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Everything posted by reedpartyof4

  1. Ahhhh thank you so much… Never really the kind of “rocky” that would make you seasick, just different than what it’s like when you get further into the open water, if that makes sense… I’m just trying to help prepare my daughter’s best friend who has never been on a cruise and will be going with us in a couple of weeks. We are all in one cabin, so the girls will be in upper bunks and that, combined with never having sailed out of Galveston, just made me want to ask and see if anyone had input… I’m well aware that the weather can change everything, lol, but the point of the question was really just comparing the Galveston port to the others I’ve sailed from that were “southern.” Thanks again. ☺️
  2. I get that…. When leaving from the Port of New Orleans, for example, you’re actually in the MS River for 7 to 8 hours …then it gets smoother when you cross over into gulf waters … I just wondered how leaving from Galveston compared as I’ve not sailed from that port before….
  3. This will be my 13th cruise but first time sailing out of Galveston. Mobile, to date, has been the “rockiest” leaving while making it into the open seas, with New Orleans not far behind. How is Galveston? Hoping for calmer water sooner as we have a first timer along this trip. Thanks!
  4. Forgive my ignorance or question... but do you worry at all that the medicines are not authentic or pure? I have been to Cozumel multiple times and often thought about buying meds but never got brave enough to follow through.
  5. Hoping you get good feedback as I have also made plans for our group to spend the day at Malecon 21. We just want a relaxed beach day but good snorkeling would be nice...
  6. We last cruised in 2019 and since that time, have transitioned to drinking almost nothing except water. I'm unsure of how to handle this as our 6 night cruise approaches in May. What is the water situation on board? I remember lemonade and fruit punch (?) but unsure of water. Is it drinkable if dispenses from the juice machines? Has anyone tried the canned drinking water since we aren't allowed to bring bottles on board? I know we can pre-buy a 12 pack but $15 is steep. Thanks for any input!
  7. Thanks, C-Leg. I searched before posting but for sure didnt go to the last page. Do you recommend taking an excursion in Costa Maya as opposed to doing your own thing, then? My group is fairly chill and open to anything I plan for us...
  8. We will be cave tubing in Belize and dolphin swimming in Cozumel, so really just hoping for one day to relax, have access to food/drinks, and enjoy the water and sun. Previously, I've had great experiences at Mr. Sanchos in Cozumel and also Chakkanaub. Never been off the ship in Costa Maya. Would appreciate any experiences and recommendations! Thanks!
  9. I've been reading reviews about the Cave Tubing excursion, both thru Big Butts and thru Carnival... despite all the really positive reviews and the way it sounds like so much fun, it does seem to be valid that you are spending 5.5 hours for 30 minutes of actual "fun." I feel like we will do the 'beach/chill/swim/snorkel' on our own in Cozumel, so we will have that day for typical beach-stuff... but are there things in Belize that anyone would recommend over the cave tubing? Appreciate any and all input!!
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