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Posts posted by Debala715

  1. Thank you JW for this most excellent review! My husband and I booked on the Escape for next January, and since we booked, we have gone from a party of 2 to a party of 16! My husband and I booked on of the AFT view balconies, my youngest sister and her husband booked one next door to me, my middle sister booked two inside cabins right by our cabins and her friend (with family) and friend's brother (with family) booked next door to each other by one of the bump outs. You have given me so many ideas of what to do on this ship and I'm sure I will be re-reading your reviews over and over before we sail.


    Have an excellent time on your next cruise and hopefully you will be sharing that one with us again!

  2. Do I need to call NCL before booking and let them know I want to use my deposit or can I book online and then tell them to apply it to my reservation?


    I just applied mine to the cruise I booked recently, and I did it online. I just copied the Cruise Next number, and then applied it at checkout.

  3. True, but we still saw enough lazy pax who just did it as well. We saw some of these same pax on excursions & moving about quite freely, so there are some lazy ones out there. We like to use the stairs if it's less than 5 floors.


    That is being rather judgmental. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Fibromyalgia, so I could do fine for several hours, but after too much exertion, I can be unable to climb up stairs. So, if we ever cruised together, you will probably be judging me because you'd see me out on some excursion but later on unable to climb one flight of stairs.

  4. We used one on our cruise in Nov 2015. We bought JOTO and purchased it from Amazon and at the time I had the iPhone 6Plus. Before we even left for the trip, I tested it. I put a piece of paper in it and then set it in water for a couple of hours. When I was ready to see if the paper inside was still dry, I made sure to dry off the outside completely, then opened it up. The paper was completely dry.


    It worked beautifully in the ocean and I will do the same thing again for next year's cruise, though I will have to buy a new one as my phone is different now.

  5. Hello all! Back again, as I didn't lose anything for my 2015 cruise. We just booked a 2018 cruise last night, and since I am actively losing weight, thought I'd join you. Since August 25, 2016, I have lost 30 pounds. It's been really slow coming off, but I figure since it didn't go on overnight, I won't expect it to come off overnight either. Since my last cruise, I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis and I have found that going gluten and dairy free has helped me keep the inflammation more under control, so that has allowed me to finally start losing some weight. All I'm doing is counting calories in and out.

  6. This is crazy. You would honestly leave a cruise line over a case of water? Sorry to say but many of the other cruise lines already have this policy in place. I think you are going to be disappointed where ever you go.


    We booked our very first cruise last March, which happened to be on NCL last Thanksgiving. While the cruise was very enjoyable, from the time we booked till we sailed we were astonished by the number of changes they instituted. But that didn't stop us from purchasing a CruiseNext while on our cruise. When I told my husband about this latest change, he told me to sell that CruiseNext, that he wouldn't sail again on NCL. Since he tends to shoot from the hip and think later, I'm not selling yet, and though I keep looking, their cruises are not working with out budget because I can get the same product on a different line for less money.

  7. We sailed last November on Spirit and I brought along Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer with us. I even went as far as wiping down the seat tray and arm rests on the airplane for both of us. Washed my hands often and used sanitizer anytime I couldn't wash my hands. Still, on our last full day on the ship I started to feel bad. Throat hurt, sniffles and cough started. I got little sleep because of it that night and by the time we got off the ship I was beyond miserable, but still had to sit and wait for over 6 hours before our flight left for home. That crud stayed with me for weeks. In fact, since this trip I've been diagnosed with two auto-immune conditions where it is thought they began because of an infection, most likely that infection as I was put on 3 different antibiotics after I got home. All I know is I haven't felt good since that cruise. I do know that my next cruise in November I will be upping my vitamin intake, will be wiping things down often, and will be washing my hands frequently to avoid this again. But I also believe that no matter what we may try to do to avoid getting sick, now and again something is going to get us.

  8. Aww, thanks so much for the comments. So then you are a popaholic then right? :D



    My eye sucks! Seriously! Yesterday I developed double vision, my vision is COMPLETELY blurry and I can't see a thing and there's white fog across my entire field of vision. I'm really having a hard time and can't wait to get back to the doctor on Tuesday for him to remove this "band-aid contact" from my eye. They said it would be normal for my vision to fluctuate back and forth for up to 2 months, but I did NOT envision that I would almost totally lose my eyesight in this way. My eye is pretty much useless at this point. :(


    I was a popaholic until about 2 years ago. In fact, my pop addiction was so bad, I pretty much went through a case of it every 2 days. I went cold turkey about 2 years ago and now only have one when eating out. I no longer buy it for the house.


    I so hope that once the "band-aid" is taken off that the double vision, blurriness and white fog are gone. Prayers that it improves for you!

  9. From one midwest gal to another, I really enjoy your reviews. I sincerely hope that one day we can cruise on the same trip, as I have a feeling we'd have a blast. Other than your aversion to steak, we have a lot of similarities, except you spend more time in the sun than I do, as I'm usually in the shade.


    I hope your eye is beginning to feel better and your sight is improving.

  10. Jana60- Im actually a bit afraid speaking to my doctor telling him I don't want a biologic, I don't want him to think I don't trust him, oddly, all my other doctors, primary, gyn, endocrinologist, gastrointerolgist, hemotologist/onocologst and cardiologist I can be all honest, laughing, joking, and disagreeing but this one I don't know why? Perhaps because he is a very serious doctor never laughed and he is the most senior of doctors I have but I just can't tell him I don't want a biologic....but I will think things over and find a way because maybe he will have another different plan to help me, your right Dr./Jana60 thank you for the talk and putting sense into me, I am sure you are all right. ;)


    dezertcruzer thank you for what you said.... Do you take a medication for it, if so would love to hear your experience/suggestions....to anybody who would like to talk or email me my email is lyndammr@yahoo.com

    I realize that this isn't the complaint board and I am sorry, but I appreciate all your suggestions and help and will take them into consideration for sure, thanks a bunch!!!


    FYI to anybody the best shoes are Vionic Orthoheel they help me walk better, going to try ABEP from the Walking company and Dansko soon too. Shoes do matter lol.


    I know this thread is a little old, but I was just diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis and am currently on MTX. My last cruise I came down with a very nasty upper respiratory infection that began showing up on our last day on the ship. So I've been worried about being on a immunosuppressant on our next cruise in a couple of months. I am planning on talking to my rheumy later in the month, but was curious what others who are on immunosuppressants do? Do you go off them before hand and if so, usually how long before the cruise?

  11. OMG....it took me FOREVER to find you. A little help please. I was just on Trip Advisor....looking up Tobacco Bay and lo and behold, I saw a picture you had posted. We have been to Bermuda 4 times and this time we want to go to Tobacco Bay. Do you have a review. (love your reviews).


    I looked at her profile (for some reason her signature isn't showing up anymore) and found her review of Tobacco Bay for you. http://tiny.cc/isavzx

  12. Social media...blah, blah, bleech :eek::rolleyes:



    I went on a cruise and:


    1) I was moved to a room that I didn't like

    2) Sometimes the toilet did not work

    3) People put artwork in a hallway that I had to walk thru



    So...let's be honest. Assuming that all of these are legitimate issues, should these items be addressed while onboard where someone could do something about them


    - - - OR - - -


    Should I rant about these items on social media sites until someone pays attention to me...even though the cruise is over and NOTHING can be done to fix these issues now??



    Addressing issues with the proper people at the appropriate time and in an appropriate manner goes a long way toward a satisfactory outcome.


    You really don't read the threads before you go off on one of your tirade, do you? Because if you had bothered to read the OP's further post before spouting off, you would have seen that s/he did try to address this while on the ship and told to address this on land through customer service. Their post was about the lousy customer service they were given.


    I don't know why I continue to be amazed at the rudeness displayed on these boards, but I am. Everything seems to be the fault of the passengers if we were to believe most of the posters here on CC.

  13. Spoken like a person who has always slept with a top sheet and blanket.




    For people who sleep regularly with Duvets, they would ask why you would sleep with the extra sheet and blanket.




    We don't lose sleep over not having a top sheet....FWIW.



    Actually, I rarely sleep with a blanket, even in the dead of winter here in Chicago. Year round I sleep with just a sheet and a fan blowing on me. The temperature has to get below 0 degree F for me to put a blanket over me. And yes, I would lose sleep over not having a top sheet, because I'd get way too hot under a duvet/blanket/comforter and it would wake me up.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. Why on earth would they not put a top sheet on a bed?? And why would anyone want to sleep with just a duvet & cover? I'm sure the duvet is not cleaned every week, they most likely just change cover. That is the strangest thing and I'm so glad I saw this thread! Even in the dead of winter I rarely sleep under a comforter (or duvet w/cover) as they are just too warm for me. I would be so upset if I went to get into the bed next July and didn't find a sheet! Nor would I have ever thought to ask for a top sheet.

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