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Everything posted by oLEEander

  1. Thanks will pass the info along.
  2. Are the “rangers” that come on board to provide the nature commentary actual np rangers? If so do they come with the park stamps? We have a few rabid national park stamp collector’s in our group, and I’m sure someone will be asking me soon.
  3. Similar experience as Vacation44. Booked 7cabins but 2 were excluded as the designation of those 2 cabins ended with a #. The staterooms were all balconies on the same floor and adjacent to each other. One of which was a connecting state room and specifically booked because of this configuration. We even contacted corporate headquarters as the sale did not mention these booking exclusions. Basically told sorry about the confusion… just change rooms. I believe this a way to control passenger #’s as we now have 5 cabins which could hold 3 or 4 passengers occupied by 2.
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