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Posts posted by CallistaSkye

  1. The windjammer thing sounds so fun! You should totally do it!


    We survived the 11 day cruise! The people and the crew were great. But it was a casino giveaway cruise, so it was sooooo full of smokers and the whole ship reeked of cigarettes, even when we were swimming in the pool. Also apparently no one on there learned how to close a door without slamming it. But our toddler was treated like royalty, we got some amazing family photos, she got like 25 of those rubber duckies that are a thing and somehow we had never seen at all before, a hotwheels motorcycle. How did we miss the whole duck craze? It got to the point where people forgot they had already given us duckies for her and we had to decline because we literally couldn't fit anymore in our luggage. I gave away 3 of them to people on the cruise boards who were asking for them for their grandkids because before we found any we went to the kid casino/arcade and they had a machine there.

    We ended up booking a musher dog excursion so she could see dogs because she loves puppies, an excursion to the Ketchikan lumberjack show which is was entertaining but we learned they REALLY do not like jaywalkers there. We got yelled at twice while walking to try to find somewhere to eat, even though there were literally zero cars anywhere near us.. I'm a professional jaywalker because it's legal in CA, ironically.

    St Ruperts has a playground right off the ship at the park, so we used that for our excursion and it was great! I walked over to walmart and got some kinder eggs and candy. The food on Carnival Miracle was some of the worst cruise food we have had. We learned we do not really like that ship. It's just a little too small for us personally. But, it was still a cruise and we still did not have to cook so it was fine. Also our toddler loved the soft serve machine and recognized where it was after a few days and would walk up to it and say Can I please have some Ice Cream. She was living her best life lol. Cruising with a kid is absolutely a whole other deal compared to before having her. But we did it! Next is November and then April is Disney!


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  2. 5 hours ago, mommio said:

    Sadly, cc fraud is abundant. We had a year with a false tax filing with IRS that took a whole lot of time to get corralled. We sent (again) our paper return and got an email that we owed $XX,XX. We did not. There is no communication between departments. 

    We got a call from IRS, the young woman said it’s just $XX.XX! Just pay it and be done with it!


    Needless to say my mind went into overdrive thinking of how not to say anything I didn’t want to be used against me. 

    We have all our cards monitored



    That's awful I'm sorry! Yes, I have freezes on my credit thankfully. I already know my info has been stolen several times, and at this point they have pretty much all of it between all of the different data leaks. I just was notified that one of my emails and passwords is on the dark web, so I have changed all my passwords. It's just so annoying that people do this. Once I found out my password leaked because I accidentally had typed my email and password into google, and it brought up a search result of a list of emails and passwords, and that exact combo was on it. I made my ancestry tree private too because I realized that all of the info on there were things that could easily be used to steal my families info. It's just sad that you have to even think that way now.

    • Like 9
  3. On 7/19/2024 at 10:56 AM, TravelGirlinDallas said:

    Ugh. Had both of our CCs (same acct, different numbers) declined in Bonaire yesterday, figured it was just something due to being in another country. Then later got a letter from guest services saying they can’t charge our daily gratuities anymore. 

    I checked the CC app and see multiple fraudulent charges both declined and accepted from “TikTok shop”, (I have never bought anything on TikTok) so that’s why our account is frozen. GREAT. We have wifi but we can’t make calls to get this sorted.


    Brian went down to guest services to give them another CC to use, but they actually let him call the first CC company and get that all straightened out. The bad charges are removed, a new card is on its way to me, and now we can at least use his card while we are traveling. I’m so glad he was able fix it now instead of 2 days from now when we are back in FL. But dude, super-inconvenient timing for fraud to happen.


    And now I’ll have to redo allllll of our automatic charges that were coonected to my account..  😩

    I had the same thing happen. Same store. They charged $30, and my CC texted me to ask if it was me. I said No and they issued me a new card. But I'm waiting for it to get here and will have to update all our cruise stuff again now. Sorry you are dealing with it in the middle of traveling! What a pain.

    • Like 5
  4. 7 hours ago, figmentfreak said:

    Well crap a doodle doo.  Been feeling off for a few months. Went to the doctor and I have a large tumor, approximately 4” diameter making itself at home on my uterus. 

    I have requested immediate eviction of this unwanted guest.  

    I’ve now had a CT scan and ultrasound.


    Meet with surgeon August 13th to discuss surgery particulars and date to get it done.

    Had to cancel my September Alaska cruise for this little inconvenience, but never fear I plan to be back in fighting form in time for the Tribe cruise in February. 



    Oh no! I'm so sorry. Do you have Endometriosis? Sending vibes for you that it's not anything serious and that your surgery goes well. Wishing you all the best. Bodies are so freaking weird sometimes. ❤️ 

    • Like 4
  5. 9 hours ago, tsahall01 said:

    Forgot to add that I got a peek at this month's WAPA bill on line--it is over $900 FOR ONE MONTH--with lots of down time due to rolling blackouts!!  We also pay close to 50 cents a KW--most people pay around 14 to 16 a KW.  Will have to check again to see if they billed for a funny month--they will sometimes bill for up to 36 days in a month--especially when they are low on funds and during holidays!!

    What the heck, that's so awful I'm sorry! $900 for one  month is absolutely bonkers

    • Like 6
  6. 2 hours ago, mommio said:

    There’s just too many favorites here. All except the dryer screen.   I obsessively clean the dryer screen. I don’t want to perish in  a stupid fire  because of a stupid lack of action. 

    It's smart!! My aunts neighbors house actually did catch on fire from that. My Aunt went outside because she smelled smoke, and the entire side of their house was in flames. She got a hose and put out what she could and called the fire dept. But if she had not noticed it, their entire house would have burned down and their neighbors because everything is so close together. I'm scared of that one too.

    • Like 5
  7. Back on here again! Things have been busy so haven't had time to check in but have been hoping you are all okay. Need to read back probably 200 pgs.


    Our cruise to Alaska is in 19 days! I can't believe it. We booked it so long ago now that it almost doesn't seem real. Then we have our short 4 day in November. and then we bit the bullet and booked a Disney 4 day out of San Diego for April of next year and we are taking my Mom with us! I was able to get her an accessible room and we got a balcony a few rooms down the same hall. She's never cruised before, and was adamant that she would never cruise when we first started, but now she really is excited about it. I am sad my Dad won't with us, because he would have adored going on a Disney cruise. He was a kid at heart, and a cruise with his grandkid would have been a dream for him. So it's a bit bittersweet. But we so stoked my Mom is able to come with us.

    I was cracking up because she's already saying if she enjoys this one that she would really really love to do one to Hawaii because she has never been before, or she would like to fly and stay at the Disney Hawaii resort with us. So sounds like another vacation will be in the books soon.

    Our toddler is extremely excited that Grandma is coming with, and that she gets to see the Disney Characters. We were originally going to wait until 2026, but she will start school next fall. But we will have to take a break after the Disney cruise to save up because people are not joking about how expensive they are. The 4 day Disney costs more than our 11 day and 4 day Carnival cruises put together.

    • Like 19
  8. I'm so behind like always. Going to have to do some massive reading.

    We got an "upgrade" offer from Carnival for our 4 day Mexico cruise. Aft Extended was an option so I did it. We've never sailed in an aft room before, so I figured may as well try it out. and if it sucks it's only a 3 day cruise. The room layout is fine and also it has rooms above and below, so here's hoping.

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  9. Nothing wrong with booking more cruises! We're all a bunch of enablers though lol. I keep looking at the Disney ones next year.


    Went to the dentist on Monday for x-rays and I have to get another crown. and 4 fillings. So that's great. That's going to be at least a few thousand dollars. and hours at the dentist. and the numbing stuff never works how it is supposed to on me thanks to the redhead gene, so please send vibes that I don't have to get a crown without any anesthesia like I did last time because it was absolutely awful. It was a grueling 4 hour experience because they had to use the slower drill since I wasn't actually numb.

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  10. On 5/12/2024 at 5:14 PM, Beav1279 said:


    I'm doing the 11-day Alaska on the Miracle next month. If there is anything you need me to check out for you, let me know! This is my 1st to Alaska and my 1st out of S.F. 

    Ohh nice! Thank you that is such a sweet offer! I am terrible of thinking of things like that but will let you know for sure if I do!

    • Like 1
  11. Alaska excursions are so expensive!! I'm thinking of doing the mushers camp thing where you ride the sled pulled by the dogs and then visit with the puppies after since I think our toddler will really like it. It's also not super long. It's 3 hours, but all the other excursions are 6 or 7. But it'll be $600 for this. That said I think it would be the only one we do. and I have to go through the excursion company, not the cruise ship because the cruise ship ones are sold out already. But it's literally the same company that is running them off of the excursion booking. So I'm not worried about being left behind or anything like that.

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  12. 1 hour ago, RenoNanaOz said:

    My Tribe I need your prayers 🙏. My Father in Law has been suffering with dementia for 10 years. My Mother in Law has been caring for him on her own. He’s 89 and she’s 86. Yesterday she collapsed, my brother in law found her. Drs found cancer in her bladder. We’re on our way to Vegas now. 

    Sending you good vibes and positive thoughts. I'm so sorry. =( Safe travels too.

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  13. 50 minutes ago, RenoNanaOz said:

    Me too! It’s relaxing to me. 

    I like shopping in grocery stores super early in the morning when no one is there! and I do like browsing around the dollar store or Target. I just try to do the pickup order to keep my impulse buys to a minimum. Me and my Dad used to drive my mom nuts because both of us loooovveee window shopping. I used to go with him to go Christmas shopping and we would eat breakfast, get to the mall when it opened, shop for hours, eat lunch, and have a day of it. It was awesome.

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  14. 30 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

    Yikes, went physically grocery shopping today inside an actual grocery store for the first time in years.  My routine is "pickup" or "delivery".   No need to remind me again why I prefer "pickup" or "deliver"....worth the tip for delivery for sure.  I despise grocery shopping in the store......too much temptation for impulse buying and the worst part is waiting in line to checkout.  I pray this was a one and done for this summer.


    Now back to our regularly schedules Sunday program.

    That's how I feel about shopping in Target. I do the pickup orders now where they bring it to my car. Otherwise I end up buying all kinds of crap I don't even need. and it's always really crowded and the lines are terrible!

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  15. Sid that's crazy about the lady in the guys house! He should get a security system. Squatters take over houses here and it's a big problem. I hope his house is okay.


    Not much here for Sunday.

    Just went grocery shopping.

    I'm questioning my sanity with thinking that taking a 3 year old on an 11 day cruise was a good idea. Sincerely hoping that our neighbors don't hate us for having a toddler. We only do the MDR for dinners, and obviously will have one of us immediately leave if she gets overwhelmed or anything. But it's nerve wracking.

    We are on Carnival, so hopefully it's okay. But I'm getting really nervous the closer it gets.



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  16. 18 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

    Happy Saturday TRIBE!


    OMG I have to share with you this story my mom told me.


    I shared with you all my 95 year old mom went to visit her ailing sister in California last weekend.


    Well, my mom goes to they gym 3 morning a week Mon-Wed-Fri.  Mom decided she was not going to tell anyone at the  gym she was going to California, she figured she would surprise  them when she returned and they asked her she would simply tell them "oh I decided to go to California for the weekend"........it  BACKFIRED ON HER!


    Mom said when she got home from her trip she had  27 missed phone calls from people at the gym.


    She has a group of friends there that they "chat" all the time about life and golf especially.


    Then it  gets more interesting.  


    My brother is a Land Surveyor and he maintains his business office in the basement of mom's home, has been for 50+ years.  Saturday morning he is in the office and looks out the window and there are THREE police  cars in the  driveway!


    The gym had called in a wellness check on my mom and everyone in the town where she lives knows her so  they sent out the forces.


    I laughed so hard when she told me this on the phone this morning during our weekly chat.


    Guess she learned a lesson even at 95 to let folks know where she is going, something she always told us kids growing up!


    She had a great trip and did just fine!  She is glad to be home for sure.

    Awww. That is really good though! Honestly that's great she has so many people looking out for her and worried about her. Working in a nursing home you see the other side where people fell and laid in their house for 5 days before someone finally called, or they crawled to a phone and called 911. So it's really a blessing she has people that care and are looking out for her like that.

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  17. 36 minutes ago, KmomChicago said:

    Just when we thought Covid was the worst contamination one could encounter on a cruise ship.

    Bleach wipes!!

    LMAO. An ex boyfriend was roommates with his friend and his friends wife. She was a nudist. They had to have two separate living rooms because he didn't want naked people sitting on his furniture.


    After joining the faces group, it looks like SF cruises don't have faster to the fun. So at least that solves that and I don't have to keep checking. They have all kinds of stuff going on, a shot glass exchange, a postcard exchange, a duck exchange. I don't know if I'm social enough to participate in all of that but it's cool that people are running them. It makes me think of my Grandma. She was one of those really bubbly outgoing people who loved sitting with strangers at dinner because they always were friends. She wrote letters and postcards to her cruise friends. I always wish I had gotten those genetics because she could talk to anyone.

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  18. Almost had a heart attack when I searched on the other website for our cruise roll call. There's a Baptist Church that is sailing on the same exact dates that has a roll call. Turns out it's on Sunrise from Miami.

    I have nothing against religion, I just really don't want to end up on a themed cruise by accident. I always check that website that lists all of them for the year before I book because I just am not a theme cruise kind of person. Also it makes more sense that it's out of Miami because I would imagine most people would rather go on warm weather cruise than Alaska.


    Joined the roll call group so we'll how many millions of notifications a day I get from that. I'm just trying to see if I missed Faster to the Fun or not and there's no roll call on here which is a bummer. I guess I could start one.

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  19. TGIF!

    Not much going on here. Our dinner is JITB. Not terribly exciting but it's friday and we don't feel like cooking.

    It was hot the past two days, then today it dropped 15 degrees to the 60s again and now tomorrow it's supposed to rain. I just leave our gutter extension thing out and move it off the sidewalk even though it looks awful, because literally every time I put it in the garage, it rains the next day.

    We have zero excursions booked for our Alaska cruise, but most of them don't allow kids under 5. still trying to figure out Catalina. Maybe the glass bottom boat if they have it still.



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  20. On 5/1/2024 at 7:54 AM, ReneeFLL said:

    That's my thought as well. Hurricanes you can watch and run if necessary. When we moved from Texas (hurricanes) to California my co-workers were surprised I was more afraid of earthquakes than hurricanes. Earthquakes come out of nowhere with no warning. 

    True. But we have building codes. and they don't suck up your whole house and destroy it! Tornadoes and sinkholes are two of my biggest fears. Earthquakes don't bother me for the most part. The part that is scary are the roads. My mom and Grandpa were truck drivers and were driving on the 880 during the Loma Prieta. It collapsed behind them and they had no idea until they got to where they were picking up a load to transport. But my Grandpas dog had been howling and was acting crazy the whole time they were driving that way. If they had been later they would have been on it when it pancaked.


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  21. 56 minutes ago, sid_9169 said:

    During lunch break I logged into my health insurance account and it appears that I might have ended up getting the colonoscopy for free due to the provider not getting it pre approved! According to what I'm looking at they submitted it but the insurance, BUT there's a note underneath that says "This service is not eligible for payment. Your network provider was required to obtain authorization before you received this service. An authorization was not received. Participating providers may not bill the Member for this service."


    If I end up getting away with this without any type of bill, there yet may be a cruise for late November / early December in my future!




    The doctors office will probably try to bill you again. Make sure you print out that EOB. Highlight the zero dollars, and the part that says you do not have to pay. Write them a letter stating that you already talked to your insurance and since they did not get a pre-auth you do not owe them anything and they need to talk to your insurance company. I had to do that with my anesthesia bill from my C-Section because they misbilled it, the insurance asked for money back, and the hospital tried to tell me that I owed it now. Which is not how that works.

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  22. 3 hours ago, BohJang said:

    Our house has been on the market for 3 weeks. We only had one showing in all that time but they made an offer. $35,000 less than asking. They want us to pay all closing fees. Real estate market is apparently very slow right now. Realtor thinks we should take it. I want to counter for at least $5000 more. What says the Tribe? 

    Is there a reason they offered that much less? Is there something that needs to be fixed? What are the comps in your area that recently sold? If you do not have a really tight time frame on when you need to have the house sold by, then I would not rush to sell it.

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