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Everything posted by CallistaSkye

  1. I'm finally caught up on your review! The coffee thing is funny. People don't really read signs though. So I can't say I'm surprised. I'm excited for my August cruise. I forgot how much I love the Parade of Cakes, and also the movies that carnival shows. It's really silly, but one of the things that I love about going on the cruises is getting to catch up on the movies that we missed in the theater. Your screencap of the e-book made me laugh. When I worked in the nursing home, we had to take photos of resident belongings and one of the residents had an ebook reader. Someone took a photo of it with the screen showing a pretty racy book. I noticed it when I was uploading it to their chart and was cracking up and emailed it to my administrator and the admissions person so they could get a laugh from it. We did end up blurring it in their chart belongings photo.
  2. Merry Christmas!! Here's a cruise for next month!! lol. I would be pretty stoked with that honestly.
  3. Yay! Glad to have helped. These are the ones I have, but I realize not everyone wants a cat shaped soap holder lol. But just to help with what to look for: https://www.amazon.com/KISEER-Portable-Disposable-Washing-Scented/dp/B08N457VG3/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?keywords=soap+sheets+for+travel&qid=1697818352&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 They work really well and it's a good amount of soap from the little sheet. I guess they make laundry soap ones too, but I haven't tried out that so I can't speak to how well they work.
  4. It doesn't help for this trip, but they make a little plastic container that has paper thin sheets of soap in it that fits into your pocket. I keep one in my car for when I go the beach or parks around here because the bathrooms almost never have soap. It would be really easy to travel with and perfect for that sort of situation.
  5. The party photos remind me of bar hopping downtown when I was in college on Halloween/St Patricks Day. People always dressed up like that and there were tons of us there and the vibe was a party vibe for sure. Looks like a fun time! You really do a great job capturing the vibe of the ships and I can see how different this cruise line is from the others just from your photos.
  6. What a pretty view! That's really cool that they have the windows like that.
  7. Yay glad you are both on board! I finally got caught up. The Halloween cruise sounds really fun!
  8. Yay! Glad your day turned around. I can't even remember what review of yours is the first one I started reading. But it was one where you went to Cozumel, and it's always interesting to me how the places change a little bit each time. You also have evolved quite a bit since the first one I read, even if you don't think you have! Great photos. Hope you are able to get a good nights rest.
  9. Ohh you're the OG then! I meant Ms Pacman, I forgot there are actual Pac Man ones! I love Ms PacMan. The cocktail style machine is my jam. Someone donated one to the Alano Club my parents used to go to and I played it when I was 4 all the time. But the problem is now the game is so old that most run the emulators so the timing is just a bit off on those. But they're my favorite. It's cool they have a Pac Man though!
  10. That's what I was thinking too. Like it's one thing if you are allergic, or you're nice about it.... but to just keep on being a jerk to the people who deal with your food.... that's really never a good idea. Especially if you're uhh... memorable looking like he sounds like he is. I'm finally caught up on your review! It's been so good. The photos are always amazing. It looks like a fun cruise! the arcade looks like so much fun as well. Do they have a Pac Man machine? That's my favorite ever.
  11. Augh 23 pages already?? I have so much to catch up on! Yay for another review!
  12. Logistically it makes more sense for them not to sing live, especially if it's a dance intensive number.
  13. awwww sweet! Glad you both had a nice cruise! That's so great. you did a wonderful job with your reviews! and I'm so happy you got to actually have a real vacation too.
  14. Now I'm self conscious because I wear flip flops all the time.. and I usually take them off because to me it's rude to put shoes on furniture. But I don't want to gross people out with bare feet if that's worse! Crossing fingers you get your dinner! The photos are stunning and that food all looks so good.
  15. woo woo. what a turn of events glad this cruise is working out for both of you!
  16. The food looks amazing on that ship. I really really love how they decorated it too. It somehow looks modern and classic at the same time. It's really pretty.
  17. Whew I finally caught up! Great review. This makes me want to book a cruise on this ship. It looks beautiful.
  18. Oh okay good to know! Still an improvement over cans! TY for the info. 🙂
  19. Ohhh they have soda fountains now? My husband will be thrilled. His vice is soda. Mine is fizzy water, so it's nice when there are the actual fountains. It sounds stupid but that's a huge huge perk for both of us. I know I'm behind on reading!
  20. It was seriously wild. They were EVERYWHERE we went. Like I do not get how it's possible to run into the same people at the most random times on a HUGE ship like that. I went to use the bathroom near the Serenity spa thing and somehow the mom and youngest daughter were in there and the little girl was telling the mom that another lady looked like a man. and the mom got SO embarrassed and was asking her why she said that. and I was trying to ignore them. We saw them in the buffet. I can't even remember where else. I feel bad for those kids for sure.
  21. lol its so true! On our last cruise this past August on Royal, it was this family that let their kid harass another kid on an excursion and the parents did NOTHING to intervene. We were in line for the tram in Juneau. They have one of those coin machines where you put the pennies and quarters in so that it stamps the penny. This girl had paid for hers and was going to turn the handle with another girl RUNS UP and grabs it and starts cranking away on it. Won't let her even have a turn. We thought they were related. Turns out it was that families youngest daughter. The parents literally stood there, did nothing to stop her. The older sister had to run over and grab her and tell her that it was not hers to do that with. The Grandma of the girl who paid bought her another one and they were whispering to each other and everyone felt so bad for the older sister because she has to be the parent in the family instead of the adults. The little girl then proceeded to throw a HUGE screaming tantrum because they wouldn't pay for a penny for her. Then she was trying to climb on everything, and proceeded to strip down to her underwear in the line. The parents did nothing. We literally kept running into that family all over the ship and the Dad was so weird. The parents were completely checked out and did nothing to parent their children. Like yes, I get being burnt out and I don't know their story. But if you're an adult, then act like one! It was just so sad for that older girl because she doesn't even get to be a kid. She has to parent her younger sister instead. Anyhow sorry to hijack with my rant.
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