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Posts posted by andiamo76

  1. Oops.  I meant to mention that.  Even more the reason to showcase wines on the Lisbon to wherever cruise.  They "are working on where to go" given Barbados appears to have a mandatory 7 day quarantine for those coming from - a list of countries, Portugal being one of them.  Hmmm.  Now I am generally pretty optimistic but I am also a realistic and believe in planning and organization.  So personally, I think I would have had some alternate plans formulated months ago given the current environment.  But perhaps while they have known of this for several weeks (perhaps due to the numerous posts about it), they too are being optimistic that surely somehow it will resolve itself in the 5 weeks until the ship docks there.  Alas, I have digressed from the topic.  Well, whatever happens we shall just hope it is something people find drinkable and a notch or two above 2 Buck Chuck.           

  2. Might be best to do some wine shopping before embarking if they let people bring their own onboard and drink it.  One would think for the cruises ending and for sure departing from Lisbon that they would have some good Portuguese wines and ports.  Hope springs eternal.  Well usually, but not with Atlas's track record thus far.

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  3. I agree with pretty much everything above.  Too many things simply don't add up.  Sure seems like a money decision to us, which is understandable in this environment (why get less for something when you realize there are people out there who will pay more).  But sure doesn't feel good to feel somewhat used.  Whatever.  We too will likely use someone else.  The Venture is lovely I am sure but I don't need to pay for the extra toys which I would think if they charge for kayaking they would charge for the Submarine etc.  At least I think the Venture has a little submersible.   The "luxury expedition ship" is quite the new game in town.  Guess that would be on the sea.  

    I have to say for all who look into using another line just DON'T pick Atlas!!  If you want to feel totally suckered and hassled then go for it.  They will certainly do that.  There are plenty of posts on rollcall and boards if you need reading material.  And that is just tip of the iceberg.  Oh.  Not good term to use.  


  4. Many good points shared above.  I for one want to be advised of changes as they roll along.  It gives me time to adjust our thoughts and plans.  It is preferable for us to find out as we go rather than learn through the grapevine or some time down the road, even though admittedly in this wacky time we are living in plans may and do change repeatedly.    We have come to learn through the grapevine that unlike more experienced lines which generally make several back up plans, there are some large and significant missing gaps in our Lisbon to Barbados cruise which seemingly currently have no plans.  Our attitude for now is that theoretically we should end up sailing somewhere in between somewhere and somewhere.  

    But then again, maybe others will, but not us as we just checked for our  flight reservations over to Lisbon to catch the ship, and see that we no longer have any flights.  When we last checked about 8 days ago, they were showing under the airline, but with a large red notice that if not paid for by the date shown (within the next 8 days), they would be cancelled.  Lovely.  So it appears Atlas took our money for the upgraded flights when final payment was made, but oops, didn’t pay the airline.  So now we seem to be back to trying to get flight arrangements made.  Along with wondering what happened to our money that Atlas was very prompt to take.  

  5. Joyce:

    I am also glad your wonderful photography skills were put to extra good use sharing your photos with all of us.   I am a quasi travel writer of sorts which started some years ago when a few friends asked me to send photos and comments as I travel.  The list has grown considerably over time, but it has proven to be a good way for me to keep a diary of sorts and go through my endless photos to delete many and scale down to the better ones.  So there is a benefit to me.  The trade off is that I well know about the enormous time it takes to put together and then send it out.  Not an easy feat with the challenges of internet while traveling.  And yes the internet in places like the fjords of Iceland and Greenland, is non existent at times.  So to you I say an extra big thank you for spending so much of your time doing this for all of us, along with researching and answering our questions.  It has meant to much to many of us as well as clearly prompting lots of interesting discussion and posts!

    I am pleased to hear how well Atlas stepped up to the plate with handling the change in plans, even though in reality they didn’t have much of a choice given the circumstances.  

    It is also good to hear they did appear to have somewhat addressed the far more minor issues of laundry and wifi.  It will be interesting from here to see what they do going forward for those booked and paid under the original “all inclusive claims”.  Customer service big or small is all part of what influences choices in who a person books with over the long run..  There are a number of excellent options already out there.  

    • Like 3
  6. Quite an adventure indeed.  I can’t thank you enough Joyce for all of your posts and pictures, answering questions and giving your honest thoughts and impressions.  Glad the infamous backpacks actually showed up!   


    I have to admit the Atlas did step up with the chartered flights and original plans for post and now pre cruise guests in Cairo.  Not sure they had much choice as this is quite a pickle so to speak,   From what I am hearing and reading it does seem the disembarking of anyone who tests positive in wherever they are, does seem to be the trend for handling that situation.  It makes one think about the itinerary one books on in a different light.  We have been thinking of a few places we have stopped at that could be challenging to say the least should one have to suddenly get off, hang out awhile and get home from there.   I am curious how the Atlas evacuation insurance will handle all this .... or not.


    I do have to ask if there was ever anything done about the “free” laundry misinformation and the wifi screw up, wiring issue or not, it needed to be dealt with and not just by happily charging people to use wifi.  While it is great to deal with the bigger issues like the ship turnaround and change of port for the cruise changeover, the devil is also in the details and small stuff as the saying goes.  


    Thank you again Joyce!  You are an inspiration to the rest of us to continue posting likewise and helping future passengers,  









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  7. RSSC is just one of many that honestly offer far more than Atlas claimed they would.  Meanwhile the silence is deafening and speaks volumes.  So sad.   


    Saddledowndani be thankful you didn't waste any more money than you did.  


    Great pictures Joyce!  I am into doors also.  

  8. Dear Mr. Aliberti,


    I have read your recent post regarding the laundry service and Wi-fi issues that have become a source of irritation to some of your current passengers as well as others of us who will be boarding the World Navigator in the weeks and months ahead.  I have also read the responses to your post by other members of the Cruise Critic community and agree with most of their comments. 


    At this point, explaining the cause of the miscommunication regarding laundry and Wi-fi services is not your biggest problem.  Your challenge is to take immediate steps to control the damage the miscommunications and misrepresentations are causing your new brand.  Telling your customers that their travel documents do not include the erroneous promises and representations made by your sales team and previously presented on your website, in my opinion, makes matters worse.  You seem to imply that it’s acceptable to make false promises in your marketing materials as long as the final travel documents reflect reality.  I think most of your customers, potential customers and the Cruise Critic community would disagree.


    You have an opportunity to lead Atlas Ocean Voyages out of this brand damaging fiasco by taking immediate action to address the problem.  Regarding laundry services, offer to provide a reasonable amount of laundry services free of charge to those currently on board and to future customers who are within the cancellation penalty period, or give them the opportunity to cancel their cruises without penalty.  Contact others who have booked future cruises based on the erroneous representations and inform them of what amenities are actually provided to give them a chance to re-evaluate the value proposition of their future Atlas cruise and to cancel without penalty if they so choose.  As to Wi-fi, the basic internet service should be offered free of charge without time limitations.  It may be slow, but that is much better than being charged for a service that was represented to be included in the cruise fare.


    You still have time to fix this, but time is running out.  I urge you to seize the opportunity.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  9. I couldn't agree more with all of this.  Unreal.  

    Meanwhile as I was doing laundry today naturally I kept thinking about all this and what I would pack given the bait and switch false advertising about laundry service.  It struck me how smelly the ship will get with people on  longer journeys and no laundry.  We now plan to pack our Columbia hiking clothes as they are great for easy wash and dry.  Also the washable exoficio underwear is perfect for this and very comfortable.  No need to worry about a nice upscale attire for such a luxury cruise line with no laundry. 

    The balcony should work just fine or draping it across furniture in the room in the event the weather isn't great for drying, especially as we spend 8 days crossing the Atlantic to Barbados.  Hopefully Atlas planned ahead for this so the furniture in the staterooms is luxurious formica suitable for wet clothes.  I am however adding to my shopping list to pick up some good clothes pins.  I saw really fun large ones  recently that should fit nicely even over the balcony.  

    Then it struck me that we are all being far too concerned about the laundry or lack there of issue.   Looking on the bright side, we don't need to pack nice clothes so we can always also do the throw away clothing where you wear it once, then toss it.  Usually I save those for my yard projects but what the heck, this will be a good use of those older worn or stained  garments.   

    I had a few loads of laundry to do so my creative mind kicked in and I thought I needed to think out of the laundry box.  So I came up with a few more ideas,  Why we could have some games like a bean bag toss where the drying laundry becomes the receptacle for catching the bean bag.  I thought of a few good articles of clothing for this but I will leave that to some of you to come up with.   Or perhaps we could have fun pool parties whereby we all wear our dirty clothes, lather up and jump in the pool.  The rooms sinks will be far too small so the pool should work quite nicely. 

    I began wondering if Atlas will provide bathrobes.  If they do then that really helps the entire issue as we can just hang out in their bathrobes.  Surely Atlas has a plan for washing those along with sheets.  Aha!  Another idea popped into my head - toga parties.  Again no need for clothes.  Then it struck me that perhaps we could really spark advertising for Atlas  -  the first luxury nudist cruise.  Now that really solves the issue.  At this point words of a song began popping into my head,  "what kind of fool am I....." And with that the dryer buzzed.    


    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  10. 1 hour ago, amunhbuu said:

    Do you have flights for 10/4 already?  I do not.

    I do.  It was a major hassle.  They have (to me) a very weird process for handling flight arrangements.  We originally were contacted by our TA in March or so as I recall that we could book flights at any time then.  I was heavy into researching and planning a driving trip around Portugal before the cruise.  Once I got it figured out I then contacted out TA with possible dates  and so began what ended up being about a 3 1/2 week ordeal to get flights.  They only wanted to check one date at a time and give me one flight option, sort of this is it, take it or leave it.  Asking them to check various dates or other options was like pulling teeth.  A 180 difference from any other cruise line we have ever worked with.  Eventually tired of the round robin between Atlas - our TA- and us, then back to the TA - then to Atlas, I finally asked to speak with their air department directly.  Not much better but at least it was one less step each time.  And actually there was a 4th party involved as the air department has to check with the marine department about the flights.  Huh?!  Go figure. 

    We finally got some decent flights "booked but not ticketed".

    Then with all the new Portugal restrictions and hassles we decided a few weeks ago to cancel the road trip and move our flights closer to the sail date i.e. September 29th or 30th and so began another very tiresome and frustrating round robin.  Another 13 days later with numerous emails and phone calls we finally got the new flights booked.  Supposedly.  The information from Atlas is not on anything official, more of a couple piecemeal emails.  The return flights (which we did not change) show the same seat assignments as previously shown but now the new flights over to Lisbon don't, just the basic flight numbers and class of service.  

    Needless to say I don't have warm fuzzy feelings.  My advice is to be proactive and stay on top of them.  Like daily contact if necessary.  I tried the be patient and cut them some slack method and am pretty sure that was a large part of the long dragged out process.  My bet is that my file went to the bottom of the pile as others stacked up on top.  Honestly who knows.  I just hope I actually have flights.

    Yesterday friends who had booked flights for a trip back in January went online for kicks to see how the airfare had changed or not.  They couldn't locate their flight anywhere.  So multiple phone calls, lots of hold time and 4 hours later they came to find out that it was a code share flight through Delta but on Alitalia which has gone under, thus no flights!    Delta had never notified them!   The takeaway is these are wild times, so we all need to stay on top of things and hope for the best but be prepared for potential chaos.  Not fun but so it goes for us passionate travelers determined to venture on.  

    Let me know what happens and when you get your flights.

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  11. Thank you so much Joyce for taking the time to post and even include some great photos!  It is greatly appreciated for all of us following along and curious what we may experience on our upcoming Atlas voyages.  This has been a great CC thread as I am learning a lot from all who have posted.  

    I look forward to reading more as your trip progresses.  Now to check if perhaps my new Atlas flight confirmations for the 10/4 cruise show my Loyalty # as everyone was hunting for earlier in this thread.  None of the other Atlas docs have it on there.  I need to catch up with all of you!

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  12. On 7/21/2021 at 3:32 PM, amunhbuu said:



    I have found them to not be responsive lately.

    Personally I have yet to find them responsive.  In my opinion, they have some organizational issues they will need to work on in order to effectively compete with the well run cruise lines in the higher end category that they seem to want to compete in.  Granted they are new and starting out in a very challenging and frankly bizarre time, but basic things like booking flights should not take up to 4 weeks, repeated phone calls and emails, only one date and flight option at a time....

    Hoping their first couple cruises go well and the kinks in the system get working more smoothly.  They must be pulling their hair out by now given all the endless changes.      

    • Like 1
  13. We too have now booked the October '21 Lisbon-Bridgetown, Barbados cruise & inauguration.  Sounds interesting, different and fun.  While we were intially told by our TA that suites included Business Class air, when we went to book we were then told no, all categories are only Economy Class.  Hmmm...  But of course we can upgrade, pay the difference and an air deviation fee of $100 p.p.  Will be checking into that shortly so we shall see how that goes.   Hoping this will indeed be special and worth it as this will be in celebration of my husband's 70th birthday.  We were also originally told that our booking included $300 SBC but again when we booked the following day it had morphed to be for pre or post cruise land programs.  Not sure what all that means nor what the "included shore excursion in each port", so I have more to learn.  

    As for how many ships of this size and type can the market nich they are going for sustain, thanks to covid their timing may be spot on as there may be an increased interest in being amongst smaller numbers of pasengers.   Ship space/passenger is also being looked at much more, which is part of what we took into consideration when booking our Galapagos trip - which of course has now been cancelled and moved forward to April '22.

    On a side note - speaking of new cruise lines, it will also be interesting to see what the new buyers (a VC group I was told) will do with Azamara.  I suspect we will all see a number of changes in the cruise industry ahead.  

    Now I will see if a thread has been started for the Lisbon sailing.  If not I will start it.  Not that we'll have much to plan given all the at sea days which we love.  Still it is fun "to meet" fellow passengers especially as we all embark n the adventure of a new company.  Some fun we'll have!  


    Mary and Greg from generally sunny AZ although it snowed here earlier this week.   Life is full of suprises.   

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  14. Interesting to find this thread, and very helpful.  We have booked our first Silversea cruise for Galapagos, April 15, '21.  Naturally we are somewhat doubtful it will sail but we are taking the wait and see approach.  Meanwhile we are mulling over our "back up plan" if Silversea cancels our April sailing so this thread has been very helpful to factor in this information in that decision should it come to that.  Now the policy we understand is either 110% FCC or full refund "of the cruise fare".  They were including the airfare and 2 nights in Quito, so what they would consider the amount to be refunded would be interesting to see.  Time will tell.  We shall just hope it sails and we don't have to go down that path.

    For a comparison: we also booked our first Seabourn cruise, an Antarctica sailing which we should be on currently.  In September, Seabourn notified us that they were cancelling their '20/'21 Antarctica season but offered to simply move our booking forward exactly as it was to the December '22 sailing or we could be refunded our money, by then paid in full.  Originally this would be the last season with this particular ship and itinerary which we especially liked.  The '21/'22 season would be on their new more razoo ship at a much higher price and far shorter more common Antarctica itinerary ie  rt from Ushauia.  However that ship will now be sailing in the North Sea in late '21 and they will keep the same ship and itinerary for next year so truly our entire trip was very simply rolled forward with EVERYTHING identical.  Amazing - same departure date, ship, cabin, price and promotional perks, itinerary, times in port.  Everything.  We were amazed and have to say quite positively impressed with Seabourn.  A nice way to start out.  Yes the prices for next season are now higher but for those of us already booked and paid in full we were grandfathered in so to speak. 

    It is very interesting throughout all this to see how companies handle what is a highly unusual situation but as has been pointed out does make one think seriously about how they pick and choose going forward.       

  15. Glad I found this thread.   We were booked on the 12/20/20 Quest Antarctica cruise which has now been moved forward to '21, thankfully still on the Quest and identical itinerary as the itinerary on the new expedition ship coming onboard next year (?) is quite different along with the price.   Personally I give Seabourn a lot of credit for pulling this off and think it is a good way to handle a cruise cancellation.


    At this point we plan to stay booked for next year, but are debating the risk of seizing the "pay in full by 9/30" for a 10% price savings.  Our TA told us in essence "Seabourn has made this kind of offer for a long time".   Having not sailed with Seabourn previously we have no idea if the agent is merely meaning it has been offered for months this year or has Seabourn actually had this kind of promotion from time to time over the years?   We pointed out to the agent that 10% is a heck of a return for us and very expensive financing for Seabourn.  Thus we question just why they are offering this 10% savings.  ie trolling for money from one customer far in advance of sailing in order to pay for current outstanding refunds?   


    Having been one of the competitor cruise line customers waiting for refunds from "C" and following that refund thread we know there is much speculation that may be what some of the companies are doing.   The big issue of course being concern about a company not making it through this massive financial hit.   


    Having read the last 5 pages of this thread it sounds as though SB refunds are being processed albeit some quite slow.   Or am I missing something?  





  16. Thanks for responding Fletcher.  Much appreciated.  Ditto re February seems the better route and more time for things to sort themselves out bit more.   I also read it can be one of the best months for whale sightings but again I have no idea how abundant and just when is best for that in Antarctica.  We were in Iceland last August and September and they and much of the wildlife were long gone.  Some good Northern lights at least.


    The November 7th sailing from Miami is tempting as we would avoid one long flight and it would also "buy time" for virus, cruise & port issues to do whatever they will do especially if Covid raises it's ugly head late in the year as many fear.  Flexibility is the key but I would sure hate to be on an Antarctica cruise that had port changes & didn't get to actually go there.  Given how cruise lines always have the fine print option to change or cancel ports basically with no recourse for the passenger, with the pricing of a "real" Antarctica trip (not just an around the horn), it would be a major hit & tough to take.


    Still pondering....    


  17. On 5/18/2020 at 7:36 PM, JodiandFrank said:

    When our November cruise (Lisbon to Barbados) was cancelled two weeks ago, I booked a November 2021 cruise (Lisbon to Miami...where I live).  Nothing out of pocket to do it so why not.  Today that new cruise dropped $1,000 per person...I contacted my TA and he rebooked at the new price.  With any luck there will be a vaccine, if not I will cancel next summer and wait forever for my money.   

         I also called Seabourn today to ask about my refund from my cancelled July cruise.  Today is 61 days since cancellation.  The man I spoke with, Frank, told me that they are working on the cruises cancelled on March 11, so I should be receiving my money soon.  Fingers crossed......

    Curiosity - do you mean your cruise THIS November 2020 was just cancelled by Seabourn?  We are new to Seabourn and looking at their Miami - Buenos Aires Antarctica cruise which supposedly (hopes)  to depart Miami on November 7th this year.


    Having read this thread I have some doubts about booking and paying up, but I also think there is a lot up in the air for all cruise lines.  We all are taking a gamble to book anything.  Once one has to pay the balance the stakes just get a lot higher.  For whatever it is worth, for all of you awaiting refunds from Seabourn it sounds to me like your long wait is common among many of the cruise lines.  We are waiting for our deposit refund from Crystal for a cruise we cancelled the beginning of April.  Friends are awaiting their cruise refund for a cruise cancelled by Oceania (who just raised $2.4 billion earlier this month)  which was to depart late March.  I think we are all in the same boat (pardon the pun) wondering which lines will survive financially which won't and how will service and quality change.  So hard to say, as we know there will be changes, but many of us love to be traveling and cruising.   It will come back!   

    Thanks for sharing your insights and thoughts.

  18. On 5/9/2020 at 8:28 AM, zelker said:

    We did the 24 day itinerary on Quest that included 3 days in South Georgia Islands which was amazing and we really want to go back there as well.  Would consider the Venture but not at the current price point.  


    We are new to Seabourn and are currently looking to possibly book the 24 day cruise including S. Georgia Island for either this December or the February 24, 2021 sailing.   We are also considering their 43 day from Miami departing (or hoping to depart) on November 7th to BA.  However that itinerary which has some strong appeal to us does NOT go to S. Georgia Island.

    Could you or anyone else out there please share your thoughts about S. Georgia Island?  I have heard from people who have been there that it is " a must", but I am not sure just why.  Thus it is hard for us to better evaluate how important that stop would be for us.  Any other thoughts you wish to share would be most appreciated.  If it is easier or preferable I may be reached at marycc1@cox.net.  Thanks!

  19. Just took Monica's tour about 10 days ago. Booked directly through her. It was great. She is a delight to work with. The North Cape Sightseeing and Blue-Puffin connection is confusing to me. Her card lists both but bottom line the website is blue-puffin.com as has been stated previously. Had a picture perfect day with clear skies and sun! Just wish we'd been able to sample some of the crab!


    Highly recommend this.

  20. Dave;

    About to leave for Norway. We have booked independent excursions in some ports. We will use in:

    FLAM - Norway in a Nutshell has been HIGHLY recommended by numerous people and sites. It takes the Flamsbana railway and does the Flam to Gudvagen cruise both of which are highly recommended. Booked through fjordtours.no

    OLDEN - Easy to do on your own. Planning to take Loen Skylift and the hike to the Briksdal Glacier.

    HONNINGSVAG - booked North cape Tour with blue-puffin.no

    STAVANGER - booked Lysefjord cruise through rodne.no


    Definitely get on it right away as Norway is very popular and things sell out quickly. We just booked a month ago for a July 1 cruise. It took some digging to line things up and even research just what we wanted to do and could do in the time in each port. So much to see and do!


    Have a super time!

  21. We will also be in Honningsvag this summer and I am planning to book the tour by KO Sand, which is recommended in other threads here. It also gets excellent reviews on Trip Advisor, which I have linked here because their website has been down for a while. Unfortunately, one of the owners just had a baby and the other is traveling, so they haven't gotten it fixed yet but hopefully they will soon.



    I may very well be far too late for this as you have likely sailed -

    Monika and another guide from KO Sands have now started Blue-Puffin.com for North Cape Tours. Just booked one for this July.

    Have heard there is a link from the former KO Sands tour info on trip advisor.

  22. Given all the talki about compression bags here I just have to post regarding Packing cubes which is another alternative. Fabulous also for organizing things. I'll save the description - google or find on Rick Steve's website. I have also found them at Home Goods/Marshalls on occasion, different brand but the same concept. I fit a lot into a bag, no wrinkle issues. They also come in various sizes.

    Highly recommend them. Have told several people about them and now they too are fans.

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