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Posts posted by Tampa8

  1. I don't know specifically about the World Series but I wouldn't say it is doubtful. On the Dream they had ESPN on often on the Pool big screen. I realize that isn't a game being shown but they obviously do think people are interested in sports.

  2. The worker isn't quarantined. It is voluntary isolation and there are NO symptoms.


    All but two passengers visited Belize as normal.


    It is much ado about nothing.


    If the CDC recommends additional screenings I'm sure there will be but is unnecessary.


    As others are posting that is 100% false as no one was allowed off the ship. And I give Belize full credit for taking this action.

    Much ado about nothing is the thinking that will get more people infected than needed.

  3. The flu killed about 36,000 Americans last year, alone. Ebola has killed a bit more then 6000 since 1976. While there are vaccines for the flu, evidently they do not work 100% of the time, nor does everyone get vaccinated. Did you know that between 1918 and 1920 over 100 million died worldwide of the flu? I say you have a greater chance of contracting the flu and dying of it than you do of contracting Ebola.


    Out of the hundreds of people that Mr. Duncan exposed, only 2 have proved positive for Ebola. Two. Not even his family have developed symptoms and should be leaving quarantine soon. We will have to wait and see if the 2nd nurse did infect anyone during her trip to Cleveland. She did have a low grade fever, so its possible. .....



    That is the thinking that would let Ebola start to run wild here. Your analogy is not one that can be made. The chances of getting the flu at this time here in the U.S. is much greater than getting Ebola, true. Not true in those three African Countries where they did not take strict steps to stop it. The chance of someone dying from getting the flu is negligible in even a somewhat healthy person, those that die generally have other or many other issues. The chance of a healthy person dying if they get Ebola is extremely high, far far more sinister if it gets spread. Comparing the two is fooling yourself. I pray no one at the CDC or at hospitals think the chance of getting the flu is worse than the Ebola virus.


    It doesn't mean people need to panic, and even with the mistakes being made here and the somewhat casual attitude (in my opinion) of some who have been in contact with it, I do believe it won't spread here. But all those who are now questioning going on a cruise at this time, or have decided not to, I totally understand , and it's healthy (literally) to take such a cautious approach. Equally those that have weighed the facts and feel it's safe to cruise, I understand that too. It isn't something that is a clear answer for everyone at this time, and having someone who possibly had direct contact with a patient's fluid on board a ship now isn't making my decision to go or not any easier. If the travel ban that has now been put in place is followed, that certainly eases my thoughts on this.

  4. It appears Connecticut may have one case of Ebola, with a second person being closely monitored. Two medical students from Yale (Yale New Haven Hospital) returned from Sierra Leone a few days ago, DID CONTACT the CDC and were told if they had no contact with anyone having Ebola they did not need to be isolated. Both have been monitored by doctors anyway and one now has a fever and is being treated as having Ebola until tests can be conclusive. The second student has no symptoms. From all reports these two have been very responsible and the symptoms were reported immediately to the Doctor.


    On the ABC affiliate there was mention of travel restrictions and cruises were mentioned (Not singled out) as wondering if anyone is screened if they were from or traveled from those African countries.


    As for the 2nd Nurse - I alluded to her in another post here, she is the reason I most concerned, unlike the two medical students in Ct she had no regard for the dire effects she can cause, and there are surely more like her.

  5. My cruise on the Dream was as the others described for the Breeze, thankfully the other entertainment such as the comedians was very good. I am cruising on the Breeze next month, not expecting anything great for the main entertainment. It's a shame, at one time the shows were very good.

  6. While I agree with you, however it is happening Ebola is getting to at least three continents. However two cases as you say in Africa is not the same as two cases in the U.S. Even with some mistakes being made, we are a gadzillion light years ahead in containing something like this. Partly this is because of their belief system there, not believing their government, and widely not agreeing to be quarantined not just one or two people. Add to that a vastly different and inferior health system. If we don't take it very seriously it could spread here of course, which is why I think the news reporter and possibly 2nd nurse who did not do what they were asked should face some kind of punishment.


    What if that Nurse went on a cruise instead of flight?

  7. Thanks to all those with medical knowledge who have replied.


    One question - does hand sanitizer (sp?) like Purell or triclosan kill ebola on surfaces? Or is it bleach only?....



    Generally Hand Sanitizer kills bacteria (Germs), not viruses, so they can not kill it. I do believe there are some labeled that can kill viruses. I do not know how effective they are. I believe Purell Advanced is labeled to help kill viruses.

  8. Anyone who thought this wasn't big deal for the Caribbean or that cruises won't be affected, just in the last day it appears there are more and more concerns. What I posted above, and now this;


    "leaders from the Caribbean and Central American countries are voicing concerns because many vacationers will be traveling to and from the islands, often without going through airport screenings the U.S. is putting in place."


    Again, Public Radio discussed that some Islands are going to be very vigilant in who can enter, I have to assume that means from Cruise ships as well as via air.


    This can all be taken as a positive however, the more areas like the Caribbean take it seriously the better chance an outbreak can be prevented or contained.


    Yes, good explanation, much expanded on my answer, and highlights you don't get it simply by breathing, but it has to be from direct contact with fluids from an infected person, which does include sneezing and it reaching into your eyes or mouth for instance.

  10. So, I am sure there are PLENTY of you that remember the movie, Outbreak.

    Early 90's maybe?

    Remember that scene in the beginning, in the movie theatre, when someone sneezed, and they showed the droplets spreading in slow motion?:eek:


    Is this what you refer to you when you are saying this is not an "airborne" illness?

    Meaning, if someone sneezes, and you walk through the "mist":eek::eek: you cannot contract it?


    This whole outbreak just reminds me of that movie, and it was Ebola in the movie too!!! But it was the monkey that had it.


    Qualified answer, yes you can get Ebola that way. But not because it is airborne, just breathing in a confined space won't infect you. However should the mist get into your eyes or mouth you can become infected.

  11. After reading here for years I finally joined.

    Comparing Ebola to the flu is fooling yourself. Your chances of dying from the flu, even elders is very slim. From Ebola extremely high. We are going on our 8th cruise in November this time on Carnival. I admit we are somewhat worried, more as time goes by, but mostly because people are not acting responsibly.

    The reporter who was told to stay in her house put people at risk by leaving it. The 2nd Nurse who now has Ebola went against what they were told about traveling and flew, now endangering all on that flight, at the airport, and if anyone does get it, whoever they come in contact with after getting it.


    I have no doubt some people who know they are at risk will continue to ignore what they are being told and travel, and no doubt someone at sometime will get on a cruise ship. It may or may not be someone from this Country.

    However, the same can be said for any form of travel, staying in hotels etc... So I guess it comes down to not traveling at all, keep contact with people at a minimum, or continue as in the past until there is actual reasons not to travel or cruise not just possibilities of why not to.


    It is a very good sign that the incubation period is almost over and no one in the family of the person from Africa who died has become ill. It is scary but more understandable that a caregiver would get it. The only question is how and hopefully because they came in direct contact somehow as that would explain it.

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