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Sue L

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Posts posted by Sue L

  1. Just off the Mariner for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time. Food delicious to me, a fish eater. Was on a Carnival in October and a Princess the week after. Carnival had the best muster. You went carrying your life jacket and then were taught how to put it on, and then you took it off and carried it back to your cabin. I would like to see a Concierge cabin in the West Coast. This was my first concierge cabin and it was great as we are Diamond members. It was my DD's first cruise and now she thinks all ships are as fine as the Mariner is.




    Are you aware that the Mariner is going to CA in 2009. First a 46 day cruise around the horn and then it will stay in CA.


    If you dont minid me askinig, what did you guys liike so much about the serenade?



    Since you have been on the Jewel you know about all the beautiful views and the amazing amount of glass. The staff and service were wonderful. The food and waitstaff were fabulous and even though we didn't go to some of the shows the ones we saw were great!!

  3. I loved the aft, we had 9260 with a 10 x 14 deck, 2 lounge chairs, 2 regular chairs and a small table. Though if you can get some of the port side humps they have huge balconies though I believe they are fully covered whereas the aft is only partially covered.


    This is the balcony for 9260



  4. Thanks to all who commented on this thread. I am booked on the Mariner this summer and might have considered bringing my son who will be 13 to Quest. Now, I'm not sure, but I am grateful for the information. Is Quest the only entertainment that is racy or is there more?



    Quest and Love and Marriage are supposed to be 18 and over, your son should NOT be there. It states it in the compass and they make an announcement at the beginning of the show!!!This is an adults only show

  5. While you are deciding whether or not to get a passport consider this scenario that was recently posted on another board.


    A couple misses their cruise out of Miami due to flight delays. They had to fly to the next port of Jamaica to catch their ship. As of Jan 23 a passport is required to fly to the Caribbean so if they didn't have one after that date they wouldn't have been able to catch up with the ship.

  6. Only quoting exactly what was sent to me from Carnival 48 hours ago. I just did an online search for a projected price increase in the U.S. for passports and found nothing but a $12 surcharge.




    Just take what they say with a grain of salt. They have changed the dates for the requirement of having a passport numerous times. Up until a couple of months ago it was Jan 1, 2007, then it became Jan 8, 2007 (which it is still for air travel) though I have seen Jan 23,2007 recently also, then it was Jan 2008 for cruising and land crossings. . They have changed their minds so many times that I wouldn't trust what they say until it is actually in effect. I have a good friend who works in the post office and she has been "warning" everyone to get it now because they have been getting letters from the passport service saying there will be an increase just not what it will be. I am not trying to be mean or anything I just think you should have all info to make an informed decision.



  7. Actually, the information I received from Carnival for our April '08 cruise is that the push back of the date that cruise passengers will need a passport is due to the fact that the government is planning to issue a smaller Pass Port type card and the cost will be significately less - approximately $50 per card.


    I am waiting for that to be implemented before I spend $400 on passports for a family of 4.


    This is the statement from Carnival in my documents:


    The U.S. Government will require that all of our guests, including U.S. Citizens be in possession of a valid passport when traveling on any Carnival Cruise. This requirement will become effective no later than June 1, 2009. This effective date may be moved to an earlier date pending the U.S. Government's implementation of new identification cards (PASScards) that will provide a less expensive alternative form of documentation. For travel by air, the passport deadline will remain January 8, 2007.




    The Passcards have been talked and argued about by the government since shortly after 9/11. So five years have passed and except for a few preliminary articles on them nothing has been finalized and they are still working out the logistics of them. Many of the articles I have read about them state the most popular form for them at the current time is they will be more of a land crossing type card, not a passport will the full benefits that you would need for cruise and air travel. The government has been hashing this out for 5 years so with the way washington works I definitely wouldn't bet on these be available anytime soon. So if the price of the passports doubles as many sources are predicting then you will be out $800 for your family of four.

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