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Posts posted by pinkrosesdeb

  1. We love the Freedom but know cruising is very hit or miss. We are diamond plus so obviously we are pretty loyal. However, we have had several cruises that were definitely not a “WOW”. Food is definitely declining across the board and I feel it’s the way they “herd” us to alternatives. Having said all that, we are booked on Harmony in April because I have heard almost exacting reports from most other comparable lines. We still love the ships and are comfortable on them so we pick and choose how to enhance our own trips. Sad but true, cruising is NOT what it used to be but dollar for dollar we still find it to be a good value for time away to relax. Start reading other cruise line boards and see if you can find a better fit. People are always willing to help, happy sailing and I hope you find your “home”

  2. We are diamond plus and always buy the package. We got a bogo on this cruise so it worked out very well. I am not a huge drinker but on vacation a Bloody Mary at breakfast is a treat. During our hours by the pool, it is fun to try new things. I don’t end up denying myself some fun because I am trying to “pinch pennies” like we do the majority of the time at home. We agree that we are just going to give ourselves that time to splurge a little and enjoy every minute....and we are 67 & 70! Life is too short!! 🍹😎🎉

  3. They were pretty clear with us on Brilliance that if we are using Diamond plus bogo that we should ONLY do it once onboard! Both ways I did it beforehand caused seemingly endless problems for them, finally gave up on trying to fix it on Brilliance so they got an extra $35 from us, never again!

  4. When you board go see the maitre’d and ask for help. If your parents are already assigned a table they should be able to accommodate your request. Also, on a more positive note there is already a chance that you are assigned to the same table and it just isn’t showing in your reservation. We had a similar incident and it was fixed right away. Enjoy your cruise

  5. One cruiser,thanks for the info. I guess we will see what happens with my daughter. We did a short cruise on Brilliance so she would get her block on Harmony because as I stated at the top I of thread I was confused on the qualifiers. Now, I hope they don’t give her hers on Brilliance. I have never been really concerned about the gifts everything is so appreciated AND I get to cruise 🍹🎉

  6. Your two posts are contradictory.

    Where do you see a contradiction? We got our block on Allure and assumed it was for diamond plus because that was our first cruise at that level AND our first block. We were at 179 points. We are now at 236 points and nothing since then!

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