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Everything posted by LEMJMcC

  1. The wife scheduled a couple's massage for the first day. If my memory serves me, after the massage, they try to sell more services and products, taking up time that can be used for more enjoyable activities. How have you successfully and politely refused these offers in a very definite and timely manner? I don't like to be rude, but I also don't mind to just get up and walk out if they are insistent in making their pitch. Any advice to a guy who wants to be nice, but...
  2. Ah, I see. I thought I saw that these were not going to be implemented until the end of February. Oh well. Thanks.
  3. Oh, and any pics would be most appreciated!
  4. Which restaurant on WOTS has the best desserts? What's the fan favorite? Ideally, I would take a plate of various desserts back to the cabin to enjoy later in the evening. So what should I NOT miss? Thanks.
  5. One shore excursion we booked is a hike and we plan to take our own collapsible hiking poles with us. Any issues with packing these? Thanks.
  6. With the UDP, how's that work best at Playmakers for the two if us? Never had the UDP nor eaten at Playmakers. Looking forward to trying many new places and dishes soon! I understand that we'll receive a $20/day allotment for Playmakers. Is that per person or for both of us? I imagine $40 worth of bar food is quite A LOT... Thanks.
  7. Hi All, We'll be on WOTS in a couple of weeks and I'm curious to know if Tazo tea, specifically Tazo Awake tea, is available. On past cruises it was and was my morning beverage of choice (I cannot stand coffee). If it's not, I suppose I can bring my own. Let me know please. Thanks.
  8. The lovely wife and I will be on WOTS in a couple of weeks and it just so happens that I'll have a birthday while onboard. We have the UDP (first time ever) and I would like some suggestions on where to eat my bday meals (lunch & supper). I know it depends on my taste in food so allow me to state that I enjoy foods of any kind with the possible exception of Indian food, no offense, but I can't stand curry. So where would you recommend my wife take me and why do you make that recommendation? Thanks all!
  9. That's disappointing. I remember one port of call where there was an actual band with one, perhaps even two steel drummers playing at the end of the dock - that was a nice welcome. I guess I can the logic of using synthesizers versus steel drums as it is more easily set up and moved and offers a wider variety of sounds. Still, there's nothing like the real thing... Thanks all.
  10. Does WOTS have a steel drum band at any time during the cruise? I presume it would be listed in the daily cruise planner as to the where and when. Thanks.
  11. You know, she recently told me that I am permitted to awaken her when I get up to get her to accompany me. I asked if I could video her saying that for later use and she refused, so I think I know how that's going to go😁
  12. We typically try to make it as easy as possible for our steward/ess. Rinsing out cups, stacking and plates, and disposing of any paper products appropriately are just a few examples of common courtesy. I've even made the bed a few times until I found out that it was re-made again anyhow😅
  13. We'd love to take the time to see more of Alaska and BC, however we both still work and cannot take so much time off our respective jobs. Perhaps once (IF) we retire, we'll take the time to do so. I vagabonded around southeast Alaska about 30 years ago and have always wanted to go back, but in a bit more comfortable manner! Thanks.
  14. Cool beans! I'm looking forward to those shakes! What flavors are available? Do they offer chocolate malts?
  15. For those who have used the gym on WOTS, are there showers available there? What about day lockers? Shower towels provided? Is there a fee for locker & towel use, if available? Could I use my own lock to secure the locker? Sometimes I'd rather shower at the gym rather than in the cabin, but I can't remember how the other ships' gyms we've used were outfitted. Thanks.
  16. DO you recall the name of that band? We're sailing on Wonder in about a month and that might be one band I'd be interested in hearing. Thanks.
  17. Typically, if my memory serves me at all, I would get a cup of decaf coffee (for the wife), a cup of hot cocoa or milk (for me!), and four to six pastries/snacks from Cafe Promenade (CP) and Sorrentos in the evening to take back to the cabin - we would enjoy them on the balcony. Neither of us are interested in carrying any food from the Windjammer; though I do seem to remember getting a plate from one of the specialty restaurants and/or the MDR with a variety of desserts to carry back to the room for later in the evening. We find this most relaxing and enjoyable as we are typically too full to really enjoy any dessert after our evening meal. Room service isn't very attractive as we're not looking for full meal. As for room service in the morning, I didn't think they would bring the specialty coffees my wife likes nor the Tazo breakfast tea that I prefer - both of which were available at CP in the wee hours of the morning. Sometimes that's all we would have as we would hit the gym or the track before the WJ breakfast. I suppose I could ask the room steward/stewardess to bring us something to use such as a tray of some sort. Oh these first world problems!
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