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Posts posted by Wiz201

  1. luggage is not restricted on cruises from southampton, you can take as much as you want, including drinks and food.

    I'm going on Ventura 25 April, I think its the mayflower terminal we're boarding from. They have post codes to the ports so you can use your sat nav to get there.

  2. Oriana is one of the smaller ships of the P&O fleet? so you may find this less of a problem on bigger ships like Azura or Ventura.

    if it was up to me, unless its a transatlantic cruise, I think smoking should be banned on cruise ships and only allowed in port. Just in case you can't tell, I'm a non smoker :D

  3. I'll be returning to Southampton on the Ventura on 11th June, from our Med cruise. I shall try and ensure that the ship is nice and clean for you:)


    By the way, if we are disembarking in say the morning, how do they manage to clean and prepare the ship in time for the next lot of passengers embarking later that day?


    with a lot of very fast cleaners I presume!

  4. Just looking at cruise parking, is it worth paying the £89 CPS or is the other one where you drive across the river and pay just £62 better? I'm considering taking my Aygo down so we have more room and me and sister can set off earlier. My Aygo is booked in for its service just two weeks before so it'll be all set with its summer tyres back on for a long trip.

  5. If it is a 'wind up' people are just feeding them and if they are genuine, they have been told enough times and it really is up to them......


    Don't go worrying about them Trish.


    You are right Scriv. I am sure nobody would be so stupid:eek:


    its no wind up :(

  6. We're another hour further up from Sheffield. Honestly, I can't understand his mentality sometimes, I've even looked into taking my own car and driving me and my sister down earlier setting off at 7am but decided that since dad is paying for the basic cruise, he can take the risk if we miss it. We will have appropriate travel insurance with cruise extra added on. I have asked several times if we can leave earlier but he won't have it.

  7. We're going on Ventura from Southampton end of April. My dad is taking us down from West Yorkshire and he's confident about setting off at 10am for a 2pm arrival as he says the cabins won't be ready before then anyway. He says the ships preparing for departure from Southampton will always take longer to be prepared due to the fact they have a full ship of cabins to clean.

  8. lol. I'm going on Ventura which I'm hoping will be more relaxed due to it being a family friendly ship so I'll wear my jeans during the sea days. I've bought a small robe to wear over my swimming costume so I can walk through the ship without making a scene lol.

    At night for casual nights, I'm thinking black or cream chino type trousers with a smart blouse.

  9. I'm going to bring my own washing capsules just so I can wash some bits mid week, I was pleasantly surprised when they said free use of washing machines on Ventura as long as you brought the detergent. I'll avoid the formal nights though ;)

  10. I'm assuming you mean on board a plane in your quote as on another thread you have said about soon going on your first cruise. It is a lot harder to keep the suitcase weight down on cruises because of the evening wear, I would never manage 10kg but 20 kg is okay(just!)


    yes I meant on board a plane, done that before a few times lol

  11. I travelled down the M1 to Derby today, absolutely fine; luck of the draw in terms of whether an accident happens or not. I told him about the possibility of football match and I'm sure he'll have possible accidents at the back of his mind but I've investigated the cost of me going down there with my sister and parking my Aygo there, it is cheaper to go in all one car.

    He's pretty confident he'll get there. I'm just going to leave it now and concentrate on finding formal clothes for the formal nights now.

  12. What about a different pair of heels for each outfit, more outfits than nights on the cruise "just in case", different bags/clutches, hair straighteners and God knows whatever else I lug around on my OH's behalf?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    lets just say I'm not like your OH. I don't wear heels; if the weather is looking good my crocs would be coming with a smart pair of black flat shoes for evening wear, and I tend to make clothes and outfits last.

  13. Will it be football season when you go? If so, you need to factor in the extra traffic if Southampton are at home!


    No idea, not a football fan


    PS Where is Dad parking? Remember to factor in the time that will take as well, depending on what arrangements you have made.


    Valet parking, someone is going to drive the Audi away and we just walk into the ship terminal (if the ship is still there ;))

  14. Nope he only works three days a week and that's Sunday, Monday and Tuesday so he'll be taking leave anyway.

    Yes he is paying, I'm just paying for things on board the ship and any excursions I do. I'm going to share a soft drinks package with my sister; we'll easily have 20 drinks between us. So he does have to come with us. I think I'll try and ask him to compromise and set off at 8am.

  15. Hi Wiz201....sounds like your dad has really set his mind on risking it so he must know something that none of us know. Has he done it before and if so how long since....has he a secret route that no one else knows about....has he a superjet car although that won't make any difference if roads are jammed/accidents/breakdown or has the car wings. It must be over 200 miles from where you live down to Southampton ..

    Most people like to embark as soon as they can and settle in so I am curious as to why your dad wants to leave it till the last minute and embark at the last minute....hopefully....my fingers are crossed for you


    Yes he's driven down to Southampton very recently, I think it was only last year or year before. I discussed it with my sister last night because she agreed with me it would be nice to get there earlier even if we go down on the same day and we have time to explore the ship and get our bearings.

    I am going to look at train or coach options for us two and see if we could make our own way down earlier; then we could trick him later on in the afternoon and say that we're leaving the port and halfway to France lol

  16. I would come down in 2 cars ....you in one on Friday, and him in the other on Saturday.


    You can send him postcards from each port of call ....:D


    Well my Aygo is not comfortable enough for long motorway trips; I'm going to Derby next week and that'll be long enough. She's alright for a half six am journey from Huddersfield to Bradford for work but that's about it. Also I get free parking at my dad's house where she gets looked after by my step sister who is pregnant so is staying behind.


    And it's your 30th birthday cruise. If it does go disastrously wrong then Southampton Wacky Warehouse should be able to put a small party on for you.


    Oh god no!


    His text was basically - its fine, I've done it before. Left at 10 and got there for 2pm with a half hour stop for a drink.

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