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Sue L

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Posts posted by Sue L

  1. Super congratulations on your 30th, plus the adventure in the Baltics. This is one of our favorite areas. Going to St. Petersburg? What other port stops? First time in this area with such great architecture, history, culture, etc.?


    THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


    Back from doing a 14-day Celebrity Solstice, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure on this ship and getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


    for much more information and lots of wonderful pictures on these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 70,713 views for this fun posting.



    Yes st petersburg, been in that area before, hubby and I are ex Pan am. been lots of places. Our first date was in London,lol

  2. Wishing you and your DH a wonderful anniversary and at least 50 more anniversaries to follow! We have also been on over 30 cruises and each one is a new experience. I consider myself a "cruise virgin" as I enjoy each cruise is like the first! We are again sailing on Sunday!!!!


    Have a wonderful time!!

  3. I honestly thought you could not have 123 perks with a guarantee?


    I hope you really enjoy it and that you do get all your perks.


    of course you can , have all confirmations showing all perks,no worries. Why would you think they weren't combinable?

  4. leaving next week on 2nd celebrity but 25th cruise overall, first suite ( due to amazingly cheap suite guarantee upgrade) have 123 for booze and tips.


    I am an excited for this one as I was for my first. Love unpacking once and waking up somewhere new each day. this one is the Baltic.


    We are also celebrating 30th anniversary.



    So it is still a thrill ????

  5. Sorry folks, I have tried searching but cant find an answer.


    We have completed our online check-in, so have our Express Pass, Luggage tags & a Cruise Summary.


    Does the Cruise Summary need to be completed or is it just for our information? For example, page 11 titled "Charge account & Cruise Ticket" asks for Credit Card details & the Cardholders Signature. We have already logged these details on our original Booking.

    Another page has a "Guest Clearance Information form" asking for Marital Status, have we cruised before?, how many times? etc...


    The official Celebrity Webpage Cruise Checklist makes no mention of the Cruise Summary, but I don't want to find out the hard way at Check in that it should have been completed.




    that is for people who do not do the online check in , luggage tags, boarding pass, passports of course and credit card are all you have to bring. the only thing in the summary you may want to bring in the page in there listing shore excursions and if you have transfers that is required.


    have fun

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