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Posts posted by Coarsegold_Mom

  1. 24 minutes ago, Arizona Wildcat said:

    Celebrity will provide up to $250 per day in expenses for the quarantine and "assist" with coordinating airline flights.  If bought through Celebrity Air they cover all additional costs.

    Suggest you read their Covid policy.  

    Do you have the link to this policy?  I thought Celebrity was allowing you to quarantine on the ship if you test positive?  Are they now giving you a stipend if you stay in a hotel?  I would like to know as I was going to buy insurance to cover hotel costs if we needed to quarantine.  Thanks!

  2. On 5/16/2022 at 12:50 PM, catspaw1 said:

    Thanks for that information.  With all this information about moveups, I would just go back to using the 1.50 hot dog store as my TA again. I didnt do it because they supposedly don't participate in the move up program, but having celebrity as our TA has been awful. Every time I call its at least one hour on the phone with them.

    Just to set expectations....we are using that `1.50 hot dog store and while we did receive a lot of credit to use at that store....dealing with them has been terrible. Every time their hold time is 1.5 -2.5 hours.  Sometimes, you can't even hold because they don't have any hold lines left....so the recording just tells you to call back again later.  And....if you are holding and it happens to pass the 3 hour mark (yes, that was me but I was multi-tasking), they automatically drop you.  In the end, I would probably use them again for the credit we receive...but the hold times for the box store  were MUCH longer that direct w/ Celebrity as I also dealt direct w/ Celebrity regarding certain aspects of my reservation.  


    I even sent a complaint letter to said Box store and received a response from a real person who told me they just can't hire enough travel reps quick enough and get them trained...but they are working on it.


  3. I just pre-booked a spa appointment for our August  1, 2022 trip.  The following was in my email confirmation for the booking. *Probably worth noting that this would be for a pre-cruise cancellation.  I'm sure there is some 24 or 48 hour policy once on ship?  I don't know that one.


    You can change or cancel reservations made using the Plan My Cruise website up until Jul. 30, 2022 11:59 PM. All monetary exchanges processed onboard are paid out in U.S. Dollars directly to your onboard charge account unless otherwise specified. Late payments will result in the cancellation of all balance-due plans.  

    If you have questions or comments, please do not respond to this e-mail. Instead, visit Customer Support for answers to frequently asked questions and information on how you can contact us.

    Read our Terms and Conditions.


  4. On 5/4/2022 at 6:06 PM, wrk2cruise said:

    Yea.   I put a booking on hold.  If the price is different tomorrow my TA will duke it out with them to reprice my booking.

    We’re you successful in getting your price decrease today? I took a screenshot yesterday since I couldn’t get through to my TA. I called today and TA was not able to get my fare lowered as they couldn’t pull up the price today - even though I sent over screen captures. So angry right now. We had two bookings and a total fare decrease of 1400.

  5. 18 minutes ago, iamtrustworthy said:

    Hi Coarsegold,


    > It allows me to extend my policy for 7 days (which would be needed for quarantine)


    Who told you that you are allowed to extend your policy for 7 days? You can't voluntarily extend your policy.


    All travel insurance policies have a benefit called "Extension of Coverage" and most plans will do this when a doctor puts you into a medical quarantine. Also, seven days isn't very long. What happens if the quarantine lasts for 10 days?


    Steve Dasseos

    Hi Steve - No - not all policies have the benefit of "extension of coverage" - many I was looking at did not.  I agree 7 days is not that long, but some would only extend for 5 days while others would extend longer but their travel delay max benefit was a smaller amount.  For us, 7 days seemed like enough to cover most of our days needed for covid quarantine.  It wouldn't cover all of them but at least I would have $4000 worth covered for my $80 invested.  There are probably much better policies out there but for our price point, this was a good deal.


    I'm sure we would need a Dr note to extend the coverage.  7 days is stated by the policy info below.  The policy would originally be in effect until 8/14.  It can be extended until 8/21.




  6. 57 minutes ago, Babr said:

    So you are getting a comprehensive travel policy which covers a number of medical and travel risks.

    All comprehensive policies have travel delay provisions. I misunderstood your initial post to mean you were getting a separate policy with only trip delay.

    I am not concerned about anything beyond Covid quarantine that may happen at the end of our cruise.  I do not want to incur hotel costs in Amsterdam for 4 of us for a week to 10 days.  This policy serves that purpose.  There are probably other things in it...but what I needed was a policy that could be extended in case we couldn't return home on the plane and cover my hotel costs.  Not all policies can be extended so that you are covered beyond return date.

  7. From the US site - https://www.celebritycruises.com/content/dam/celebrity/pdf/cel-covid-19-cancellations-and-refunds-policy.pdf.  It looks as if this pdf was updated today.


    When you click on refunds and cancelations hyperlink in this paragraph


     *Last modified September 20, 2021. Subject to change. Celebrity will cover the costs of accommodations for isolation and private air transfer costs for guests who have fully complied with all Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean Group COVID-19 Policies and Procedures in effect at the time of voyage. Additional terms and conditions may apply, see our COVID- 19 Refund and Cancellations Policy and your Cruise Ticket Contract for details. “Traveling Party” means (1) your family members living with you in the same household and (2) traveling companions assigned to your stateroom on the ship. Guests who test positive for COVID-19 on Celebrity Apex sailings from Athens will isolate locally prior to returning home. Our CareTeam will assist with accommodations for isolation, daily wellbeing check-ins, and support to reschedule return travel home.


  8. 49 minutes ago, Babr said:

    Do you mean a separate policy that covers only trip interruption? Who sells that?


    Actually I should have said travel delay as that is what is needed for quarantine. for $80 for my family of four.  It allows me to extend my policy for 7 days (which would be needed for quarantine) and I get $1000 per person and a $200 daily limit. So $4000 dollars total to use over 7 days.


  9. 26 minutes ago, rachiem said:

    Just curious (as we can get covid cover quite cheaply in the UK) If you have to quarantine..say 2 days from the end of the cruise, once the cruise is over, I assume you have to pay for the land based quarantine hotel (if the country insists on it)?

    The way I read it is that they would allow you to stay on the ship to finish your quarantine?  Not sure if that is what a sick passenger would want...but that is how I read it.  If you want to move to a hotel, you would need to pay for it.

  10. 26 minutes ago, tfred said:

    the main reason to have an AQ room is Blu.  Spa is nice but not worth it on its own.


    Blu is a great dining venue so if you are not eating in it (going to MDR instead) I would save your bid money for something else 

    Thank you.  Perhaps we will just wait for a future cruise w/out kids to do AQ.  I can just buy my husband a spa pass w/ my bid money and keep the kids in the inside room 🙂

  11. 29 minutes ago, Purplsmurf said:

    Celebrity allows the teens to be in their own cabin if they are next to you or across from you. We have done it multiple times. Having you and your husband split will make things much more difficult with keys and even more so if you try yo move up to Aqua


    Yes - our problem is that our teens are not directly across or adjacent to us.  There is only one inside room directly across from the SV which was taken.  They are slightly down the hall (about 4 rooms) in the next inside room -  so not sure they would let them be alone, but it might be worth calling and seeing if they would allow it.  Thank you for your suggestion.


  12. 19 minutes ago, Wineaux007 said:

    If you are not going to eat in Blu, stay with your sunset veranda.  A waste for you to upgrade since the staterooms are the exact same size, and you currently have the aft view.

    We would definitely keep the aft view.  I was thinking of upgrading the inside room to Aqua and eating in Blu when my husband and I chose to eat alone.  But it is seeming like that wouldn't be possible w/ our arrangement of 1 child/ 1 adult in a  room.  

  13. 8 minutes ago, Arizona Wildcat said:

    First and most important, do not have your teens in a cabin that is not adjacent to yours.  As for Blu, you as already said need to all eat in Blu or none of you.  Blu will have specific names.  It would also be difficult for your teens to eat alone in the MDR.

    Two verandas seems to make better sense.

    Thank you for your feedback.  My teens are quite responsible so them not being in the room not adjacent to mine is ok w/us.  We have traveled significantly and usually spend some of our time together and some time apart while on the boat - different interests 🙂 .  The same is true for meals as we all eat together most of the time and other times the kids will go to the buffet and my husband and I will eat in the MDR or a specialty restaurant.  I understand that Blu would have specific names, hence my question.  Its looking like we will stick w/ our sunset veranda and inside room for the kids and I will buy my husband a spa pass.

  14. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience on a past cruise.  We are traveling with our teenage sons.  We have a sunset veranda and an inside room.  They are teens, so they do not necessarily need to be near us.  However, during booking since they are still minors, my husband is listed with one child in the inside room and I am listed with the other child in the sunset veranda.  I'm toying with bidding on an aqua room if offered during Move Up if I have the opportunity for the reservation with the inside room.  I know only two can eat in Blu and only two can get the pass to the spa which is fine.  We would probably take most of our meals together in the main dining room.  However, could the they move the spa/blu dining from the child's pass to the adult's pass who is listed in the Sunset Veranda?  The child would need no access to Blu or the spa and my husband and I could try out Blu.


    Thank You!

  15. 28 minutes ago, micmacmissy said:



    We booked pretty last minute (2 months out) and got a great deal by using a website where you can input the cruise you want, and travel agents compete with one another and offer you bids on your cruise.  This has worked really well for us in the past and we once again scored a good price and $1,600 OBC.




    Curious what this site is....I would love to check it out!  Looking forward to your review of the Apex - we are sailing in August.

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