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Posts posted by ledaebel

  1. I am 72 and want to travel with my family while I am able to do so. Our family of 5,( includes 14 and 16 y/o girls, 46 y/o daughter, 54 SIL and me) went to the Galapagos with National Geographic and loved it! We would like to travel next May, June or July to somewhere new. We are having difficulty finding something that will be adventurous but have a little more cruise experience. I enjoyed having the all inclusive trip but don't know much about the average excursion fees.


    I have considered another trip with Nat. Geo and go to Alaska but think there is too much Kayaking for someone my age and weight. I feel lost in trying to find something active but safe. Does anyone experience traveling with teens and suggest a cruise line that would be good for all of us?


    At first, I thought of a European trip but family insist 10 days is their limit. I want to get wherever a day or so early so we are not exhausted when we begin the cruise. We had a horrible experience with American Airlines on the last trip.


    Any suggestions?

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