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Posts posted by SetU2

  1. I guess I would not have booked it if I was happy with the deal I got. If I bought a car a while back and my neighbor got a much better deal after a hail storm and you couldn’t even see damage, (true story) I’d be happy for him and not sad about my deal.


    Ps: I know it’s not a perfect analogy, none are. But both have vendors selling a “diminished” product after a natural disaster.


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  2. She’s too OTT (over the top) for us.



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    Reminds me of Mary Tyler Moore Show episode.


    Lou Grant: “You know what, Mary, you have spunk”


    Mary Richards: (Blushing) “Oh, Mr. Grant.....”


    Lou Grant: “I hate spunk”



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  3. Please explain how a steamer is risking the lives of everyone on the ship and a curling iron isn't???

    Please show me where it says that steamers are not allowed, either in the cruise docs or online.




    Curling iron rated at .8 amps and steamer at 12 amps. Purely unscientific based on looking at both devices in our house. Hair dryer is close to same but then again, it’s usually attended to while in use and not accidentally left plugged in and left on.



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  4. This seems rather ordinary and unremarkable but I’m so glad you posted it. I almost always have the same success and satisfaction whenever dealing with Celebrity. Reading the forum would lead you to believe otherwise, but they have always been professional and efficient whenever I deal with them. Just the nature of Internet forums where many more are motivated to complain than they are to praise.



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  5. Perception is always ones truth . Rather that we get into a back & forth about Celebrity vs Royal ,just let it be said that at some point pricing for any cruise does matter unless every one is a multi millionaire & even they concern over what they spend . :)



    While I wholeheartedly agree with you, you should also heed your first sentence. You see, if you had posted your perceptions on Celebrity’s pricing and moved on to RCL, there would have been some weight and credence given your post. But by reposting essentially the same thing every few weeks, others appear to be getting the perception that you simply are a crank and give your posts no weight whatsoever. I’m not sure that was the original intent of your message.




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  6. and this thread !




    Great tips. As an aside, here in the Netherlands VAT is payable on both e and print books. It's been my experience on pricing specific books for my book club that the digital version is very often more expensive than the print. This in part as it may be possible to source a second hand print copy. I also feel uncomfortable spending more than say, half the pb price , on a digital copy on a book I may not care for and cannot pass on.




    That said, it is difficult to beat the convenience of a kindle for 'light' holiday reading.






    You can lend kindle books.



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