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Posts posted by bess128

  1. Hi Hannah Cathy, and Hayley,


    Welcome back Hannah glad you enjoyed the cruise except the flu part !


    3lbs-4lbs is not a bad gain you will get that off in no time.


    I gained 17 lb from end of October to the beginning of January and I do to have an excuse just eat a lot, did I enjoy it no in the end got fed up if food!


    Lost 5lb last week though .Only 19 weeks to cruise so at 2lb a week that's 2st 10lb goal. Countdown begins.


    Have a good week

    Nic :)

  2. Hello,


    I hope everyone had a good Christmas .I never got back into gear after my trip to Krawcow at he end of Oct. I will rejoin next Saturday and I have five months to the end of May to my cruise so no excuses any more .


    I have come to the realisation that eating rubbish upsets my system and makes me feel sluggish so why do I do it to my self ?


    Happy New year



  3. Hi Hannah and Cathy ,


    I am back from my hols and my 40th celebrations and put on 6lbs.On the plus side I enjoyed myself.Kracow is fantastic and really inexpensive when you get there.


    The plan us to stay in track for the next 5 weeks and hopefully loose 10lb then after Xmas the gloves are off and the fight is on to loose as much as I can for our cruise at the end of May.


    Onwards and upwards we can do it !



  4. Hi Hannah and Cathy,


    I have had a good couple of weeks and managed to reach my 2 stone goal.Off on hols on Saturday but plan to be good until then.



    Let's all keep,going until Christmas who can loose a stone before Christmas day?



    Have a good week.


    Take care


    Nicola x

  5. Hi Hannah and Cathy,


    Holidays are meant for a little indulgence enjoy any thing can be undone afterwards.After thinking I was being oh so good and polishing my halo I only lost 1.5lb in two weeks.


    This week back to basics writing things down I think I just got a bit complacent .I only have two more weigh days before my mini break and want to hit my 2 stone award.


    Also was rear ended to day so a bit sore but have managed to not comfort eat so far :D


    I find drinking lots if water helps me x

  6. Hi Steff, really enjoying your review. I would be the one eating the bratwurst or curry wurst given the option. I have lived in Germany for a few years on and off my dad was in the army and I was born in Hanover.I love Germany and miss the food although you can get much of it in the Uk now.On on trip to Berlin last year for the Christmas markets I must have gained at least 4 kg.Also love ice cream with hot cherries or raspberries.I last lived in Germany as an adult without my family in Gutersloh not the most prettiest of German towns !



  7. Hi hubs and Molly Mariner , I had my weigh in today and lost 2lb so trying to stay focused.We can all do it ,it is not easy but Xmas is a huge motivator.off to pick some blackberries a it of body magic.Going to try and make jam from them not that I will be eating any Honest !


    Have a good week


    Nic xxx

  8. Hi all I am on SW and have a fair bit to lose before my cruise next May On RCI Splendour OTS. So far I have lost 18 lb have at lest another4 st to lose..I tend to take the long and winding road approach it will come off but I am not going to be miserable on the way.Only blip in the way before Xmas is my 40th going away to Krakow for a couple of days :D

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