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Posts posted by cruisenewbie1976

  1. 1 hour ago, Dermotsgirl said:

    Expecting waves of infection isn't predicting doom, it's generally what happens in a global pandemic. 

    Expecting an end to it is also reasonable too as that also happens in global pandemics. All the signs are good for us here. We seem to be on the same path as Israel now, and their successful vaccine rollout has allowed them to reopen whilst still seeing a decrease in cases.

  2. 1 hour ago, Snow Hill said:

    Professor Danny Altmann, Professor of Immunology at Imperial College says the India Variant is very concerning and believes it will be escalated to VOC., so is he scaremongering?

    Imperial College have come up with some of the worst models throughout the pandemic, so I wouldn't automatically assume that a Professor of Immunology ISN'T scaremongering. You only have to look at Independent Sage to know what some professionals are willing to do to keep their names in the limelight. Professor Devi Sridhar is another. Dr Eric Feigl-Ding another. 

    I'm sure it probably will be escalated to a VOC, but that's still not a reason for us to start fearing the worst. The "Bristol" variant, which was reported as being "very dangerous" by various media outlets at the beginning of the year has not been seen since 1st March.


  3. 1 hour ago, jeanlyon said:

    It's not just on Sky News, it's on other news channels as well.  they have unbelievable numbers in India today.

    All the media have been responsible for scaremongering - it gets higher viewing figures. 

    There's undoubtedly a lot more cases than they're reporting in India, but important to remember that their population is also more than 20 times that of the UK. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Dermotsgirl said:

    I don’t think anybody is panicking?

    Most sensible people realise that we have got to be on our guard for some time to come.


    it just takes a highly transmissible variant that is more resistant to the current crop of vaccines to cause us a big problem. 

    Why anyone would dismiss awareness as scaremongering and sensible behaviour as panic is beyond my understanding 



    Because the original post was from Sky News, well known for being alarmist, along with most of the media. The suggestion in that post was also that it could affect the road map and international travel. It's not even been labelled as a variant of concern yet.

    So, I totally agree, we (or the scientists) should be on their guard and I'm sure they are. My point was, that we shouldn't think the worst when the media jump on the latest variant. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Dermotsgirl said:

    Have you forgotten the Kent variant already?


    I certainly haven't forgotten what it felt like last November when infections were going crazy locally and is now the dominant strain in the UK as it's more infectious.


    That doesn't seem like nothing to me.


    But if people still think its all scaremongering, then we are really stuffed..... and that's putting it politely 

    Exactly, and because the Kent variant is so transmissible, the others don't really stand much of a chance. The majority of cases across the world are now B117. We're going to keep getting different variants. We're also getting lots of people vaccinated. No need to panic! 

  6. 1 hour ago, janny444 said:

    When I was renewing my annual policy in Dec2020 my insurance company told me that I would be covered for all cruises already booked BUT if after the 1st Jan 2021 I booked a cruise that was on the FCO " ban  list we would not be covered. I asked the question that once the FCO ban was lifted would we then be covered. Their answer was " in that case they would have a look at the claim and make a judgement as to whether we had a claim against them. I still was unsure about the answer so they transferred me to claims department for clarification. Their answer once again was rather " woolly" but yes basically the same....they would judge each case on merit. I have to say that I felt very very unsure as to whether we would be able to claim. I wish they had said that yes...once the FCO ban is lifted on each country then you will have full cover....but they didn't say that.

    Also with visiting different countries and maybe some countries still under the FCO ban then the area becomes very unclear that if you have a medical incident which country do you come under....a banned one or a green light one.

    I think that would relate more to the cancellation element of the policy rather than medical expenses if you fall ill. 

  7. 2 hours ago, bungle66 said:

    Interesting and maybe worth checking and double and triple checking with your insurance provider. I have just been doing an internet search for cruise insurance and on the Travel Insurance 4 Medical site a box jumps up stating the following:

    Our policies will cover cancellation and curtailment if an insured person named on the policy documentation has a confirmed diagnosis of Coronavirus (COVID-19). You will also be covered for emergency medical expenses if you get infected by COVID-19 whilst abroad.

    No cover applies to trips if the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advise against travel to your destination. You can read the FCDO's latest advice here. The FCDO is currently advising against ALL cruise ship travel for British Travellers.

    If you cancel your policy within 14 days of purchase, you are welcome to a full refund - provided you have not travelled and do not intend to claim. Beyond 14 days you may be entitled to a partial refund. Please check the cancellation terms in your policy wording for details.


    In effect they will NOT provide cover for ANY cruise, anywhere for British Travellers!! Be careful and check you really DO have insurance cover.

    That won't be the case when these cruises go ahead though. They've already had agreement from the government to restart. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Charleyben said:

    With cruising starting up again at the end of June, I am interesting to know how the post pandemic experience will roll out.  The information currently being provided by P & O is somewhat vague.  For the first staycation cruises they say that ships will sail at reduced capacity without being specific and that there will be different dining arrangements.  Masks are expected to be worn in certain places around the ship but no further detail.  I appreciate that it is difficult for them to know how government policy will develop for the rest of this year but whether cruising will be a pleasant experience or an ordeal remains to be seen.


    it will interesting to learn how the costs of alternative dining and drinks prices will be set after the lay off and whether we can expect significant increases.


    We have taken the plunge and booked a staycation on Britannia in September and hoping we have made a good call.


    i would be interested to learn how CC members think it will all pan out.

    I imagine it'll largely depend on the government rules at the time of the cruise. Therefore, it's probably very difficult for P&O to give specific details. 

  9. 4 hours ago, jeanlyon said:

    My husband has his second one tomorrow.  Mine should be in a couple of weeks.  Interested to learn on the BBC News this evening that only 25% of 50-55 year olds have come forward to be vaccinated.  They are being urged to apply before appointments stop tomorrow.  Over 60s there is a 95% take up!

    Currently 60.5% of people aged 50 - 55 have had one dose in England. Think the BBC must be using old info. 




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  10. 4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

    Even with the vaccines P&O are saying that you must not have been told to isolate   before the staycation cruise by being in close contact with anyone who is covid19 positive.



    I suspect that will evolve over the next few months as the vaccine continues to be rolled out. The government won't want large numbers of vaccinated people isolating and not going to work etc, if there's little chance of them having caught it. Hopefully life will be a lot less restrictive by the time these cruises start. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, jeanlyon said:

    I find it odd that the crew are not going to be vaccinated.  So they are tested for 2 weeks and then they go on board.  There is nothing to say that us vaccinated people cannot carry it on board after an excursion or even Southampton, so then we could give it to the crew

    I'm sure Carnival would prefer them to be vaccinated but short of bribing a government to let them jump ahead of the queue, I'm not sure what they could do? 

    • Like 5
  12. 1 hour ago, CCFC said:

    If the home/foreign office still advises against cruising when you book the insurance it would appear to me you are still not covered. Only when they say its safe to travel the insurance will kick in. Not sure how P&O will spot this at check-in but it needs to be looked at> I have checked my HSBC insurance and it doesnt cover At Home insurance or having booked a cruise while the government says its not safe to travel

    Why would P&O want to spot that? If its true, they'd end up having to refuse most of the passengers! I'm sure someone has already looked into this and most insurance companies will cover you as long as you're not travelling against the FCO advice. 

    • Like 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, swjumbo said:

    What perks does one get on a P&O cruise in a suite? Is there a different dining room or bar? I can’t find any references anywhere! Thank you.

    You can have breakfast in Epicurean but that's about it in terms of different dining rooms, as far as I'm aware. You get a butler, canapés etc. I'm not sure of the other perks. 

  14. Just now, mercury7289 said:

    Do you want me to type out what the road map of England, currently say's again and again???


    Look further up the thread!





    That's not what I'm asking though. Don't worry, it's fine. We both know 😉

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  15. 3 minutes ago, mercury7289 said:

    Once again,I have posted what's written!


    And which you've previously said will prevent cruises operating from 17th May (subject to the roadmap etc etc). So if that's not your interpretation, where have you seen that stated? 


    1 hour ago, majortom10 said:

    No you dont but your interpretation is incorrect if what you are saying is true a cinema can open and can seat 250  but once 6 are in nobody can go in. 


    30 minutes ago, mercury7289 said:

    I am not saying it or trying to interpret it,I posted what it said!  It also made reference to numbers that can attend weddings and funerals at that time, which adds to the issue, by saying: At this stage,weddings,receptions,funerals and commemorative events including wakes can proceed with up to 30 attendees, a broader range of stand alone life events will also be permitted at this step, including bar mitzvars and christenings. 

    And further, the road map relates to England, people from Wales Scotland and NI have there own rules to deal with

    You're trying to apply for rules for a gathering of one group of people to a cruise ship full of lots of different groups of people. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, terrierjohn said:

    There is no way that hotels would be able open if they had to apply those rules.  I assume the hotel will not be asking you to share a hotel bedroom with a stranger, or share a table in the restaurant, or even a bar, except with members of your holiday party, as per the roadmap instructions.  So I see no reason why a cruise ship could not follow the same protocols as a hotel. 


  18. 1 minute ago, wowzz said:

    That is not a gathering. A gathering is an organised event - 30 random strangers in a park is not a gathering! 

    This is exactly the point I'm trying to make to Mercury! Nor is a cruise an organised gathering, or a theatre audience, cinema etc etc

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