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Posts posted by MrToblerone

  1. Do they even send emails out to passengers when cruises are almost full?

    This is our first Azamara cruise and we received an email to bid a few days ago for our June cruise .

  2. Melody great photos , sorry about the fall .

    Kat and Lois good luck with searching for a cruise.

    I just had a big catch up on all the posts , so much news re health and falls!

    Even so we all seem to make travel

    a big priority , like Cynthia its our splurge as well.

    Im off to a retreat this weekend in Australia.

    Ive never been on one so will be interesting , healthy food , no coffee or alcohol, massages, facials , yoga and walks etc .Will report back .


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  3. Hi everyone

    We are having a lovely hot Summer this

    year not like last years rain everyday.

    We have two more nights at our bach ( think thats a NZ word) then back to work etc..The family are heading off today with the two grandchildren so it will be very quiet today.

    I hope everyones health issues have settled and Les is feeling better and it sounds like Kat is recovering so good news.


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  4. Melody I hope your husband has a speedy recovery , it all sounds very painful.

    I hope your outpatient stone removal goes well Lois, no doubt im guessing you have cruises planned for this year.

    Ive been Whistler Kat , looks like the ski season is off to a slow start.

    We are relaxing at the lake but the summer is very mild so far , makes it easier to sleep though.


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  5. Wow Melody no shortage of cookies or food at your house!

    My husband got back from Los Angeles and brought back lots of Tader Joes goodies.Last night we had a packet of their Dahl ,we added chicken and vegetables and had some roti,eas delicious.

    Kat I hope the bonuses keep coming in through your ski season.

    New Years Eve here today ,Happy New Year everyone and as some have said may we stay healthy and keep traveling and making memories.Thanks for the chats especially when I was going through my chemo ...last one was exactly a year ago.

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