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Posts posted by luv2gamble

  1. SaidieN and Hugs...i am on the NCL Jewel. So, your saying a long sleeve shirt, a light jacket of some sort and then a winter coat over that? Plus hat and gloves? I guess I need to do this for the dogsled thing at least anyway, right? Going thru the glaciers I will do what you said, go to open area or windows. The Jewel has a lounge on top deck w windows all around. Maybe I will go there and bring my coat and step in and out of the lounge, if I can. I think your ideas are better and I should follow them LOL....Thanks all

  2. Chihuly's glass work is gorgeous, keep in mind you can't see much of anything from outside. They want your $$$ admission to get inside and see the art...




    Its $20 but just so happens that the day I would be going they are closing the glass house and will take off $4 from admission. She said the glass house is about 10% what I would be missing. The glass house is what I want to see. Is it still worth going or should I see it when the ship returns instead of the day before the cruise?

  3. It's been a year, but yes, you head towards the glacier area mid afternoon after leaving Juneau. Access to Sawyer glacier is frequent blocked though by ice flows. If that is the case, you will instead continue up a very narrow fjord to the Dawes glacier. The trip up to that is magnificent. The passageway is so narrow that the ship is almost scrapping on both sides. When you arrive at the glacier, you stay for almost an hour while the ship sits and then does a slow turn around. You exit the area early evening. I haven't been to Sawyer, but it is in the same initial direction and I'm guessing the visit is similar.


    Thanks for the info. Now Im thinking about the Titanic after you said "SCRAPING" lol...Hope the captain is wide awake that day lol

  4. Decided to just shop and walk around ketchikan. I printed out what they call a WALING MAP of Ketchikan and its all numbered and tells you what all is. Going to go to Creek street. Will do the Duck Tour in Seattle. So many people said its great and almost 1/2 the price of the Alaska one. I will be at the space needle anyway. So, doing lunch at space needle, then the duck tour, then going across the street to Chihuly Garden & glass. Im not much for these kind of things and museums and stuff but this looks so cool and I cant miss it. anyone interested go to http://www.chihulygardenandglass.com I never saw anything like this in my life. Thanks all

  5. Thanks all for the info. I will not be bringing my blanket for sure. The beginning of thread poster said dont bother w gloves, etc. Other posters said they used heavy winter coats. I guess I will just have to bring everything LOL. I just hate dressing in layers. Hate that bulky feeling of shirt, light jacket, heavy jacket, etc...seems so much, i will feel like im all taped up and cant walk like a robot lol. Thanks for all the suggestions :D

  6. In my experience, it's windy & a bit damp in Glacier Bay, so you feel colder -- that's why the windbreaker/poncho OVER your layers. And you always have the option of going inside for a while to warm up.


    [i say that remembering that I stayed out on deck (w/very short bathroom breaks) for over 10 hrs. on one Glacier Bay trip!]


    I've never landed on Mendenall Glacier but I'd expect sturdy shoes (textured soles) & 1-2 pair of warm socks would work as well as boots -- and for walking in ports w/o all the socks -- less to pack.


    Thanks, A windbreaker is a good idea:D

  7. Convenience electrical outlets are at the desk not on the balcony. Assuming there is a 120V AC outlet (very likely on ships filled with Americans) the AC may be on 50 cycles and not 60. There is also the issue of flammability and electrical integrity. They might assume you will use it in bed as well as on your balcony. Most lines will require that anything electrical be inspected before it can be used - not just for safety but also for compatibility of the item with the ship electrical system. Assuming your electric blanket "passes" the ship is not going to provide you with a suitable extension cord. And your balcony door won't close properly with a cord running through to the outside.


    If you fear that it might me too cold to enjoy your balcony get a nice warm stadium blanket. Some high-tech fabrics now provide a lot of warmth with very little bulk.


    OMG! Never thought of that. It was just a quick idea I put on thread. I WILL NOT be bringing the blanket. Thanks to the quick thinking of the posters. But Im still confused about the temp around glaciers and it seems I maybe over packing according to all you guys?? If they give a wrap, like the post said, maybe good enough, i dnk?

  8. Wow, I was told the ports are quite warmer but passing the glaciers I was told 25 or so. I was also told 25 or so for when I land w the helicopter on Mendenhall glacier. I'm the Jewels first cruise to Alaska this year May 17th. I already put together a heavy winter coat, ear muffs, gloves, scarf, and I even bought feet warmers that people use when they skii. So many people said to dress warm or I would freeze in those areas. OMG! So confusing. I hear dress in layers from very warm to a short sleeve shirt. Bring boots, dont bring boots LOL..Now Im totally confused. I really dont want to over pack w all this stuff if not necessary. Well, it did make sense to me that it would be cold around glaciers and icebergs? Hmmm....dnk what to do now?

  9. Maybe its crazy! I was thinking about packing my electric blanket and a power strip to use on my balcony. I hear its hours going through the glacier and is approx 25 degrees. I can picture myself nicely wrapped up snug w my blanket on high having a drink on my balcony watching the glaciers/icebergs. Or for any cold temps during cruise. At least I know I will be warm:D Any thoughts? Would the blanket work in the electrical outlet?

  10. We did the Seattle Duck tour a couple of years ago. It was great! Have not done Ketchikan yet, and at that price, probably won't.


    Thanks, so true, price almost half. Plus, they have $4 off coupons too:D Originally looked good for ketchikan bec not much im interested in doing there. So, guess i will just go the creek street and shop there LOL

  11. There's more to see in Seattle (Lake Union houseboats, etc.) and the Duck tours load right across the street from the Space Needle, so you'll already be right there.


    Nice. I didnt know it was right there. That makes a big diff. My flight lands 11:30 am. Figured after getting luggage I should be at hotel (if all goes good) by 1 pm. I have lunch reservations at the needle for 2 pm. Then I can go right to the duck. Works out great:D BTW, The restaurant is only 50ft below the top of needle with same view and its free to go there and its $19 to go to top. So, for a little more, I get lunch and a nice sit down view. I'll just get that $27 burger LOL. 2pm is last call for lunch then its dinner prices and thats double according to the menu $$$$ Works out great! Thanks

  12. Years ago, we flew up to Seattle from SFO to look at some colleges with our daughter. This was a direct flight on United during a time when I was traveling a lot for work and had "1K" status. Even though special tags on the checked bags identified that status, we were missing one bag when we arrived at SeaTac. I called the 1K number and the good news was that it wasn't lost. The somewhat bad news was that it had been held over with some others for the next flight due to the plane's overall "weight situation." True or not, the bag did arrive at our hotel later that same day. Fortunately, our standard practice has always been to arrive at least one night before the day we have anything scheduled.


    Arriving by plane on the same day as a cruise leaves is not a very good idea.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums

    So true! According to the OP, she is going in August. With so much notice, and you know and everyone is saying its a bad idea, don't you think you would change it now? Does not make sense. Its a shame if he doesn't bend and be flexible and go the day before. You can find a hotel for $100. Its cheap enough to make the decision a no brainer LOL..The cruise is already being paid by points. If it were me, this thread would not even exist. I would just go the day before and tell my husband that is what we are doing and thats it. Simple. Besides, with all the ideas ppl get from CC, you save money by all the time (like cheaper excursions, cheaper taxi's, etc) :D

  13. Leaving Seattle to Alaska May 17, want 2 do duck tour but can't decide do it in Seattle or Ketchikan. Seattle is cheaper $28 pp, Ketchikan with NCL is $44. Figure its a coin flip as far as weather, both have poor rep. We are coming 1 day before cruise and going to Space Needle for lunch and then no plans after that yet. We will have the entire day when ship returns because flight is not until 9 pm we were doing to do Pike Market and the rest of the day is open. Now, Ketchikan we have no plans but to poss do the duck tour. Not interested in totem poles and stuff like that. Tour looks like fun, unless it rains. Any ideas?

  14. When we booked an inside for our girls who were fine sleeping in the same bed BUT found there was much more usable space when they were made up in a twin configuration. :)




    Thanks for all your help all. Its like a coin flip I guess. Some say twin, some say one LOL...It is a mini-suite w balcony so I should have room. Just my friend is taking 3 pieces of luggage herself. I only have one LOL. Need room for her bags and all the unnecessary crap she is taking haha. :confused:

  15. Fortunately my hubby isn't like hers. He wouldn't want to start a cruise all stressed out and red-eyed. After the one time that we had booked cruise air (to Miami) and they tried to give us a red-eye flight arriving early the morning of the cruise (and the hotel room we were expecting to have for the night turned into a day room)' date=' we said no way and insisted we were changed to a flight the day before to arrive in Miami around 8pm. I can't even remember if he went in to work that day and I think I left a couple of hours early to get home before rush hour and grabbed my packed suitcase.


    When we got up the morning of our cruise, we were waiting for our elevator to go downstairs. It opened and a group of bedraggled people got out. Turned out they took whatever flight Carnival air gave them and they had just got into Miami. They were going to take a nap in their "day rooms" before getting on the shuttle to the port. From then on, he's had me make the flight and hotel arrangements. We do not go through the cruiseline. And we always get there at least a day ahead. The only exception would be for the Port of Los Angeles as we're an hour's drive, but we always leave in the morning, just in case something happens to our car.[/quote']


    All I have to say is, your 100% correct!

  16. first of all, when I initially made comment it was w the understanding that the op had no alternative but to go the day of. After the fact, the op said its only bec husband dont want to go day b4 meaning dollars and cents. Op said she can change the date bec purchased w points. No way would I go day of if I was able to go the day b4. Face it, the flight should be the same or approx, so the only diff would be the cost of a hotel which you can find pretty cheap like holiday inn express and even get a free breakfast w it. If someone has the opportunity to come day b4 and wont bec of that, they prob should not be going on a cruise in the 1st place. So many posts to help out and its all for the cost of a 1 night hotel bill???????:confused::confused::confused::confused:

  17. Thanks all for the "Paul Harvey" the rest of the electric story !


    As regards old flip phones and that sort - I have a vintage wind-up mechanical

    alarm clock that needs to be wound once daily and most certainly is loud enough

    that you will not sleep through the bell clatter. It is square shape about 3x3x1.5 and

    since it is mechanical "NO BATTERIES" required - What !!! in this day and age something

    that does not need batteries.

    Perfectly functional on a cruise ship; hotel room; hunting lodge etc.


    Another sneaky way to tell time is to order room service and state when you

    would like to receive it - All the cruises I have been on the room service has

    been almost spot on as long as you don't request the same 7:00 am that

    everyone else has requested.


    So I can see the obsession for electricity in the cabin - but "What Me Worry"

    about time - I certainly don't want my cruise speeding up and ending all too soon !


    Have not seen a wind up in years LOL..yes, I also used room service and also because they call you before they come and they are on time as you said. I dont use snooze at all but just like to know how much time I have left b4 I have to get up. Going shopping tomorrow for a clock lol. :D

  18. Luv,


    oh of courses flatrate is cheaper, I just want to let everyone reading the post know how much it cost for shuttle, because a few weeks ago i was doing research on cost from airport to pier, pier to hotel and etc.




    LMAO...I thought u were confused thinking the shuttle was the deal. I sd OMG, I have to detail it LOL...Glad u agreed haha....BTW, did u find any better than this thru your research?? I cant, this was the best?:D

  19. Seatac to pier 91 via express shuttle is $22 per person one way.


    $22 for one person and its a shuttle w stops...this is $35 w no stops and covers 2 -3 people. shuttle is only cheaper for solo traveling...if i were to take the shuttle it would cost $44 because its 2 people....:D

  20. As previously mentioned - use the PHONE - it can tell you the time and also

    do wake up calls.

    You can also pester the heck out of your travel mates by calling and asking

    what time is it ! One more time and you are walking the plank ! LOL !


    Don't overlook the big time piece starring back at you - yeah that TV - turn

    it on and tune to the navigation channel it frequently tells you the time here

    there and some place else; shows the ships position; and makes for a great

    night light to move about the cabin - you no like the sound it can be muted.


    Curious about the key card being used to control the stateroom electricity ?

    When you leave your cabin does some smart genie turn off all non-essential

    electricity to your cabin ? Something missing or I am not clear on what was



    LOL, I have the old flippy phone so my phone will not work. As far as electric w key, well, I just came off the Breakaway which is a new ship. Just like you insert your key/card to open the door, you use it for lights. There is a slot on the wall when you walk in and you have to keep your key in the slot for electric. As soon as you remove your key, all electric goes off. It was very annoying. I put my key in and my husband would stay behind for any reason, I would remove my key and put his key in slot so he had electric. However, I beat the system LOL...found out any card works. I just put my casino card in the slot and left it there the entire time. However, one night the cabin steward I guess was annoyed I was wasting electric and he pulled my card up slightly, just enough to cut off the electric. Before that, I didnt know and thought I was charging my phone, got back to cabin and phone was not charged. I found this feature annoying. I just want to flick a switch. Thats y I originally asked if the Jewel was the same because I wanted to take a clock w me. good news was the jewel is older so it does not have this feature. Bad news was my digital clock would not work anyway LOL..thats the scoop

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