic and not the Dream. Your review is really helpful, and I'm sure I'm have 1 million questions when I finally catch up!

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