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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. MY solution is to leave around 10 - 12 pounds at home before the sailing and then enjoy the entire voyage. I will say that for a world cruise it is entirely possible to board as a passenger and leave the ship at the end as cargo.
  2. Observation, listening and reading thousands of What should I wear posts on 25 years of CC. The food is after they get shown to a table and have settled in with the rest of the table. If you have no noticed what everyone is wearing, you are a very rare bird.
  3. This thread has been across lots of territory in the past few days with the Jeaners going to the barricades to defend their position. Here is my suggestion - YOU set the tone for your table on the very first evening. Wear something a tad above norm. The same goes for the Tea in the Queens Grill. Wear your very best afternoon frock and the gentlemen can wear blazers for both occasion. I find that the vast majority of folks on the first day and night are looking to see what others are wearing and if you set the tone on the high end of the spectrum, you have every good chance of keeping it there for the entire cruise/Voyage at "Your" table and at your four top at Tea. Enjoy!!
  4. Why do you feel comfortable in a linen laid liveried staff dining room for breakfast or lunch in Jeans but uncomfortable in jeans in the exact same room with the same staff for dinner. That makes zero sense. Now if the tables in the dining room were stripped of their linen and the staff was in corresponding casual attire for breakfast and lunch as you are in Jeans then I can see the difference. Please explain.
  5. The question is for Britannia NOT BC.
  6. I do say. I think you have nailed it. Well said.
  7. People who fly to meet the ship seem to always be under the gun with luggage size and weight restrictions that prevents them from bringing along a proper blazer for evening wear yet they favor jeans vs year round wool or linen both or which are about 1/3 the bulk of jeans no matter how "designer" they be. My favorite pro jeaner and trainers pax is a cruise sailor not a liner sailor and that may be the reason for the extra casual approach. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone and to those not celebrating this event Happy Holidays may your stocking hung by the heath be filled with ripe stelsin.
  8. I don't think my opinion is perverse simply different. I understand Cunard has gone down market in order to reach the younger set. But that does not change the opinions of those who know the difference. Those that do not will never know.
  9. Glad to know that wearing jeans is considered worldly. The marketers of so called fashion will be happy to know how easy it is to sell people of being under dressed when the conveyor offers liveried staff and fine dining.
  10. Now that could be a serious issue as many believe that casual attire comes in many many degrees from Bubba's BBQ elegance to The Breaker's In Palm Beach. Having said that, the ship is large enough that one can easily distance themselves from people that you personally find disagreeable. Dress as you feel comfortable, I know that I do no matter where I am, on shore or on board.
  11. Glad to see at least one person who finds gardening clothing to be outre for Cunard. But then the last time I owned a pair of jeans was when I was 15 and that was 68 years ago. Oddly I have survived and thrived with nary a pair of jeans and only white T shirts that I wear under my dress shirts.
  12. Seems from the comments here and other places Cunard is really making an effort to maintain standards for the expensive and very profitable upper end of the cabin set but is reducing a lot for the rowers. Guess they feel this group has no where else to go and still sail Cunard.
  13. The question was asked about the Britannia dining room not the BC or above. Food is very subjective and one persons feast is another's disaster. You will not go hungry.
  14. Is this another NCL money maker and can you book early? or are they independent contractors?
  15. I asked for and received a very nice upgrade to my cabin. That works best for all concerned in my book. I pay the same as I originally thought a good rate for the lesser cabin but received a much better one for no additional cost. NCL does not have to giveaway a refund nor an OBC which comes out of their pocket and they have a better chance of selling the lower grade cabin than the one I upgraded to. Win - Win.
  16. Thank you all for your very useful answers. I am looking forward to an enjoyable 12 days of not really doing anything but sleep, read and eat with a bit of sun when we get to the Carib. Made a dinner reservation at 7:30 (early for me when on vacation but---) for the first night in the fancy free restaurant and will wing it from there.
  17. Does taste and savor have table clothes for dinner? Can't ell by the photos many look like just place mats.
  18. I will be sailing January 2023 out of NYC and have a few questions. 1. Where is the best place to watch the sail out of NY harbor? 2. Which is the best Bar/lounge for a relaxing pre-dinner cocktail. Not sitting at the bar nor at a high top table but in a comfortable chair? 3. What is the best low noise lounge/bar for a quiet after dinner relaxing beverage? 4. What are the slowest times in the main dining room for lunch? 5. What are the slowest times in the best of the three dining rooms for dinner for one or two people? Thanks for the answers. I have been working 7 days a week in my business for three years now and am really looking for a relaxing 12 days and NCL was the only ship that fit my schedule.
  19. The new train station in NYC has a number of shops that may sell such cords. There is a drug store and they seem to sell every thing but drugs these days. Look up the list of shops on the Amtrak site under Moynihan station. You will find a list and a map of where they are located.
  20. Unless you want one of the single rooms which do sell out quickly and are pricy, I have never seen that booking earlier or later makes much difference. Sometimes booking late late can work vey well for solos as Cunard may reduce the single supplement below the 75% line in order to sell a few more cabins.
  21. Just wondering about age. I will be 84. Are there many 75 - 80 year olds on board in the winter out of NYC?
  22. I have not sailed NCL since 2006 but back then being a solo guy above the average age of the NCL crowd that dressed a tad better than most, I found it difficult to secure a shared table in the main dining rooms. So I ate by myself. I will be taking a 12 day NCL Caribbean sail this winter for the sole purpose of getting away for 12 days with no schedule to meet. no cooking, cleaning nor serving myself and may not even leave the ship at the ports as I have been to all of them several times.so I do not care about whether I dine alone. And of course I am now way past the average age and might just be the oldest passenger on this trip. and am still dressed above grade. So long way around to your question. Plan on being solo but if you find others it could be a plus.
  23. Sure but the butler will know that you are a poser
  24. Just take the one in your room. It will show up after you get home as an extra charge on your account.
  25. The butler should do the very same things your butler does at your home. If you do not have one at home, then tread lightly as the butlers "know" who belongs and who does not.
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