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Posts posted by jayne62

  1. Good morning everyone! Great news to report! I'm down 25.2 pounds since December 30th :) This fitbit is awesome. I gave my kids my scale last Thursday because I use to weigh myself everyday. In the 6 days I refrained myself from weighing in I lost 4 pounds just following my fitbit and staying on track not worrying about numbers on the scale.


    well done on your weight loss!! thats wonderful!

  2. yes & no.

    we cruise for the destinations and for reason that cruising allows us to holiday without having to worry about trying to find food that is gluten free, spend hours in buses or cars, unpack every night and repack.

    The food is important to me because on a cruise I no longer have to worry about trying find a place to eat, on a cruise it's all there cooked for me and I know it's safe to eat. As someone who gets VERY ill if I eat gluten traveling had become just a stress until we went on our first cruise. So we cruise for the destinations, the total relaxation and ease of holidaying and because I can eat safely on board.

  3. hope you have a better week this week PTA.


    I stayed the same weight this week, which I can't really complain about after a big loss the first week. I also signed up for a free telephone coaching service we have in our state here so I start that on Monday. I'm hoping it will help me keep on track for the long haul.

  4. well done on the 2lb weight loss chell!


    and congrats mist_ynight! hope all goes well for you


    I was able to get a discount on our cruise price yesterday so that was good. I've had a bit of a flare up with arthritis so not much exercise happening here, but hopefully next week I can do a bit more.

  5. well it was great to weigh in this morning and see that I've lost 4.8lbs in my first week! :) so I'm really pleased with that. I'm going to do some more cooking today so I have meals ready to heat up - I find I do better that way.


    I've averaged about 5000 steps a day this week so my goal for next week is 6000 steps a day.

  6. I weigh each day as I find it helps me not put weight back on that I've lost, after a while I've got used to the daily fluctuations in weight so they don't worry me.

    I've been doing pretty good with my food, a few pieces of chocolate here and there, but otherwise OK. Not so good with the exercise though, I went for a brisk walk and it has flared my arthritis up so I won't be doing that again! I'll need to find some gentle exercise I can do.


    I have to say it's great finding this board where people understand the joy of cruising. I think half the fun is in the planning and looking forward to it. I'm already looking for 2015 lol!

  7. Hi pinknotes where do I start ?

    1. How did you get from the airport to the harbour ?(taxi,train,bus)

    2. Is their anything we should take on the boat or not take.

    3. Did you take the cruise tours or did you do your own thing on the islands.

    4. Did it cost more than you expected e.g drinks & tours.

    Is their anything else you would recommend thanks.



    We did our first cruise on Carnival Spirit last year and we loved it. We don't have kids but certainly there seemed to be plenty for them to do and the kids we met seemed to be having a great time.


    my suggestions below


    1. I would get a taxi from the airport much easier with the luggage and they'll take you right to the ships boarding area


    • 2. take lanyards for everyone, they are needed to put your card in and they cost about $7 on the ship
    • take reef shoes if you're going swimming or snorkelling, lots of areas where its easy to cut your feet or slip on the rocks. we bought them onboard for about $10, we just wore them each shore day after that
    • take water bottles with a wide opening, you can refill these at the drink stations, we did this each time we went ashore
    • take a small hand sanitiser pack and some small purse packs of tissues on shore, some of the toilets didn't have paper or soap
    • take a handful of coins ashore, there will be kids and islanders singing and posing for photos with their pets and you give them each a coin, don't give notes though, a lady near me gave a $5 note and it started an argument.

    3 we did the ship cruises and had a great time and was happy with the value for money. On one excursion we were late back by over an hour due to a transport problem, the islanders put on a lovely afternoon tea while we waited and we had a lovely time just chatting to them, we had no worries about the ship leaving without us so we could just enjoy the diversion.




    4 We found it very inexpensive but we don't drink alcohol and soft drinks or use the spa. My husband used the gym each day but other than shore excursions we didn't spend much, probably more costs with children though :)


    5. I think the kids would love Ekasup Cultural Village in Port Vila, it was really good! take sunscreen.The evening shows were great. Go to the information that Stu puts on, or check out the morning update on tv.




    I think the right attitude is crucial, some passengers just whinge about everything but if you just go with the flow and don't sweat the small stuff you'll have fun and meet some great people.



    have a great cruise!

  8. Welcome Jayne!


    Chel just got a fitbit too...I need to get one!


    No fat vegan? Do you always do vegan or are you just doing that to lose for the cruise? I don't know if I could do that. Good for you!


    hi bahama mamma, the fitbit has been great, it's just increased my awareness about what I actually do, which is different to what I think I do lol!

    I eat vegan at home most of the time, but when I'm out or visiting I don't. I also am celiac so I have to eat gluten free, adding the two together tends to cause difficulties for other people. I lost nearly 20lbs eating no fat vegan and really like it, once I added back processed foods and a small amount of fat my weight loss just stopped and I've stayed about the same for the last month or so.


    I weighed and measured this morning, stocked up my fridge and am in the right frame of mind to get back on track.


    It will be nice to be able to shop for a new cruise wardrobe eventually - what I want most is to wear something with a waist again!

  9. Hello ladies :) I would love to join you,

    just this morning I was saying to my daughter that I am not going to do my next cruise fat. I have about 70lbs to lose before mid September. It was great to find this thread and well done to those of you already losing weight!


    I have been using the fitbit for about 2 weeks and found it very helpful, it's made me much more conscious of the amount of steps I do each day. I plan on doing some cooking for the freezer tomorrow and then starting on Monday. I do best when I eat the McDougall way which is no fat vegan - lots of carbs and veggies.


    have a great day everyone :)

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