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Posts posted by BJC

  1. As we like to call ourselves!

    Hi Dicky Beach,

    I think I know your cousin from Melbourne, Dickey Knee, used to be on “Hey, Hey”, how’s he traveling?:p

    Seriously though welcome aboard, I believe you could not have done much better than to choose the Gemini as your first cruise experience, as we did back in the late 90’s, since then we have gone on to bigger and better things, however we have now returned to the Gemini to do the same cruise as you, but the one before in June.

    Only 73 days, but who’s counting!;)

    Please don’t be afraid to ask lots of questions, and even if they have all been asked before, there is no harm in revisiting them and someone will take the time to answer you, and remember the only “silly” question is the one not asked.

    So first visit to HK and Singapore, I’m sure you will just love both, they are right up the top of our favorite places in Asia, especially Singapore.

    The only problem with HK of late is the photo chemical smog that comes over from all the factories in mainland China, but unfortunately it’s the same all over Asia now a days, it has seemed to become a fact of life.:(

    Are you having a couple of days in HK before you join the Gemini, you should take the opportunity if you can, also a couple of days in Singapore post cruise would be well worth any additional cost, given that you’re there?

    Where are you staying, are you doing the Package deal from Aus, at the Majestic in HK and the Park Royal Grand Plaza in Singapore?

    Anyway if you want to ask any questions you can e-mail me "BJC49@telstra.com” and I will be happy to answer if I can.

    Regards, BJ and Mrs C (Bruce)

    Did I tell you 73 days, probably not!:p

  2. Hi Tracey,

    Sent you the info I received from Star Cruises on the Shore Excursions for the full Asian Odyssey Cruise, these will give you some ideas from a Gemini perspective as to when, where and how much.:)

    I must say that the prices Star have quoted did surprise me a bit, the Kuching Primates Tour at $105SGD, which is about $90AU, Each seemed a bit steep!:(

    It is 7.5 Hours and you get lunch, a run around Kuching and a visit to a Pottery Factory, just what I need another Pottery Factory, but it is the same cost as the 11 hour Tour up to Hanoi, which looks good but don’t know how I’ll go for 11 hours, on the bus, off the bus, on the bus!:p

    Will definitely do at least one of the Ha Long Bay Cruises, might even do both, they say it is just a special place.

    It would be nice to hear from anyone who had done the Singapore to HK and return via Vietnam cruise last year, any one out there please let us know how it went?

    Anyway we will study the form over the weekend and start to firm up on what we want to do, let us know your thoughts?

    Regards, Bruce

  3. Hi Hazel,


    Mike and I were discussing the matter of DF in earlier posts, and while it is frowned on by most Cruise lines, it is thought not to be a hanging offence, providing one is discrete about it, wink, wink, nudge, nudge!


    We normally take a bottle of Gin and a small bottle of Bitters, then we either get the Tonic on board, and or take a few of cans purchased locally before boarding, the G&T is our method of combating Malaria, well that’s our excuse.:p


    We normally pop the DF into our big bags rather than our carry on, which most cruise lines x-ray as you board, I expect they do the same with the big luggage but we have not been asked to explain, well not yet anyway.


    Others have been known to put it into an empty soft drink bottle, and another “wag” we met on a cruise prints up his own label that says “Dr Smiths Rubbing Alcohol – for external use only for the relief of arthritis!” I must say that a couple of G&T’s as pre dinner drinks at night, as well as being an oral vaccine for the prevention of Malaria, I’ve not suffered from arthritic pain, so it must be doing some good!:D


    I’m sure they know what is going on, I know that I have accidentally left the bottle out, and our lovely house keeper has put it back in the place where I had previously “hidden” it before.:rolleyes:


    Anyway don’t worry the worst that will happen is they will confiscate it and give it back when you disembark, keel hauling and the cat of nine tails having long since been taken from the list of on board entertainment.


    Regards, Bruce

  4. Hi there All,

    Where are you Tracey, Mike, and even Vera who should be back from the last cruise by now, where are you all, what’s going on then?

    The Countdown is on in earnest to May for us, getting all excited again, especially as we had to pay for the rest of the Cruise this week!

    Will have to start thinking about what to take/ pack and the like, it’s so easy to get to the 20Kg’s, and that’s without all the stuff you bring back, any suggestions, like I know of people that take lots of old cloths and then start throwing them out towards the end so as to make room!:p

    Anyway lets get some chatter going on here please people?;)

    Regards, Bruce

  5. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your good wishes, and to you a happy, prosperous and healthy year of the “Golden Pig”, from all accounts a most auspicious year for our, soon to be born (April), second granddaughter to be born in!:)

    I picked up a little Pig, hand carved from Tigers Eye stone, from the Kek Lok Si Temple in Penang, which, I was assured, had been blessed by the Head Monk so as to provide life long blessings for her, when she arrives.

    Which I believed, just like when I was told that the Gold Rolex Watch I purchased from the stalls for $5 was genuine also!:p

    Anyway lets hope for better things this year for the rest of this crazy world, I’m sure if everyone went on cruises there would be no troubles and strife, as everyone would be having such a good time, what do you recon?;)

    Can’t find anyone other than Tracey and husband going on the Singapore – Hong Kong – Singapore Cruise in May / June, of which we are doing the second half.

    Also can’t get Star Cruises to allow us to pre-book Shore Excursions prior to the Cruise, like most of the other Cruise Lines do, which is a bit of a worry for us being the second half, it could be that by the time we get on in HK all the Shore Excursions will be booked by those doing the round trip!

    Any suggestions, thought I would e-mail Star and get an assurance that we would not be disadvantaged, what do you recommend?:confused:

    Best wishes, regards,


  6. Hi all,

    Back from a wonderful week in Penang, and I must say to everyone who calls in on the Gemini, you should take full advantage of the sightseeing available to you.

    Some tips for you, firstly don’t bother going to Batu Ferringhi Beach, there are much better beaches elsewhere on your cruise, and you can’t swim because of the jellyfish stingers anyway.:(

    Secondly, if you want to do your own thing in George Town there is a free Shuttle Bus right outside the wharf where I believe the Gemini docks, it is supposed to run every 15 minutes, but you will probably have to wait up to 30 depending on the traffic, hop on and do the full circuit, about 20minutes to half an hour, and then hop of (and on again) where ever you want to make a stop.

    Thirdly, take a taxi and visit the Kek Lok Si Buddhist Temple or as some call it the Monastery on Crane Hill, this is an amazing place, and well worth at least two hours of your time, especially with the construction of the huge pergola over the top of the Kuan Yin Statue, which itself is mind boggling.

    This is a project and a half, consisting of a number of giant pillars, there must be at least 16 or more, using pre-cast and sculptured concrete rings, about 2 and a half meters in diameter, and about 1 meter high, each weighing a ton, and I believe each column will have either 42 or 44 of these rings, and the carvings are just breathtaking such that when assembled they actually look like marble.

    It’s all mind boggling in the enormity of it all, mind you I have problems reconciling the tens if not hundreds of millions of MR that is being spent on it by a religious order with vows of poverty!

    However you can assist in its construction by paying 35MR to have one of the Monks paint your name in Chinese characters on one of the thousands of roof tiles that will be used, thereby you should enjoy blessings for the rest of your life.:p

    There are a number of Souvenir Shops strategically positioned within the KLST, such that you can not move from one section to another without you passing through one, where you can purchase just about everything, except watches, but then again we didn’t get to the bottom level, which all helps keeping the place ticking over.

    There are three levels, get your taxi drop you off at the middle level and climb the stairs up to where there is a chairlift up to the very top where the Kuan Yin Statue is, then work your way back down to the bottom.

    If you still have time while your in that area, a few blocks away but take a taxi, take the Funicular Railway to the top of Penang Hill, well worth the effort an 8MR for the return ticket.

    Then there is the Penang Botanic Gardens, but which are a bit small, so if you are interested in Gardens then I would recommend you visit the Singapore Botanic Gardens and especially the Orchid Garden that is within the SBG, that place is stunning.

    There are lots of little shops all over George Town where a keen bargain can get be had providing you can haggle, also a number of Malls, one I would recommend is right next to the Komtar Tower, called the Prangin Mall, well worth a visit, seemed to be more “locals” there which is always a good sign.;)

    Also, not that you are likely to be hungry, there are a number of Restaurants on most floors, we ended up in a Hong Kong BBQ Restaurant on either the 3rd or 4th floor, I had the HK BBQ Duck, Vegetable and Noodle Claypot, which was simply delicious and bl..dy good value at just 8MR, I just love Duck but no one will share with me at home!:rolleyes:

    Don’t know how long you get there on Gemini, but it will give you a taste, and you’ll probably want to go back for a land based holiday, as we have done a couple of times now.

    Glad to answer any questions.

    Only thing to say now is roll on May and the HK to Singapore Cruise, YES!:D

    Regards, BJC

  7. Hi Vera, Mike and Crusie-Gal,

    Thanks for your best whishes for our Penang holidays, it’s been a hectic time at work and I need the time away badly.:p

    Hope you have a fab cruise Vera, and the seas are gentle for you, sailed through some big ones over that way when I was in the RAN, another lifetime ago, anyway “smooth seas and a gentle breeze” to you.:)

    Don’t know if you read but we are on the first of Gemini’s HK to Singapore Via Vietnam and Borneo in May / June, we are only doing the second half, where as Tracey and husband are doing the full circuit.

    I note in the West Travel Section that they are still offering the HK to Sing half cruise but not the Sing to HK leg, however there are 2 more in ’07 to choose from.

    Trouble is if you wait until we get back to get a review of the Cruise, it will probably be too late to book!:eek:

    Anyway will catch up with you all in a week.

    Regards, Bruce.

  8. Hi Mike,

    There seems to be a resurgence of interest in Cruising in Austral/Asia, even your mates from the US are showing interest, including Celebrity, who we have cruised with the last 2 times.

    I guess that more and more people are looking for the “destinations” rather than just the cruise sea time, and besides how many times can you cruise to the Caribbean, before it all becomes a little ho hum!:p

    Don’t know if I mentioned, but it seemed so long to wait for the end of May and our Gemini Cruise, so Mrs. C and I are off to Penang for a week on Sunday, thought a little R&R was in order.:)

    We have been a couple of times since we first called in on the Gemini, many moons ago, we normally go to Bali for our short holidays, but we were there a week before both of the bombings, so decided not to push the luck, and Penang suits or layback style, besides I need a couple of new “loud” shirts for the cruise, much to Mrs. C embarrassment!:D

    By the way have you been to South Korea, thought it might be worth a visit in 08, are there any cruises going that way?

    Regards, Bruce

  9. Hi Tom,

    If you are looking for a longer cruise what about the Gemini Cruise, Singapore to HK and Return, that we are doing the return cruise section.

    From memory the full cruise is 21 nights, and our section is 11, and you get to do a full circuit of the South China Sea.

    Don’t know when you had planned to sail but there are 3 of these cruises in ’07, and I know there are still some cabins left on our cruise which is the first of the 3, in late May.

    Anyway we are certainly looking forward to our part of the cruise only time (and money) precludes us form the full cruise!;)

    Regards, Bruce

    PS. My first “Cruise” was as a 2 year old in 51, Perth to Southampton, on the P&O Himalaya, and the second was on the Orsorva back to Aus in ’56.:)

  10. Hi there Awbeg,

    Sounds like you have it well under control, when are you off then, we are in Penang at the Bayview at Batu Ferringhi for the first week in February, if you haven’t gone by then I will let you know what the beach is like, 12 months on from the tsunami.

    I have to agree with what Gayle said about Langkawi, mind you I haven’t been there for some time, I thought at the time the only reason that Star Cruises went there was because it is the home of the old ex-PM, Dr Mahatir Mohamad, could not see any other reason.

    If you do want something to do, I found the Galeria Perdana, where all of the awards and gifts presented to the good Doctor during his time as PM are on display quite interesting, there are apparently over 2,500 items on display and the splendor of it all contrasts so markedly to the tin shacks made from old oil drums on the other side of the road!

    Don’t know if you’ve been or not, or even if you have the time, but our lot went to the FantaSea show in Phuket, at the time as young people in early 20’s they thought it was well worth the effort.

    I was also told by those that did the sea kayaking that it was brilliant, and the snorkeling after and in the caves was a must do, from memory we did the elephant thing and were disappointed.

    Also if when you get to KL you find that the Towers are closed, get a cab to the Menara Kuala, KL Communications Tower, I think they call it the big pineapple, anyway we went to the top and it’s almost about level with the top of the Towers because it’s on top of a hill, anyway it’s well worth a visit.

    Anyway no matter what you all end up doing, I’m sure you will enjoy the Cruise.

    Regards, BJC

    PS. We are also looking forward to the $4.50 Happy Hour “Cocktails of the Day”!:p

  11. Hi there Awbeg and Family,


    I take it you find Black Bush more preferable to Tiger Balm then, a little Irish over the local product? I normally lash out when coming back from overseas, it’s about the only time one can afford an old single from the Highlands, I find it does wonders in relaxing aching muscles!


    Speaking of things medical, we normally like to use our tried and trusted anti malarial oral vaccine of G&T when we go cruising anywhere, even when we went to Alaska, you just never know where you might find a mozzie now-a-days!:p


    Now as for the Family going “dressy”, it is not a necessity to go too formal, the Gemini is just not that style of ship, however I do recall seeing “Men in Suits” and I seem to recall seeing at least one Tux, but that was the exception, and that was some time ago, however being “freestyle” it’s more or less left up to you.


    Mrs C and I are in our late 50’s and like the more formal cruising, which we get with Celebrity Cruises, where a Tux and Evening Gown is a must, however we also appreciate going, what some describe as “Country Club Casual”, when cruising on Gemini, especially in Asia as it’s just too hot outside for suits and it just doesn’t suit the more relaxed atmosphere.


    Anyway if you are not a Tie man you will only need one for the Captains Dinner, and if you don’t have a selection of ties, and if you are in Singapore prior to the Cruise, then go down to Clarke Key, there is, or was the last time we were there, a silk shop which I think it was called Isadora Silk, they sell stunning silk ties for about $3 - $5 Sing each. :)


    Now about the shore excursions, there will be someone that will probably answer this who has been more recently than we have, however for what it’s worth, while not having the passionate hate of organized Tours you have, we also like to do our own thing and use public transport, having said that the likes of HK, London, Singapore, and even Penang and Rome have wonderful public transport systems, and are simple and inexpensive to use, as such we would use them.


    However I recall that Port Klang to KL is 40 Km and took about 1.1/2 hours by the Gemini excursion bus, going via the scenic route, of course there are other methods, and this web site may give you another idea. http://wikitravel.org/en/Port_Klang


    One thing I will say however, on our Gemini cruise there was a family that in one port they went off did their own thing, I think it was in Penang, anyway they were not on the wharf when we were due to depart, and from memory they were given 10 minutes grace and then we departed, with them left to find their way to Phuket to rejoin us there.:eek:


    If I recall it’s as much to with the port costs, I think someone said that the extra 10 minutes cost Star 10,000 Ringgit, so they don’t wait for stragglers.


    Like you said, I would talk to your TA and get a recommendation, and or get on the internet and find a reputable Tour Company in Malaysia, and have them meet you on the wharf with a 8 seat mini bus and have them take you to where you want to go, and just pay for the vehicle and driver, and by specifying the time you want to be back at the port you have the safety of not relying on public transport.


    Again like you eluded to, the only thing I must say is up front tell them you don’t want to visit their brothers “Whatever” Factory, I don’t care where you go in the world, they all, including the Ship’s Excursions, will take you somewhere to relieve you of your money!


    As for the other Ports of Call, You could easily do your own thing in Penang, from memory just outside of where you dock is the free shuttle bus that does a circuit of George Town, get on to the Penang Tourist web site and get all the info.


    There are also a number of tour companies that will provide a mini bus and driver for a reasonable cost if you wanted to tour the Island, or go to specific places such as the Funicular Railway up Penang Hill or to visit Kek Lok Si Temple and the like, or just go shopping!;)


    From memory the place where we dock in Phuket was some distance from anywhere, but that may have changed, someone might be able to update you on what to do there, as well as Langkawi, can’t help with Krabi, as we didn’t stop there.


    Anyway I’m sure someone will assist you with your questions, and I’m glad the hear that you are all starting to get a bit excited about your holiday cruise, also keep the questions coming, anything that might help you to make the most of your experiences can’t be anything but a good thing, and most people who post here are very positive, which helps.


    Regards, Bruce

  12. Hi Gayle,

    Trust you had a good Christmas / New Year, hope you enjoy the Pacific Princess in a couple of weeks, we are off to Penang for a shore based holiday the following week, for us in Perth it’s cheaper for a week there, all inclusive, than to fly to Sydney!:D

    Regards, Bruce

  13. Hi there Awbeg and Family,


    Welcome to the Gemini Family, and yes this is the right place for your questions, there are a number of well traveled Cruisers here to help you.


    While not being as seasoned a Cruiser as others, for what it’s worth I believe that you probably could not have chosen a better way to start your cruising experiences, especially with a “family”, of various ages, in tow.


    I believe that the “freestyle” type of Cruising that Gemini has to offer fits your bill for most of your food and beverage criteria, and for you non-suit requirement, however there will be one so called “formal” night for the Captains Dinner, where at least a collared shirt and tie is required, and with the air-conditioning might I recommend a blazer style jacket that you can ware with this and open neck shirts.


    The “Little Madam” will have the pool but no Sand on Gemini that I am aware off, but when she goes ashore I’m sure she will find some to satisfy her needs.:)


    If number 1 Son brings his own Play Station then he needs no more, however from memory they have a Video Arcade for the “afflicted” on the Gemini!:p


    Don’t know how number two Daughter will get on with regards to “Foxtel”, they have TV on board but just what you will get I don’t recall, however it might help is she speaks Malay?;)


    Number 1 Daughter I am sure will enjoy herself to the max, there will be so much to do, would you believe we had about 100 plus year 12 girls about her age on our Cruise on a “School Camp” boy did they have fun, especially the Karaoke, and the Shows, and just making like a movie star out and about!


    If it is as good as our previous cruise on Gemini, you will not find fault with the food, and with the various choices should please everyone’s tastes, and if not just ask for something different.


    There are a number of Bars that will be happy to serve you your favorite tipple, and I am informed that the prices are reasonable, by “Hotel” price standards, and by the way, some people have been known to sneak on board a bottle of Duty Free “rubbing alcohol” for personal use in their cabins, although while this is not condoned by Star Cruises, it is not a “flogging” offence, just be aware they will x-ray your hand luggage, wink, wink, nudge, nudge!;)


    Cruising can be as busy and or as relaxing as you want it to be, and the cruise you have chosen, with a new Port every day, is one of the best you can do, I will be very surprised if ever one of the Family doesn’t thoroughly enjoy themselves.


    Hope this helps, and please free to ask any questions you have, the only silly question is the one not asked.


    Best Regards, BJC

  14. I have heard from Star Cruises and they said that SuperStar Gemini and Virgo will not be calling at Bangkok (Laem Chabang) until July of this year and feel that by that time they should not be affected, barring any unforseen circumstances.


    Thanks Mike, I will pass this on to our Friends, I am quite sure that SC take no chances with Safety, I am very confident Cruising with them.


    Regards, Bruce

  15. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for that, what is the matter with these people, what do they think they will achieve with all this death and destruction, the World is going to the dogs!:mad:

    Anyway a very happy New Year to you also, lets hope for a better year with less of this carry on, and lets hope all your plans and dreams come to fruition.:)

    Look forward to hearing of any news you get from SC.

    Regards, Bruce

  16. Just wondered if the bombings in Bangkok would impact on the various Itineraries of Gemini and Virgo?

    We have friends booked on one of the Virgo cruises that calls in to Bangkok, just wondered if anyone, especially Mike, had any knowledge?

    Regards, BJC

  17. Just wondered if the bombings in Bangkok would impact on the various Itineraries of Gemini and Virgo?

    We have friends booked on one of the Virgo cruises that calls in to Bangkok, just wondered if anyone, especially Mike, had any knowledge?

    Regards, BJC

  18. Ok all you seasoned Gemini Cruisers, Gayle, Mike and others, I know it’s probably considered vulgar but the question that needs to be asked is, what do the drinks normally cost on the Gemini?:confused:

    Do they have things like happy hours and or Cocktails of the Day, which, on other Cruise Ships like Celebrity, where they seem to want to make their money by charging like wounded bulls for their drinks, we have found to be a reasonable, cost effective way to enjoy a drink or two on board?:rolleyes:

    Also what is their wine list like and what would a decent Merlot cost, also can you bring your own wine with you, and then be charged a corkage?:)

    Now from these questions I would not like you to get the false impression that I, despite being an old Navy man, am an over imbiber of the drink, just that on occasions in good company one is sociable, and with the warmer climes of the South China Sea, an occasional ice cold beer or something exotic in a long tall glass is a must, purely to keep the fluid levels up of course!:p

    Any way would much appreciate your feedback if for no other reason but to get your feel on the social side of Gemini Cruising.:)

    Regards, Bruce

  19. Hi Tracey,

    I suppose some people tend to overreact to what might happen, bordering on Paranoia, but there will always be a need for a heightened state of cleanliness to prevent, and tight infection control should there be an unfortunate outbreak.

    However there is a limit, and as you say, if it impacts on your enjoyment of your cruise then why bother.:(

    I do have some concerns about the buffet style of eating, in that I have stood in the line behind some people who have handled the food, and by that I mean picked up food in their bare hands and not wanting it, have returned it to the tray / dish!:mad:

    I believe that many Cruise Lines now they only allow their staff to serve you from the buffet, rather than a help your self, which I don’t have any problem with.:)

    Also on Celebrity they offer an antibacterial spray on entry into both the Buffet and Main Dining Room, and most people make use of it, however it was not mandatory.

    I believe that most of the outbreaks happen despite the cleanliness and all the precautions taken by Cruise Lines, simply because people will pick it up ashore and bring it back on board, and there is nothing like and enclosed space and captive audience to ensure that it will spread.

    I suspect we are somewhat responsible by way of over sanitizing our life, our children and grandchildren don’t get out in the garden and eat worms any more, and everything is wrapped in plastic and has been sprayed with chemicals to kill of everything that used to help us build up a natural immunity.:p

    Having said that, we would never leave home when traveling, especially to Asia, without our bottles of Aqium Antibacterial Gel, and in the likes of Bali, it just becomes second nature to use it as appropriate!

    I think it’s simply a case of, as someone once said, “be aware, but not alarmed” and enjoy your cruise to the max.:)

    Regards, Bruce

  20. Hi there Hazel,

    Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to afford to spend a good portion of your life cruising, as such we would love to join you on the cruise, all I need from you is the Power Ball Numbers for next weeks Lotto!:p

    Oh well never mind.;)

    Regards, BJ & Mrs C.

  21. Hi there Dub Girl and Fiancé,


    It’s been a while since we were on the Gemini, In answering this question for another new to cruising, I think we mostly agreed that the vast majority would be "Baby Boomers", let’s face it we are the ones with the ways and means, you know, SKI Holidays - Spend Kids Inheritance!:D


    By and large Cruise Lines seem to "target" their market, based on their cruise style, from Formal, to Freestyle, and or Budget, also the cost of the cruise, and finally their destinations.


    The likes of Celebrity, who we cruised with the last two times, caters for Formal market, being mostly middle income, 50-60-70 year olds, with very few children, in that on both cruises there were no more than about 12 children out of nearly 2000 passengers.


    Gemini, with its Freestyle, "smart casual" approach to cruising, appears to be much more family orientated, and with an appeal to a wide cross section of Cruisers.


    However since moving her back to Singapore and with the longer Cruises and Destinations such as Vietnam being available, I expect its target market age would be Middle age, 40 to late 60’s.


    Be that as it may, I recall that on our Gemini Cruise, there was about 80 Year 12 Girls from a private Girls School in Perth, on their annual "Camp", I was thinking at the time, why didn’t we do that when I was at school, instead of camping out in the bush! :D


    I must say they were so well behaved, and they had a ball, the only complaint I had was that you couldn’t get near the Karaoke machine until after curfew at 10.30pm, and by that time I had lost the urge! :p


    Also I recall that there was a young couple on their honeymoon on our last Gemini Cruise, who we were able to help some, I by way of loaning Mark a collared shirt and tie for the Captains Dinner, and Mrs C loan something a bit "dressy", this being the extent of the "Formal" part of the cruise.


    Anyway you’ll have a ball I’m sure, no matter what the mix, and you will meet up with some wonderful people and age is no barrier to having a good time let me tell you. :)


    Regards, BJ and Mrs C


    PS. You are definitely posting in the right place, and please don’t hesitate to ask any questions, the only "dumb" Question is the one not asked.

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