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Everything posted by ociana

  1. Nice! Was it just listed in your access keys when you logged on? I gave up being patient yesterday and called to get my bookings taken care of. The rep had to put me on hold while she reached out to a different team (not sure why we couldn't just call them directly) that was responsible for the FVC credits. After a three hour call we got everything but the free cruises taken care of from our two cancellations. I again wish there was more self service for this, but at least that step is done.
  2. As much as I am impatient beyond belief now that I have my rebooking strategy ready to go, they said to be patient and wait...so I am. My hubby's credit process was done in less than an hour, and submitted after mine, and mine has been over a week. Does it stress me out? Yup. Do I worry our planned rebookings and free cruises will get filled before get there? Yep. Do I know that their customer service team is doing the best they can taking abuse and anger from others? Certainly, which is why I am waiting for my turn. I encourage others to do the same.
  3. Ah yes, that makes sense for you. For us, we had a B2B that we applied sea blazer and FCC credits from our 2021 sailing of $600 per cruise and booked a sea terrace XL so our FCC between both cruises is just over $8k total. That will cover both of our 2023 bookings' remaining balances and leave enough to both book cabins on the same cruise in December that reuses those credits and allows us to take our adult children along...plus the freebies that we are going to use on Valiant for a similar B2B transatlantic. Overall, the cancellation works out benefitting us financially but takes away some ports we really wanted to check out and adds another round of coordinating logistics for me. Anyone try adding a sailor loot referral code when they do their rebookings? Technically I think that should work but am curious if anyone has confirmed success with it.
  4. Just to be clear about the year, you have to make the booking and apply the FCC to a voyage within 1 year from your original voyage sail date but you do not need to book a ship that actually sails by that date. I asked specifically about this because our cruise booking next year sails 3 days after the one we had this year.
  5. I agree! For all the younger generation targeting, the customer service and sales structure continues to rely on the telephone game and travel agents. I am in my early 40s and I would so prefer to do things online myself without having to work with someone on the phone. Let me choose my cabin, see my account history and available credits, apply credits when booking and all the other things...pretty please.
  6. Ugh, I was so looking forward to our B2B this fall. Time to figure out the best way to work out the logistics.
  7. That would be great! I have 4 bookings that I would be happy to share here.
  8. Oh thank you for the details of the rules! My booking was made 2/9/22 - I think that means I will need to be the referrer for either of you (or others reading this). I have multiple bookings currently and am waiting to figure out how to fix the link (it sends you to a different one right now) but will post here again and tag you both once I get that solved.
  9. Can you share how to correct them? I want to share mine but have multiples also. If it helps, I know how to edit a url 🙂
  10. We are booked on the same one. If you don't mind sharing your name with me I can call and add it for us to the existing booking.
  11. You are also quoted on their webpage https://www.virginvoyages.com/cruise-reviews The order of tiles change, so you may need to hit "load more" to see it. I am quoted in there as well!
  12. Kids games are perfect for drunk adults! We watched a group on our cruise playing a sloppy drunk game of hungry hungry hippos that was so entertaining it drew a crowd.
  13. Open up google maps on your phone and it will show you your GPS position. We did that when we cruised right past Havana to identify the large buildings we could see through the view finder on deck. Did you know there are view finders on deck? If not, go track them down!
  14. That reminds me! On our cruise the absolute cheapest and strongest drinks were at the bar in the first building you walk into off the tram in Bimini. Like 5 bucks a pop for my gin and soda with extremely long pours when you chat up the bartender. You may want to try there for some cheap drinks that day.
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