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Sweet Dutch Girl

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Posts posted by Sweet Dutch Girl

  1. As far as the instances I cite as worrisome for women, read the solo threads in specialized cruising. It's all there, and almost all concerns are posted by women.


    A little bravado does go a long way, especially for women. I rarely "lunch" with others....totally enjoy the experience of nice sit down restaurants by myself. I could give a rat's ass about what other people think...life's too short to not experience it (and that from someone who has been around for a very long time).

  2. And just because their contract says the limit is $50.00, doesn't mean it's actually "legal" - otherwise more companies would do this - including airlines!


    Yes it is! And, yes, other companies have the same lanuage in their contracts. Ethics are really not a part of this discussion. If the OP chooses to sue they can fly to Miami anytime they wish to do so and file a small claims law suit.


    Oh, and how is a bottle of booze hurt by water. Can the OP prove that the sinking caused it damage. And the electronics...well that is just an assinine decision to put it into checked luggage...the OP must be very trusting of airline baggage checkers.

  3. No, I need as much fodder as I can to show my husband he was wrong! haha


    Okay, yes, we returned it, but by my insistence! It was actually pretty late, so I was worried the people in the room would be sleeping, so we called GS and they had someone come and pick it up. Also, if the had received a replacement they might be tempted to "steal" this second case, and if I had to be a good person, so did they! Let GS deal with it.


    I'm glad to hear that Carnival will NOT replace it, once that room complained. This was my husbands argument.


    Also, we certainly did not have enough room in our luggage for a box of Crown Royal! :P


    I don't know if it was Carnival purchased or not, which could make a difference. It wasn't in the carnival "box," but it was in its own box so...


    Thanks everyone for your thoughts!


    I refuse to comment on your husband............point taken, I hope.

  4. Have traveled solo on a cruise (hubby couldn't go at last minute because of work commitments). I spoke to the matre-d (sp) first night and he moved me to a table with other single passengers. I also (for the first time ever) booked some ship excursions (mostly sight-seeing) and found them very enjoyable and certainly less stressful than seeing a destination by myself. I had a balcony so that was a plus...quiet reading space. Sat at the "bar" itself and nursed a drink while talking up the bartender. Learned a lot about "working" on a ship. Hit the casino, did the trivia contests where a quick "may I join you" was always accepted (won a ship on a stick). Didn't have to worry about getting a lounger near the pool...single loungers are easy to find even at the busiest of times. Enjoyed the buffet where my book on the table as I went for more (and more) food easily "saved" the table. I'd do a solo cruise again in a heartbeat. Actually thinking of doing an 11 dayer by myself...can't think of anything more relaxing.

  5. I am surprised at the people posting claiming to be so shocked that someone packed liquor in their bags. You have no choice but to pack it in luggage to be checked, as you can no longer carry it on with you when you fly home. I pack glass bottles of alcohol every time I take a cruise or travel internationally and have the opportunity to buy duty free. I take jumbo ziploc bags and pack each bottle inside of a zippy bag, then roll it in clothing, like scarves/wraps, tee shirts, etc., to add cushioning. I also put our tablet (not an iPad, but similar) into my suitcase packed between layers of clothing. I don't see any issue with that, either.


    The issue here is that they DROPPED THE BAG IN THE OCEAN. Every single item inside the bag AND the bag should be paid for. Carnival should make sure of this, as it was from their ship that the bag was being removed.


    I really liked your response. No matter what was in the bag or how it was packed, the OP is owed reimbursement.


    And per their acceptance of the cruise contracts they will get it...50 bucks.

  6. You may want to check your health insurance again, to see it says that a Medivac from a cruise ship is covered. I have been in the Health Insurance business for over 30 years, and normally a health insurance policy will not cover it.. Also, if you cant prove your health insurance will cover it, you will need to have the 25,000 or more available on your credit card as they request payment up front. Obviously its your choice, but I would at least investigate to be sure you are correct about your coverage.


    You all do realize that someone airlifted off of a ship by the coast guard has no financial obligations to fulfill. Our taxes pay for this service. They will airlift to the "nearest" hospital. If someone wants to go somewhere else they may be billed for additional costs. No one is going to leave someone on a ship to die because they can't pay. I can't believe this old wive's tale still is flying around.

  7. Samples are provided by outside sources...Carnival doesn't pay for them. Your "anger" might be better directed at the companies who once supplied them. And Carnival does cover shampoo and body wash. Other than toothpaste and a toothbrush what more does someone actually "need"?

  8. Good for you. Do you have parents, grandparents, airplane connections, snow,? You must have some super valuable stuff in those bags to guard them that close. I guess you never plan to fall, have family illness or emergencies. Just because you've lucked out so far, doesn't mean luck won't run out. I doubt if anyone enjoys paying extra for insurance, but it is reassuring to have.


    It's reassuring for YOU to have! And lots of people travel with expensive stuff, not necessarily as to monetary value but because things aren't always easy to replace or they do have sentimental value. Not all things are the same for all people.

  9. I rarely get trip insurance but then I charge everything on a credit card that covers most trip related insurance claims. Also, my extended family is healthy, my job is secure, and I (knock on wood) am not accident prone. You need to make sure that psychologically you are OK if you have to forego your trip since they aren't refundable and for peace of mind you have "paid" for it before you leave so if you don't make it you aren't ultimately still paying for something that was a "nothing".


    Check your individual insurance, read all "travel insurance" documents thoroughly before purchasing (some don't cover the little stuff that tends to pop up), review your home owners or renters insurance, make sure the deductibles aren't so high that insurance wouldn't cover small claims. 90% of peeps don't get travel insurance so prices do tend to be high.

  10. As a senior I got a pneumonia shot...best thing I ever did. And many, many people get sick after cruising, air plane rides, and land vacations. Different air, close proximity to people, lack of sleep or rest. Is the OP wanting to blame the cruise line...otherwise what is the purpose for the original posting? Just curious.

  11. Dining is a very personal experience. We like set dining because we usually have a pretty large group, last time it was 18 and that is "our" time to get together and connect. Even though we changed "chairs" every night our wait staff got to know us and it was nice to get our food and drinks the way we like it without having to explain night after night. But then, we like our slow dinners...we were always the last group to leave since the teens had to wait until 10 anyway for their activities to open up.


    For small families and couples I am sure anytime dining will work well. Just remember that ship board dining isn't a fast food restaurant that wants to turn tables every 45 minutes. The wait staff are often working with passengers they don't know so it does take more time. Remember that 2 tops are inches apart so that privacy doesn't factor in, and that 7 pm is choice seating and, though, you may get seated quickly it is the time when the dining room is full so things just won't be as speedy as they are at opening.

  12. I find it interesting that some cruisers judge a ship or a cruise line by the actions of their fellow passengers and the fact that the personnel don't "police" the actions of individuals who are all about the "me" generation.


    If I want to smoke I'll go to the smoking sections and don't worry about offending peeps who don't smoke. If chairs only have towels and no personal stuff, sorry I just move it...can't imagine anyone hopping into the pool without leaving behind a ton of daily paraphernalia. If I want a certain food I time my meals so that I'll be there at opening, If I have a shore excursion I know by experience that if you have pre-paid the tour operators will wait for you at the port and so just wait for the initial crush to be over. I book flights so that I can be the very last one off the ship at debarkation...nothing is more serene than an empty ship and getting off to find our luggage sitting like lone wolves waiting for us. I wouldn't waste my time on entertainment venues...they are the last thing I cruise for.


    If I want the pool to myself...I just skip a port...it's fun to have all the resources like serenity and hot tubs available and I'm always rewarded at lunch by getting to meet and talk with the ship's crew. Have met many of the captain's staff that way.


    The Breeze, like Magic and Dream, have great spots for relaxing. Deck 5 is awesome and I love having soup and salads for lunch and they make a mean sandwich. I like sitting at the atrium after dinner and people watching...especially the rambunctious kids who think it is a thrill to ride up and down the glass elevators (and no I don't worry about where there parents are). I wear ribbed sole sandals so I don't slip on decks that may have residual water like Lido and the buffet area. And I like the fact that Breeze has really nice balcony cabins and the rooms with rooms above and below are always quiet. (yeh for deck seven mid ship).


    You'll have a nice time on the Breeze if you just remember that peeps are peeps and there are tons of nice ones who enjoy striking up a conversation.

  13. Don't think I've ever worried about the menu pre boarding. Food is food is food. There have been nights when I load up an appetizers because the main courses don't appeal to me. If I was worried about food choices I probably just wouldn't cruise and would just stick to land vacations where I could pick the restaurants. Truth is I've never gone hungry on a cruise.

  14. I don't think you can rent a car either if you're under 25.


    Sure you can...you just have to pay through the nose and buy an insurance rider.


    The issue for the OP isn't his age...its his girlfriends age. And the reason for this is obvious. Carnival does not want the liability if 24 year old decides to sneakily buy drinks for someone underage. Rather than Carnival having to "police" a potential situation they just make a booking rule to help protect their liability.

  15. Carnival is not the victim here they contributed greatly to the "image" that still haunts them to this day. What corporate entity in it's right mind would take money from under 21's, serve them unlimited booze and not expected drunk, disorderly and destructive behavior? Why did Carnival do it? Because it was chasing $profits$.


    Those ramifications you speak of are the result of Carnival's overreaction to the events they themselves allowed to happen years ago.


    And OP if Carnival has this stupid, reactionary rule go sail with Royal.


    Oh...what I love about today's society. No one is ever held accountable for their own actions. Blame the booze and the bartenders....even though the legal drinking age was 18 back then.

  16. Thanks for the quick response! My biggest concern is being able to bring on water...we drink a lot and it can get really expensive! Thanks for the clarification!


    Just remember you have to tote the stuff up a steep gangway and lug it around (with most of the elevators out of service) until the rooms become available at 1:30. And the buffet is awash with people and their "stuff" and room is not often available to store your "stuff".


    For the cost of bottled water I'd much rather buy an insulated tumbler and fill up with the ship's water which I find pretty damn palpable. Besides all the ice you use all week comes from the same source as the water...as does coffee, and the scotch and water at the bar.

  17. There are so many variables when boarding a ship....some terminals are full to overflowing by 10 am, some are still relatively empty. My only advise is how important is a "free lunch" to your own sanity and enjoyment, and how much stuff do you hand carry onboard that you can't (legitimately) drop off at your cabin until 1:30.


    My personal motto is arriving so that when I do board it is straight to my cabin for carry on drop off. It's easier to drop off checked luggage, too, when you don't have the hassle of departures and arrivals clogging up the same curbside space. Even if I miss lunch there is usually some kind of food available between 1:30 and late dining at 8. Besides when I board later the elevators are running again...something that works well when you get to be my age. And I make up for that missed lunch when on the last day I have a nice full breakfast and exit the ship when they actually kick me off.

  18. It's kind of sad that the "history" of passengers on a cruise line still impacts future cruisers for eons after the event. I totally remember the riots on Carnival and the damage caused by spring break cruisers...most who were well under 21. I am sure that as a result Carnival has worked diligently to erase an image that still haunts them today...and folks like the original OP aren't really treated fairly.


    I wonder if peeps even realize that their actions may cause consequences....how many of those "partyers" ever thought that years later there would still be ramifications from their drunk, disorderly, and destructive behavior.

  19. An almost bald man here that's never had his hair braided but from reading on here over the years, it would seem that most people say to never get your hair braided or beaded on the islands. The combs they use aren't cleaned after each use and sometimes the people doing the braiding have lice eggs under their fingernails.


    As I said, I'm only speaking from what I have read on here.


    If I were to believe everything I read on Cruise Critic I would be so paranoid I would never ever set foot out of my front door.


    I've had my hair braided countless times while cruise vacationing and have never had a problem....these aren't 3rd world countries after all.

  20. We had 13 at a round 12 top and were not crowded at all. There was plenty of room for our plates, glasses, etc and we had more than enough elbow room.


    Obviously you aren't as stout as we tend to be nor do your kids order 5 of everything. Besides, my last trip on the Magic I don't remember 12 tops that were round. 10 tops were the largest.

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