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Posts posted by Melicious23

  1. We will be on our first trip on Enchantment in December. Our three day cruise is only in Nassau from 7-3. If we miss Cococay, will we spend more time in Nassau? Also, are the windjammer, park cafe, Viking lounge, and main dining room all kid friendly? Our toddler will be travelling with us. Thanks for all of the information and I look forward to reading your full report!


    I was on a 4 day and we skipped Coco Cay and got to Nassau at 3 pm and stayed till 11:30 pm the following day. I'm not sure how it works on the 3 day.


    I feel all of those places are kid friendly. The only thing I have to say, and I mean no offense, is that we loved the Viking Lounge because of how quiet and peaceful it was and I believe everyone else in there felt the same. Most people were having hushed conversations or were reading. You may get some looks if your toddler is not quiet. I don't have kids yet myself but I know sometimes toddlers aren't good at sitting still and being quiet lol. But then again it is your vacation so of that's where you want to spend time then by all means please do! That is just my general feel about that lounge when we were in it. It was my first cruise so I am only speaking from limited experience.

  2. We just got off the Enchantment too! Had a great time. Truly better than we expected. LOVED Park Cafe and the entire Solarium ambiance. I'm planning on writing a mini review as well to highlight the superlatives of this cruise. There were many! :)


    About missing Coco Cay: This was the only thing that was mildly irritating. NOT because we missed it, but because of how the information was disseminated. We were mentally prepared to miss this port long before we got to the port. We knew that a hurricane was forming just north of that area, and the forecast for the Berry Islands was calling for 30 knot winds, 20 foot waves and heavy rain before we left. I remember telling my wife the day before the cruise: "I bet that we are not going to Coco Cay and we end up docked in Nassau overnight", which we did.


    But it made me scratch my head when we boarded the ship and they were still hyping and getting people excited about Coco Cay and the fabulous day ahead. Made me wonder if the forecast that I read was wrong although the Captain did briefly mention an area of weather that we'd sail through to get to Coco Cay.


    But sure enough, we woke up to heavy rain, lightning, choppy seas and strong winds. And that's when they finally made the announcement, at our scheduled arrival time, that we were not going to Coco Cay and all excursions would be refunded. As if the weather had just sneaked up on them at the last minute and surprised them. :confused:


    I fully understand missing a port due to weather and I know that it's just part of cruising (it wouldn't be the first time I've missed a port), but what I don't understand is waiting until arrival time to inform people about what they knew all along, before we even departed Port Canaveral.


    As mentioned before, not a big deal, just mildly irritating. We still had an awesome time on this cruise. :D





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    I agree that was a little irritating. I was woken up by the thunder and assumed we wouldn't be making it to the port. We had room service scheduled for 7 am and the person who delivered it told us we would be skipping Coco Cay. It wasn't till a while later that the announcement was made.


    About the announcements - It was also a little annoying that they can't be heard in your room. I know I wouldn't want every announcement played in the room (Especially Bingo Bingo Bingo!!!) but I think the plans to miss a port would be important enough to play. I was able to faintly catch the announcement since I am a light sleeper and had to prop open the door in my underwear to hear it lol.

  3. Can't wait for your review! We are planning similar activities in Nassau on Enchantment in December minus the beach. I was wondering how the sunset catamaran sail was. We love those and $35 looked like a good deal and a fun thing to do before dinner.


    For 35 we loved it! The champagne was cheap and the snack was a bag of Wise potato chips that most people didn't even take but that didn't bother uso. I have tried a few times to post pics but it won't work from my phone. The views were amazing and there were only about 20 people on it. Just as an FYI a few people complained about the walk from the ship to the catamaran. We thought it was fine but other people thought that they deserved an air conditioned bus :rolleyes:

  4. Did you go to any of the shows? What were the evening activities like? Thanks


    We didn't go to any of the main productions but we saw the Battle of the Sexes and Love and Marriage game show. We thought they were hilarious!!!! They are rated PG13 for sure. There was a lot going on at night depending on what your interests are. The night of Nassau there was a really fun sail away party starting at 11 pm with a buffet, dancing, and a DJ. We went to the deck above the pool for a great night of people watching.

  5. What restaurants/dining rooms did you eat in? Any recommendations for quiet areas of ship to zone out? And did you do on port of call stops? Thanks!



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    We did My Time Dinning for some lunches and dinner, Windjammer, and room service. Never made it to Park Cafe and knew ahead of time we wouldn't be doing Chops. We did noticed that the last night of the cruise that the Windjammer seemed to have some of the same items as the Main Dinning Room had for dinner. I wasn't a fan of room service breakfast so after the first morning we just got coffee and juice then went to one of the restaurants later. Lunch at the Windjammer was a mad house so I would suggest going early or late.


    Our favorite quiet spot was the Viking Lounge! It seemed like no one knew it was there. We hung out there for sail away and many other times. Great views, quiet, and great AC. They won't allow you to bring food up there but there is a bar for drinks.


    Sadly we missed Cococay because of bad storms. In Nassau we checked out Graycliff and did the chocolate and cigar tours, John Watlings for the rum distillery, spent a few hours on Junkanoo beach and then went back to the ship for dinner and showers. In the evening we took the sunset cruise we booked through RCI and loved it. If you have specific questions about any of the things we did let me know and I can go into more detail!

  6. Hi! A few hours ago my Enchantment Cruise ended and I am spending a few days in Orlando. If anyone has any questions please let me know and I will see if I can help! This was my first cruise and CC was such an invaluable resource during my planning and I would love to pass that on, even with my limited knowledge ;)


    I will be posting a full trip report with pictures once I return home which will include some of the compasses and drink menus. I may have some of the pictures on my phone if anyone has any specific questions about those.

  7. We did this excursion in April and loved it! We did not want to do formal night and decided to try this instead. There were around twenty people on board and we sailed through Nassau harbor and past Paradise Island. Then we stopped and turned around to watch the sun melt into the horizon. It was awesome. They gave us champaigne but there was a cash bar onboard as well. There is a restroom too. It is from 6-8 pm and we went straight to the Windjammer to eat dinner when we got back to the Enchantment. We had plenty of time to catch all the shows.


    Thanks for the info! Do you remember where in Nassau the boat picked you up? None of my travel documents specify anything about my booked excursions, other than a confirmation that it has been purchased.

  8. From my reply to an earlier thread about making it to formal night...


    We did the Sunset Catamaran Champagne cruise on Enchantment in May 2013...


    It was wonderful, we had a great time, are planning it again on Majesty in October and also Enchantment in Feb 2015.


    We were concerned that we would miss formal night also, and kind of wrote it off. We had MTD and the dinning room was open later.


    Plenty of time to change duds and head on down. A perfect end to a perfect day!!:D


    Thanks for the reply! Were there a lot of great views of the island?

  9. Curtain. I know someone said if you got the rooms in the stretched part of the ship they would have a door, but that is a definite NO!!


    The first curtain was the flimsy attack one. Our cabin attendent changed it out on Day 2 (it was nasty looking). The new one was a little heavier and didn't cling near as bad.


    Thanks! I have read that the stretched part isn't actually in the center where the panoramic rooms are, it was more off center. I thought maybe they updated the showers when they added those rooms. Oh well. I am prepared to fight the attack curtain! :p

  10. Thank goodness someone agrees with me!! I was beginning to think I was a crazy. That walk is long and hot! If you are lucky enough to be docked in one of the first berths then it's not so bad. But if you're in one of the last couple of places forget it! Doing that walk once each way is plenty for me.


    I think maybe some of the responses were more for other ports than Nassau.


    Wow I'll have to look up how long the dock really is. I don't mind walking as long as it a reasonable amount.

  11. Sorry it didn't work out, but I appreciate you reporting back.


    By the way, why would you be losing the OBC?


    Honestly I'm not sure. I didn't push the issue since I decided to not change my room because of the loss of part of my companion fare discount. The person that told me that didn't really seem to have a full grasp of the policy and I was quickly transferred so I have a feeling that might not have been correct.


    Either way, I am still counting down the days (19!) until my first cruise and will have a great time regardless. It was worth a shot!

  12. Alright I got it resolved. They do re-evaluate the discount if a room change is made. Since I am within final payment I would be charged the full price of the balcony while my companion fare discount was resubmitted at current pricing through the rewards department. So my discount would decrease by $150. I would also lose my $50 OBC I got at booking. I know there is a business reason to why they do this, but as a consumer I'm a little bummed. It's only $200 but I'd rather use that for an extra excursion or something. I'm going to keep our current room which is one of the panoramic rooms on Enchantment. It will make me that much more excited for our balcony on Indy next year. :D

  13. I am currently on hold with RCI while they try to figure this out... figured I would post here to see if anyone has any insight. I'm up to 45 minutes and getting a little antsy :p


    If I change my OV cabin to a balcony will that affect my free companion fare discount? The reason I ask is because when I booked the value of the free companion fare was $499, or the price of the lowest available OV. Now the lowest available is priced at $349. I was told to change to a balcony my reservation would have to be re-booked and the companion fare may have to be re-applied for. Does anyone have experience with this? I found some posts on here but there are from 2009 and I wasn't sure if the policy has changed.

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