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Posts posted by ThreeTwelves

  1. I'm no help :D, but when do you sail? We'll be taking that same trip in December.


    Like notamermaid said, search the forums. That's what I've been doing weeks now whenever I have some free. time.


    Warning this forum is so addicting and I love love love reading about everyones' trips that I've haven't gotten very far in my own search, lol .:)

  2. Currently on Viking Alsvin. The ship was able to reach Budapest on oct 10 and I believe we are the first ship going to sail all the way to amsterdamwithout having to swap ships. We have had at least some rain each day so I expect the troubles may be coming to an end, hopefully.


    Actually we have just now seen our first glimpse of sunshine since we got on board! Hooray!

    So happy to hear you made it and you now have some sunshine! :)

  3. No need to worry yet! I sailed the Seine 12/13 and it was 50 in Paris, pretty chilly in Normandy, but not bone chilling! I sailed the Rhine last year from December 13-23, and was never uncomfortable. But weather is somewhat unpredictable! This year I'm going on the Danube starting around November 9 and I plan to be prepared for whatever happens.


    thank you, hopefully the weather will change and warm up? We might be from the North but we've lived in Florida too long that our blood must have thinned, lol. amazing how soon one forgets how cold the winter is but I'm still so excited about going! We recently watched a show on Travel channel called Amazing Cruises(or something called that?) and they has an episode about river cruising thru Germany in December. Wish I remembered the cruise line, but it looked wonderful. Watching the passengers on walking tours made it looked do-able but ack! now there's reports of extreme cold??? I better wear 2 pairs of long underwear, lol.


    We sailed the Rhine over New Years year and had tons of gorgeous snow! It was a fairy tale.


    We have experienced very cold weather in Germany and Austria in late November, and some years not so much. You really can never predict.

    Must have beautiful, was it snowing while you were walking around? I hope we get some snow, esp. when we have no worries about shoveling it About 20 years ago when I lived in New York, we had a Blizzard hit us. I had to push my way thru 3.5 feet of snow just to take my dog out who wanted to use outside facilities(it was funny watching my dog hop thru it) and then having to shovel the snow off my car that was completely covered with snow made worse after the street was plowed, taking 2 days and that was only the front portion of it.

    Believe me it wasn't magical or Fairy tale-ish :D

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